
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Spoiler alert: Bell and Riveria make little elf babies. In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

The Elven Princess and the Vespyad Princess

Shortly after her impromptu matrimony, Riveria Ljos Alf was left to fend for herself in an unknown new world, one that she found far more daunting than the Dungeon itself. In spite of her lifetime of vast knowledge and wisdom, and all of her experience as the deputy of one of the most powerful familias in living memory, the uncharted territory of romantic love bollixed her more than even the most fantastical magic. She desperately needed mentorship from one so obviously well endowed in this neck of the woods.

"Lady Zatrona, if I may trouble you for a moment... I have a rather delicate situation I need assistance with," Riveria said, with a subdued tone lacking confidence and her usual lofty demeanor. The high elf seemed ill at ease, skittishly glancing over her shoulder in case of eavesdroppers. "I find myself at a loss. I was the century old maiden, having never been touched or known love throughout my long life. Now, suddenly, I'm a married woman. I was hoping you might be able to give some pointers. I am woefully unaccustomed to romance."

The two princesses's eyes locked, regarding each other as equals. Zatrona held an ancient leather-bound book held in one of her dainty hands and a steaming porcelain teacup in the other. She studied Riveria's expression and body language carefully, unsure whether to be worried or inquisitive. "What weighs so heavily upon your mind, Fairy Queen? Surely you do not harbor regrets over your union with young Bell?"

Riveria sighed softly as she gracefully lowered herself into the ornate chair across from Zatrona, her emerald eyes clouded with uncertainty. "No… not at all. It's more of a... personal matter, I suppose. The problem is me." She hesitated, her slender fingers absently tracing the gilded patterns on the teacup before her. "You see, now that Bell Cranel and I are wed... I want to make him happy… but I don't know how…." The Elven mage's brow furrowed with concern as she met the Princess's gaze. "I want to be a good wife to him, to ensure his happiness, and yet... I'm afraid I lack the wisdom. I'm not cut out for marriage, or romance, I was brought up as a stone cold royal, with marriage only being a sense of duty."

Zatrona smiled knowingly and closed her book with a soft thud, her eyes twinkling with mirth as she regarded the flustered high elf before her. "Ah, I see. So the great Riveria Ljos Alf, esteemed mage of the Loki Familia, is still a virgin at the ripe old age of ninety-nine, eh? Good lord, you Elves really do take this whole chastity and purity thing to the extreme, don't you? You're as old-fashioned and stuffy as they come!" The Princess chuckled, her tone playful yet not unkind as she watched a delicate blush color Riveria's porcelain cheeks. "Really, though, that's what makes you and Bell such a great couple: despite your vast difference in age, you're just as pure as he is when it comes to romance."

"I... I... have little to no experience with romance in general. In my youth, my father sequestered me away from the world and tried to force me into arranged marriages. Elves, especially high elves, are obsessed with preserving the purity of our bloodline, and in the House of Alf, we were simply married off to other royals or nobles. As a result, I've never had the opportunity to be in a real, genuine romantic relationship... I've never experienced the joy and excitement of falling in love naturally, or the butterflies that come with a first kiss. I see romance as such an alien, abstract thing, as mythical as the heroes of old, only existing in fairytales or from the gossip of giddy maidens. But a part of me has always yearned to know what it feels like... to have my heart race at the sight of someone special and to be cherished by them in return. I never got to experience any of those things until Bell Cranel became such an important figure in my life. So, I was hoping, maybe… you could mentor me in how to be a loving wife?"

Zatrona looked at Riveria compassionately, her eyes expressing sympathy. "You poor thing. Being a high elf must be difficult. You must have been lonely for so many years. But there's no need to fret - as a Vespyad, I am well-versed in the ways of passion and love. We are the embodiment of those powerful emotions, after all. I can sense that you love Bell Cranel deeply, but are at a loss on how to express it." She smiled warmly at the elf, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I have plenty of tricks and techniques up my sleeve that I would be more than happy to share with you. By the time we're through, you'll be a master of romance, ready to sweep Bell off his feet."

Riveria leaned closer, her emerald eyes sparkling with earnest curiosity. "What sort of techniques do you recommend, Zatrona? I'm eager to learn anything that might bring a smile to Bell Cranel's face and joy to his heart. He deserves all the happiness in the world, and I want to be the one to give that to him. So please, teach me your ways! Teach this clueless maiden how to express her love."

"Well, for a start, you can stop calling him Bell Cranel. There's no need to be so formal with your husband."

Riveria blinked in confusion, then nodded slowly. "Ah, yes… you're right. I should call him by his first name… Bell. It's become rather habitual, I'm afraid. I've always known him as Bell Cranel, not Bell." The Elf sighed and shook her head. "Forgive me, it will take some getting used to."

The Vespyad princess lifted her teacup and took a delicate sip. "There's no need to apologize. It's only natural to be formal at first, especially with how traditional you are. Besides, with time, you'll get used to using his first name. Now that you're married, it's only right that you start speaking more casually with him. After all, you two are now intimately close. There's no longer any need for formality or distance." She set her teacup down on its saucer and folded her hands together. "Now, the next thing you can do is to stop hiding your body. You're a stunningly gorgeous woman, Riveria. With those curves and that hourglass figure, you could be a goddess on one of those risque covers of trashy romance novels."

The elven mage flushed and looked away, her long, silky jade-green hair falling forward to partially veil her face. "I'm not sure that's true..." Her slender fingers fiddled with the hem of her emerald-colored coat, plucking absently at a loose thread. "Bell's gaze doesn't feel lustful or perverted when he looks at me. It feels innocent, curious. Almost respectful and kind. It makes me feel... comfortable... and safe... and loved." A faint blush colored her cheeks. "Bell Cranel is pure and chivalrous and gallant. I find his devotion and gentleness extremely endearing. His love is like a comforting fire on a cold winter night... warm and inviting. He makes me feel cherished. I think I have grown rather fond of his gaze. And his smile, too."

"And what about his touch? Have you indulged in anything intimate?"

"T-That's a private matter!"

