
Daily Life of A Caretaker

Okay, so I know I applied to become a caretaker, but I didn't sign up for having to experience all these crazy things! I'm just a simple guy!

ImBoredSoMehl · アニメ·コミックス
133 Chs

Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 62

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 62

It has been a week now, and for those that might have figured it out by now. I have decided not to pick any godlike items for a month. Knowing full well I might miss out on something very good, but I'm willing to risk that. Because damn, I got too many godlike items already; I may as well take this time to slow down and think about what I should get instead.

Anyway, I have a newfound respect for the girls, mainly the Eldritch girls, who manage not to go on a killing spree for the entire week! Isn't that great? But that also means they are more likely to get easily triggered by one of the natives now. As they no longer have to restrain themselves.

It's a good thing I can bribe them to behave themselves. However, that's kind of hard when there is barely anything they want from me when they can get it themselves easily and without much effort. Plus, I won't fall for that trap route of trying to manipulate them to behave, either, since those victims have a chance to rebel and attack their manipulators.

In the Eldritch girls' case. They will know straight away and would kill me for sure. After all, I'll just come back afraid afterward. Also, the way they could kill me might not be good due to the high chance of me not realizing it. After all, I had died from suffocating from Nyarla's breasts already. So, it's better off I bribe them with something to make them not kill any of the natives because of stupid reasons.

Lucky for me, the girls love Senzu Beans but sadly could only consume three per day.

Thanks to the Multiverse Basic Guidebook. I have learned why the girls, or more like any girls under my care, are not allowed to take more than one Senzu Bean a day. It's because they become too damn hyper and cause their energy to go on a rampage, making them have to release it around them to prevent any harm to their body.

Of course, I know there is more to that, but this is just the basic answer I could get, which is better than nothing. Thank goodness, I've picked this godlike item to give me answers to a few questions of mine. Which is why, among the many godlike items, I want to get for sure. It's the following guidebook for the Multiverse Basic Guidebook. Something I have no idea when I will get it anytime soon.

So may as well make it a guarantee to get it sooner than later by giving up sixty random godlike items in exchange. I can't rely on Ghost to spill out the information I want at those times. Besides, maybe the following guidebook of the Multiverse Basic Guidebook could tell me who the Boss is or at least have an idea who the Boss might be. Other than the Boss being maybe a pantheon or an entity above a pantheon.

And I bet many of you crazy voices want to know who the Boss is as well. Unless you guys already know who the Boss is? If so, mind telling me? Or at least give me a few hints. Pretty please? I swear I won't tell anyone. It would just be between you guys and me.

Oh, right... I can't hear you guys or obtain any messages until I either unlock that somehow or maybe become the caretaker of the avian demon family again. I do wonder what happens to that family, though.

"It's random true fact time!" Ghost called out, "Did you know that Jin here would have caused a world war due to the influences of the voices in his head if he hadn't become Nyarla's Caretaker?"

You know, I can see that happening if I didn't find out the crazy voices were actually entities and not a fragment of my imagination. However, to start a world war myself? How the fuck did I do to make that work? I'm just one person! Or did you crazy voices manage to do something to make it happen?

"Even before you join the Eldritch pantheon. You fit right in." Yui looks at me with pride.

"I think this the first time I'm hearing about what you could've done before meeting me." Nyarla stares at me with more interest than normal.

"I knew right away you were someone different than the others." Yor gains a glint in her eyes, sending a shiver down my spine.

"No wonder you manage to join the Eldritch pantheon, where many others have tried multiple times in the past." Takamine poked my right cheek as if she would discover more about me by doing this.

"I was right about forming a contract with you." Makima smile.

Shouko looks at me with disappointed eyes.

Hey! Don't look at me like that, Shouko! Ghost said it was the crazy voices influencing me! Also, why am I trying to defend myself? Even if I'm doing it as an inner monologue. Why do I feel so guilty when Shouko is looking at me like that, crazy voices?!

"Anyway! How about we go to the mall?" I quickly change the subject of the conversation to something else. Also, mentally cursing Ghost for picking this time of now to reveal something about me, even if it's a different future. Then again, there might be another alternate version of myself already causing a world war. Oh boy...

"Why the mall?" Nyarla asks, clinging to me once more as we begin heading to the mall after taking a short break sitting at a nearby public area where others are sitting and enjoying their personal group company.

"Random stuff to buy?" I ask back. Then I let out a grunt as Takamine jumps onto my back again. "Also, maybe we might find something everyone wants to get."

