
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Spoiler alert: Bell and Riveria make little elf babies. In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

The Wellspring of Power

Bell and Riveria stood aghast, their eyes wide with horror, at the grotesque, pulsating mass of barbed tentacles that had stolen the form of the renowned adventurer Asfi Al Andromeda. The brave and cunning ex-member of the Perseus familia was now unrecognizable, her body warped and twisted into a nightmarish abomination. It was clear that she had become nothing more than a puppet of the Dark Mother, Medusa, her will and identity subsumed by the malevolent power of the Queen of Monsters. The sight was a chilling reminder of the depths of Medusa's cruelty and the terrible fate that awaited those who dared to oppose her.

"Stand aside, Bell," Riveria said as she gripped his shoulder. "I'm going to use my chant connection, so keep her occupied whilst I—"

"I would rethink that, Nine Hell, if you at all care about Andromeda's memory," the monstrous aberration said in a nefarious inflexion. "When I said Asfi Al Andromeda ceased to exist, that was not entirely true. Part of her lives on within me. If you use your protracted chant, you'll obliterate what's left of her along with me."

""!!!"" Bell and Riveria both gasped in unison, their eyes widening with shock and horror. Riveria then quickly regained her composure, her face settling into a grim expression. Ever the hard-headed pragmatist and realist, she knew they couldn't afford to let their emotions overwhelm them in this dire situation.

"Then I will do as I must. For the sake of Andromeda, and for the sake of the lower world, I will free Andromeda by destroying her if I have to."

"No!" Bell protested vehemently, both of his hands gripping Riveria's in a desperate plea. "That isn't the answer! There must be another way, a path we haven't considered yet!"

"I'm so sorry Bell," she replied solemnly, her eyes meeting his, concealing the immense guilt that threatened to overwhelm her. "We all have to make tough decisions sometimes. When you're caught between a rock and a hard place, backed into a corner with no easy way out, you have to steel your resolve and do what must be done, no matter how much it hurts."

"To hell with all that!!!" Bell shouted. "Why must the choice always be between bad and worse? How could I call myself a hero if I can't even save one damsel in distress? This is Asfi we're talking about!"

"Listen to me, Bell Cranel," she said with a resolve as strong as iron, "Asfi Al Andromeda is already dead, and nothing can change that. Nothing can bring her back. That is just a fact of life."

"If we can't change all of that, then what are we even fighting for?"


"Medusa will win if you keep going down the path of cold pragmatism! You'll end up just like her!"

Riveria was stunned into silence. Bell had challenged the very core of her beliefs. Even worse, he was right. No good could come out of Riveria's hard-headed pragmatism. She would be dancing to Medusa's tune.

"Then what would you have me do? Do you think I wanted things this way?" Riveria asked bitterly. "You mustn't think of that thing over there as your friend. Andromeda is beyond saving."

"You don't know that," Bell replied. "I've had enough of always assuming the worst case scenario. That's what led us here in the first place. It's time to stop assuming that there's nothing left of Asfi within that creature. That's her in there! We don't have to fight! We can still save her!"


Riveria didn't have an answer for that. To her, Asfi was already long dead, and that was that. The creature before them was nothing more than a twisted abomination wearing her friend's face. It pained Riveria deeply to accept this harsh truth, but she knew in her heart that the real Asfi was gone forever, consumed by Medusa's dark magic.

But if there was one person in this world who could turn the very fabric of reality itself on its head, it was this boy, Bell Cranel. Time and time again, he had accomplished the impossible, defying fate and shattering expectations with his unwavering determination and boundless compassion. If anyone could find a way to save Asfi from the clutches of evil, to bring her back from the brink of oblivion, it was him.

"Your naïve idealism will be the death of you, foolish boy," the creature announced with a sneer, its voice dripping with disdain.

"Shut up, you phoney!" Bell retorted, a confident smile spreading across his face as he felt his hopes renewed by a surge of determination. "I'll never abandon anyone, no matter what! I don't have any idea how I'm going to do it yet, but mark my words - I'm going to find a way to save Asfi!"

Riveria found herself still contemplating Bell's words, turning them over in her mind. A part of her knew that he was right, that his argument had merit. However, her own pride and firmly held beliefs would not allow her to concede so easily. Riveria Ljos Alf was a woman who stood by her convictions, unwavering in the face of opposition. To agree with the boy now would be to undermine everything she believed in, everything that made her who she was. And so, despite the nagging sense that Bell's perspective held some truth, Riveria steeled herself, determined to hold fast to her own principles, no matter the cost.