Zatrona chuckled softly and winked at the flustered Elf. "My, my... and here I thought you wanted to learn from me. But if you'd rather keep your virginity intact, that's perfectly fine."

"!" Riveria's pale cheeks were flushed bright red as she glanced around anxiously to make sure they were still alone. "...Fine..." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "We have been a little intimate... but we haven't done anything perverted! I'm not a pervert!"

"Nothing perverted, huh? Why limit yourself? I'm sure you can both go further. You're married now. Have you ever tried roleplaying? Ever thought about trying it out with Bell?" Zatrona inquired.

Riveria shook her head. "No. Is that common practice in romance?"

Zatrona shrugged. "Oh, it's quite fun. Here, I'll show you what I mean." The red-haired princess put on a coy smile and gazed up at Riveria with lidded eyes. "Good morning, Captain Bell. You sure are looking handsome today."

"Ah, Lady Zatrona..." Riveria said, giving her best impersonation of the white-haired boy. She gazed up at the princess with a lovestruck expression, clasping her hands together. "You are a goddess incarnate... Your beauty outshines the stars themselves!"

Zatrona couldn't help but snort out a laugh, nearly doubling over in amusement. "Hahaha! Oh, wow, Riveria. That was horrible. Absolutely terrible. I don't think Bell would ever lay it on quite that thick!"

Riveria's cheeks went crimson in embarrassment and she looked away, fidgeting with the hem of her robe. "S-sorry. I'm not very good at this sort of thing..." she mumbled apologetically.

"It's absolutely endearing though. You can be surprisingly cute for a stuffy, uptight elf, you know?" Zatrona smiled playfully. "But as I was saying, roleplay is quite a good way to spice things up. For example, you could dress up as a schoolgirl and let Bell 'steal' your purity by deflowering you."

"!!!" Riveria's face turned a deep crimson, her eyes casting down to her lap as she tried to hide her embarrassment. "Such a horribly vulgar and utterly shameful idea... I can't even fathom entertaining such thoughts..."

Zatrona's smile grew wider as she watched Riveria's reaction, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, come now, Riveria. I can tell you're intrigued by the idea. Why not indulge in a little fantasy with me?"

The elf's blush deepened, her face now the color of a ripe beet. "A-Absolutely not! I will not participate in such scandalous activities, no matter how much you try to tempt me!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with both indignation and a hint of curiosity.

"Very well," Zatrona conceded, casually lifting her book and flipping it open once more. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she proposed, "Let's consider an alternative scenario then: imagine yourself as a step-mother, and Bell as your step-son. The two of you could engage in a taboo, intimate relationship. I have a feeling he would be quite intrigued by such a storyline."

"What is wrong with you?" Riveria shrieked, her voice shrill with indignation as she leapt out of her seat. Fury etched into her delicate features, she stomped away from Zatrona, her jade hair swishing behind her.

"Where are you going? We're not done talking, Riveria!" Zatrona called after the retreating elf, a hint of amusement coloring her tone.

"I-I'm not playing the role of a step-mother!" Riveria sputtered, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson at the mere thought of the scandalous scenario Zatrona had proposed.

"Come on, Riveria! Be more adventurous! It's what the roleplay is all about!" Zatrona urged, a mischievous grin playing on her lips as she watched the normally composed elf become flustered. "Imagine the excitement, the forbidden romance! Bell would be thrilled to explore such a tantalizing storyline with you."

"B-B-B-B-B-But... it's so sordid... and base... and... and... depraved..." Riveria stuttered, her face turning an even deeper shade of red. She fidgeted nervously, unable to meet Zatrona's mischievous gaze. "It's humiliating! W-What would Bell Cranel think of me if I did such a thing?! He's so pure and innocent... I couldn't possibly taint his image of me with such scandalous behavior!"

Zatrona cocked her head in confusion, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "You really need to get out of your comfort zone, Riveria. How are you ever going to grow as a person if you refuse to explore your deepest desires and darkest fantasies? Embracing your hidden yearnings is the key to unlocking your true potential! Besides, I bet Bell would find it incredibly alluring to see this unexpected side of you."

"No!" Riveria said adamantly, crossing her arms over her chest and closing one eye in a gesture of firm denial. Her heart raced at the mere thought of engaging in such lewd activities, especially with someone as virtuous as Bell. "I absolutely refuse to participate in this...this...debauchery! My dignity and reputation as an elf are far too important to risk on such a whim!"

"Come now, Riveria, I bet even you have had naughty thoughts about Bell in your mind," Zatrona smirked. "Especially during the wedding when you said your vows."

Riveria remained silent, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson as she cast her gaze downward, intently studying the intricate patterns of the marble floor. The normally composed elf couldn't bring herself to meet Zatrona's knowing gaze, too embarrassed by the scandalous implications of the princess's words. She fidgeted uncomfortably, her slender fingers nervously twisting the fabric of her robe, as the heat of her shame seemed to radiate off her porcelain skin.

"How did if feel when you kissed him? When he stuck his tongue down your throat? Did it excite you? Turn you on?" Zatrona asked, licking her lips as she spoke.

"...How dare you!"

"So you don't deny that it did?"

"You're putting words into my mouth!" Riveria shot back.

"I don't have to. It's written all over your face." Zatrona smirked and got up from her chair to walk towards Riveria. "You flawlessly fit the role of the sexy, older woman archetype, you know."

"W-What?!" Riveria sputtered.

Zatrona cupped Riveria's chin and gazed deeply into her emerald-green eyes. "You're a strikingly beautiful woman, Riveria, absolutely stunning. No man could resist you, not even Bell."

"S-Stop saying these things... they're unnecessary..." Riveria mumbled, cheeks aflame.

Zatrona chuckled and traced a finger down Riveria's cheek and jawline. "Oh? But it's true. You're stunning. Absolutely breathtaking. Don't deny it, Riveria."

Riveria bit her lower lip, her emerald eyes averting Zatrona's gaze. "Please, I implore you to stop..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Zatrona's laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls as she patted Riveria's head with a playful gentleness. "Oh, very well. I'll cease my teasing for the time being," she said, a mischievous glint still present in her eyes.

