
Danmachi: My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen

Synopsis: In this untold romantic epic, Riveria Ljos Alf's interest in Bell Cranel shifts from academic to romantic, transforming her from a stuffy executive to a lovestruck elf maiden. But the entire world's fate depends on her bond with Bell Cranel: the ancient monster Medusa has been reborn as the Xenos Demon Lord and threatens to engulf the world in darkness. Riveria and Bell, and the so-called Wives of Bell Cranel, must clear Medusa's Fortress of Nightmares, Cor Vilgium, and save the world. But what sacrifices will they have to make?

C_Jones_6669 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

The Wedding of Riveria Ljos Alf-Cranel

Zatrona smiled warmly as she approached Bell and Riveria. "Greetings Bell, Riveria. I have a proposition for the both of you," she said, her voice filled with an air of intrigue.

Bell raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the princess's unexpected visit. "A proposition?" he asked, glancing over at Riveria who seemed equally perplexed.

Riveria folded her arms, her emerald eyes narrowing slightly as she regarded Zatrona with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "What exactly do you have in mind, Princess Zatrona?"

The Vespyad princess clasped her hands together, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she dropped the bombshell. "To put it simply, how do you feel about the two of you getting married?" she asked, her tone light and playful.

Bell's jaw dropped, his face turning a shade of crimson as he sputtered, "Excuse me? M-Married?!"

Riveria, usually the picture of composure, found herself flustered by the sudden suggestion. "Don't be absurd, Princess Zatrona. There's no way we-" she began, but was quickly interrupted.

Zatrona held up a hand, her expression growing more serious. "The rings Solarnarae and Lunarae will only work to their full potential when the wielders are married. It's not as if you can use them in an engaged state," she explained, her voice taking on a more authoritative tone.

Bell blinked, his mind reeling from the revelation. "Um... What? I don't understand," he managed to say, looking to Riveria for guidance.

Zatrona nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "I see. The two of you don't know the full extent of the rings' power," she mused, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

Riveria, her brow furrowed in concentration, spoke up. "If this is true, then we'll need to learn more about them before we can agree to anything," she said firmly, her eyes meeting Zatrona's.

The princess clapped her hands together, her smile widening. "I figured as much. How about we chat over dinner tonight? I'll bring some texts for you to read," she suggested, her tone friendly and inviting.

Bell, still reeling from the shock, found himself nodding. "Sure, that sounds great," he said, his voice slightly dazed.

Zatrona's eyes sparkled with delight. "Wonderful! Then it's a date!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.

Bell's eyes widened, his face turning an even deeper shade of red. "W-Wait, a date?!" he stammered, his heart pounding in his chest.

Riveria shot Zatrona a suspicious look, her eyes narrowing. "Zatrona, what are you playing at?" she demanded, her tone sharp and accusatory.

The princess merely giggled, waving off their concerns. "You two love each other very much, don't you? This is just the next step in your relationship," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness.

Bell let out a strangled noise, his face now resembling a tomato. "G-Gah!" he choked out, unable to form a coherent sentence.

Riveria, her own cheeks tinged with pink, shook her head vehemently. "W-We'll need to discuss this amongst ourselves," she said, her voice slightly shaky.

Zatrona merely shrugged, a coy smile playing on her lips. "Oh, don't worry. I understand completely. Feel free to talk it over. The end result will be the same regardless," she said, her tone light and teasing.

Bell swallowed hard, his mind racing. "Is that so...?" he asked weakly, glancing over at Riveria for support.

Riveria, her eyes blazing with determination, stood her ground. "No! Nothing is set in stone! There's no way we're marrying each other!" she declared, her voice ringing out with finality.

Zatrona merely laughed, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Tee-hee! You two are so adorable! Anyway, I'll see you later. Enjoy the rest of your date!" she said, giving them a playful wink before turning and walking away, leaving the stunned couple to ponder the implications of her words.

Bell shifted nervously, his eyes darting between Riveria and the ground. "Riveria-sama... y-you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to. I mean, marriage is a big step and all..." he trailed off, his face flushing slightly.

Riveria sighed, her expression softening as she regarded the flustered boy. "Bell Cranel, this is simply necessity, for the sake of the world. And... w-when it comes down to it..." She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "it doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, does it? Being married to each other?"

"Huh?" Bell's head snapped up, his eyes wide with surprise at her words.

"When Zatrona said we love each other... she was right. This won't change that," Riveria said gently, a small smile gracing her lips. "Our feelings for one another will remain the same, regardless of any official titles or ceremonies."

