
Daily Life of A Caretaker

Okay, so I know I applied to become a caretaker, but I didn't sign up for having to experience all these crazy things! I'm just a simple guy!

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 61

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 61

I give Makima a side glance, then focus back on Nyarla beating up what should be the entity that is the father of all the witches and the grandfather of magic girls in the canon series of Magical Girl Apocalypse.

In this case, the entity is a demon with the appearance of a human-like form with great musculature and a tail. He also has several white lines throughout his body, symbolizing his power with them in his eyes. In addition, it gives him a fort-shaped pattern of five points in the front. His hair is made of energy lines with an electric appearance.

Overall, he is a big guy. And with the help of Invasion, I recall how he pretty much caused so much destruction that it was only thanks to plot armor that made him lose in the end. However, that isn't the case now, as Nyarla did something to bring this demon out from where he was initially at before her and started beating him an inch of his life without him being able to do anything to defend himself.

"So, what you're saying is... That demon is a toy you got for Nyarla for one of her birthdays?" I ask Makima carefully.

"Well, more like it's a generator for making new toys since it has an unlimited source of magical power, to the degree that only its presence has the risk of destroying a world if left unchecked." Makima replied.

"Then, who is that?" I point to the side. Knowing well who exactly I'm pointing at.

A young man with long hair with delicate features, a cross-shaped mark on his forehead, and dressed in clothes similar to the guy that was blasted to death by Nyarla twenty minutes or so ago. Also, being beaten up by the other magic girls, aka toys, in the eyes of everyone else here but me. Even then, I don't know how long that would last.

"That would be a stupid native that accidentally converted into a semi-toy." Makima replied. "Somehow manage to trick the other toys into following his commands."

Well, I guess that's another thing different from this world and canon. I'm sure that's Rei Kurorogi, the main antagonist and indirectly responsible for all the events in the series where he tries to become a god in the end.

And right now, the main villain is in a soul state form, like those people in the afterlife from the Bleach series. But, not shinigami nor a hollow. Just an average soul that may or may not have the chance to become a shinigami. Completely defenseless and had no way to fight back whatsoever at anyone's mercy.

Note to self: Include Soul Manipulation as another power belonging to Nyarla and maybe the others too, since Soul Manipulation might be a standard power for the Eldritch pantheon and among other powerful entities from different pantheons.

"So, are we going to just stand here and watch Nyarla destroy the toy you gave her?" I create a gap, pulling out a small bag of peanuts to hand over to Shouko as she finishes her bag. Then do the same with the other girls that want another bag of peanuts or anything else.

"Do we have any other things to do right now?" Makima asks back.

"Not really." I replied.

"Then, we'll continue to wait until Nyarla is done." Makima resumes eating her peanuts.

You know, crazy voices. I've concluded that the three worlds, including this one I'm in, were supposed to stay in for a month-long under the Boss' order. However, that never happens as the mini-tasks rewards had shortened that timeframe in the Familiar of Zero world, and the Freezing world going through a reset distorted the timestream to make a month-long go by super fast.

Technically, only Familiar of Zero wasn't a month's stay. The Freezing world is just damn stupid and crazy, which is expected with the people I'm with. But now, I'm in this new world. I have no idea if it will be like the Familiar of Zero or Freezing since the girls did this; well, Yui and her daughters did this. Makima and Shouko didn't do anything.

And crazy voices, you want to know what is more funny? I honestly thought I would go through the canon events, changing characters' life here and there. Almost like back in Worm world, but much more. However, in all these three worlds so far and, quite frankly, the other previous worlds that I at least know of.

I didn't go through any important canon events! I met some important characters, but that's it! For fuck sake, I swear that the Eldritch girls just want to destroy anything remotely close to canon events because they can!

Overall, at this point, I'm going to give up the thoughts of ever experiencing any canon events that don't end up being destroyed by the girls within an hour or so. Maybe a day, if the world is lucky enough for the girls to be patient enough or distracted until it's time to leave without causing too much destruction during our stay in said world.

"It's random true fact time!" Ghost announced, causing almost everyone to look at it. "Did you know that it's commonly known in the multiverse entity going by the alias ROB has too much free time and would cause more trouble than others due to taking natives from the planet Earth of various universes to other universes to bring chaos for entertainment? And because of this, these ROBs would get a huge fine and punishment from the pantheons who owned those universes. Of course, the natives chosen by these ROBs are fine as long they don't cross the bottom lines of many pantheons. However, that doesn't mean they would be free to do whatever they want for long. Some end up having their timeline cut off, making their new life freeze in time forever until the pantheon or entity decided to change this decision to allow the timeline with this chosen native to continue."

