
Prologue breaking a Source Wall

Gathered in the highest plane of existence in the current Dimension were a bunch of Cultivators.

Mixed in the lot was a Champion of a Pantheon from Earth. Some call these type Wanderers, Drifters, Reincarnators, or good old fashion Dimensional Hoppers. The Champions' job was to observe the Dimension among other things of note.

"Just break it open already." A man with robes mixed with white and black lights said. Similarities to an opening-closing of a star within the clothes. One could not tell really if he was containing or getting ready to open it actually. He looked over to his long time friend of a few millennia. "What do you think Caldabog?"

This was the Champion from Earth. A bit of an oddball to the locals here that had know idea he was from a different Dimension all togethor. Considering the champion did it enough, it was very easy to blend in.

"I think we should leave, like you first said Maxmillion." Caldabog said stoically. He pulled at his long beard freeing a few hairs in a pinch. A quick muttering of a spell went. Putting them to his lips, he blew flames over them. All but one burned out. "Blast it, I still can't read your fortune. Works for everyone but for you."

"It is cause I have no future duh." Maxmillion said. This was always his response as the centuries went by. "You should stop trying already." Lulling his head around, Maxmillion stared at the others. Some of them gave him the same stare as always. A look of interest, but also the desire to crack his head open for secrets. "Hehehe, this will end badly."

Like everyone else here, they were high level cultivators. Individuals who took in various energies of the World, Realm, Magic, and sometimes "Thought" to fuel themselves. This is called cultivation, tampering, training, or altering if you want to go specifically the science route.

Several groups were scattered about trying to break the World's Dimensional Barrier. Rumor said it was a way to the Realm of Gods. Maxmillion knew better. But different things happened at different Barriers. SO he let it be considering he already did his overall job here about a century ago.

Now he was just enjoying himself. Musing on what would happen when they opened the collapse area. The energy from it would just fuel into the rest of the Dimensional Barrier that was set up by Maxmillion to keep the place from collapsing. The old Barrier was just a relic that held a few secrets to the locals.

Sometimes the Afterlife was breached. The Land of Spirits, The Land of Memory, or a Large the "Door" to the those above.

"Hey, where is your wife?" A woman with white blue hair came up. She was already using her spiritual arts to try and seduce him. "Noveria always has the best things to talk about during times like this." She enjoyed testing her friends, Maxmillion and Caldabog the most. The two old-timers views made them difficult to effect. 'Still able to resist me! They should have taken the path of the monk.'

"Ohh, you have increased your arts, how nice. Have you come to collect now on our arrangement?" Maxmillion asked reversing her art already back on her. She was good, but Maxmillion had trained "Lust & Diligence" to counteract outside influence such as this. Now ensnared, he made his move on her thoughts. "What do you wish for this time?"

"I .. wish.. for a .. baby.." her eyes dilated as she swayed in the air. "..Phoenix." After her wish was heard, she snapped to. Her cheeks puffing in annoyance. 'Why!!! Every time!'

"Your wish has been granted!" Maxmillion said giving her a smile. "You really like them don't you Lala, always getting those little birdies."

"Ohh, you jerk. You know that is not what I wanted to wish for." Lala stomped her feet in the air creating ripples of energy. Her cultivation level was quite powerful.

"Ha, you should just make one with Lo Fu. He has been pining for you since forever." Maxmillion then looked to Caldabog for help. "Do you not think so.?"

"He is a creep, so no. You were not there last century in the Outer Wastes. He killed his sister and took her "Ice Drop" from the body. Considering they were sisters entwined.. having Lala do so with him, would be horrible." The very thought about what happened sickened him to this day.

"Well damn. I didn't know. My bad LaLa." Maxmillion frowned at that. Not much he could do with not knowing what happened. Lala refused to join his Sect or anyone elses for that matter. Her Pride getting in the way of things. A little more info on why she was so different sometimes. 'To think he used a Righteous Art that way.. and he is still alive? That Sect is really trash for glorifying him.'

"If you feel so bad, give me a baby." Lala pouted and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Noveria said it was fine. Stop following those old rules already."

'Noveria are you sure about this?' Maxmillion asked his A.I. who was cultivating inside of him currently. AS far as most knew, Noveria was some tool spirit that gained a body. They were very wrong but Max would never correct them of course. At least he thought she was just cultivating. 'I am a married man, why doesn't she just find someone else already?'