"Bell Cranel, you are the most hypocritical of all fools," the monster snorted. "And I will prove you wrong!"

"I won't let you die! Not this time! I promise that I'll save you, Asfi," Bell said with conviction.

"That is not my name!!!" the creature retorted, enraged.

"And how should we address you, then, oh tetchy one?" Riveria asked in a sardonic tone.

"I shall be known as Dark Perseus... the Bane of Heroes..."

"Dark Perseus? Ha! You're hardly worthy to wear Perseus' mantle!" Riveria exclaimed.

"Perseus will burn to ashes in the dumpster fire of history, along with you and your clan, Ljos Alf."

The aberration calling itself Dark Perseus began to gather dark energy within the palm of its outstretched hand.

"Feel the full force of Tyratryx, you pitiful fools!"

A jet of concentrated black magic hurtled towards Bell and Riveria. Bell dodged at the last second, pushing Riveria out of the way, causing the blast to shatter the masonry around them. The aberration then began to chant a dark spell in a dark tongue, a language unknown to even Riveria, the wisest of mages.

"Globulus, Tergo, Mutata, Discedo, Globulus..."

The chant was so fast that Riveria could not make sense of it. The words seemed to carry their own intent and meaning.

Bell, too, felt the fear, though he dared not show it. Dark Perseus' chant emanated a sense of foreboding power. Riveria drew a card as the aberration released the spell, throwing herself in front of Bell, her robes absorbing most of the deleterious magical energy. The spell hit her with a force that sent her sprawling to the ground, but the garment crafted by the high elves stemmed most of the harmful power.

"Riveria!" Bell cried out, rushing to her side.

"I... I'm fine," Riveria gasped, her voice strained. "The robes... they protect against magic. But it won't hold up forever."

Bell helped the elven mage up, and the two resumed their defensive stance. Riveria thrust her staff forward, gathering the ambient mana within the room and began chanting her signature Wynn Fimbulvetr spell.

"Closing light, the freezing land. Blizzard, the three severe winters - my name is Alf!!! Wynn Filmbulvetr!!!"

Instead of conjuring an arctic snowstorm, light blue particles of arcane energy materialized from her staff, swirling and coalescing around Bell's ring of Lunarnarae. In that moment, his Ice Bolt spell activated, sending a frosty surge through the air.

"Ice Bolt!!!!"

Bell's Ice Bolt collided with Dark Perseus' writhing mass of barbed tentacles, flash-freezing them instantly. The appendages became rigid and brittle, covered in a thick layer of frost.

"Impossible!" Dark Perseus hissed, its eyes wide with disbelief. "Such magic is far beyond your capability!!!"

Riveria smirked. "Bell Cranel has combined his magic with my own, and we've taken you by surprise. Even for you, Dark Perseus, casting spells whilst regenerating your appendages is a gargantuan task. Effectively, Bell Cranel can use Wynn Filmbulvetr repeatedly without a chant, as long as we combine our magic."

Dark Perseus, to her chagrin, did not appear to be afraid.

"My mistake was to have underestimated you, Riveria Ljos Alf, and in turn, Bell Cranel. But your Ice Bolt is a pale imitation of Nine Hell's Wynn Filmbulvetr. Your petty parlour tricks are a mere pittance to me, you stupid boy."

The frozen appendages quickly began to thaw and melt away, and Dark Perseus renewed her dark chant.

But Bell didn't hesitate. He charged forward, with Harpe gleaming in the dim light of the chamber. With a fierce cry, he slashed at the frozen tentacles, shattering them into countless icy shards that scattered across the floor.

Dark Perseus let out an agonized shriek as its tentacles crumbled away, leaving behind only gnarled stumps. The creature staggered back, its form shifting and writhing as it struggled to maintain its cohesion.

"Tch, you really are persistent, aren't you, you little pest?" the creature sneered.

Bell simply flashed a triumphant grin. "It's over, you faker! I've defeated you!"

"Hardly," Dark Perseus hissed, its voice taking on a dark, sinister tone.

But Bell stood firm, his resolve unwavering. "I promise that I will save you, Asfi," he said firmly.

Riveria watched in awe as Bell faced down the fearsome creature. She felt a strange sensation tugging at her heartstrings, a strange sense of longing and pride. Bell Cranel was unlike any adventurer she had ever met, and yet, the way he fought reminded her so much of Aiz Wallenstein. But there was something more: the boy's idealism and unshakable belief in the power of hope were more than a match for the dark forces that threatened to engulf them all.

