
Dancing hearts (Park Jimin)

Where there is hatred, or where hatred is formed, love also comes there. Y/n and Jimin, who hate each other, then get together. To know how, let's roll in!!

Ruby093 · 音楽·バンド
42 Chs

To a happy ending

*third person POV

The hall was decorated with a lot of beautiful flowers.

Jimin standing in the front. All arise when the bride comes in.

He held her hand and got her to the front.

"You look really beautiful." Jimin said.

"You look very handsome." Y/n said.

"I ask you each now to repeat the marriage vows. The groom-I, Jimin." The minister said.

"I, Jimin, take you y/n for my wedded wife, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from this day forward." He repeated the vows.

"The bride-I, y/n." The minister said.

"I, y/n, take you Jimin for my wedded husband, to love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, from this day forward." She said.

The minister asked them to place the rings in his hand for blessing.

Soon, he handed the rings to them and they exchanged the rings.

"I pronounce you husband and wife."

"You may kiss the bride." He said and they kissed.

"Allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Park."

They held hands with each other and walked down the aisle. Y/n threw her bouquet and it went to Lisa. She smiled and they ran to the car and got in.

They kissed and hugged and laughed a lot.

They reached their house and it was decorated fully.

"You look really hot in this." Y/n said.

"So do you." He said and removed his coat. He moved forward and kissed her.

They kissed deeply and passionately.

He slowly unzipped her dress. And carried her to the bedroom.

He removed his shirt and went on her.

*2 years later

Even after marriage, y/n didn't stop dancing. Jimin supported her too. He wanted her to follow her dream and passion.

The members became known to the world. They were getting busy day by day. They had to attend so many shows.

"I'm really happy for them." Lisa said.

"Yeah. I'm really happy." Sophie said. Y/n nodded.

Suddenly she felt different. She ran to the wash basin and vomited.

"Y/n are you ok?" Sophie asked. She nodded.

"Oh my god!" Lisa said in excitement.

"Y/N, YOU'RE PREGNANT!!" She shouted.

"Really?" She asked doubted.

"Let's check with the doctor once." Sophie said and they left to the doctor.

*at the hospital

"Mrs. Park, congratulations. You're gonna become a mother." The doctor.

"R-really?!" She asked excited. The doctor nodded her head.

"Thanks a lot." She said happily and went home.

"I know you wanna surprise Jimin." Sophie said.

"Can you just write what I say in a chart?" I asked and they nodded.

They wrote, decorated and stuck it on the wall.

"We'll take a leave." They said and left.

Soon, Jimin came home. As he came, there was a note on the door saying come in.

He opened and was shocked to see the house decorated.

"Y/n, anything special? Why all the decoration?" He asked.

"You'll know soon." She said and asked him to pull a thread.

He pulled the thread and the curtain opened revealing a chart paper written,


He looked confused at first but then was shocked.

"Y/n, are you?" He asked. She nodded.

"Re-really?" She nodded.

"My god y/n. You have no idea how happy I'm right now." He said and hugged her tight. They kissed and smiled.

He rubbed her belly and looked at her.

"We're gonna be parents." He said.

"Im really happy and excited and nervous." She said.

"You'll be fine and you're gonna be fine. I'm with you. We can get through this."

She rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his hands around her. They stood like that for minutes.

They told them all that y/n was pregnant. They too were really happy.

They soon came to their house and flooded her house with gifts.

"You really didnt need to do this." She said.

"You're a part of our family too. As a member of the family, we've gotta do what we do in a family." Jin said.

She hugged him and thanked him.

*10years later

"Ara, come here. You have to wear your shoes." Y/n called.

Ara, their daughter, now 6 years, was getting ready for school for parent teacher meeting.

They drove to the school.

"Mrs. Park, it's nice to meet you." The teacher said.

"Me too. So how is she performing in class?" Y/n asked.

"Her academics is good. But she's naughty. She fights with other students and snatches things from others without their permission. And she back answers the teachers."

"Then why don't you scold them when they answer for the questions you ask?" She asked.

"That's diffe..." before the teacher could finished she cut her.

"It's not. Both are same. Only there's a difference in the topic." She said.

"And your school wants only good grades not behaviour. My daughter will be however she wants. And she does get good grades. After all, we have our freedom to do whatever we want. Anyways, it was nice meeting you." She said and left.

*in the car

"Mommy, that was so cool." She said.

"Now, don't talk. We're going to meet daddy."

*at the studio

"Now, you stay with the others, while I talk sometime with daddy." She said in a angry tone.

"Jimin, can I talk to you?" She called him and went off to wait in a room.

Jimin asked Ara what it was by twitching his eyebrows.

"Mommy is really angry." She whispered.

He went to her.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Will Bring some sense into your daughter please? She's getting naughty in class. And that teacher, why does she freaking care about her behaviour. Isn't her grades enough? She never listens to what I say. She's your daughter after all. Both of you never listen to what I ever say." She started a whole lecture on everything.

Jimin made her sit on the desk and smashed his lips on hers.

"I'll take care of it." He said.

"You say this but nothing happens." She said fiddling with his shirt button.

"Look at me. I will take care. Trust me." She nodded and they kissed.

"I'm worried about her though." She said.

"I'll talk with her. I'll tell her." He assured.

"It's not an option."

They pecked each other and went out.

They saw Ara playing with the other members.

"Our daughter is perfect." She said.

"She sure is." He said and Ara came running to them. Jimin carried her.

"Wanna eat something?" He asked and she nodded.

They three went to have some food as a happy family.

********THE END********

Dear readers,

Thank you for your support. Please check out my other books too. And I will write a new FF soon!💜💜💜💜