
Chapter 484

"Anyway, as I was saying, our two groups of Demi-Gods were sent on these missions given nothing but the skin on our backs to achieve the impossible." 

"It was like we had become death warriors… or expendable troops… or cannon fodder…?" Hercules paused as he searched for the right word. 

"Suicide Squads. You were sent out as a Suicide Squad." Darius assisted with a smile. 

Hercules was stunned by this. "It sounds right, but what does it specifically mean?" 

"It's a term used for a selected group of chosen warriors with special abilities to accomplish a seemingly impossible mission whose lives are treated as expendable." 

"Should they succeed, they would be rewarded, but if they failed, they would be either dead or punished. They have no choice in whether or not they can go, and retreating before the mission ends usually warrants severe punishment, including death." Darius explained calmly.