"Bell..." she whispered, her voice filled with admiration and something more, something she dared not name.

Bell glanced back at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I won't give up, Riveria. Not on Asfi, and not on you."

Dark Perseus' grotesque form quivered and trembled with barely concealed rage as it stared down at the two adventurers.

"You think you've won, boy? You're sadly mistaken."

"Stand down, Dark Perseus," Bell said resolutely. "There's no need for further bloodshed."

"Your idealistic drivel is the reason why this world is doomed, boy," the creature replied coldly. "Only by embracing the darkness and surrendering to it can you hope to survive. The strong shall devour the weak, and only the strongest shall claim victory in the end."

"I don't believe that!" Bell snapped, his voice filled with anger. "We don't have to fight, Asfi!"

With those words, he turned back to face Dark Perseus, ready to continue the fight. The creature's tentacles may have been shattered, but the battle was far from over.

"Enough!" Dark Perseus bellowed, its voice echoing off the chamber walls. "You will pay for your insolence, boy! I shall strip you of your flesh and drink the marrow in your bones!"

Bell swallowed hard, but his determination didn't waver. He knew that the battle was far from over. But he also knew that he wasn't alone. He had Riveria by his side, and together, they could defeat the monster in front of them.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else, Asfi," he said defiantly, his voice ringing with confidence.

"Stop calling me that!" the creature roared in a dark voice filled with hate and malice.

Bell steeled himself for the onslaught that was to come. Dark Perseus was an imposing opponent, and its power was formidable. But Bell was not about to back down. He was a hero, and it was his duty to protect the innocent. And Asfi was the closest thing to a friend he had ever had. He wouldn't abandon her to the darkness that threatened to consume her.

Dark Perseus, though wounded and diminished, lashed out with renewed fury, its remaining tentacles whipping through the air like barbed chains. Bell darted and weaved, his steel flashing as he parried the creature's frenzied attacks, but he couldn't evade them all.

The tip of one barbed tentacle caught him on the shoulder, leaving a deep gash that sent rivulets of blood running down his arm. But he pushed past the pain and kept fighting, refusing to give in to the creature's relentless assault.

Another tentacle slipped past his guard, its razor-sharp barbs tearing into his side. Bell grunted in pain, but he kept fighting, determined to save his friend from the darkness that threatened to consume her.

Another tentacle coiled around his leg, its barbs digging into his flesh, drawing blood.

Dark Perseus laughed mockingly as Bell struggled against its grip, his face twisted in agony.

"I told you that you couldn't win, boy. Now you'll pay the price for your foolishness."

The young adventurer's face was pale, his breathing labored, but his eyes blazed with defiance as he struggled to fend off the creature's vicious assault.

"I won't let you defeat me," Bell hissed through gritted teeth, his sword flashing as he cut through another tentacle.

"Enough of your insolence!" Dark Perseus roared, its voice reverberating throughout the chamber.

It surged forward, its remaining tentacles lashing out like whips, coiling around Bell's arms and legs, binding him in place.

"Bell!" Riveria cried out, her voice thick with fear and desperation. She poured all her strength into her magic, trying to reach him, to heal his wounds and give him the power to fight on.

But it was too late.

Dark Perseus' tentacles wrapped tighter around Bell, squeezing the life from him. The creature's eyes glittered with malevolent glee as it reveled in the boy's torment.

Bell let out a choked cry of pain as the tentacles constricted around him, cutting off his air supply. His vision began to blur, his lungs burning as they struggled to draw breath.

Blood trickled from the wounds in his side, dripping onto the cold stone floor beneath him. He felt his consciousness fading, the darkness creeping in at the edges of his vision.

"Little fool" Dark Perseus hissed, its voice dripping with malice. "You thought you could defeat me? You are nothing but a pathetic mortal, and you will pay the price for your arrogance."

And what happened next sealed the boy's fate, and Riveria's along with it.

One of the creature's tentacles rose up, its barbed tip poised over Bell's heart. Riveria screamed, her voice raw with anguish, as she threw herself forward, desperate to reach him.

But she was too far away. The tentacle plunged down, piercing Bell's chest with a sickening crunch. The young adventurer's eyes widened in shock and pain, his mouth opening in a silent scream as his life's blood spilt out onto the cold stone floor. A geyser of blood spewed from his mouth in a gurgling, harrowing, shrill holler.