"Thank you..." Riveria murmured, her shoulders visibly relaxing as she let out a sigh of relief. The tension that had been building within her seemed to dissipate, leaving her feeling both grateful and somewhat drained from the encounter.

"Now, then. Tell me, Riveria, what do you think about Bell?" Zatrona inquired. "Does he make you feel all hot and bothered, especially when he takes charge?"

"Bell is a kind boy... he doesn't make me feel anything untoward like that." Riveria replied defiantly, although her blush deepened as she spoke. "And I hate the idea of him taking charge in our relationship, anyway..."

"Obviously, you'll be the one to wear the pants in this marriage, given how domineering you are, but some men like being ordered around by an older lady, especially someone as gorgeous and powerful as you," Zatrona grinned. "It turns them on."

Riveria didn't respond. She couldn't deny the truthfulness of Zatrona's words, nor could she argue against them.

Zatrona leaned in closer, her warm breath tickling Riveria's ear as she whispered, "I bet you'd love to see Bell on his knees, worshipping your body like the goddess you are. Imagine the power, the thrill of having him completely at your mercy, ready to fulfill your every desire..."

Riveria's heart raced, her skin tingling with a mixture of embarrassment and forbidden excitement. She swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure as Zatrona's words painted a vivid picture in her mind. "I... I couldn't possibly..." she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh, but you could," Zatrona purred, her fingers trailing down Riveria's arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. "Embrace your inner dominatrix, Riveria. Let yourself indulge in the fantasies that keep you up at night. There's no shame in wanting to explore your deepest, darkest desires with the man you love."

Riveria's mind swirled with conflicting emotions, her body responding to Zatrona's suggestive words despite her best efforts to remain unaffected. She couldn't deny the allure of the scenarios the princess described, the thought of Bell submitting to her every whim sending a shiver down her spine.

"I... I don't know if I can..." Riveria whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Of course you can," Zatrona reassured her, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You're Riveria Ljos Alf, the most powerful mage in Orario. If anyone can bring a man to his knees, it's you. Embrace your inner goddess, and let Bell worship at your altar."

Riveria's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with the scandalous possibilities Zatrona's words conjured. She knew it was wrong, that she shouldn't entertain such lewd thoughts, but a part of her couldn't help but be intrigued by the idea of exploring her deepest, darkest fantasies with Bell.

"I... I'll think about it," Riveria finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't bring herself to fully commit to the idea, but she couldn't dismiss it outright either. The seed had been planted, and now it was up to her to decide whether or not to let it grow.

Zatrona smiled, a knowing look in her eyes as she watched Riveria's internal struggle play out across her face. "I have an idea," she said. "Why don't we go and look at some lingerie for you? You can be a little more adventurous and try on some sexy underwear. I'm sure Bell will love it."

Riveria's face immediately flushed crimson at the thought of wearing something so risque, especially for Bell's eyes. "I-I couldn't possibly..." she stuttered, but the mischievous sparkle in Zatrona's eyes told her that there would be no changing the Vespyad Princess's mind.

"Don't worry," Zatrona reassured her, patting Riveria's shoulder gently. "Your chastity and purity is still intact... for now. You need to set aside your stodgy upbringing as a high elf and embrace the sexuality you've been suppressing for so long!"

"It's indecent!"

"Pfft! Ha ha! Oh, Riveria! You're truly hilarious. Come now, let's get you in some lingerie. There's no shame in showing off your assets, especially when they're as nice as yours. Bell will be over the moon if you try a few things on for him. Trust me, I'm a woman of experience when it comes to these things."

Riveria cast her gaze downwards and sighed in defeat, too exhausted to protest any further. She was secretly thankful for Zatrona's enthusiasm and eagerness to assist her with the unfamiliar aspects of married life. The last thing Riveria wanted was to disappoint Bell Cranel on their wedding night. And so, with a defeated nod, she allowed the Vespyad Princess to drag her towards the shop.

Zatrona smirked. "You'll thank me later when Bell Cranel is groveling at your feet and begging for your body."

Riveria only hoped that Zatrona's guidance would help ease the transition into matrimony as she was whisked into the shop, her mind racing with nervous anticipation and excitement. She couldn't deny the allure of trying on new lingerie and watching Bell's reaction to seeing her in it; perhaps she would be bold enough to model it for him after all...

"Here, how about these?"

"What... is this... thing you're dangling in front of me?"

"It's called a thong, Riveria."

Riveria turned to stone, unable to move or say anything for what felt like a lifetime. Zatrona chuckled and lifted the piece of clothing higher so the elf could see it better. "It's supposed to show off your butt. Maybe you should wear something like this for Bell? He'll be drooling when he sees you in this."

"I-I'd sooner dungeon dive into the deep floors naked than wear this scandalous piece of floss!" Riveria sputtered. Her cheeks were bright red as she tried to collect herself. "Surely there are more acceptable undergarments for me to try on... please tell me you have more."

"Okay, okay, we'll stick with the fullbacks. How about this one? It's a little more conservative."

She held up a pair of light pink, high cut briefs, which had lacy panels on the side. A cute, matching pink bow adorned the front of the waistband. The underwear was certainly less scandalous than the thong, but it still showed quite a bit of skin.

"The color is cute and pretty. It would suit your complexion," Zatrona assured Riveria as she offered her a gentle smile.

"Hmmm..." Riveria contemplated as she examined the garment meticulously with one eye closed. "I think they would accentuate my curves and elongate my legs.... wait... what am I saying???"

Zatrona chuckled and flashed a playful smirk at Riveria. "So you like them? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Ugh, fine! I suppose they're not completely unacceptable, so yes, I'll try them on!"

Riveria grabbed the briefs from Zatrona and marched into the changing room. As soon as she shut the door behind her, she started to take off her robe and undergarments. She hesitantly eyed the pink lace briefs hanging on the hook before slowly slipping into them. She cautiously peeked in the mirror once she was dressed and blushed when she saw herself.