I feel like there is a reference somewhere in that random true fact. But I can't quite place my finger on it.

"You know, I remember how many entities lose their powers and are forced to live as mortal for numerous reincarnation cycles until they do something remarkable to regain their powers. Either by accidents or through other methods." Takamine toss a peanut into her mouth. "Some end up never regaining their powers and are forced to take up a lesser version instead."

"Any of you ever gone through such a thing?" I ask the girls, including Shouko too, since she might have done so out of good intentions, but not many would understand that for multiple reasons—stupid reasons, but reasons nonetheless.

"Other than Shouko? Nearly all of us have gone through that process, but that was during our high school years." Yor answered.

Well, I'm not surprised by this answer. Also, what kind of life did these girls go through in high school? Especially Yui. Since she is a generation older than the girls.

"Should I be concerned about being abducted by a ROB?" I ask the girls, even though technically, the way up to this point. The Boss might be a ROB or something on that line. But I could be wrong, and there have been many times I've been wrong since I've become the caretaker for these girls.

"Don't worry; no one would dare since you're important to us." Takamine smirk, taking a peanut from my bag and eating it before my eyes. "Plus, this would cause many entities in the Eldritch pantheon to go on a rampage the moment you disappear."

Okay, that last part frightens me more than it should. But, at least I would know what might happen when I'm unexpectedly gone because of reason. That would be the trigger to a multiverse-scale war among pantheons for sure.

Or maybe I'm overdramatic here, crazy voices? I mean, there might be a war among pantheons. But, a multiverse-size war? Who knows.

"It has been nearly an hour now. Should we do something?" Yor asks everyone.

Yeah, you go and disturb Nyarla. I'm not going to do anything at all. I know I can revive from death, but in my view, the time wouldn't change after resurrecting.

"I mean, Nyarla isn't destroying reality itself and just that toy over there. I'm sure we can wait a bit longer. Although, she is taking her time inflicting lots of harm to the toy that isn't easy to get for a replacement." Makima points out, causing me to stare at her blankly. "But, in the meantime, we could do something on the side while we wait for Nyarla to be done."

"Like what?" Yor asks, not showing any sign of trying to interrupt Nyarla in destroying the demon. "We're kind of limited to what we could do right now. After all, we can't really move too far away from Nyarla. Not without risking breaking one for the ironclad rules of everyone being in close distance."

That reminds me of what would happen if one of the girls were to leave the group and be alone for an unknown time. I don't think I was ever told what would happen if this was to happen.

"Could... could I have something to drink, Jin?" Shouko asks softly, nearly impossible to hear with the average human sense of hearing.

"Sure, what would you like, Shouko?" I ask, thanking myself for having En passively active and increasing my senses. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to hear Shouko whenever she whispered something.

Shouko moved close until she leaned over close enough that she got pressed herself onto me in order for her to whisper into my ear. Something she didn't need to do, but I guess she had her reason for doing so. And I got her drink easily by creating a gap to get the drink she wanted. Freshly made and everything too.

Takamine whistles on the side, starting at Shouko like she has done something crazy. I have no idea what it could be. But, Shouko hasn't moved away from me and is still leaning on me while slowly drinking.

This makes me have a flashback with Nyarla at the beginning of this crazy caretaker job.

"Okay, I'm done." Nyarla said to everyone, with the demon lying before her feet covered in blood and numerous injuries. "What should we do in this world?"

I glance to my right, where Shouko stands, no longer leaning on me.

What kind of timing was that?

"Well, what we shouldn't do is kill all the natives." I pause and stare at Yui, causing her to look away and whistle. "Nor trying to leave less than 50% of the native population."

"Do you honestly think that would be possible?" Yor asks me. "After the three worlds, we have visited?"

She isn't wrong, but still.

"Alright, point taken. How about we try the first week without killing any of the natives?" I ask everyone. "We need them to work on the side to keep most of the entertainment running."

"Fine." Nyarla huff, then give a side glare to the magic girls. "Go back to the dream world and stay there until I say otherwise and take the unfinished toy with you too. It might have been a native, but it's also mine."

The magic girls bow to Nyarla, then grab Rei Kurorogi, who is pleading for his life and disappear into a wormhole created in the sky for them to return to the dream world.

Well then. It looks like canon events aren't going to be a thing in this world, either.