
Cultivation of the abyssal lord

TheFoolishAkuma · ファンタジー
6 Chs


"what is a sta-tus?"

As he said this a turquoise box appears in front of him,

She answered quickly scared her savior would leave, "It's a status something all in this world are born with." he asked the question how to use it she said "All you have to do is focus on the label you would like to use." he focused on the box it then enlarged

[level up]

John dameon

level: <1>

race: supreme demon[ A mix of all demon bloodlines resulting in a king capable of human emotions]

Title(s): human slayer


[human max for all=10

str 15

def 10

int 15

chr 5

Agl 15

stat points 5


abyssal flame, possession, immortal, comprehension, skill creation,

all skills can be upgraded using sp. (skill points)

User can buy more skills at shop or use a skill for creation.

sp: <5>

perplexed john smiled as he was able to read it but he didn't really understand it.

He asked what the world's currency is and to his understanding

1 platinum = 100 gold

1 gold = 100 silver

1 silver = 100 copper

platinum being the highest

copper being lowest

he finally got to the interesting part there were hundreds of species, but only few demonic creatures most with low intelligence, but he did find a few races interesting such as elves, dwarves, dragons, druids, etc.