"Are you done, Riveria? Hurry up and show me!" Zatrona called through the door.

Riveria took a deep breath and gathered up her courage. "Ok, here I come."

With a resigned sigh, Riveria opened the dressing room door and stepped out. Zatrona smiled widely as she took in the sight of the elven mage dressed in the high leg briefs.

She slowly opened the door and stepped out of the dressing room.

"S-So... how do I look?" Riveria called out nervously to Zatrona.

"Stunning!" Zatrona declared. "Absolutely breathtaking! The briefs make your hips and butt look great! Bell is going to love them!"

Riveria couldn't help but blush even harder as she heard Zatrona's enthusiastic praise.

"P-Please don't leer at me like that... it's making me feel self-conscious...." Riveria mumbled shyly.

"Oh, I'm not leering... I'm admiring! There's a difference! You're a beautiful woman, Riveria! Any man would be lucky to call you his wife!"

"They're not uncomfortable, either. They're actually quite...supportive... of my posterior..."

"Oh my goodness, Riveria! Your booty looks amazing! Bell is going to die when he sees you in those! You're killing it in that lingerie!"

"Please don't tell the other elves about this, I'm begging you."

Zatrona snorted. "Don't worry, my dear. Your secret is very safe with me. I'll pay for everything, so you can head back to your quarters and surprise Bell with your new undies."

Riveria smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you very much, Zatrona," she said. "I truly appreciate your help and support with this."

"Anytime," Zatrona replied cheerfully. "That's what friends are for!"

And with that, Riveria turned and exited the store, a sense of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside her as she made her way back to her chambers, where Bell awaited her.


After their secret wedding, Bell found himself overwhelmed with a mixture of joy and anxiety. He was now married to Riveria, the high elf he deeply admired and loved, but he had no idea how to navigate this new chapter of his life. As they prepared for their next move against Medusa, Bell couldn't shake the feeling that he needed some guidance on how to be the best husband he could be for Riveria.

Remembering the Vespyad priestess who had officiated their wedding, Bell decided to seek her out. Thalara might have been sarcastic and impatient, but she was also wise and had seen many unions over her long life. If anyone could offer him the advice he needed, it was her.

Bell wandered through the bioluminescent pathways of Luminastra until he found Thalara in a small, quiet garden. She sat on a bench beneath the glow of several large mushroom-shaped lanterns, reading a book.

"Excuse me, Thalara," Bell said, approaching her hesitantly. "Do you have a moment?"

Thalara looked up, her expression as sardonic as ever. "Ah, the newlywed. What do you want? Aren't you supposed to be spending time with your new bride instead of bothering me? It's your honeymoon, after all. Don't tell me you've screwed things up already and are about to ask me for a divorce!"

Bell blushed and looked away, fidgeting nervously as he tried to formulate an answer.

"Eeeeeehhhhh??? No, nothing like that. I just… I wanted to ask for your advice. On how to be a good husband to Riveria. I… I don't have any experience with this sort of thing...and I want to make her happy..." he stammered bashfully.

Thalara blinked, her expression softening ever so slightly as she regarded Bell with a hint of surprise. She set down the flower she was tending and folded her arms. "Are you serious, you white-haired dork? You want advice from me? A lowly priestess? Last time I checked, I wasn't the Goddess of Marriage. I can hardly believe it: Bell Cranel wants relationship advice from an old hag like me."

Bell nodded earnestly. "Please... I know I must seem naive, but I promise you, I'm serious about this. I can't help but feel inadequate when it comes to being a good husband for Riveria. I have no experience with romance or relationships, so I figured you might be able to help me. After all, you are well versed in the matters of the heart, and your expertise would be greatly appreciated."

Thalara sighed and motioned for Bell to sit on a nearby stone bench. "Very well. Since you've asked so politely, I'll give you a few pointers," she said, rolling her eyes. "But don't expect anything too detailed or profound: I'm not exactly an expert on matrimony and wedded bliss. I'm not the epitome of patience either, as I'm sure you're well aware of."

"Thank you for your assistance! I promise to pay close attention to everything you say!" Bell declared, a look of genuine gratitude in his ruby-colored eyes as he gazed at Thalara.

Thalara shook her head and chuckled softly to herself. "You're a strange one, Bell Cranel. For a human, you're an oddball through and through. Not many people would come to me for relationship advice."

Bell smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Heh... I guess that's true," he admitted with a shrug. "I've always been known for being a bit of a weirdo."

"A bit? Please, you're a certifiable nutcase, my dear boy! But I suppose that's one of your more endearing traits."

Bell laughed softly. "Thanks, I guess... but please continue with your advice."

"All right, listen carefully boy," she began. "Communication. Riveria is strong and independent, but that doesn't mean she doesn't need to feel heard and understood. Talk to her, listen to her, and be honest about your own feelings. A marriage, even a secret one, is built on trust and mutual respect."

Bell nodded resolutely, his eyes shining with determination as he listened intently to Thalara's advice.

"Trust is also vital to maintaining a healthy relationship," Thalara continued. "Riveria has had to keep so much about herself hidden away, especially as an elf. It can't be easy for her to open up completely. In order to truly build intimacy and deepen your connection with her, you need to show her that she can rely on you."

Bell furrowed his brow thoughtfully.

Thalara continued, her tone slightly softer. "Second, support her. Riveria is a high elf, which means she carries a lot of responsibility and expectation. She might seem like she has everything under control, but everyone needs support now and then. Be there for her, in both the big battles and the small, everyday moments."

Bell nodded again.

Thalara sighed and met Bell's gaze evenly. "Lastly, romance. Riveria is a fiercely passionate woman. She might appear cold and aloof to others, but deep down, she yearns for intimacy and connection. Don't let her pride get in the way of showing her how much you love her. Surprise her with spontaneous gifts and gestures, tell her how beautiful she is, make her feel cherished and adored."

Bell laughed nervously. "I'm not really sure what counts as 'romantic'..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Anything can be romantic if you put your heart into it," Thalara replied matter-of-factly. "Dancing in the rain, a walk in the woods, stargazing... You don't have to spend a fortune on expensive jewelry or lavish flowers to make Riveria feel loved. Just find what works for the two of you and go with it."

