
Cultivation of the abyssal lord

TheFoolishAkuma · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Abyssal Lord

The stars glistened in the night sky as John woke up confused as he not even ten minutes ago was in a castle as the highest rank of the abyssal army the rank of demon lord he achieved through cultivation.

Looking around as in his world the ground was black like coal or obsidian this world was a color he's only seen on a gem called an emerald.

With no other memories felt the urge of thirst for water or any other liquid, he searched for an hour and heard the rush of water, hurrying to get the liquid he seen his appearance it wasn't demonic like his old appearance it was more like the delicacy he used to consume.

Suddenly he smelled a metallic scent clinging to the air as the clouds were darkening threatening to pour down on him he saw a village.

He started running not liking the idea of being soaked and went into a house there he could sense about three people.

He could sense three people and smell something metallic like iron.

He investigated, before he got to the doorway he saw red liquid like wine oh how he missed the taste then finally he saw before him a head freshly cut rolled through the doorway.

He then ran to the scene, a man in armour was about to harm a mother and child.

John swiftly grabbed the guy by the neck and brought him outside away from the family.

"Don't you know who I am." he exclaimed angrily John was shocked he understood what he was saying then with a low icy cold tone he sarcastically remarked "why would I know a dead man."

then he ripped the man's head off with his bare hands with inhuman strength, frightening the children inside the house watching.

Memories flooded through his mind remembering countless battles. A box appears. it was thin and blue

<level up>

gained title human slayer

Check status

John doesn't understand so he goes in the house. "don't kill us." the young woman said "here we have money take it." confused John said all "all I need is information."

the family of three seemed to calm down "what would are savior like to know." she asked surprised

"what is a sta-tus?"

thanks sorry for long intro

TheFoolishAkumacreators' thoughts