
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


The self-proclaimed tyrant empress of the Dungeon sat upon her throne, delighting in the developments unfolding before her. Her eyes glittered with an evil light as she surveyed her dark domain, the walls seeming to pulse with her sinister energy. 

"Ljos Alf is dying," she declared with cruel satisfaction, her voice echoing through the cavernous chamber. "The rest of the stinking High Elves will die along with her. No more relatives of Celdia will be left. The clan of Alf will vanish off the face of the Earth, and then nothing, not even the gods, can stop me."

"The boy has embarked on a perilous journey to find the Night Lotus," one of Medusa's attendants informed her, emphasizing the high stakes of Bell Cranel's quest.

"Excellent. The young upstart is walking straight into my intricately woven trap," Medusa replied with a self-important grin, accentuating her strategic cunning. Her eyes narrowed, a gleam of triumph dancing in their depths.

"W-What do you have planned, my Queen?" the attendant stammered, eyes wide with apprehension.

"You and he will find out in good time," she retorted, her tone dripping with venom. "But I will break his spirit and make him mine, using his affections for Nine Hell and the Sword Princess against him."

"And what action should be taken against the adventurer camp on the 18th floor?" another attendant dared to ask, their voice barely above a whisper.

"Let them be for now," she said, dismissing the concern with a wave. "Without Bell Cranel and Ljos Alf, they are nothing. And I am about to teach him, and all of them, that."

She pondered for a moment, consulting with the voices of the vengeful spirits that embodied the Dungeon's hatred in her head. Their whispers grew louder, urging her towards her dark destiny. Then, with a wicked smile, she spoke again.

"The whispers are singing, calling on us to make war on the Lower World. They are becoming restless as the day of reckoning nears. The day we rule supreme is upon us. I will cleanse all of the land of all impure creatures. The humans. The demi-humans. Animals. Monsters. Spirits. Gods. They will all perish as I cover this world in shadow! I've almost won, and once I do, nothing will stop me from claiming it all!"

The Dungeon's fell queen threw her head back and laughed triumphantly, the sound reverberating through the dark corridors, revelling in the imminent victory soon to be hers. Her laughter was a symphony of madness and power, a prelude to the chaos she was ready to unleash.

"Let the world know that I shall discard the name Medusa thereafter. I will henceforth go by Tyratryx, a name that will terrorise every man, woman and child in the land. And soon, no man, woman or child in the land will remain in this world."

Medusa squawked like a crone over a cauldron as the vengeful whispers coaxed her on, the torches crackling as if in tune with the dark melody of the Dungeon's Dark Lady.

"The city of heroes will be destroyed so utterly that nothing can live there ever again!"


Hestia paced the floor of Hearthstone Manor, her eyes darting to the door every few moments. The familiar walls felt confining, pressing in on her worries. Bell and the rest of her familia were out there, facing unimaginable dangers. Her fingers fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she tried to shake off the anxiety gnawing at her.

"Get it together, Hestia," she muttered, pausing by the hearth. "They'll be fine. They have to be fine."

Still, the thought of Bell confronting Medusa sent a chill down her spine. She needed a distraction to keep her hands busy and her mind occupied. With a resolute nod, she grabbed her apron and set off for the potato popper stand.

The streets of Orario were bustling with activity as she made her way through the crowd. The scent of freshly fried potatoes filled the air, providing a small comfort amidst her racing thoughts. Upon reaching the stand, she slipped behind the counter and greeted a waiting customer with a warm smile.

"One order of potato poppers coming right up!" she chirped, forcing cheerfulness into her voice.

As she worked, wrapping orders and exchanging coins with customers, the routine began to ease her nerves. She fell into a rhythm, each transaction momentarily pushing her worries aside. But just as she began to feel a semblance of calm, a shadow loomed over the counter.

Hestia looked up and froze. Kleptos stood before her, his presence as unsettling as ever. His sly grin and calculating eyes made her stomach churn.

"We meet again, Goddess Hestia," he said. "The one who gave birth to me in this world. I should refer to you as a mother."