Bell nodded, taking in Thalara's words carefully. He took a deep breath and stood up from the stone bench, his eyes bright with renewed determination.

"I'll be the best husband to Riveria I can possibly be!"

"Good," Thalara said, her sharp eyes softening a bit. "And finally, remember why you love her. Riveria is more than just a powerful mage or a high elf. She's a person with hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities. Cherish her for who she is, and make sure she knows that you love her unconditionally."

Bell bowed deeply to Thalara, a smile on his face as he thanked her for her advice.

"Oh, and one more thing," Thalara called out after him as he turned to leave. "Make sure to wear protection during your honeymoon!"

"I beg your pardon?" Bell asked, turning around to face Thalara once more.

The priestess smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Oh I forgot, you two are supposed to be having a baby, aren't you? Well forget what I just said. Have all the unprotected sex you want with Riveria!"

Bell flushed beet red and stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over his own feet as he scrambled away from Thalara. "Ggyyyyyyyaaaaahhhh!!! Th-That's not what we're doing at all!"

"Tis' a little joke, boy. I didn't think you would fall for that one. Anyway, off with you now! Run along and be the good husband you've vowed to be!" Thalara waved him off dismissively as she turned back to the flowerbeds, her wry smile barely visible in the shadows cast by the mushroom lanterns. "Don't go spreading it around, but I do have a soft spot for hopeless romantics. Now, go on and be the best husband you can be. And whatever you do, don't mess it up, you little prick. Now feck off, I have some flowers to tend to."

Bell thanked Thalara once more before leaving the garden and making his way back to Riveria's quarters. His heart felt lighter than it had before as he walked with a newfound determination and purpose, eager to start his new life as Riveria's husband.

Thalara sighed and shook her head as she watched Bell Cranel walk away with a new spring in his step.

"I've created a monster," she thought to herself. "Oh well, at least Bell Cranel seems genuinely smitten with Riveria Ljos Alf. Those two dorks will probably have a long and happy marriage together. How curious. Who would have thought that Riveria would marry such a kid?"


Riveria's heart pounded in her chest as she walked back to her chambers, clutching the silky lingerie gown tightly against her body. She had never done anything like this before, and the thought of revealing herself to Bell in such a way made her both nervous and excited.

As she entered the room, she saw Bell sitting on the edge of the bed, his back turned to her. He looked up as she entered, a smile spreading across his face when he saw her.

"Riveria, I was starting to worry -" he began, but his words caught in his throat as he took in her appearance. She stood before him in a sheer white nightgown that clung to her curves in all the right places, showing off her slender figure and generous assets. The lingerie accentuated her long legs and the sensual sway of her hips as she walked towards him.

Bell's face turned red as he stammered and stumbled over his words, unable to tear his eyes away from Riveria's voluptuous form. She had never looked more stunning than she did at that moment, and Bell was powerless against the tide of emotions that flooded his heart as he drank in the sight of her.

Riveria smirked as she watched Bell's reaction, her emerald eyes twinkling with amusement as she toyed with the hem of her gown. She knew that she was driving him wild with desire, and the realization sent a shiver down her spine as she realized how much power she held over him in that moment.

"Riveria...what's happening? Why are you dressed like that? Is this some kind of prank? A dream? Please don't tell me it's a dream." Bell said in a high pitched tone as he jumped up from the bed.

"Bell Cranel, stop your blabbering and make yourself useful," Riveria demanded in a husky voice. Realizing the effect she was having on Bell, couldn't help but smirk as she slowly sauntered towards him. She could see the blush creeping up his cheeks, and the way his eyes roamed over her body, his pupils dilated with desire.

Riveria's cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she nervously adjusted the straps of the sheer lingerie gown, the soft fabric hugging her curves perfectly. "I-Is this... appropriate attire for our wedding night?" she stammered, her voice trembling slightly with uncertainty.

Bell swallowed hard, unable to tear his eyes away from Riveria's flawless body as he nodded mutely.

Riveria felt her cheeks grow hot as she saw the look of shock and amazement on Bell's face. She took a deep breath and slowly let the gown slip from her shoulders, revealing the sexy lingerie she had bought with Zatrona.

Bell's eyes widened as he took in the sight of her, clad in the high cut light pink briefs and matching bra. He stumbled to his feet, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly as he tried to find the words to express his astonishment.

Riveria couldn't help but smile a bit at the boy's reaction to her scandalous ensemble, a rush of confidence and power surging through her as she realized how much she had captivated Bell with just a simple change in clothing.

"B-Bell?" Riveria stammered, feeling suddenly self-conscious under his gaze. "Do you...do you like it?"

Bell snapped out of his trance, his eyes meeting Riveria's emerald gaze. He nodded slowly, his cheeks flushing slightly as he managed to finally find his voice. "You look...incredible..."

Riveria's lips curled into a small smile as she blushed slightly, her heart pounding in her chest. The air between them seemed to crackle with electricity as they gazed at each other, both of them filled with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

"Thank you, Bell," she murmured, her voice soft. "I...I wanted to do something special for you. For us."

Bell swallowed hard and cleared his throat nervously, unable to tear his eyes away from Riveria's gorgeous figure. "It's... It's perfect..." he managed to murmur, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riveria's green eyes sparkled with amusement as she sauntered over to Bell and took his hand in hers, gently tugging him towards the bed. "I've never done this before...so please...be gentle with me."

As they settled down onto the bed together, Riveria felt all of her nervousness and anxiety melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. She knew that she had made the right decision, that this was where she was meant to be.

And as Bell wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, she knew that she had found something truly special, something that she would cherish for the rest of her life.


The dim light of Luminastra's bioluminescent flora cast a soft glow over the small chamber where Bell and Riveria lay together on a makeshift mattress. The secret wedding had brought them closer, their bond deepening with each passing moment. Yet, as they settled down for the night, an unspoken tension hung in the air.

