
A fall..becuase it had to happen??

-A few years later-

Thomas & Martha Wayne took in Maxmillion. They raised him as one of their own. It was difficult with the strong will the boy displayed as he recovered. The years were hectic and not easy for the family. Behavior issues as they called it. Max was just a little to flippant.

"Come on Maxmillion. Let's go out and play already." Young Bruce said to his adoptive brother. Even though they were cousins. The last few weeks have been quite jarring to the young boy. But he adapted like children always do. That is what people thought anyway.

"Ok. Alright already, Bruce. Stop yanking me already. I said that I would and I will." Maxmillion said exasperated. His face was slightly distressed, but he himself smiled on the inside. 'Seeing you happy is nice. I wonder how long I can keep you happy? Blasted Will of the World.' The thing about the Will of the World, you need a lot of power to go against it. Old Maxmillion would be able to take care of it no problem. But right now... He could only delay the inevitable currently. 'Good to be back on an actual modern Earth though. Even if it is not my own.'

The two went around the manner compound getting away from the current party goers. Bruce was quite sick of them, but his few friends that showed up, usually balanced it all out. But this time, none of them made it.

The only good thing that happened, was his adoptive brother came back early from boarding school. Due to fighting and breaking the nose of an older boy, he was expelled. When Bruce asked why he did it, Maxmillion responded simply and said "because I could. I was able to stop somebody who thought they could take advantage of me. So I put them in their place. I am very seldom someone who compromises Bruce. I lash out at those who deserve it. Sometimes at those who don't. Part of life. I believe the therapist said I have issues."

Bruce thought about what he said the rest of the day. He even asked his father to help him understand. That resulted in a very long lecture for them both. If it was not for Alfred's timely intervention hours later, the boys joked they would still be there.

Running around the giant manor for hours on end grew exhausting. Despite being older, Maxmillion still became tired. One of the drawbacks to the body Noveria chose to reincarnate him in. But the perks were better. As long as he lived long enough to see it. The long game is very easy for someone like him.

Realizing how late it was, the boys started to head back. No doubt Bruce's mother would be worried. She would blame Maxmillion as usual. Which was fine for the most part for him. He usually closed his mind off to her ramblings. They did not get along at all. Maxmillion was happy the relation was from Thomas's side.

"Race you back!" Bruce said taking off in a sprint. Where he gained the extra energy from, Maxmillion had no idea. Might have happened from Bruce imitating Maxmillion's eating habits.

*Crash* While running, Bruce screamed out. "Aaahhh, help somebody!"

Maxmillion jogged over realizing this was a possible scenario unfolding. Hopefully, Bruce would be ok. Remembering the different things that happen from his memory. He hopes it was the same as then. He either fell into an underground cave, sinkhole or an abandoned well. That he was only slightly scraped up but not too injured. His hope was dashed when he made it to the well.

Bruce was on his side bleeding. Well, a blood splotch showed on his shirt. His leg bent at a slightly weird angle. If there was an injury with the possible blood loss, it would be a lot to risk with hoping Thomas or Alfred would make it in time.

'I can not remember if this is a comic book scenario or an adaptation for a cartoon or movie.' Maxmillion thought. Noveria was nowhere to be found still. 'Screw it. The regular A.I. protocols need to kick back up.'

(A.I. initialization 99.32%)

"Holyshit you got wrecked!" Maxmillion said. He was staring over the edge. He looked around for various footholds to use to see if he could get down to help. "I can only see you a little from up here. Whatever you do, try to calm down and stay quiet. Conserve your strength." Saying that over his shoulder, he took off his blazer and set it up for someone to see.

"Stop cursing. You know mother hates it when you do." Bruce said grimacing in pain a little. His breath caught a little short at the end. Bruce had bruised his side something terrible. "I can not hear moving up there. Please say something! Maxmillion are you there still!?" Bruce started to get a little scared when no one answered. Seeing the light-up top go away he started grabbing his side in a panic.

Maxmillion put the few pieces of the board around the top. With the one support looking sturdy, he didnt want to risk it. So he put all the ones that survived a quick stress test against his foot around the opening. Tying the rope around himself and the boards, he started to climb down.

The well was nothing like the one in the comics or movies. 'Different things again, oh brother.' It didnt travel straight down. It was slightly curved like a snake. It took at least 10 minutes to make it down safely.

"Why did he leave me?" Bruce kept mumbling to himself with his head down. He was slightly delusional.

*Pat* Maxmillion landed right next to him.

"Huh, who left you?" Maxmillion asked Bruce. Looking down at him, he was slightly puzzled. 'Was he talking to someone else in here or something?'

Looking up, Bruce tried to stand to tackle the older boy. But his injuries were too bad.

"Hey, now stop that." Maxmillion went over to look at the leg. Checking over, he realized it was a slight problem if it was not reset soon. Not alarming Bruce, he touched the leg and force-placed it back to normal. Reaching into his Cosmos of energy, he removed a small organic stimulant. The stimulant would make sure any nerve damage would be fixed. It would just take a few days. Bruce passed out from the pain. Checking over the boy again, he noticed the bleeding was from a piece of rock that caught in his side.

'Well probably should not have given the stimulant first. No matter, he will not die from this. Good thing this prevented any blood loss. But.. infection is a thing.'

Not wanting to risk removing it, he fixed Bruce over his shoulder. Untieing the rope around himself, he tied up Bruce next. If he lost his grip or fell, Bruce would not fall with him. Climbing up he took his time. Doublechecking every foothold he came across coming down. After a few minutes, he felt Bruce stir on his back.