Her hands clenched around the paper wrapping in front of her. "Kleptos," she replied coolly, forcing herself to maintain composure. "I thought you'd been driven out of Orario."

"Not for long, as you can see." He replied. "It seems I have some…. unfinished business. Your child and that Nine Hell witch have caused me much humiliation." 

Hestia bristled at his mention of Bell and Riveria. "Then you must be very humiliated indeed," she retorted, unable to hold back her barb. "I suggest you find somewhere else to stay. Like a pile of refuse outside of Orario."

Kleptos's grin faded into a frown, his eyes narrowing in anger. "Oh, what wit the virgin Goddess of the Hearth possesses! How I miss the taste of your delicious Ichor when I lived inside your belly."

Hestia's stomach churned at the memory of him parasitizing her body, forcing Bell to cut him out of her abdomen. She raised an eyebrow at him, refusing to show how much his words bothered her.

"Well, don't get any ideas," she warned, stepping back. "My Bell will defeat you soon enough."

"And where is your precious Bell now? I am certain that he and Nine Hell will be dead before long" He replied with a snort. "Medusa's genius plot will soon fall into place."

"Liar!" Hestia snapped, slamming a fist on the counter. "Bell and Riveria are stronger than you could ever imagine!"

"It matters not," Kleptos retorted coldly. "They aren't here to save you. Nobody can! In the not-too-distant future, this city will be flattened into dust, the Age of the Gods will be brought to an end, and the reign of Tyratryx will begin!"

"Tyratryx? What foolish nonsense are you spewing?" Hestia countered.

"The ancient name of Medusa, given to her by the Vespyads," he replied. "It's what she will be known as when she becomes the supreme ruler of all, and all creatures not in her image will be destroyed."

"I've had enough of your nonsensical chatter," Hestia replied, glaring at Kleptos. "You're bad for business! Go away!"

"Oh? And I haven't eaten yet. But I don't have an appetite for potato poppers. I have come to dine on you!" Kleptos boasted before lunging at Hestia.

"What?" Hestia blurted out as he vaulted over the counter and attempted to grab her.

She stumbled back, her heart pounding as she realized his intention. He meant to use her as a host once more, to violate her body and soul with his parasitic presence. Hestia dodged him, darting back as he continued to lunge at her with reckless abandon.

As his fingers brushed against her skin, a motion blur intercepted him. A young woman, her features a striking blend of elven grace and human determination, stood between them. Her long, silvery-white hair flowed behind her as she faced Kleptos, her emerald eyes blazing with fierce protectiveness.

"Don't you dare touch her," the girl warned, her voice ringing with authority beyond her years.

Kleptos recoiled, surprise etched across his face. "You dare to intercede?" he snarled, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the unexpected obstacle.

The girl stood tall, her chin lifted in defiance. "I am Eirlys Ljos Alf-Cranel," she declared, resonating with a power that widened Hestia's eyes. I am the daughter of Bell Cranel and Riveria Ljos Alf."

"D-D-D-Daughter? My Bell.... had a daughter with another woman? This can't be possible!" Hestia stammered. "Bell, you jerk! You cheat! You perverted philanderer!"

Eirlys turned her gaze to Hestia, her eyes softening with an undeniable familiarity. "Calm yourself, Goddess," she said gently. "I have travelled from a future that is now at risk of being lost. I've come back to warn you."

Hestia froze, staring at the girl in shock. "Wh-what are you talking about?" she managed to say, trying to wrap her mind around Eirlys's cryptic words.

"Bell and Riveria's lives are in grave danger," Eirlys said solemnly. "I've come back to warn you — if you don't stop Medusa's machinations in this timeframe, then my future will be lost for good."

Hestia frowned at Eirlys's words, a plethora of emotions swirling within her: disbelief, confusion, jealousy, and an undeniable sense of pride at the sight of a child born of Bell and Riveria's love.

Hestia looked at Eirlys closely, her eyes widening as she noticed the resemblance.

"B-B-B-Bell..." Hestia stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"Yes, Bell is my father," Eirlys said gently. "And Riveria is my mother. The two of them were married in a ceremony conducted in secrecy."