Bell gently wrapped an arm around Riveria, feeling the warmth of her body next to his. He sighed contentedly, but the silence between them was soon broken by the sound of Riveria's quiet sobs. Bell immediately sat up, his heart clenching with worry.

"Riveria, what's wrong?" he asked softly, concern etched on his face.

Riveria turned away, trying to hide her tears, but Bell gently cupped her face, making her look at him. The pain in her emerald eyes was unmistakable.

"Bell, I… I'm so terrible," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I've stolen Ais's first love. I promised to raise Ais as my daughter, to protect and nurture her… But now, I have stolen the man she loves and married him myself without any thought for her feelings at all. I feel like the worst person in the world, Bell.

Bell's heart ached at seeing Riveria in such pain. He knew how deeply she cared for Ais, and he understood the complicated emotions that must be tearing her apart.

He gently stroked Riveria's cheek and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Ais will understand," Bell reassured her. "She may not fully comprehend our union yet, but I'm certain that she'll come around eventually. Ais loves you deeply, and she would never want to see you hurt or upset like this."

Riveria sniffled and buried her face in Bell's chest as he gently wrapped his arms around her.

"And besides, I love you both with all my heart. I haven't given up on my goal on catching up to her, not by a long shot. Ais is special to me, and so are you. I promise we'll figure everything out. We're a family now."

Riveria shook her head, fresh tears streaming down her face. "But Ais… she deserves to be happy. I can't take that away from her..."

Bell kissed Riveria's tears away gently and stroked her hair comfortingly. "You haven't betrayed her. We both decided to go through with this marriage ourselves. We agreed to take the next step together and move forward with our feelings for each other. I'm sure Ais will understand."

Riveria clung to him, her sobs muffled against his chest. "I'm so grateful to you, Bell. You saved Ais from the brink, from the darkness that was consuming her from within. For that, I will always be thankful."

Bell held her tightly, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'll never give up on Ais, Riveria," he whispered softly. "No matter what happens, I'll never stop loving her. Or you."

They fell into a comfortable silence as they embraced each other, finding comfort in each other's warmth.

"I love you, Bell. But the guilt… it's so hard to bear."

"I know," Bell whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "But we'll face it together. We'll find a way to make things right with Ais and everyone else. I promise you. We just need to take it one step at a time."

Riveria looked up at him and smiled weakly. "Thank you, Bell."

Bell wiped away the last of Riveria's tears with the back of his hand and leaned in to press his lips against hers. Riveria's sobs gradually subsided, and Bell continued to hold her, their hearts beating as one.

The secret wedding may have been shrouded in secrecy and marred with guilt, but Riveria found comfort in knowing that no matter what happened, she had found the love of her life and would never be alone again.


"What the blazes was that?"

Bell and Riveria's intimate bonding moment was abruptly shattered by a deafening explosion that rocked the very foundations of Luminastra. Both of them instinctively leapt to their feet and rushed outside the chamber to find out what was going on.

They were greeted by the sight of total pandemonium — the inhabitants of Luminastra were running about in a panic, their cries of terror echoing through the cavernous city.

Screams of terror and the clash of weapons echoed through the corridors, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of Archyad wings buzzing in the air. Bell grabbed his sword and shield, while Riveria summoned her staff, both ready to face the impending danger.

As they rushed out of the chamber, they were met with a scene of utter chaos. Vespyad warriors battled against a swarm of Archyads, their weapons clashing in a desperate attempt to hold back the monstrous invaders. The once-peaceful sanctuary was now a battlefield, with the sickening stench of blood and death permeating the air.

Leading the charge was none other than Tritonova, her eyes gleaming with malice as she commanded her Archyad minions to tear through the Vespyad defenses. The Archyads' regenerative powers made them a formidable force, and the Vespyads struggled to keep them at bay.

Tritonova's laughter echoed through the halls as she watched her minions rampage through the sanctuary, cutting down anyone in their path. She relished the sight of destruction and devastation, reveling in the screams of agony and despair that filled the air.

Zatrona appeared beside them, her face grim as she unleashed a barrage of magic against the invaders. "We must evacuate!" she shouted over the din of battle. "Luminastra has been compromised, and we cannot hold them off much longer!"

"How did Medusa find this place????" Bell wondered aloud.

"Someone has betrayed us! There is no time to lose!" Zatrona warned, her tone urgent. "The safety of the citizens is our top priority!"

They fought their way through the Archyads, rushing towards the main entrance of the city where civilians were gathered in a frantic panic.

"But who? Who could have sold us out?"

"It doesn't matter!" Zatrona yelled as she fended off an attacking Archyad with her halberd. "What matters is that we get everyone out of here safely!"

Bell and Riveria exchanged a look of despair, realizing the gravity of their situation. They fought their way through the horde of Archyads, desperate to reach their companions and find a way out of the besieged city.

As they battled through the chaos, they caught a glimpse of Tritonova, her laughter echoing through the ruins of Luminastra. She fixed her gaze upon Bell and Riveria, a cruel smile playing across her lips.

"Found you, boy," she taunted, her voice dripping with venom. "There is nowhere left for you to run in this realm of ours. Luminastra will fall, and Medusa will have complete dominion over the Dungeon."

Bell gripped his sword tightly, his jaw clenched in defiance as he prepared for another round of combat with the enemy commander. Riveria stood by his side, her staff at the ready as they faced their adversary together.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else, Tritonova!" Bell declared, his voice resolute despite the hopelessness of their situation.

"I'm afraid you're dealing with powers far greater than your tiny mind can imagine, boy." Tritonova replied mockingly as she unfurled her massive wings with a mighty flap.

Bell and Riveria braced themselves as Tritonova launched herself into the air and flew straight towards them, her claws outstretched in a vicious attack. They held their ground, ready to meet the oncoming assault head-on.

As Tritonova descended upon them with frightening speed, Bell and Riveria steeled themselves for the inevitable confrontation. The fate of the Vespyads' secret refuge hung in the balance as they prepared to do battle with one of Medusa's most powerful underlings.

"Well, boy, shall we dance?" Tritonova sneered.