"BELL!" Riveria's cry echoed through the chamber, a sound of pure, unadulterated agony. She fell to her knees beside him, her hands shaking as she cradled his face, her tears falling like rain onto his pale, still features.

"No... no..." she sobbed, her voice breaking. "Not him... please, not him..."

The chamber was deathly silent now, the only sound Riveria's soft cries as she held Bell's lifeless body in her arms. "You can't... you can't leave me. Not like this. Not now."

But Bell's eyes had already closed, his chest still and unmoving. Riveria buried her face in his neck, her shoulders shaking with sobs as she held him close, her heart shattering into a million pieces.

"It's all my fault," she whispered, her voice ragged with grief. "I should have been there for you... I should have protected you... I should have..."

Her words trailed off into incoherent sobs as she rocked back and forth, Bell's blood seeping into her robes, staining them a dark crimson.

She held him close, her tears mingling with his blood, her heart breaking for the boy who had given everything for the sake of others.

And all she could do now was mourn.

Dark Perseus watched, its monstrous visage twisted into a cruel mockery of a smile. It had won, and the hero of Orario lay dead at its feet, his dreams of saving the world crushed.

Riveria knelt beside Bell's lifeless body, her heart shattered, her soul drowning in despair. She had lost the one person who had brought hope and light into her life.

And in that moment, she swore that she would avenge him.

Riveria's mind raced, her thoughts swirling like a tempest. Her grief had been replaced with an all-consuming rage that burned like a wildfire in her veins. She rose to her feet, her hands balled into fists at her sides, her eyes blazing with fury.

"You..." she hissed, her voice shaking with rage. "I'll make you pay for what you've done!"

With trembling hands, she reached out and grasped Bell's cold, still fingers. "Bell... Please forgive me..." she whispered, her voice choked with tears. She kissed him firmly on the lips, and her body glowed with a golden arcane energy.

She closed her eyes, reaching deep within herself, to the wellspring of power that had always been her greatest strength and her greatest burden. The Light Bond Shield, the ultimate expression of her love and devotion, the magic that could heal any wound, purify any corruption... but at a terrible cost.

Riveria knew the risks. She knew that using this power would endanger her own life, that it might very well be the last thing she ever did. But she didn't hesitate. For Bell, for the boy who had captured her heart and shown her the true meaning of courage and compassion, she would gladly pay any price.

The Light Bond Shield erupted from her, a blinding flash of radiance that engulfed Bell's body and the chamber around them. Dark Perseus recoiled, hissing in pain and fury as the holy light seared its twisted flesh.

But even as the creature writhed and screamed, the light was doing its work. Bell's wounds began to close, the color returning to his pale cheeks. His chest rose and fell with a shuddering breath, and his eyes fluttered open, blinking in confusion and wonder.

Riveria felt the magic coursing through her veins, the arcane energy burning through her like molten fire. She clenched her jaw, grunting in pain as she pushed herself beyond her limits, forcing more and more power into the spell.

But this power was never meant for mortals, and her body could not withstand it for long. Already, she could feel herself beginning to falter, her vision blurring, and her muscles going limp as the magic drained the life from her.

At the same time, the light was purifying Dark Perseus, burning away the corruption and darkness that had consumed it. The creature's form began to shift and change, its monstrous features melting away to reveal the naked, trembling form of Asfi Al Andromeda, free at last from Medusa's curse.

The dark tentacles shrivelled up and decayed, and Asfi collapsed to her knees on the chamber's stone floor. Riveria released her grasp on the spell, staggering backwards as the light faded and the world spun around her.

Bell stirred from his slumber and rose unsteadily to his feet. He gazed in amazement at his restored body and then at Riveria. Her eyes met his, and for a brief moment, Riveria allowed herself a small smile as she felt her own strength fading. She had poured everything she had into the Light Bond Shield, and now the toll was catching up to her.

She swayed on her feet, her vision blurring, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps. She took a faltering step towards Bell, reaching out to him with a shaking hand.

"Bell..." she whispered, her voice faint and thready. "I... I'm sorry..."

And then she collapsed, her body crumpling to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. She lay there, still and silent, her life force flickering like a guttering candle flame, as Bell and Asfi looked on in horror and disbelief.

The light faded from Riveria's body and the chamber was plunged into darkness once more. Bell rushed to Riveria's side, gathering her limp form in his arms, his tears falling on her pale, lifeless face. He pulled her close to him, sobbing uncontrollably as he begged her to wake up.