A fresh wave of disbelief washed over Hestia at Eirlys's words. Her mind raced, trying to process this new information. Bell... and Riveria? Married? And with a child? It was all too much to take in.

Hestia swallowed hard, fighting back tears. "I-I had no idea..." she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "Bell... and Riveria... married? With a child? In the future?"

"Yes," Eirlys confirmed with a soft smile. "Their love for each other was strong, and their devotion to me was unwavering."

Kleptos's face contorted with rage and disbelief. "Impossible!" he spat, his fists clenching at his sides. "You lie! Bell Cranel would never marry Ljos Alf! Even if she did survive Medusa's ire!"

Eirlys smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes. "In my time, they already have," she replied, her voice soft yet unyielding. "And I'm here to ensure that future comes to pass."

Hestia's jaw dropped as Eirlys's words sank in, the reality of her words dawning on her like a hammer blow to the chest.

"This is ridiculous! My Bell wouldn't betray me like that!" Hestia burst out, her voice thick with emotion.

"He did not betray you," Eirlys reassured her with a sympathetic smile. "Your bond was not broken. Our family is strong and healthy. My birth was conceived in love, and Bell was ecstatic to become a father."

Hestia struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. Her emotions were jumbled—anger, jealousy, heartbreak, joy, hope, and pride swirling inside her. But above all, she felt a deep sense of loss, a longing for what could have been.

She turned to Hestia, her expression softening with reverence. "Goddess Hestia," she murmured, inclining her head in a respectful bow. "I've come to protect you and to aid in the fight against Medusa."

"Why me?" Hestia asked, still overwhelmed by the realization that Bell and Riveria had a daughter together. A beautiful daughter. A spitting image of Riveria, except with silver hair and shorter ears.

"Because you are the most important person to my parents in both their past and my future," Eirlys said calmly, smiling at Hestia.

Hestia stared at Eirlys in shock, struggling to comprehend the implications of her words.

"You mean... I'm like... a mother to you?" Hestia choked out, hardly able to believe what she was hearing.

"Yes," Eirlys replied, her tone filled with affection. "You are my family."

Hestia felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over her: happiness, pride, and even a hint of jealousy. But most of all, she felt an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness toward this beautiful girl who was a product of Bell and Riveria's love for each other.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Hestia stammered, at a loss for words. "I mean... this is all so much to take in..."

Kleptos made a frustrated noise of disgust before fleeing into the crowd, clearly put off by Eirlys's revelation that Bell and Riveria had married and produced offspring.

Eirlys turned back to Hestia, her eyes filled with determination. "We must act quickly," she urged, her voice laced with urgency. "Medusa's plan is already in motion, and if we don't stop her, the future I come from will be lost forever."

Hestia nodded, her resolve strengthening with each passing moment. "What do we need to do?" she asked, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"We need to stop Medusa before she unleashes her full power," Eirlys said firmly. "If we can do that, we can prevent my future from ever being wiped out."

"That's easier said than done," Hestia countered, sighing heavily as she thought of the daunting task before them. "But I'll do whatever it takes to save my Bell and Riveria—including saving our future together."

Eirlys smiled, her expression filled with gratitude and admiration.

"I'll lead the way," she declared, her voice ringing with the strength of her convictions. "Together, we'll save my parents and secure the future."

A sense of purpose filled the air as Hestia and Eirlys set their plans. The fate of Orario and the future itself hung in the balance. But with the combined might of the gods, goddesses, and adventurers, they would face Medusa head-on and end her reign of terror once and for all.

The stage was set for the final battle, and the stakes had never been higher. As Hestia looked upon Eirlys, she saw the hope and promise of a future worth fighting for—a future where Bell and Riveria's love could flourish, and their daughter could grow up in a world free from Medusa's darkness.

The war against Tyratryx has now been set in motion, the battle lines drawn, the fronts settled. This was not the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning. As the adventurers braved Tyratryx's twisted Dungeon, they knew that the fate of Orario and the future rested in their hands.