Bell raised his shield, his eyes blazing with determination. "I'm not going down without a fight!" he declared.

Tritonova laughed at the sight of Bell's futile bravery, her cruel voice ringing out across the battlefield. "Then come on, boy! Let us see what you're made of!" she taunted as she swooped in for the kill.

Bell and Riveria stood their ground, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to meet Tritonova's onslaught head-on. The fate of Luminastra and its citizens rested on their shoulders as they stared down one of Medusa's most formidable lieutenants.

The battle had begun...


Bell charged at Tritonova, his sword flashing with deadly precision as he cut through the air with a flurry of slashes. Riveria stood behind him, her staff held high as she began chanting her spells. Her voice rang out clear and strong, invoking the power of ancient elven magic.

"…Blizzard, the three severe winters - my name is Alf! Wynn Fimbulvetr!!!"

A wintry, glacial blizzard erupted from her staff, hurtling towards Tritonova and forcing the monstrous commander to dodge and weave. This gave Bell the opportunity to launch a series of quick, brutal strikes aimed at disabling her wings. However, Tritonova proved too wily for Bell's attack, dodging each slash with ease before counterattacking with a swipe of her razor-sharp claws. She easily kept Bell on the defensive as he struggled to keep up with her relentless assault.

Riveria's eyes glowed with determination as she cast a protective barrier around Bell. "Via Shilheim!," she intoned, and a shimmering shield enveloped him, deflecting Tritonova's deadly strikes. Riveria then conjured a powerful fire spell, "Rea Leaveteinn!" Flames roared to life and surged towards Tritonova, driving her back and giving Bell a much-needed reprieve.

Tritonova hissed with fury as she realized that Riveria's magic was more than a match for her own, her eyes glowing with hatred as she glared at the elven mage. Bell used the opportunity to launch another series of attacks against Tritonova, but this time the Archyad was prepared. Her claws slashed across Bell's chest before he could react. He fell to the ground in pain, clutching at the deep gashes in his chest as he tried to staunch the flow of blood.

Riveria rushed to his aid, her hands glowing with healing magic. "Heill kjarr!" she commanded, and Bell's wounds began to close, his strength slowly returning. They would have to finish this battle quickly if they were going to save the remaining Vespyads and escape Luminastra before it was completely overrun by Archyads.

Tritonova charged towards them with frightening speed, her claws slashing through the air as she sought to cut them down once and for all. Bell and Riveria stood their ground, determined to fight until their last breath if necessary.

With a mighty swing of his sword, Bell clashed against Tritonova's claws in a display of pure strength and willpower, his muscles straining against the power of his adversary. Riveria's barrier magic protected them both as they engaged in a furious battle for survival against one of Medusa's most ruthless commanders.

Time seemed to slow down as Bell and Riveria fought against all odds, their bodies moving in perfect synchronicity as they sought to protect each other from Tritonova's deadly blows.

Tritonova glared at Riveria and Bell, her eyes burning with hatred as she prepared to renew her attack. She knew that they couldn't keep this up forever, and she was determined to use that weakness against them. As they struggled to regain their footing, Tritonova advanced upon them, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

Around them, the Vespyads fought desperately against the swarm of Archyads, but their numbers were dwindling rapidly. The once-beautiful sanctuary was now a scene of destruction and chaos, with bodies strewn across the ground and the sounds of battle echoing through the air.

Zatrona appeared beside Bell and Riveria, her face streaked with blood and grime as she helped them to their feet. "We cannot hold them off much longer," she panted, her voice strained with exhaustion. "We must retreat and regroup before it's too late."

Zatrona's eyes flashed with urgency as she turned to Bell and Riveria. "You must combine your powers using the Rings of Solarnarae and Lunararae!" she shouted over the din of battle. "It's our only hope of turning the tide against these monstrous invaders!"

Bell and Riveria exchanged a determined look, nodding in agreement. They clasped hands, their fingers intertwining as they focused their energy into the ancient rings that adorned their fingers. The rings began to glow with an otherworldly light, pulsing with power as they resonated with each other.

Bell raised his free hand, channeling the fiery energy of the Solarnarae Ring into a massive pillar of flames that erupted from the ground, engulfing a group of Archyads in a searing inferno. However, the Fire Pillar was highly unstable, and Bell struggled to control its immense power. The flames flickered and danced erratically, threatening to consume everything in their path.

Riveria, sensing Bell's difficulty, tightened her grip on his hand and focused her own power through the Lunararae Ring. A blast of icy energy surged forth from her outstretched palm, coalescing into a massive Icebolt that hurtled towards the Archyads with devastating force. The bolt struck true, freezing the monstrous creatures in place and shattering them into countless icy shards.

Together, Bell and Riveria unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks upon the Archyad horde, their powers intertwining and amplifying each other with each passing moment. The Fire Pillar, though unstable, burned through the enemy ranks, while the Icebolt froze and shattered any Archyads that managed to evade the searing flames.

But Bell's Mind was already depleting rapidly.

Tritonova, sensing this, let out a shriek of rage and launched herself at Bell and Riveria, her claws extended in a vicious attack.

Bell gritted his teeth, his grip tightening on his sword as he glared at Tritonova. "We can't just abandon Luminastra," he argued with dogged heroism. "These people need our help!"

Riveria placed a hand on his shoulder, her expression grim. "Bell, we're outnumbered and outmatched," she said softly, hating the words that came from her lips. "There's nothing more we can do. We must escape while we still have the chance."

"But what about Ais-san and everyone?" Bell protested.

"They'll find a way to survive! Trust me!" Riveria's eyes widened when she saw the Archyads swarming towards them with a terrifying screech. "Goddess damn it all to hell! We must flee, NOW!"

"Sorry," Bell said ruefully, shaking his head and readying his blade once more. "I can't leave them behind, not after everything we've been through together."

Riveria gritted her teeth as she stood by Bell's side, ready to fight once more against Tritonova's overwhelming forces.