"Did you know?" Ghost resumed stating another random true fact.

You're not done?!

"Jin here had planned out multiple murders for his teachers back in high school because he's Japanese in the United States and would have gone through those plans if it wasn't for the timing of him getting a scholarship for a university." Ghost stated.

"That doesn't seem so—" Takamine was cut off by Ghost, who continued.

"Only for his scholarship to be stolen by one of his teachers wanting to give it to one of their relatives." Ghost continued.

"Oh..." Takamine flinch upon seeing the dark look on my face.

"This led to Jin killing the teacher and placing down fake pieces of evidence along with fake tracks that would lead to another town. Also, not being stupid in returning to the crime scene to see his work. In addition, acting out how people would see someone they hate being killed after getting something important stolen from them. But, not to the point of making the government agents place him at the top of the list of suspect culprits for the murder." Ghost finished.

"What?" I notice the stares I'm getting, and I can feel the gaze from Takamine on my back too.

"No wonder Nyarla likes you so much at the beginning." Yui slowly nods with satisfaction.

"Did you know?" Ghost continues with another random true fact.

"Oh, for fuck sake! You're still not done?!" I shout at Ghost, causing it to pause for a second, to my relief, only for it to be a short one.

"Jin hates having his secrets revealed without permission and will destroy the target with everything he got if more of his secrets are spilled." Ghost stated, then became quiet and invisible.

The girls became quiet themselves and tried not to make too much noise. Even Takamine had already got my back and walked like the rest. Nyarla is the only one still hugging my arm, but even I can tell she was barely touching my arm and just a second away from letting go. However, I guess she trusts me enough not to lash out at her.

This went on for nearly half an hour until we made it to the mall. By then, I was no longer angry, which the girls immediately noticed and began talking with each other again. In fact, Takamine got back to jumping onto my back to make me carry her for the rest of the way.

"So, where are we going to visit first, Jin?" Nyarla looks around her in boredom.

"How about the entertainment area." I replied, knowing that Nyarla wasn't genuinely looking around in boredom but searching for the right native to use as an excuse to go on a rampage. However, thanks to Shouko's effort of pushing all natives away from us before any of them are dumb enough to give any of the Eldritch girls a reason to go on a killing spree. Saving me the trouble of using the Delayed Effect for too long.

"Oh! I forgot malls have one!" Nyarla's eyes glowed brighter, and she dragged me as if she knew where the entertainment shops were.

By the way, crazy voices. Suppose none has noticed by now. Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine's Eldritch ego are still in control of their bodies instead of allowing their alter ego to take control while the Eldritch ego so far. I will have to check the Multiverse Basic Guidebook for some answers.

"It's random true fact time!" Ghost became visible.

I got One Holy Spear out, ready in the position to stab Ghost.

"Did you know that there are multiple bombs planted in this mall and will blow up in the next ten minutes?" Ghost quickly stated before going invisible.

"Wait, what?!" I shouted in pure confusion because I didn't detect any—where did these bombs come from?! They weren't here a second ago under my detection with En! "Nope, not going to let this happen."

I quickly use Delayed Effect, then form multiple gaps to send them away to the sky. Very high into the sky.

"Anyone got an idea why and how?" I direct this question mostly toward the Eldritch girls and Shouko.

Shouko pointed at herself with confused eyes.

"Your suitors, Shouko." Makima reminds her friend.

Shouko's right eyebrow twitched, then let out a tired sigh.

"I forgot about them." I look at Shouko, then at the other girls to see if maybe they got different answers.

"Don't know. Don't care. I want to see some video games." Nyarla narrows her eyes.

"I would like to do some cloth shopping. I hope this mall has the outfit I want." Yor said calmly, not fazed that this entire mall would have nearly been bombed if I hadn't taken care of it.

"It's the weekends in this world now. So, I'm curious to see some high school students." Takamine looks around for them, nearly making me lose my balance with how she is moving so suddenly.

"I'm fine with whatever as long it doesn't get too boring." Makima said calmly, then glanced to her right. "How about you, Shouko?"

Shouko shakes her head, not wanting to answer, as her body starts to quiver in anxiety. This leads to the natives slowly beginning to detect our existence.

Seeing this, I reach over and pat Shouko on the head, causing her to calm down immediately. Shouko returned to ensure the natives ignored us and avoided us subconsciously.

"Alright, let's move on before the day ends." I said to the girls, allowing Nyarla to resume dragging me.