
Cyberpunk 2310 : Game Error

Greem used to be fan of Cyberpunk 2310. It was an unpopular game, which he used to play on his free time. However, one day, everything changed. His strong, badass character had turned into a frail-looking teenager Logs on his screen made him beyond scared [Death is permanent] [Logout function desactivated] Alone in a game that millions failed to complete, Greem felt helpless.

Dark_Greem · ファンタジー
19 Chs

HPC infiltration

As Valter made his way deeper into the heavily fortified HPC building, he encountered several security guards, both rank 1 and rank 2. He knew that his success in infiltrating the building depended on his ability to avoid detection and remain stealthy.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching from around the corner. Valter quickly ducked into a nearby alcove, waiting for the guards to pass. But as they drew closer, he realized that there was no way to avoid them entirely. He had to find a way to get past them undetected.

"Valter, take the next turn", the familiar voice of his communication biochip said

Obviously, Pablo, the rank 3 netrunner from the Blue Wolf Mercs, was of paramount importance in this mission. Although the client had only asked about the data, he had failed to precise that it was hidden in a server completely isolated from cybernet. The only way to retrieve the data was to get it physically, but a frontal attack was out of the question. Licensed mercs like the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group could not blatantly attack citizens, or else the Night Town Civil Military Troops would come and annihilate them.

As the guards rounded the corner, Valter sprang into action. He moved with fluid grace, darting behind the guards and slipping past them unnoticed. His movements were so quick and precise that the guards didn't even realize he was there. This was the power of rank 2 stealth. Without superhuman senses, it would be difficult to follow his movements or feeling his presence.

Valter continued to move through the building, dodging cameras and avoiding guards with ease. He encountered another guard, a rank 2 warrior, who was patrolling a particularly difficult section of the building.

Valter approached the man with caution, sizing him up and assessing his skills. He knew that a direct confrontation with a warrior of Pablo's rank would be risky, so he had to find a way to get past him without being detected. He could always kill him, but if the corpse was discovered before he finished downloading the data, the alert level would be raised, and escaping the building would become quite difficult.

With a quick nod and a silent gesture, Valter signaled to the rank 2 warriors that he was a fellow guard, sent to relieve him of his post. He didn't seem entirely convinced, but Valter's skills in deception were top-notch, and the doubts were cleared after he showed the HPC badge that Pablo had manufactured for him. He spoke with confidence and authority, convincing the rank 2 guard that he was indeed there on official business. The fact that he exuded rank 1 aura also made him one of many guards, most of whom the rank 2 warrior did not know much about.

As Pablo handed over his post, Valter slipped past him and continued on his way. He could hear the guards behind him, discussing the recent security breach and their plans to tighten security. It seemed like the netrunners had raised a level of alert. Pablo was usually precise and trustworthy, so it could only mean that there was a rank 3 netrunner working on the security of HPC.

However, Valter remained calm and focused, his skills in stealth allowing him to move through the building undetected.


With relief, Valter opened the last door, giving him access to the enormous machine

Valter approached the cyber computer server, encased in a reinforced steel casing. The server contained valuable data that his client desperately needed, but it was isolated from the cybernet, making it nearly impossible to access remotely.

He retrieved his tools and began working to bypass the security measures. The casing was difficult to crack, and Valter could feel his heart racing with anxiety as he worked. He knew that the longer he took, the higher the risk of getting caught by the guards.

Finally, with a satisfying click, the casing opened, and Valter gained access to the server. He connected his device and began downloading the valuable data.

As the data transfer began, Valter watched the process anxiously. He knew that any sudden movements or noises could alert the guards, who were always on high alert.

"Quick, Valter, guards are flocking in! It seems like any foreign access to the data raised an alert", Pablo cursed in the communication channel

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching from down the corridor. Valter's heart raced with panic as he realized that the guards had discovered his presence. He had to act quickly if he wanted to escape undetected.

With a sense of urgency, Valter increased the download speed and quickly retrieved as much data as he could. He could hear the guards getting closer, their footsteps growing louder with each passing moment.

Finally, just as the guards rounded the corner, Valter grabbed his device and made a run for it. He sprinted down the corridor, his heart pounding with adrenaline, as the guards gave chase.

"STOP!", one of them shouted

The others were not so polite, and started to unsheathe their weapons, before shouting: "FIRE!"

Valter's skills in stealth and agility proved invaluable as he ducked and weaved through the building, dodging guards and evading detection. He could feel his heart racing with excitement and fear as he made his way towards the exit.

Unfortunately, the rank 2 warrior he deceived earlier blocked it with no intention of backing of.

Valter sighed, taking out his pair of daggers. He truly hoped that he would not have to draw blood from honest guards, but his safety came first.