'Yes, have twins. She gets one and I get one. That is the agreement we made.' Noveria responded from within. 'Unless we break through to the next realm, we can't have kids. Well, you can't have kids with me. Price to pay for marrying your A.I. This artificial body has draw backs.'

Currently, both were at the Demirank. Noveria having just entered it in the last few years. Maxmillion in it for the 3rd or 4th time really. He never paid much attention to it after the 2nd time. Just couldn't breach to the next realm.

'I would do it again in a heartbeat to. So bleagh.' Maxmillion sent her a spiritual message of him sticking out his tongue. With each reincarnation, he found someone to love and live a decent married life with. Noveria was who he chose this time. Nevermore than one wife to keep things honest and fair. He thought this way anyway. Unless he was given orders to do the opposite way to learn. Depends on the Dimension really. 'Just because I am Millenia old, does not mean I have to try every single lifestyle choice. I like what I like.'

'You are just a relic and scared things will go wonky as you put it. Nothing wrong with breaking hearts.. or ripping them out for that matter. Live a little more. Your particular "Manual" can learn from it more. A little more "Sin" for fun.'

Max thought about it, and relented on one part. As for the rest, it would still be no to this day. Surrogate was not that big of a deal. If she agreed that is.

'Fine then. I will let her know.' Turning to her, he gave Lala a nudge. 'When this is over, we will get started on that. Right now, let's get this stuff sorted out.' On the outside for display, Maxmillion just told her something else for the others to hear, "we can work on something like finding you a partner in the future."

"Alright... I still haven't given up yet." Lala played disgruntled the same as always. She then raised up her hand and an ice ball appeared. It was a baby Phoenix just like she asked for inside. "Ah, I have so many of these now." Smiling, she hugged it tightly and placed it inside her self.

"Do not keep your students waiting. No matter how shitty they are." Maxmillion said.

Floating over, she moved to her students who were watching. They smiled but only about receiving another Phoenix. They didn't care either way about their mistress happiness. They cared about themselves a little to much. A bunch of Greedy little shits Maxmillion thought.

"Ok, let's get this show on the road," Leonidus said coming over with his people. "Maxmillion, thank you for setting the "Barriers" up. If more Demigods were like you, the "Worlds" would be in a better place." Leonidus was not speaking falsely. He knew the cutthroat life more than others. Stabbing each other in the back for resources was secondhand to most of them.

But some people could not be moved that way. Some had integrity or a special sense of morality they lived by. Maxmillion and his people were like that. That is why he wanted to ascend to the next realm. The power of an actual God awaited.

"Happy to help. Still, think this is a bad idea." Looking over to Caldabog, they both watched as the others tried to breach the "Will" of the World once more.

"Still think they will make it?" Caldabog asked. He was shuffling cards trying to read fortunes once again. The deck increased in size. More cards, more results. "Why are so many appearing? What is with this "bat" card?" The more he shuffled, the more cards made of spirit energy would appear.

"Yeah.. the "World" wants them to.. so... yup. Still a bad idea though." Maxmillion pulled out some fruit juice and started to drink. "Should have wiped those other Sects out first. Keep them from messing with things. Blasted no good Devil Sects."

Devil Sects tended to do the most vile of things. Only when not guided properly anyway. Desires were just to much for some. Maxmillion had a few Devil cultivators as friends. A lot of them were so strict, it would drive a Saint bonkers.

The Devil Sects he was talking about right now, belong to the bad kind that treated mortals like cabbage. As well as their peers. They stood out of Max's territory however. The countless barriers around the place weakened countless cultivators regardless of level to that of a human mortal. With "guard dolls" all over as police, things were fine.

"That we agree on brother." Not to far behind, a woman appeared from the darkness out of a small piece of white space. Her teleportation skill defied basic human physics. "If the opposition is dead, they can't cause a problem." She moved over to Caldabog and grabbed his hand.

"Hello, wife." Caldabog greeted her warmly and squeezed her hand gently. "I think it will be fine."

All across the place, a few others appeared. Some invited, some not. Maxmillion already had a plan for them. With another 12 just in case. Ways to kill, happen to be the easiest thing in the World to make. The area was now filled with two many cultivators for this to end calmly.

*Bing!* The telltale sound that Max's was used to echoed out. Several dimensional walls came undone. The final Barrier gave way. Not the way to what they thought. But not to bad for what he needed to do next.

The others did not know just yet.

