
Custom monster system

I would like to make it clear first that there will be absolutely NO romance in this story so don't ask for it because i will ignore those comments. also the alternate story starts from chapter sixty eight if you just want to skip the old short story. No one ever expects to be reborn with a system despite the many tales of precisely that happening. alex certainly was no exception to this rule despite finding himself reborn into a world with monsters considered gods by some as a lowly gecko with a system. The alternate story starts on chapter 68 in case you wish to skip to the part that is still continuing. (Cover by HoracioGui)

loskro · ゲーム
264 Chs

New digs

This was the first time that alex and the admiral had ever had such a large disagreement. it didn't come to hostility but neither of the two were happy at the others stance on the matter. the actual source of the argument , the longsword , was sealed away at the bottom of the sea halfway to the old world by alex afterwards. maybe if a few hundred or maybe even thousands of years later when that part of the seabed turns into land someone may claim that weapon but until then it wasn't a problem.

Alex had made a show of taking the blade away to put an end to that argument once and for all much to everyone's discomfort. the one most bothered by it's loss however was the head smith who could tell what it was made of at a glance along with it's quality. the man drowned his heartache for the next week alone in endless mugs of ale as the blade haunted his thoughts. alex and the admiral weren't on speaking terms during that entire week both of their fowl moods made everyone else nervous. they made up under alcina's forceful intervention and mediation were she scolded both of them like they were toddlers throwing a tantrum.

The woman was scary when she was angry so neither of the two had any problems after that. alex did however create an inventory skill however in order to safely hide the fun sized forge since he had learned his lesson. the scholars had gotten knowledge on alex's research thanks to the whole argument which had revealed the spirit crystals much to alex's irritation. the smithy had a field day when the scholars figured out the element boosting properties of the crystals. unlike alex however they were not immune to large amounts of damage.

This became relevant since alex had warned them not to mix dragon energy into the spirit crystals but one of the scholars blew himself to pieces since he didn't listen. it was a gruesome affair as the concussive wave ripped the small wyverian apart in an instant along with a thirty foot area while getting five other scholars hit with the much weaker wave since they were farther away from the center of the wave. the five survived but when they tried to figure out the cause of the explosion alex cold informed them that the scholar brought it on himself by not listening.

A new rule had been implemented after that not to ignore any warnings that alex gave since he likely had a good reason. alex's research into the spirit element had already ended at this point since he figured out that it was the energy that existed in all things as a balancing mechanism. all of this took alex two months of time to finish so while he waited for the start of the dlc story he started up other side projects , one such project was the construction of a larger more private nest for himself.

While the nest outside astera worked fine to rest in and socialize it wasn't very large and left alex little room to move about , while it was also very publicly accessible. the location for alex's new nest until he could purchase that flying island was at the top of the giant tree in the center of the ancient forest. the tree was such that there was not a huge trunk going all the way to it's peak but rather a large amount of huge branches whos leaves filled the sky.

Alex chose to build his new nest in a massive clearing formed from three branches growing tightly together in a straight line outwards. the area of this clearing was about the same as the whole of astera and that was the point. alex carefully chose the massive rib bones that he took from the rotten vale that were easily ten meters in length and used the unique forgeable nature of this worlds bones to straighten them with his fire. once they were straight alex carefully laid them side by side until the entire clearing had a floor at which point he began to gather huge amount of metal from uragons to coat the entire floor in a smooth even finish.

Alex used his control of the metal to fuse the entire floor and branches of the tree together perfectly so no storm may damage it. alex then began to create tall bone walls surrounding the entire foundation tightly but this time he purposefully left the rib bones curve to create both the walls of the nest and the ceiling. he fused the base of these rib bones to the foundation with uragon metal alloy but covered the outside of them with the stitched together treated leather of about three dozen juratodus making the whole thing rain proof. the end result was a huge empty room like that of a massive warehouse with a metallic floor.


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