"Y-Yeah, I suppose you're right," Bell agreed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Riveria's brow furrowed slightly as she noticed his still-worried expression. "Could you not look so concerned? If we were getting married in reality, I wouldn't force you into this, you know. I respect your choices and feelings above all else."

"I don't think you're forcing me into anything, Riveria-sama. I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable about it or like you have to do this," Bell explained earnestly, his red eyes meeting her green ones.

"Really? There's no reason to be worried about me. In fact, I'm the one who should be concerned about you," Riveria countered, her tone growing more serious. "Bell Cranel, if you would prefer it, I'd be fine with you marrying Aiz instead. She loves you, after all, and I know how much you care for her as well."

Bell's cheeks reddened further at the mention of the beautiful blonde swordswoman. "Um... i-it's fine. I'm okay with marrying you, Riveria-sama," he managed to stammer out, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Can you say the same thing when she comes along? And make sure to tell her honestly if you truly have doubts about this," Riveria pressed, wanting to ensure that Bell was making this decision for the right reasons and not just out of a sense of obligation or guilt.

"I... yeah... I will," Bell promised, his voice growing slightly more confident. "I'll talk to Aiz and sort out my feelings properly. But I do want you to know that I care about you too, Riveria-sama. A lot."

Riveria's expression softened once more at his sincere words. "I know, Bell. I care about you too," she said warmly. "Anyway, I have some matters to attend to. We'll talk more about this later, alright? Take some time to really think things through."

With a final reassuring smile, the elven mage turned and walked away, leaving Bell alone with his swirling thoughts and emotions about the impending marriage and his relationships with the two most important women in his life.

The Vespyad city, Luminastra, was bustling with activity, preparing for the hastily arranged wedding. The secret chamber was being prepared for a very special occasion of the utmost secrecy, ornamented with luminescent flora and glistening garnishes. The princess of the Vespyads, Zatrona, had suddenly proposed marriage between Bell and Riveria, much to their bewilderment.

As he reflected on Zatrona's words and their implications for him and his future wide, Bell's heart skipped a beat, but he did not know whether this was nervousness or happiness. "The rings Solarnarae and Lunarae will only work to their full potential if their wielders are married," she had explained. "Because Riveria is a high elf, her marrying a human would be seen as sacrilege. Therefore, you must marry in secret, here in Luminastra."

Zatrona's words had hit them like a bombshell. The lofty bearing the usually composed demeanor of Riveria Ljos Alf had been reduced to delirious hand wringing. In her comparatively long life to humans, she had never experienced romance and marriage before, and now they were suddenly on the table. But she knew she had a duty to fulfill, no matter how uncomfortable it made her feel, she would have to set those feelings aside.

Zatrona: "First things first, you two have to look the part. Now, Riveria, take off all your clothes save for your underwear, and we can get some measurements for my personal seamstress."

Bell's eyes widened in shock. "Eh!?"

Riveria's face flushed a deep crimson. "W-What the hell are you saying?"

Zatrona waved her hand dismissively. "We can't have you married in your current attire, yes? We have to find the appropriate wedding dress. So strip down to your bra and panties, and you get undressed too, Bell."

Bell stammered, his cheeks burning. "S-Strip down?!"

Riveria crossed her arms over her chest, her voice rising in indignation. "I'm not going to have others see me in such a state!"

Zatrona's lips curved into a mischievous smile. "If you don't do it yourself, then I'll have some of my maids help you along the way. Now be a good bride and undress so we can get this over with."

Riveria sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping in resignation. "Dear me... Bell Cranel, avert your eyes."

Bell quickly turned his back, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yes, ma'am!"

As the sound of rustling fabric filled the room, Riveria spoke up, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "Surely my undershirt will suffice? Can I leave it on?"

Zatrona clicked her tongue in disapproval. "Only half naked? You're such a prude, Nine Hell."

Riveria lifted her chin defiantly. "Prudishness is a badge of honor. The sanctity and chastity of the elves must be preserved. As someone who has inherited the blood of Queen Celdia's kin, it is my duty to keep it alive."

Zatrona rolled her eyes. "It's not like we're gonna do anything naughty to you. But fine, keep it on." She turned her attention to the fidgeting boy. "And what are you waiting for, Bell Cranel?"

Bell's eyes widened in surprise. "Eh? M-Me?!"

Zatrona nodded impatiently. "Do you think you'd make an acceptable groom as you are now? No? Then chop chop, you can't get married looking like a bum."

Bell glanced around the room nervously. "C-Could I borrow a changing room?"

Zatrona tilted her head in confusion. "Changing room? What are those?"

Bell scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "W-Well, there's a place where you could go and change your clothes..."

Zatrona waved her hand dismissively. "What's the point? You people have odd customs."

Bell's heart sank. "Then, does that mean...?"