"Leaving so soon, boy?" Tritonova's scornful laughter filled the air as she spread her massive wings wide, ready to strike them down with another devastating attack. "I cannot fathom why my mistress has taken such an interest in you. You're just the runt of the litter of a family of inbred, albino rabbits, cultivated to be snake food."

Bell stood his ground, his weapon raised as he prepared to meet the oncoming assault head-on. "Medusa can choke on my tail and die," he growled, his voice filled with steely resolve.

Tritonova chuckled, a wicked glint in her eyes as she swept down upon Bell and Riveria, her claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. "Very well," she hissed. "When my mistress asks me why you're dead, I can just say I was provoked."

Bell and Riveria charged at Tritonova, their weapons raised in a desperate attempt to defend themselves against her lethal blows. As they fought against her overwhelming power, Zatrona desperately rallied the remaining Vespyad warriors to make their escape from Luminastra.

The battle raged on, with Bell and Riveria locked in a desperate struggle against Tritonova's superior might. She swatted their weapons away easily, laughing at their futile attempts to defend themselves against her.

As they tried to rally their strength and mount another attack, the ground beneath them suddenly trembled violently, sending them reeling backwards. They struggled to maintain their balance as the stone floor cracked open, a massive chasm spreading across Luminastra's cavernous expanse.

Bell and Riveria watched in horror as the once-stable cavern walls began to collapse in on themselves, the roof crumbling under the strain of the Archyads' destructive powers.

Through the smoke and debris, they could see the entrance to Luminastra collapsing, the once-grand archway crumbling to dust as the Archyads swarmed through the opening. The Vespyads' screams of terror filled the air as they were overwhelmed by the horde of monsters, their weapons useless against the regenerative powers of the Archyads.

Zatrona stumbled over to Bell and Riveria, her face covered in dust and blood as she coughed through the rubble. "Bell! Riveria! I'll hold them off, get out of here now!" she choked out, her voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction.

"No, I'll help you—" Bell began.

"Get out of here!" Zatrona cut in sharply, her eyes flashing with determination. "Take Riveria and escape while you still can! My sisters and I will hold them off as long as possible."

Bell hesitated, but Riveria grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away from the collapsing ruin of Luminastra. As they escaped from the fallen city, they could hear Zatrona's voice ring out above the chaos: "For the Vespyads! For Luminastra!"

The Archyads descended upon Zatrona and her fellow Vespyads in a ferocious wave of death and destruction, their weapons cutting through flesh and bone with ease.

Bell and Riveria watched in horror as Luminastra fell, their hearts sinking with the realization that they had failed to protect the Vespyads' sanctuary. Tritonova's laughter echoed through the ruins, her victory all but assured as she stood triumphant amidst the chaos and destruction.


Zatrona struggled against the iron grip of the Archyads as they dragged her and the surviving Vespyads through the ruins of Luminastra. The once-peaceful sanctuary was now a smoldering wasteland, the bodies of the fallen littering the ground as the Archyads herded their captives towards an unknown fate.

Bell and Riveria watched helplessly as their allies were taken away, their own bodies battered and bruised from the fierce battle. They had fought valiantly, but in the end, Medusa's forces had proven too strong, and they had been forced to retreat, leaving the Vespyads to their fate.

As the Archyads led their prisoners through the winding tunnels of the Dungeon, Zatrona caught a glimpse of a familiar figure waiting for them at the end of the path. Medusa stood tall and regal, her serpentine hair writhing around her head as she surveyed the captured Vespyads with a cruel smile.

But with a closer look, it was apparent that she wasn't physically there. It was an astral projection, an avatar she had crafted.

"Bring them over here," she commanded, her voice echoing through the cavern.

The Archyads obeyed, dragging Zatrona and the others before their dark mistress. Medusa's eyes gleamed with malice as she looked down upon her prisoners, her lips curling into a sneer.

"Zatrona, Princess of the Vespyads... look at you now. How far you have fallen."

Zatrona met Medusa's gaze defiantly, her own eyes blazing with anger and resentment. "We will never yield to you!" she spat. "You may have taken Luminastra from us, but you will never break our spirit! The Vespyads will never bow to your tyranny!"

Medusa threw back her head and laughed, the sound sending chills down the spines of the captured Vespyads. "It's not a question of 'if', but 'when'," she said, her voice filled with cruel amusement. "I have very special plans for you and your kind. I cannot wait to show you."

She turned to the Archyads, her eyes flashing with power. "This is my decree," she declared, her voice ringing through the cavern. "All Vespyads will henceforth be turned into Archyads. No exceptions. Spare none of them. From this day forth, the Vespyads will cease to exist."

"Never!!" One brave Vespyad cried out in defiance. "We would rather die than become your puppets! We'll fight until our last breath!"

Medusa looked at the dauntless Vespyad without expression. She paused. And then she spoke, her voice without a hint of warmth or mercy.

"Destroy this one."

"Noooo!!!" The Vespyad screamed as an Archyad closed in on her, its claws slicing through her flesh. Blood poured from her wounds as she fell to the ground, her screams echoing through the cavern. The other Vespyads watched in horror as their comrade was brutally slain before their eyes, their faces pale with terror.

Medusa's cold smile never wavered as she gazed down at them, her eyes filled with sadistic pleasure.

"My dear Vespyads, your nightmare is only just beginning. A nightmare that you can never wake up from. And soon, you will share this nightmare with the rest of the world."

The Vespyads let out cries of horror and despair, their faces filled with fear at the thought of being transformed into the very monsters they had fought against for so long. Their nightmares were only just beginning...

Zatrona gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, her eyes burning with hatred as she glared at Medusa. "I swear on the Goddess's name that we will free ourselves from your grasp," she vowed.

Medusa laughed again, the sound reverberating through the cavern like thunder. "I don't think you're in much of position to swear anything. Before long, you won't even be yourself."

With a flick of her wrist, Medusa dismissed the Archyads, who dragged the Vespyads deeper into the Dungeon, their screams of anguish fading into the darkness. Zatrona's last sight before she was lost from view was of Medusa's cruel smile, the face of their sworn enemy staring back at them from every direction.