He gathered her into his arms, cradling her head against his chest, feeling the unnatural heat that radiated from her body.

"Riveria?" he whispered, his voice trembling. "Riveria, please... please wake up."

But she didn't stir. Her breathing was shallow and labored, her skin slick with sweat. Bell brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her feverish brow.

"I... I can't lose you too," he murmured, his voice choked with grief. "Not after everything we've been through..."

Riveria's eyelids fluttered, and Bell felt a surge of hope, his heart racing as he held her closer to him.

"Please... come back to me," he whispered. "Please... PLEASE!!!"

But Riveria's eyes remained closed, her breath faltering as she slipped further into the darkness of death's embrace. Bell clutched her tightly to his chest, his tears flowing freely as he buried his face in her hair,

Asfi looked on in shock and sorrow at what was transpiring before her. Medusa's corruption was gone, and she was now fully herself again, albeit at the cost of Riveria's life force. Asfi cursed herself for ever allowing herself to be used as a pawn in Medusa's sick game of revenge.

"Bell... I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice thick with remorse.

He held her closer, rocking her gently, as if he could somehow will her back to health through sheer force of love and desperation. "Please, Riveria," he whispered, his tears falling onto her pale, still face. "Please don't leave me. I need you. I... I love you."

But Riveria remained unresponsive, her life force flickering like a guttering candle flame. Bell felt a wave of despair wash over him, threatening to drown him in its dark depths.

He looked up at Asfi, his eyes pleading. "Asfi.... Is it really you?" he asked shakily.

"Yes," she said quietly, her eyes filled with shame and regret. "Or, more accurately, I'm a recreation of the person I used to be before Medusa murdered me."

"Then can you help her?" he begged. "Please... please don't let Riveria die."

Asfi bit her lip, her brow furrowed in thought. "I... I don't know. The Light Bond Shield is ancient, powerful magic. I've never seen anything like it before."

She reached out and laid a hand on Riveria's forehead, closing her eyes in concentration. After a long, tense moment, she looked up at Bell, her expression grim.

"Her life force is fading fast," she said quietly. "If we don't find a way to stabilize her soon, she... she might not make it."

Bell felt like he'd been punched in the gut. The thought of losing Riveria, of never seeing her smile again, of never hearing her voice or feeling her touch... it was too much to bear.

He held her tighter, his tears falling faster now, mingling with the sweat on her brow. "Stay with me, Riveria," he whispered, his voice raw with emotion. "Please, stay with me. I can't... I can't do this without you."

Suddenly, amidst the despair and fear, a voice crackled through Riveria's Oculi - a communication device used by high-ranking adventurers. It was Finn, the leader of the Loki Familia, and his tone was laced with concern.

"Riveria? What's going on down there? We're reading some strange readings coming from your location."

Bell, his hands shaking, reached for the Oculi and activated it

"Finn!" Bell cried out. "Finn! It's Riveria! she's..."

He broke down into sobs, unable to continue. Finn was silent for a moment before he responded in a steady tone, "Riveria's in trouble?"

"Yes!" Bell managed to choke out between sobs. "She's dying! We need help! Please! Please, we need your help!"

Finn remained silent for a moment, and Bell feared the worst. But then, Finn's voice came through loud and clear.

"Bell Cranel, listen to me carefully. You need to bring Riveria to our camp. We have healers here, people who might be able to help her."

Bell's heart leapt at the thought of hope. He glanced down at Riveria's still form, praying that Finn was right. He wasn't about to let her die. Not like this.

"Thank you, Finn," he whispered. "But... but how will I find you?" Bell asked, his voice trembling.

"Ais," Finn replied. "She'll guide you with her wind. Just follow it, and it will lead you straight to us."

Bell swallowed hard and nodded, although he knew Finn couldn't see him. "I... I understand."

Finn's voice grew serious once more, "We're counting on you, Bell Cranel. And so is Riveria. Don't let us down."

Bell took a deep breath, steadying himself. "I won't," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I promise."

The Oculi went silent as Finn cut the connection. Bell turned to Asfi, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear. "Can you help me carry Riveria?" he asked tremulously. "We need to get her to the Loki Familia camp."

Asfi nodded, her eyes filled with resolve. "Of course," she said. "Anything for Riveria."

Bell lifted Riveria's limp body into his arms, holding her close to his chest. Asfi moved to stand beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder in a gesture of support.

"I'll do whatever I can to help," she said quietly.