(Realm Collapse, it is time to Reincarnate. Do you wish to save this World?) Maxmillion felt the will of the World speak to him. Various voices mixed from different Pantheons mixed inside.

A man with ice blue hair floated over to Lala with a bunch of others in tow. He tried to give her a hug but was rebuffed. Very violently at that. Lala was having none of it. The man was Mohren, another of her pursuers.

*Bang!* Reality was warped as he was sent flying down. A counterspell was in place around Lala. A black sword appeared around her and floated at any who came to close. Ready to kill at a moments notice.

"I told you to stay away Mohren. No more warnings." Lala said. Her voice so cold the air froze around her. The students nearby backed away in fear.

"You broke through!" A male student of hers said. Lala paid him no mind as she worked on her task of weakening the Will of the World to help her.

*Boom!* Mohren flew from below trying to approach her again. Off to the side, countless energy ripples gathered.

Max was getting ready to depart for his next destination. The fighting and so many enemies gathered made for one more thing to do.

"Cause the world to bleed.. in.. my name I declare, Lucifel!" Maxmillion said as he started to fade away. His cultivation breaching pass the limits off any in the area could remotely handle. "Leonidus do not disappoint me." His voice called out.

Maximillion had detonated his cultivation to strike several of the Sects down in the distance.

The sky twisted and turned from the amount of power released. A few barriers started to activate shielding people and pushing others away. Trying to protect their heirs and Core Disciples. The Will of the World reached out at Maxmillion and snatched his soul up.

Several Sect Master's would find their cultivation locked when traveling to certain areas. Any area that belonged to Max as well as his friends and family.

In microseconds, Maxmillion's soul was already moving to its next place to set up.

"Dont you dare leave brother!" Maria pleaded.

Caldabog grabbed her tightly and held her back. "We have children to think about. If we leave with him, who will protect them?" He did not want her dying by trying to go into the Will of the World. 'He said I would have to hold her back when the time came. Did not think it would be here of all places. Damn you Max!'

*Bwwooom!* A large ripple passed over the area as it warped further. Those that already died had their souls ripped apart. It fed into and weaved into the barrier that started forming up.

"I will destroy them!" Maria yelled to the sky. The shackles of her cultivation breaking as she ascended to False Goddess then straight to Goddess stage 1. No longer a DemiRank Cultivator. "I have control already..how can that be...." Thinking about it, she knew how in a splitsecond. A gentle touch from Maxmillion had left her back. "Even in death, you are helping me. Thank you for the manual brother. I will pay back by slaughtering all those who had a hand in your death."

The flames of Gehenna came over and engulfed Maria. It had chosen her to inhabit, now that Maxmillion was gone. Gehenna was happy with her new vessel. A fine Champion she would be.

A few groups watched on in awe. Both fearful and happy that some one rose to that stage. Demigods were plentiful at their level in certain circles. But actual God or Goddess rank, there were none. Till now that is.

"Now.. Maria don't do anything to drastic.." The Flame Emperor said. He was already backtracking with his forces. She was a threat before this happened. The same as her brother who could actually kill if he fought seriously. Trying to get far away from the current situation. "We can talk about this."

"My brother didn't forgive.. neither will I.." She looked around casting her "gaze" about. "Anyone getting in my way will be life enemies of The Eternal Darkness Sect." Maria sent a black needle to all those involved. It floated in front exuding an aura of suffering. "Stab your self with it.. or die. You only have that option."

"Now see hear.." The Flowing Grotto Sect Master started to say. But it was cut short as a black sickle cut his head off. His body and belongings were sucked into darkness at the same time.

"See nothing." A young man walked out of a vortex. "The sect Mistress has spoken."

After he spoke a few heads were cut from the next swing. Flowing Grotto Sect would be crippled after today.

A battle ensued after that. Maria and her allies against the people who caused the problems. Caldabog took control of the Will of the World. Max left instructions for him on how to do it.

'Tch, you knew how to do it already, but why not take it for yourself? I do no understand.' As he worked several more cards formed behind him. The Will of the World would do what Maxmillion asked of it as payment for it getting set free. "The Will.. it is alive as I am.. Max.. what were you?"

Getting set free, the Will would form into the Pantheon that originally existed with this Dimesnion. Once it's strength was enough, the Dimension would be welcomed back into the fold with other Pantheons.



-Over with Maxmillion-



Maxmillion was in his next Dimension already. At the "Boundry" or "Wait Area" if you will. A few screens floating around as he followed the instructions on what he had to do next. Reincarnation was busy work. Maxmillion had a lot of things to do to make sure he caused no problems off the bat.