Zatrona grinned wickedly. "We Vespyads have no concept of privacy or chastity. As long as there's no sexual assault or harassment involved, showing a little skin isn't a problem. So take those clothes off and let's measure you up."

Bell's face turned a deep shade of red. "B-But I'm not too keen about..."

Zatrona leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "Tease, aren't you? Aren't you going to show your bride what's beneath all that fabric, sooner or later?"

Bell let out a strangled cry. "Gaah!"

Zatrona continued, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Alone together in bed, and undressing each other. Spending intimate moments and nights of passion, embracing each other in the dark... What an exciting prospect."

Riveria's face contorted in a mixture of embarrassment and anger, one eye twitching. "Sacrilege! The depravity and pervertedness of you Vespyads knows no bounds! This is the most humiliating day of my life!"

Zatrona chuckled softly. "This is about to be the most important day in your life. I'm just trying to make it perfect, Nine Hell. Lighten up."

Riveria huffed indignantly. "Nobody was talking to you."

Bell's voice trembled as he spoke. "S-So I should strip, too...?"

Zatrona nodded emphatically. "Concerned about showing your bride the goods early, Bell Cranel? Of course you need to strip, we need precise measurements for your outfit."

Bell's shoulders slumped in defeat. "But we're getting married in a secret ceremony... It doesn't need to be that formal..."

Zatrona's expression softened. "Believe me, when you look back on this day, you will cherish these outfits."

Riveria sighed heavily, her resistance crumbling. "Fine... In these circumstances, I suppose exceptions can be made. I don't approve, you know."

Zatrona clapped her hands together gleefully. "My seamstress will take your measurements and I will provide the rings."

With a great deal of reluctance and embarrassment, Bell and Riveria slowly undressed down to their underwear, their faces flushed and eyes averted. Zatrona's servants flitted about them, taking precise measurements while Riveria grumbled under her breath, her discomfort palpable.

Bell shifted awkwardly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't really know how to feel about this..."

Riveria nodded in agreement, her expression grim. "Neither do I..."

Zatrona smiled reassuringly. "A fitting ceremony like this is necessary for the ritual, I assure you. Trust me, it will all be worth it in the end."

"Goodness me, Riveria-sama! Your breasts are gigantic!" One of the miads exclaimed.

Bell let out a strangled cry and covered his face in his hands, his face flushing even more. "Gyah!"

Riveria glared at the maid indignantly, her brow furrowing in anger. "You insolent maid! Hmph!"

The Vespyad Princess chuckled softly at their reactions, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Such a couple of prudes. You do know that you two are going to have sex at some point, don't you?"

Bell squeaked in mortification and hid behind Riveria in a feeble attempt to shield himself from Zatrona's scrutiny. "S-S-Sex?!"

Riveria gritted her teeth, her face turning crimson as she met Zatrona's gaze. "This is improper and shameful! Do not say such obscene things, Princess Zatrona!" She said with one eye closed.

Bell squeaked in horror, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Eh?! Sex?!"

Zatrona gave Riveria a sly look. "Well, in order to produce your future daughter for the world, you two need to consummate your marriage. Or do you intend to adopt an orphan?"

Riveria huffed indignantly, her gaze defiant. "I-I will not be dictated by vulgar thoughts like that!"

Bell sputtered in disbelief. "Se...x..."

Riveria's face reddened even more as she noticed his flustered expression. "D-Don't look at me like that!"

Bell yelped in surprise and looked away in embarrassment.

As the servants finished their work and Bell and Riveria hastily redressed, an air of uncertainty and anticipation hung heavy in the room. The secret wedding ceremony loomed before them, a momentous occasion that would change their lives forever, for better or for worse.

The secret ceremony was a rather simple one, with few decorations and only a handful of witnesses present. Bell and Riveria stood before the altar in the elaborately decorated chamber, exchanging nervous glances as they waited for the ceremony to begin.

Bell Cranel stood in the softly lit chamber of Luminastra, his appearance a striking blend of elegance and simplicity that suited his character perfectly. His usual adventurer's garb had been replaced with an ensemble befitting the gravity and secrecy of the occasion.

Bell wore a tailored midnight blue silk suit with silver embroidery, a white dress shirt with a silver crescent moon brooch, and an emerald green tie. His trousers matched the jacket, and he wore polished black leather boots with silver buckles. His white hair was neatly combed, and his red eyes shone with nervousness and determination, symbolizing the union of two worlds.