Bell steeled himself and nodded. "Let's go," he said, his voice firm despite the fear he felt for Riveria's life. "We need to get her help... and we need to do it fast."

As if on cue, a gentle breeze began to swirl around Bell and Asfi, tugging at their clothes and hair. Bell looked up, his eyes widening as he saw the wind coalescing into a shimmering path, leading off into the distance.

"I... I see it," he said, his voice filled with a glimmer of hope. "The wind... it's showing me the way."

"Then let's not waste any more time," Asfi said grimly. "We have a promise to keep."

Together, they set off, following the path of Ais's wind, their hearts filled with a desperate hope that they would reach the camp in time and that the healers there would save Riveria's life.

Their mission: to bring Riveria back to them.

For Riveria, Ljos Alf was not just a fellow adventurer and member of the Loki Familia; she was family - a mother and a sister, a friend, and a wife.

As they ran, Bell held Riveria close, whispering to her, pleading with her to hold on, to stay with him. He wouldn't let her go, wouldn't let her slip away. He would save her, no matter the cost.

"I'll save you," he vowed. "I promise."

And Bell Cranel always kept his promises.

He charged through the treacherous terrain, Riveria's limp form cradled protectively in his arms. His heart raced with each step, the urgency of her condition driving him forward. Asfi followed close behind, her eyes darting warily, alert for any signs of danger.

"Keep moving!" she urged, her voice taut with tension. "We're almost there!"

Bell could see the faint outline of the camp in the distance, a cluster of tents and hastily constructed buildings nestled in a small valley between two peaks.

The path Ais's wind had revealed was far from safe. Medusa's troops, twisted and malformed creatures born of her blood, infesting the slopes and ravines, lurked in the shadows. But Bell wasn't about to let anything stop him from keeping his promise to Riveria. He would save her, no matter the cost.

Bell gritted his teeth, his grip on Riveria tightening. He couldn't afford to slow down and couldn't risk getting caught up in a prolonged battle. Every second counted, and he knew that Riveria's life hung in the balance.

He raced forward, his muscles burning with exertion. He could hear the snarls and growls of Medusa's twisted minions growing closer as they drew near to the camp, but he refused to slow down.

Suddenly, a group of Medusa's minions burst from the darkness, blocking the path ahead. Bell skidded to a halt, his eyes blazing with determination as he stared down the snarling horde.

Bell's eyes narrowed, and he shifted Riveria's weight to one arm, freeing his other hand. He held his sword at the ready, prepared to fight through the creatures that stood between him and the only chance Riveria had at survival.

He charged forward without hesitation, his blade flashing as he cut down the first of Medusa's minions. The creature shrieked in pain as Bell's sword bit deep into its flesh, but he didn't slow down.

He leapt past it, slamming his shoulder into its back, knocking it aside as he continued his headlong rush toward the camp. The other creatures lunged at him, but Bell didn't falter, striking them down with a flurry of blows.

Reinforcements were flooding the area, but Bell didn't have time for this.

With a fierce cry, he summoned the last vestiges of his magic, channelling it into a powerful Ice Bolt. The air around him crackled with frigid energy, and a blast of pure, freezing cold erupted from his palm.

The Ice Bolt slammed into the oncoming monsters, freezing them solid in mid-leap. Their bodies shattered as they hit the ground, exploding into countless icy shards. Bell didn't pause, leaping over the remains of his fallen foes and pressing onward.

"I've got you," Bell muttered as he cradled Riveria's still form in his arms. "Don't give up on me yet."

The wind's path grew stronger and more insistent with each step. Bell's lungs burned, and his muscles screamed with fatigue, but he refused to slow down. He could feel Riveria's heartbeat growing fainter, her breath more shallow, and the fear that gripped his heart spurred him onward.

The camp was in sight now, but the darkness seemed to be closing in around him, making it harder to see the way. His feet stumbled as he ran, his lungs burning and his legs aching, but he pushed on despite his exhaustion.

Bell could barely see through the darkness now, but he knew that he was close. The voices of the healers in the camp seemed to grow louder and louder as he drew closer, their calls for assistance ringing out in the night air.

With a final, desperate burst of speed, Bell and Asfi broke through the last line of Medusa's minions, the camp's perimeter coming into view. Bell felt his heart leap in his chest as he saw the familiar faces of his fellow adventurers, the people he'd grown to call family, waiting for him.

He charged into the camp, gasping for breath and clutching Riveria's lifeless form.

Bell gasped for air as he staggered into the camp, his legs finally giving out beneath him as he fell to his knees.