"Uggh, where am I?" Looking around, Bruce felt pain assault his nose. "What is that smell?!"

"It's crap. You shit yourself earlier." Maxmillion said holding back a laugh. As Bruce wiggled around to try and check, he realized that was a dumb thing to say. "I am kidding. Stop moving so much or I will fall." Once he stopped, Maxmillion tightened his grip and continued his climb.

"Ok.… that joke was not funny. You really should stop cursing." Feeling tired, Bruce leaned forward more. His wiggling fit zapped a good bit of his strength. "I am sorry for getting us into this." He said sadly. "You didnt leave me behind. Why??"

"Meh, shit happens. You are worried about the wrong things. I didn't have a reason to leave you behind. I told you before. I will only leave you behind if I have to. Sorry about your friends that didn't show up. It is because I am around. Parents don't like me. But in fairness, I don't like them either sometimes." Making it closer to the top, Maxmillion saw the rope in front of him move.. "We are down here. Pull the rope up slowly."

*Whir* The rope received a slight tug.

As the boards are then removed, Bruce was pulled up. Several voices could be heard cheering. Several lights flashed around the hole next. Alfred could be seen up top sighing in relief. Seeing a dirty Maxmillion, the rope was thrown back down. Grabbing ahold, Maxmillion was pulled up to see a few policemen as well Martha hugging Bruce for dear life.

"You might want to get her to stop doing that." Seeing Alfred's weird look and the police, Maxmillion hurried to elaborate further. "While I carried him up, his breathing was weird at times. I even think he passed out a few times. Oh, there is a small rock in his side. I left it there. It looked like a dumb idea to remove it. Not a doctor, don't look at me like that."

They started making a fuss over Bruce. Laying him down for a check-up.

Shrugging his shoulders, Maxmillion thought about some things. 'I might not be a technical doctor. But I could heal him.' Watching them at work, his inner monologuing started to get the better of him. 'Nah I did the right thing. Can't draw attention to myself anymore than I naturally do. But it is so fun just doing whatever in this World.'

Alfred had rushed over to check Bruce again. Seeing his struggled breathing, he laid him in the grass. "Get a rescue copter quick. Something is wrong with his breathing." He yelled at one of the people near him. Looking back at his young master, he was quite cross with him. "You said you were ok. Why would you lie like that Master Bruce?"

"Because mom would worry and would blame Maxmillion for this." Bruce managed to say before passing out again. He was way too tired to stay awake at this point.

Martha looked at her son crying. Thomas came running up with a few policemen and a medical kit. While looking for Bruce, an officer had gotten hurt. Seeing the state of his son, he rushed over helping Alfred.

8 minutes later a chopper could be heard in the distance. Martha never left her son's side as they worked on him.

"You did good kid. Are you ok by the way?" A detective came over. Only thing that made him look that way was the trenchcoat and badge on his waist. He stood out in a weird way.

Paying attention closely, he used a little Spirit sense. The man had an outliner of a murky golden glow. 'A special person. Who could you be?' It didnt take long for Maxmillion to determine that this was either Bullock or Gordon. The time frame was to out there to determine.

"I am fine. Just a few scrapes. I might need a shot for any disease I could have gotten." Looking himself over and pulling his pants leg up he felt fine. "Thanks anyway, officer.. Gordon?"

"It is Detective Gordon. I take it you read the paper?" Gordon asked a little surprised. 'The boy scanned me up down without even trying to hide it. Was he trying to size me up, or is he nervous about me? He did not do that to the rest of the officers.' He gave his friendliest smile. "Care to tell me what all happened?"

"Yeah, something like that." Standing up, Maxmillion went for a shake. "Please to meet you, Detective Gordon." As they shook, Maxmillion passed a small "Spirit Mark" onto him. This will let him know where Gordon is relative to himself at all times. Maxmillion informed Gordon what all transpired. A few people listened in on what happened. Some for good reasons. Some looking for a way to smear the family's name.

"Thank you for your statement. I will make sure this gets written up correctly." Looking over to Thomas, Gordon walked over. "Mr.Wayne it may be best to get this area clean up. Just a suggestion."

After everyone cleared out, Maxmillion walked back to the mansion with Alfred. The Wayne's had now taken off to the hospital with their son. Maxmillion went to his room to get cleaned up and to cultivate the energy from the cave. It would be easier to go back there and do it. Instead, he pulled on the energies all the way to his room.

Most of the energies in the mansion were strong and concrete. Currently, he could not pull on it without disturbing the area. Most likely something in the house prevented it. To Maxmillion, that did not matter once he resolved his plans, it would be easy to unravel its secrets.

A knock came at the door.

*Knock, knock!*

"Master Maxmillion may I come in?" Alfred's voice came from behind the door.

"Of course Mr.Pennyworth. It is open." Maxmillion came out of his spirit pulling and looked towards the door. 'I was just getting started. But no real matter, the energies will be their later.'

Alfred walked in. Observing the room, he always stopped to stare at a tribal mask on the wall. One of the few things Maxmillion had saved from his parent's home. "Master Maxmillion, I would be remiss to not thank you myself for what you have done. Thank you for helping him." Before Maxmillion could speak, the telephone on the wall rang a bit. Walking over, Alfred picked it up and had a conversation. Hanging up after a lengthy talk he looked at Maxmillion. "In five minutes please head to Master's Thomas's study."

Updated 07/21/2020

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