Bell stole a glance at Riveria, her jade eyes shimmering in the soft luminescence of the surrounding flowers. She was a vision of radiant beauty, her customary mage gear swapped for a simple yet exquisite dress that highlighted her ethereal grace. The flowing fabric draped elegantly over her lithe form, accentuating her delicate curves and the flawless porcelain of her skin. Her flowing green hair cascaded down her back in a silken waterfall, the radiance of her locks rivaling that of the luminous flowers that adorned the chamber.

Riveria met his gaze, her lips curving into a faint smile as she spoke softly. "Bell Cranel..."

Bell blushed, his heart racing at the sound of his name falling from her lips. "Y-Yes...?"

Riveria took a deep breath, her voice tinged with a slight nervousness.

"...How do I look?" she asked, gesturing to the ornate dress that encased her body.

Bell's blush deepened, his voice slightly hoarse as he replied. "You look beautiful..."

Riveria's smile widened at his compliment, her jade eyes sparkling with warmth and gratitude.

"I mean, you always look beautiful, but you look more beautiful than ever, Riveria-sama." Bell stammered, his face growing even redder.

"Thank you," Riveria said softly, her smile widening as she gazed at him with admiration. "You look rather handsome yourself."

Bell rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Really...? You think so...?"

Riveria nodded, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, you're quite dashing in that suit. It suits you," she quipped, the corner of her mouth lifting slightly.

Bell couldn't help but grin in response, feeling his confidence rise at her words. He cleared his throat, his voice becoming more steady as he spoke once more. "Th-Thank you..."

He turned his attention to the waiting priestess at the altar, clearing his throat once more before speaking the words of the traditional vows, his voice clear and strong.

"Ahem, are you lovebirds done being all lovely-dovey? I haven't got all day, you know."

The Vespyad priestess, a short and sardonic figure named Thalara, stood before them, her feet tapping with impatience. "Let's get this over with," she muttered, rolling her eyes.

Bell swallowed hard, his gaze drifting to the ornate rings in Thalara's hands.

Riveria nodded slowly, her brow furrowing with determination as she responded in kind.

"Th-Then... let us be wed."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," Thalara sneered. "I hate weddings. Better get a big fat paycheck for this."

Zatrona was grinning ear to ear, clasping her hands together gleefully as she watched the couple exchange their vows. "Oh, this is so exciting! I've never seen a wedding between a human and a high elf before!"

"Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate," Thalara grumbled. "Okay, first thing's first..."

Bell and Riveria exchanged nervous glances, both stifling smiles at Thalara's blunt demeanor. She cleared her throat and began the ceremony in a perfunctory tone. "By the ancient rites of the Vespyads, under the witness of the spirits of Luminastra, I hereby join Bell Cranel and Riveria Ljos Alf in matrimony. May the rings of Solarnarae and Lunarae bind your souls and enhance your powers."

She paused, looking at them expectantly. "Well, go on. Exchange the rings."

Bell took Riveria's hand, his fingers trembling slightly. As he tried to slide the ring onto her finger, his anxiety got the better of him, fumbling the ring and dropping it on the floor.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Thalara cussed. "I don't have time for this shit."

Bell, red-faced, hastily picked up the ring and slid it onto Riveria's elongated ring finger.

Riveria, her hands steady despite her nerves, did the same, placing the ring of Lunarae on Bell's finger. The rings glowed softly, their magic intertwining and creating a palpable bond between them.

Thalara continued, her tone still impatient. "Do you, Bell Cranel, take Riveria Ljos Alf to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, rich or poor, until death do you part?"

Bell swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. He glanced at Riveria, her jade eyes gazing into his with an intensity that nearly took his breath away.

"I... I do."

"And do you, Riveria Ljos Alf, take Bell Cranel to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, rich or poor, until death do you part?" Thalara asked, giving Riveria a pointed look.

Riveria closed her eyes briefly, a faint smile gracing her lips. She looked at Bell once more, her expression resolute as she spoke the words that sealed their union.

"I do."

Thalara huffed, her eyes narrowing as she finished the ceremony with a brisk tone. "Right. By the power vested in me by the kingdom of Luminastra, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Great, you're married. You may now kiss the bride or whatever."

"K-K-K-Kiss? What are you saying?! Isn't it a bit early for that?!" Bell stuttered, his heart hammering in his chest.

Thalara sighed heavily in exasperation. "Look, my contract says I gotta finish this wedding ceremony or I don't get paid. So just kiss and get it over with."

"C-Can't we skip this part? W-We just got married... We should spend some time together and get to know each other more first..." Riveria pleaded, her cheeks dusted pink.

Zatrona shook her head vehemently, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Absolutely not! A wedding isn't a wedding without a kiss! And I can tell you've kissed before! I'm no virgin myself. I've laid with hundreds of men."

"Y-You have?!" Riveria stammered, her eyes widening in surprise.