Finn was there, waiting for them, his expression grim and concerned.

Bell stumbled towards him, his legs nearly giving out beneath him. He fell to his knees, Riveria still clutched tightly to his chest, as Finn and the other healers rushed forward to meet them.

"Bring her in!" Finn shouted as the healers rushed forward to take Riveria from Bell's arms. "Hurry!"

Bell watched helplessly as they carried Riveria away, his heart heavy with despair.

"Please," Bell whispered, his voice raw with exhaustion and fear. "Please save her."

Bell collapsed in a heap on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"Raul, go get Amid. Quickly now!" Finn shouted.

"Yes, sir!" Raul replied, sprinting away.

Raul sprinted through the camp, his heart pounding in his chest as he sought out Amid, the skilled healer of the Dian Cecht Familia. He found her tending to a wounded adventurer, her hands glowing with the soft light of her healing magic.

"Amid!" Raul gasped, his voice tight with urgency. "Riveria needs you! She's dying!"

Amid looked up sharply at Raul's words, her eyes wide with worry and fear.

Amid's eyes widened, and she quickly finished her spell, the adventurer's wounds closing beneath her touch. She turned to Raul, her expression serious. "Where is she?" she demanded as she rose to her feet. "Take me to her."

Amid followed Raul back to where Finn and the others were tending to Riveria's limp form, her pulse barely perceptible. They were working quickly to stabilize her and get her vitals under control. Amid hurried to Riveria's side, her eyes scanning the injured elf's body, assessing her condition.

Finn looked up as Amid approached, his normally composed features etched with worry. "Amid, thank the gods you're here. Riveria... she used the Light Bond Shield. She's in bad shape."

Amid knelt beside Riveria, her hands already glowing with the power of her diagnostic magic. She closed her eyes, concentrating as she assessed the extent of the damage.

After a long, tense moment, she looked up, her expression grim. "The Light Bond Shield has taken a heavy toll on her body and mind. Her life force is dangerously low, and her spirit is barely clinging to this world."

Ais knelt beside her, her hands resting on Riveria's chest as she tried desperately to keep Riveria's heart beating. Her face was pale and drawn, and tears streaked down her cheeks as she fought to keep her mentor alive.

Ais let out a choked sob, her grip on Riveria's hand tightening. "Please, Amid," she whispered, her voice raw with emotion. "You have to save her. She's... she's like a mother to me. I can't lose her."

Amid laid a hand on Ais's shoulder, her eyes filled with compassion. "I will do everything in my power to save Riveria," she said firmly. "I promise you that."

Bell watched helplessly from the sidelines as the healers worked frantically to save Riveria's life. He had failed to protect her, and now she was dying because of him. The guilt and despair weighed heavily on him as he struggled to stay strong for the sake of his beloved.

Bell's shoulders slumped in defeat as he watched Riveria's life ebb away. His heart ached at the thought of losing her forever.

But he had faith in his friends and in Amid's skills as a healer.

Lefiya stood nearby, her body trembling with shock and fear. She clung to Tiona, seeking comfort in the Amazonian girl's presence as the healers fought to save Riveria's life. The young mage's eyes glistened with tears as she watched Amid work tirelessly to bring Riveria back from the brink of death.

Lefiya stepped forward, her eyes filled with tears. "Please..." she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Please save her."

Amid nodded, her expression determined. "I will do all that is within my power to save her. But it will not be easy. The Light Bond Shield is ancient, powerful magic, and its effects are not easily undone."

She turned to Finn, her tone serious. "I will need a quiet, secluded place to work, and I will require the assistance of any other healers you have in your camp. This will be a long and difficult process."

Finn nodded, his jaw set with determination. "You shall have whatever you need, Amid. Just... just bring her back to us."

"Thank you," Amid said quietly, and then she turned her attention back to Riveria.

With Amid at the helm, Finn ordered his followers to evacuate the tent so Amid could work in peace and quiet.

The Dian Cecht Familia nurses drew fresh linen across Riveria's bed, and with one last glance at their heroine's vulnerable form, they filed out of the tent.

All the while, Ais remained at Riveria's bedside, refusing to leave her. She held Riveria's hand tightly in her own as she whispered to her, begging her to hold on. Tears streamed down Ais's cheeks as she prayed for her mentor's recovery.

But Amid had been right; Riveria's condition was grave, and Amid could not guarantee that she would survive the ordeal.

