
Cyberpunk 2310 : Game Error

Greem used to be fan of Cyberpunk 2310. It was an unpopular game, which he used to play on his free time. However, one day, everything changed. His strong, badass character had turned into a frail-looking teenager Logs on his screen made him beyond scared [Death is permanent] [Logout function desactivated] Alone in a game that millions failed to complete, Greem felt helpless.

Dark_Greem · Fantasy
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19 Chs

HPC infiltration (2)

Valter, a skilled rank 2 dual wielder, approached the rank 2 warrior who was guarding the exit. The warrior was wielding a cybernetic katana and was renowned for his deadly accuracy and precision. He had read his information before taking on the mission.

As Valter drew closer, the warrior shouted: "DO NOT COME CLOSER, IT'S AN ORDER! HE IS TOO DANGEROUS"

The guards stopped their movements. Looking at Valter's speed, it seemed like they were not capable of helping their superior. Valter was not your average thief. He was on a whole other caliber.

"Let's face each other one on one, mano a mano", he continued, while revealing a face craving for a true test

Valter accepted the challenge and drew his two curved cybernetic daggers. The two warriors circled each other, each assessing the other's strengths and weaknesses.

The rank 2 warrior struck first, his katana flashing through the air with deadly speed. But Valter was quick on his feet, his agile movements allowing him to dodge the attack with ease, in spite of the bullets that were still in his left shoulder. Thankfully, with sufficient muscle control, he had stopped the bleeding relatively fast.

Valter countered with a swift strike of his own, aiming for the warrior's exposed side. The warrior parried the blow with his katana, but Valter's cunning fighting style kept him one step ahead. The two warriors exchanged blows, their movements fluid and precise. The air crackled with electricity as the sound of metal against metal filled the room.

Finally, after several tense moments, Valter gained the upper hand and managed to stab him in the chest.


The sudden pain allowed Valter to disarm the warrior, his two curved daggers now pointed at the warrior's throat.

The warrior, realizing he had been defeated, raised his hands in surrender. But Valter knew that he was too dangerous to leave alive. Just as he was about to behead the warrior, a sniping bullet forced him to retreat several steps behind. He needed to act fast if he wanted to escape unharmed. Rank 2 gunners had reached the battlefield

"Quick, Valter, the woman hiding behind the rank 1 warriors on your left is quite important! She is one of the top three investors of HPC!", Pablo said in a hurry through the communication chip

With quick thinking and precise movements, Valter grabbed cut his way through the army of guards that had gathered and held her hostage.

His logs were filling at a high speed

[You have killed [Rank 1 HPC Guard]. You have earned 8 EXP]

[You have killed [Rank 1 HPC Guard]. You have earned 12 EXP]

[You have killed [Rank 1 HPC Guard]. You have earned 10 EXP]

The moment his dagger approached the female scientist's throat, the guards hesitated, their weapons lowered as they assessed the situation.

Valter took advantage of the momentary distraction and made a run for it, his hostage in tow. He moved quickly and silently.

As he made his way to safety, Valter knew that he had earned a hard-fought victory.

"You're free to go now", he said softly to the terrified woman who had been kidnapped.

His skills as a warrior and his cunning fighting style had proven invaluable in combat, allowing him to emerge victorious even in the most difficult of situations.

Moments later, after sending the data to Pablo, he received a notification that made his heart shake with excitement.

[You have completed the mission [HPC Infiltration]. You have earned a significant increase of reputation in District 77 as Valter]

[You have earned 150 EXP]

[Swale has deposited 2500 Night Town Credits on your account]

[Your reputation with Pablo increased by 150 points]

[Your reputation with the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group has increased by 100 points]

It had been a month already since he had completed a mission this rewarding for the Blue Wolf Mercenary Group. Big contracts like this one were hard to come by, but it seemed like the more reputation he earned in the district, the more custom offers appeared. The recent growth of the Blue Wolf Mercenary group might have played a good role too. A year ago, taking on such a big contract would have been unthinkable.

However, Greem's excitement did not come from the mission's rewards.

Before sending the data over, Greem had made sure to copy its content in his own database. Grade B knowledge about cybernetic as well as industrial secrets and theories that were hard to come by were now his to absorb. His project with Isabella and Irio had proven useful in increasing his intellect, and if life in this place taught him anything, it was that there was no harm in increasing attributes, even if they were unrelated to combat.