Zatrona nodded proudly, puffing out her chest. "Indeed!

"Gyah!" Riveria shrieked, her face reddening further.

Zatrona's eyes widened in realization as she clapped her hands together gleefully. "Oh! Speaking of kissing...! It's time for your first kiss as husband and wife!"

Riveria swallowed hard, her pulse quickening as she looked at Bell uncertainly. "I... I suppose we should do as Zatrona says," she mumbled, avoiding his gaze.

"This is the most awkward moment of my life!" Bell groaned, hiding his face in his hands in embarrassment.

"Get on with it!" Thalara exclaimed, her already tenuous patience wearing dangerously thin. "What's the big deal? This obviously ain't the first time you two have kissed."

"B-B-But.... not in front of everyone! That's too embarrassing!" Bell wailed.

"Stop your whining and get on with it already!" Thalara snapped. "Don't make me force you."

Bell and Riveria looked at each other, both clearly conflicted about the situation. "W-Well... If this is what the wedding requires... " Riveria sighed heavily before continuing. "Fine, but this is a one-time thing."

Bell leaned in, and their lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss that quickly grew more confident. In that moment, all thoughts of the witnesses surrounding them melted away as they lost themselves in each other, their hearts and souls bound together as one by the rings of Solarnare and Lunareae.

"It's about time," Thalara grumbled, rolling her eyes.

As they pulled apart, Thalara gave them a sardonic smile. "Congratulations, newlyweds. Yay, I guess. Now piss off and leave me in peace, I hate weddings."

With that, she fluttered away, leaving Bell and Riveria alone in the softly lit chamber. They stood there for a moment, absorbing the reality of what had just happened. They were married, their union a secret but powerful bond that would strengthen their resolve in the battles to come.

Bell gave Riveria a shy smile, his face tinged with red as he spoke the words that seemed so foreign yet so right. "...Wife..."

Riveria returned his smile, her cheeks flushed with warmth as she replied, "Husband..."

Their hands entwined, their fingers interlocking in a physical expression of their newfound commitment to each other. Their hearts beat as one, and their future lay before them, filled with uncertainties yet filled with hope and promise.

The secret ceremony had cemented their bond, and their power would grow stronger with every passing day as they forged new memories and shared new experiences. Together, they would fight for what was right and true, bringing light to the darkness and hope to those in need.

Zatrona grinned impishly as she regarded the newlywed couple. "Congrats, you are now Mr. and Mrs. Cranel. I have a bed prepared for you, where you can both... do your thing..." she said, giggling suggestively with a knowing wink.

Bell's face flushed crimson as he sputtered in embarrassment. "Hah! What are you talking about?"

Zatrona raised an eyebrow, her smile growing wider. "Don't tell me you're gonna sleep separately on your wedding night of all nights."

Bell shuffled his feet, looking anywhere but at Riveria. "But we're not husband and wife in real life..."

Zatrona clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Hmph. Your purity is endearing. Still, since it's your wedding night, at least do something fun, you know? Be intimate. You'll get to know each other's bodies and bring forth your spirit power through pleasure," she explained, flashing a mischievous smile that made Bell's blush deepen. "And don't worry about privacy, I've given you a room with soundproof walls, so you can be as loud as you want."

Riveria's eyes flashed with indignation as she drew herself up to her full height. "We will NOT engage in such unbecoming behavior! How dare you make such vulgar suggestions?" she snapped, her voice sharp with reproach.

Zatrona remained unfazed, her grin turning sly. "If you can't do it naturally, then you can use aphrodisiacs to help with that. I have some very potent elixirs that are guaranteed to get you in the mood..."

Riveria threw up her hands in exasperation, her cheeks stained pink. "Ugh... we're done discussing this. Come, Bell, let us retire for the evening."

Bell nodded vigorously, eager to escape the uncomfortable conversation. "Uh... let's just go to our room to rest," he mumbled, studiously avoiding Zatrona's amused gaze.

With that, Bell and Riveria left Zatrona giggling behind them as she waved goodbye, calling out salacious suggestions that made their ears burn. They quickly made their way to the chambers where they would be staying for the night. As the door closed behind them, they sat on the bed, an awkward silence stretching between them as they pointedly looked anywhere but at each other, both of their faces flushed with embarrassment at the implications of their wedding night.

But unbeknownst to Bell, Riveria, and Zatrona, the serene peace of Luminastra was not as secure as they believed. Among the Vespyads, a spy lurked in the shadows, feeding vital information back to Medusa's forces. This spy, cloaked in the guise of a loyal Vespyad, had infiltrated their ranks with a singular purpose: to find the location of the hidden Vespyad city of Luminastra, the last free space in the Dungeon. The traitor moved with calculated precision, carefully gathering intelligence while maintaining their cover. No one suspected anything, not even Zatrona who was the head of the Vespyads and the most powerful among them. But one thing was certain; as long as the spy was within Luminastra's walls, there was no telling how much damage could be done, or if the secluded city would remain standing for much longer.