Bell swallowed hard as he watched the scene unfold before him. He couldn't bear to see Riveria in such a state, and yet he couldn't bring himself to look away. His heart ached for her, and he longed to do something - anything - to help ease her suffering.

"Please," he whispered softly as he took Riveria's other hand in his own. "Please come back to us."

Ais glanced up at Bell's words, her eyes meeting his for a moment before they drifted back to Riveria.

Bell remained at Riveria's side throughout the night, refusing to leave even though Amid insisted that he needed his rest. Ais had finally relented and stepped outside of the tent to give Bell and Riveria some privacy.

Amid and her fellow healers worked tirelessly through the night, using every ounce of their magical strength and knowledge to restore Riveria to health.

And so everyone waited, their hearts filled with a desperate, fervent prayer for Riveria's recovery, for the chance to hear her motherly voice, to feel the warmth of her presence in their lives again.

Amid emerged from the tent, her expression somber. The gathered group looked to her with desperate hope, but her words were far from comforting.

"I've done all I can for now," she said, her voice heavy. "But without the proper ingredients for a specific medicine, I fear Riveria's condition will only deteriorate."

"What ingredients?" Finn asked, his tone urgent. "We'll do whatever it takes to save Riveria."

Amid sighed, shaking her head. "It's not that simple. The main component is a rare plant, the Night Lotus, that grows only in the deepest parts of the Dungeon. It's guarded by powerful monsters, and few who have sought it have ever returned."

There was a collective silence as the gravity of Amid's words sank in. This was not something that could be overcome easily, or even at all.

"I don't care," Bell spoke up, his voice filled with determination. "I'll go."

"You can't be serious!" Ais cried out, her eyes wide with alarm. "You can't risk your life like that!

"I have to," Bell replied firmly. "I failed Riveria once before, and I won't let that happen again."

"You're not going alone," Tiona interjected, a fierce glint in her eyes. "I'm coming with you."

Tione stepped forward, nodding her head in agreement. "Count me in too," she said firmly.

Ais stood beside him, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "I'm coming too," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Riveria is like a mother to me. I won't let her die."

Lefiya, her face streaked with tears, spoke up, her voice trembling but resolute. "I can use my Elf Ring to cast Riveria's own Wynn Filmbulvetr magic. It will put her in a state of stasis, buying us time to find the plant."

Finn nodded, his expression grim. "Do it, Lefiya. We'll need every advantage we can get if we're going to have any chance of success."

"This is suicide!" Asfi warned, her eyes wide with fear and desperation. "None of you stands a chance of surviving!"

"We're not leaving Riveria to die!" Ais retorted, her eyes blazing with fierce resolve. "Not when there's a chance we can save her!"

Bell took a deep breath, steeling his nerves. "I know it's dangerous," he said quietly. "But it's the only way. Riveria's life is at stake, and I'm not going to let her die because I was too afraid to try."

Asfi sighed, shaking her head. "Fine," she said at last. "But if you're going, then I'm coming with you. I won't let you walk into a death trap without at least trying to keep you safe."

Bell smiled gratefully at Asfi's words. "Thank you," he said softly. "I know this isn't an easy decision to make."

As Lefiya hurried to Riveria's side, preparing to cast the stasis spell, Bell and Ais gathered their gear, ready to set out on their perilous mission.

Lefiya poured every ounce of her magical strength into the stasis spell, shaking her hands as she focused on sustaining Riveria's life. Her expression was strained, and beads of sweat rolled down her brow as she battled to keep the spell going.

Riveria lay motionless on the bed, her breathing shallow and faint. But her condition did not worsen, and Lefiya was able to keep her alive - for now.

Ais grasped Bell's hand in hers, squeezing it tightly. "Let's go," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "We don't have much time."

"Wait!" Lefiya cried out, "I'm coming too! I have to!"

Finn nodded grimly, seeing the determination in the young elf's eyes. "Very well," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "Go with them, Lefiya. When you have that look in your eyes, nothing on Earth can stop you."

Lefiya nodded, swallowing hard as she rose to her feet. "I won't let you down," she said firmly. "I promise."

With those words, Bell, Ais, Lefiya, the Amazonian twins and Asfi set off into the depths of the Dungeon, on a desperate quest to save Riveria's life.

They forged on, deeper and deeper into the treacherous labyrinth, braving all manner of horrors in their quest for the elusive Night Lotus that would be Riveria's salvation.

They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, all for the sake of saving the one they loved.

(This is the final chapter of Volume 1, save for the epilogue.)