A place in history and family Origin needed to be crafted.

As well as not stepping on any toes. But he adheres to each and every rule. It was lock set in his Master Settings to do so. An agreement he made when he first crossed the Boundry. This awarded him a few benefits. Maxmillion chose to keep his memory from getting damaged for one. The rest was small things.

(Discard adequate items for reincarnation.)

(The greater the value the better the benefits.)

(Bonus for the virtuous act at the end of the last reincarnation.)

(Reincarnations 6?)

"I am keeping my inventory. Ughh, guess I will discard my body this time. It will be a while before I can access my high tier items again anyway. Keeping my armor and whatnot. I enjoyed crafting them. Must keep my garden. No way am I starting over again. Blasted Noveria for getting me into gardening."

"My inscription gear can go bye-bye. Do not need that anymore. I can just make new tools for that purpose. As well as my disguise kit. It was a good gift... wait? No. I will put it in the buyback for later category. I already know the process of changing my body perfectly with energy."

"Just let me do the rest." Noveria said. She was about four inches tall and floated around a little. She lost a massive amount of energy and was keeping quiet about a lot of things. Namely, what would happen to Maxmillion next. "It is my turn to set you up!"

(Grade F body chosen.)

(Human: Spent Value 0/200

Health 0

Energy 0

Vitality -10

Spirit XX

Attack 0

Defense 0

Prowess 0

Intellect XX

Willpower XX

Speed 0

Cultivation Rank DemiGod: Recycled

Current Level: Initiate

"Just great. Where am I going anyway?" Maxmillion asked. Noveria kept working and said nothing. He left her alone since she had such a serious look on her face. "Ok then. But why is the "Source Wall" of this Dimension damaged?"

In front of Maxmillion was a membrane of energy. Composed of, Plasma, Ions, Spirit, Magic, Solar, Stardust, Atoms all kinds of different substances. Vague images of people sort of showed up. But none to close to see. A few whispers spoke to Maxmillion, but were deflected by the A.I. Whatever was happening to it, deemed it as a threat.

"Goodbye Maxmillion. It has been fun." Noveria said. Maxmillion turned around just in time to watch her jump into the Source Wall. "Follow me to the next Dimension. Instructions will come later!"

"What!? No time for games!" Maximillion yelled. On instinct, he chased after his crazy wife. "Ugh, you have been so moody since getting that Fairy Body!"

*Bwooop!* Going through, the Source Wall turned stable. It received what it wanted. A Reincarnator to change things.

*Rip* A fresh distortion appeared behind after he left. His Brother-in-law and sister peeked through. Not seeing anything, they dropped a talisman and closed the distortion behind them. They were searching for Maximillion.

The World they left, time was vastly faster than the one he was currently "in waiting" at.



-Gotham City Outskirt-



"Ughh." Maxmillion groaned as he sort of woke up. A quick view around, showed the place was on fire. He passed out from the weak little body he was in. "Where is she?" Was all he mumbled.

*Crash* The door was kicked in. Several firefighters made it inside. They were to late to save most of the people.

"We have one! It's just a kid." A firefighter said. He picked up the new Maxmillion and made to leave. "The place is coming down. Hurry up!"



-Five minutes later-



"The is Tracy Trang, reporting live from the biggest disaster in Gotham history." A usually cheerful reporter said. But right now, she did her best to keep the tears from flowing. "A fundraiser to help reduce the burden on taxpayers has turned into a disaster. So far, only one child of the Wayne's survived."

"Holy shit.." The cameraman said. Behind Tracy, the place went up in a green flame. "Chemicals.."

*Kaboom!* The back half of the mansion exploded next.

"By Hades..." Tracy muttered. She looked to the sickly looking Maxmillion and couldn't help but count him lucky. 'At least he has some relatives to help him. But his direct family is gone. What is that glow!?'

Tracy was an Amazon waiting in the Mortal Realm or "Man's World" as her kind called it. A particular part of the Hades faction.

Around Maxmillion, a spiritual glowed formed. Tracy made sure to remember that. She could do nothing for now. The gods had new rules that prevented it. But they were quiet as of late. Something had them worried for the future.

Maxmillion just changed Tracy Trang and Hades' fate. Just from her seeing him.


Updated again as of 10/21/2020

FrozenTidezcreators' thoughts