The spy listened intently to whispered conversations, memorized guard rotations and defensive positions, and mapped out the city's layout in meticulous detail. With each passing day, the spy grew closer to uncovering Luminastra's most closely guarded secrets, all while the unsuspecting Vespyads carried on with their lives, oblivious to the danger that lurked within their midst. But soon, Medusa would strike, using the knowledge she had gathered from her spy to bring down Luminastra from within and ensure Medusa's victory once and for all.

"I have located the boy," the spy whispered into a magic item, their voice a sibilant hiss in the darkness. "He is here, in Luminastra, with Ljos Alf"

Medusa smiled, her lips curling in cruel satisfaction at the news. "Excellent... We can finally put our plan into motion."

The spy nodded, their face obscured by a dark hood. "Yes..."

"So, Zatrona, you thought you could hide from me. There is no place you can hide in my dominion. At last, I have found your hidden city, which won't remain hidden any longer. It soon won't even exist at all."

The spy turned away, their face hidden by the shadowy recesses of their hood. "What are your orders, my queen?"

Medusa leaned forward, her serpentine features twisting into a cruel smile. "Observe the movements of the boy and Ljos Alf vigilantly. And as for the Vespyads, find out all that you can about their plans, their strengths, their weaknesses. That information will be of utmost importance in the very near future. Consider these to be the last days of Luminastra's existence."

"As you wish, my queen," the spy said with a nod before turning and vanishing into the shadows. Medusa let out a hiss of amusement, her eyes glinting with malice as she watched the spy depart,her mind already racing with dark schemes and twisted machinations. She would have her revenge on the boy who had dared to spurn her, and the high elf who had captured his heart. Soon, the blood of Luminastra would stain her claws and the boy would be hers, his fate sealed in death or submission.


In the chambers they shared, Bell and Riveria lay side by side, their bodies tense with the weight of their newfound bond. The air between them was thick with unspoken emotions, a heady mixture of nervousness, excitement, and something deeper, more primal.

Bell swallowed hard, his heart hammering in his chest as he turned to face Riveria. "S-So... we're married now," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riveria nodded slowly, her jade eyes shimmering in the soft light of the room. "Yes... we are," she replied, her own voice trembling slightly.

They lay there for a moment, neither quite sure what to say or do next. The weight of their union hung heavy in the air, a palpable presence that seemed to draw them closer, even as it filled them with trepidation.

Finally, Bell reached out, his hand tentatively brushing against Riveria's. She started at his touch, but did not pull away, her fingers slowly entwining with his own.

"I... I'm glad it's you," Bell whispered, his eyes searching hers for some sign of reciprocation. "I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else."

Riveria's lips curved into a faint smile, her hand tightening around his. "I feel the same," she murmured, her voice soft and warm. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together."


"Do you think those two are doing the deed?" Zatrona whispered to the royal guard hovering above her bed, a lewd smile spreading across her face.

"Perhaps they are merely sleeping."

Zatrona chuckled softly. "Sleeping? On their wedding night? What a bunch of spoilsports. No wonder the elven race is so endangered. Tsk tsk."

"You must be tired after the grand ceremony. Rest now, Your Highness."

Zatrona sighed wistfully, lying down on her plush bed and gazing at the starry sky. "If only I had a lover to snuggle with..." she lamented. "Well, at least those two are getting to cuddle together."

"Would you have liked to sink your talons into that boy? Bell Cranel?"

"He's so pure and innocent! It would have been such a delight to corrupt him," Zatrona said mischievously. "He's a virile young lad with an impressive package, I could tell. Riveria is in for the night of her life."


"I'll tell you what," Zatrona continued conspiratorially, "if things don't work out between them, I'd be happy to console that boy myself."

The royal guard chuckled softly, shaking their head in amusement. "I am sure Princess Riveria will keep Bell Cranel well satisfied. I wish you a good night's sleep, Your Highness."

"You too." Zatrona yawned and curled up under the silken sheets, closing her eyes as sleep began to overtake her. "Oh, before you go... keep an eye out for intruders. We wouldn't want the wedding night to be... interrupted, would we?"

"Of course, Your Highness."

"And if you see any suspicious activity, let me know right away," Zatrona added, a hint of apprehension creeping into her voice.

The guard nodded solemnly. "Rest assured, Princess Zatrona, we will protect Luminastra with our lives."

As she drifted off to sleep, Zatrona's thoughts turned to Bell and Riveria, hoping that their newly forged bond would serve them well in the coming days. They were, after all, facing an uncertain future, and she knew that they would need all the strength and support they could get to survive what was to come.


The newlyweds, Bell and Riveria, made their way back through the hidden passages of Luminastra, their hands intertwined, a newfound bond strengthening their resolve. As they navigated the winding corridors, the weight of their secret hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to follow them with every step. They were greeted by the familiar faces of their companions—Ais, Lefiya, Ryu, Tiona, Daphne, and Cassandra—who were completely oblivious to the momentous event that had just taken place.

Bell and Riveria exchanged nervous glances as they entered the dining hall, their gazes darting around the room as they searched for any sign of suspicion or scrutiny from their friends.

As they approached, Ais was the first to notice them, her usual calm demeanor showing a hint of curiosity. Her piercing gaze seemed to bore into them, as if trying to unravel the mystery that surrounded the pair. "Bell, Riveria, where have you two been?" she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly, a subtle accusation hidden in her tone.

Lefiya turned to face them, her eyes widening as she took in their appearance. "Wait... Are you two...?" she began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words.

Ryu chimed in next, her usually stoic expression showing a hint of surprise. "Cranel-san and Riveria-sama... I see a magical power has joined you..."

Bell glanced at Riveria, his heart racing as he tried to come up with a plausible explanation. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, a telltale sign of his nervousness. "Um... we were just... doing some training together," he stammered, his voice cracking slightly.

"Training? In secret?" Tiona interjected, a mischievous grin spreading across her face as she eyed them suspiciously.

"Oh, we... uh, we were just... um, sparring!" Bell replied quickly, trying desperately to conceal the truth behind his words.

Lefiya's expression softened slightly at his response, though her eyes still held a hint of uncertainty. "Sparring?"

"A-A-And just having a look around. Did you know that Luminastra is such a beuaitful place?" Bell replied, his voice trembling slightly as he tried to deflect the topic of conversation.

Riveria, ever composed, nodded in agreement, her serene expression belying the turmoil that churned within her. "Yes, we were admiring the architecture and... the bioluminescent flowers," she added, though her voice carried a subtle nervousness, a slight tremor that threatened to betray their secret.

Ais tilted her head to one side, her golden eyes never leaving them as she spoke in a measured tone. "That explains why you both smell different."

Bell swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as he struggled to maintain his composure. "D-Different? What do you mean?" he stammered, his heart hammering in his chest.

Ais stepped closer to him, her eyes narrowing as she continued to study him. "You smell like Riveria's perfume..." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"P-Perfume?" Bell repeated, his cheeks flushing red as he felt the heat rising in his face once more. He stole a glance at Riveria, and their eyes met, the unspoken truth passing between them in an instant.

Riveria cleared her throat and averted her gaze, her hands clenched tightly at her sides. "That's because we were practicing close-quarters combat... We were very close together..." she explained, her voice trembling slightly with barely concealed emotion.

Lefiya looked between them, her head tilted in confusion, her keen elven senses picking up on the subtle changes in their demeanor. "And you both look different," she said, her eyes narrowing in scrutiny, as if trying to pierce the veil of their deception.

"We do?" Bell squeaked, his voice cracking as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.

Ais nodded slowly, her expression contemplative as she continued to scrutinize them. "Your hair is a little tousled and your clothes are rumpled..."

Ryu remained silent, her gaze darting between them as if searching for an answer that lay just beyond her grasp.

Tiona, ever the energetic one, jumped in with a wide grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, I know! Maybe you found something magical! Did you guys find a secret treasure or something?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement, oblivious to the tension that hung in the air.

Bell let out a nervous laugh, his hand scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he tried to play it off. "No, we didn't find anything magical, Tiona."

Daphne, her eyes narrowed in suspicion, spoke up next, her voice carrying a note of accusation. "That's strange... Why can I sense magic emanating from both of you?" she asked, her gaze unwavering as she looked at them intently.

Bell gulped audibly, his palms growing sweaty as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Bell and Riveria exchanged a quick, nervous glance, a silent communication passing between them.

"What's going on here? The way you're acting makes it seem like you two have a secret!" Lefiya interjected, her voice edged with a hint of accusation.

Bell shifted his weight nervously, his mind racing as he tried to find an explanation that would satisfy their suspicions. He could feel the sweat beading on his brow, his pulse racing as he tried to conjure a plausible excuse.

Riveria spoke up next, her voice smooth and steady as she put on a mask of nonchalance. "I assure you, there is nothing to hide here. Bell Cranel and I simply spent some time training together. As for our appearances... we simply exerted ourselves a great deal," she said matter-of-factly.

Ryu, still skeptical, nodded slowly, her brow furrowing in concentration. "Something does not feel right..."

"Come on, spill the beans!" Tiona pressed, her enthusiasm undeterred by the mounting tension in the room.

Ryu raised an eyebrow, her expression one of quiet contemplation. She could sense that there was more to the story, but decided not to press further, respecting their privacy. "Very well. I apologize for my suspicions. We are all merely concerned for your well-being."

Riveria nodded gratefully, her shoulders visibly relaxing as the pressure eased. "Thank you, Ryu. You're too kind," she said softly, relief evident in her tone.

As they gathered around, Daphne and Cassandra joined the conversation, their presence adding to the already charged atmosphere. Daphne, always practical, eyed them both suspiciously, her gaze piercing and unwavering. "You two are acting strange. Is there something you're not telling us?" she asked, her tone laced with a hint of accusation.

Bell's heart skipped a beat, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. "No, no, of course not," he said, trying to sound casual, but his voice came out strained and unconvincing. "Why would you think that?"

Cassandra, her eyes dreamy and far-off, murmured something about destiny and hidden secrets, her words carrying a prophetic weight that sent a shiver down Bell's spine. But her words were lost in the general chatter, drowned out by the rising tide of speculation and curiosity.

As the discussion continued, Bell and Riveria found themselves awkwardly navigating through the conversation, trying to avoid any more slip-ups. But their newfound bond, the rings they wore, and the occasional shared glance made it difficult to maintain their facade. Every word, every gesture, seemed to carry a hidden meaning, a secret language that only they could understand.

At one point, Lefiya noticed the rings, her eyes widening with admiration and a hint of envy. "Those are beautiful rings," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "Where did you get them?"

Bell blushed furiously, his cheeks burning as he struggled to find the words to explain his sudden acquisition of such ornate jewelry. "Oh! W-Well... Uh...."

Riveria hesitated for a moment, her mind racing to come up with a plausible explanation. "Ah... They are a gift from Zatrona," she replied smoothly. "She insisted that we have matching rings to commemorate our new relationship."

Ryu tilted her head slightly, her brow furrowing in curiosity., "Relationship? What kind of relationship?"

Bell's heart nearly stopped, his stomach tying itself in knots as he felt the pressure mounting once more. He struggled to maintain his composure, his body tense with anticipation.

Riveria cleared her throat and straightened up, a look of feigned confidence on her face. "Well, Bell Cranel and I have decided to start a close friendship," she explained, her voice steady and clear. "We have decided to form a strong bond and pursue a powerful relationship, based on trust and mutual respect."

Ais, still looking at them with the same piercing gaze, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "That sounds like an overly formal way of describing a relationship."

Bell swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as he tried to think of a convincing response. His heart raced, his palms grew clammy with sweat, and his mind seemed to go blank under the intense scrutiny.

Tiona, not one to miss an opportunity for a playful jab, grinned mischievously, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "Aww, are you two two hiding a secret romance?" she teased, her words hitting a little too close to home.

Bell nearly choked on his words, his face turning a deep shade of crimson. "No, no, nothing like that," he said quickly, his voice cracking with embarrassment. "Just... magical artifacts."

Fortunately, the girls seemed to be too caught up in their own theories and speculations to notice the truth that lay just beneath the surface. Ais, always focused on the mission, brought the conversation back to their plans, her determination cutting through the chatter like a knife. "We need to find the remaining fragments of the Eye and prepare for our battle with Medusa. There's no time to waste."

Relieved by the change in topic, Bell and Riveria nodded in agreement, grateful for Ais's single-minded determination. As the group continued to discuss their strategy, Bell squeezed Riveria's hand under the table, a silent promise that they would face whatever came next together, their love a secret strength that would guide them through the darkness.

Despite the awkward moments and near slip-ups, they managed to keep their secret safe for now, a fragile illusion that could shatter at any moment. But as they prepared for the challenges ahead, Bell couldn't help but wonder how long they could maintain the facade, how long they could keep their love hidden from the world. The bond between him and Riveria was undeniable, a force that seemed to grow stronger with every passing moment, and sooner or later, the truth would come to light, revealing itself in all its glory and complexity.

For now, though, they would focus on the mission, their love a hidden strength that would guide them through the darkness, a secret that they would cherish and protect with all their might. Together, they would face Medusa and protect Orario, their love a beacon of hope in a world consumed by shadows. And perhaps one day, when the time was right, they could share their secret with the world, proclaiming their love for all to see, a testament to the power of their bond and the strength of their hearts.