
Cultivation Chat Group

One day, Song Shuhang was suddenly added to a chat group with many seniors that suffered from chuuni disease. The people inside the group would call each other ‘Fellow Daoist’ and had all different kinds of titles: Palace Master, Cave Lord, True Monarch, Immortal Master, etc. Even the pet of the founder of the group that had run away from home was called ‘monster dog’. They would talk all day about pill refining, exploring ancient ruins, or share their experience on techniques. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, he discovered that not all was what it seemed...

Legend of the Paladin · 都市
2849 Chs

Yep, I did frame you.

翻訳者: GodBrandy 編集者: Kurisu

Lin Tao knew that there would be a day where he had to leave the school, and that would be when this two-meter-tall man finds Lin Tao while wanting him to witness his fists that were as as big as cooking pots in action… while he could only make a bed reservation near the windows that had good air circulation with great scenery in a familiar hospital before witnessing these fists.

Therefore, he was thoroughly terrified and headed towards the dormitory rooftop with Song Shuhang and Nan Haomeng with a bitter smile.

Behind his back, although several of his roommates were curious, with Nan Haomeng, that huge body, over there, his roommates did not even dare to ask much, afraid that they would be drawn into Lin Tao’s quarrel.

Although they had the thought to help Lin Tao, only their will was there, but not the strength.


Similar to Song Shuhang’s dormitory, the rooftop here was also locked and he did not have the keys...

However, that wasn’t a problem as this wasn’t even his dormitory.

Under the wide-eyed stare of Nan Haomeng and Lin Tao, Song Shuhang grasped the door lock with his hand and effortlessly pulled. Afterwards, the door lock along with the fastened screw were pulled out together.

It was as simple as plucking a leaf.

This was already not something that could be described as having strength, this was basically a human-shaped tyrannosaurus.

Lin Tao couldn’t help but have a cold shiver.

Stepping onto the rooftop, Song Shuhang solemnly asked. "Right now, can you tell me who asked you to investigate about me?"

"I’m not acquainted with that fella." Lin Tao smiled bitterly. As expected, Song Shuhang had asked about this matter immediately. This was the question he did not want to hear the most, because he simply did not know the answer!

The moment he finished speaking, he saw Song Shuhang’s face turn cold.

Lin Tao racked his brains in order to remedy the situation. "Wait a moment, I vaguely remember how he looked like. He’s one head taller than me, around 183 cm. Yep, he’s also slightly skinny and his fingers were long and slender. Clearly, they were longer than ordinary people’s and looked similar to a gibbon’s. Because his face was covered by a huge pair of sunglasses, I couldn’t see his face. However, his lips were quite thick, like a swollen sausage."

"Is that all?" Song Shuhang’s face was as if a repressed volcano that was about to erupt any moment.

"There’s another thing! Although the other party tried to conceal it while he was speaking, I could tell that his accent belonged to the neighbourhood around J-City and Jiangnan District. As I had stayed there when I was young, I am quite sensitive to that accent." Lin Tao hurriedly spoke.

The neighbourhood between J-City and Jiangnan District was also the area of Luoxin Street Area.

As expected, it was because of the Spirit Ghost? Song Shuhang could vaguely confirm his suspicions.

"Other than that, I do not know any other information. Furthermore, I did not reveal too much of your information, just your dwelling place and a few close friends along with a few next of kin. Your classmates in school should all know that information and it can even be found through the school’s network. Other than that, I did not manage to find anything even within the school network. Oh right… this is the remuneration that guy gave me and I’ll give you all to you…" Lin Tao hurriedly took out a bundle of red notes from his wallet, hoping to obtain Song Shuhang’s understanding.

Looking at the bundle of red notes, the last strand of reasoning in Song Shuhang’s mind snapped.

Just because of this money, the other party gave a random stranger his own detailed personal data, causing his life to be in danger. Even… if this matter wasn’t settled as soon as possible, his family and friends would also be in danger.


Song Shuhang grabbed Lin Tao’s collar and fiercely tugged him towards himself while his right hand clenched into a fist and suddenly smashed onto his face.

This was a forbidden move amongst fighting techniques, called Friendship Breaking Face Fist!

Lin Tao was hit until he flew out, fresh blood spilling out from his mouth mixed together with pieces of broken teeth. His face swelled soon after.

Eventually, Song Shuhang had even forcefully restrained majority of his strength. Otherwise, with his fist that contained his anger, one punch was enough for Lin Tao to be bed-ridden and unable to take care of himself.

Right now, he had only smashed a few of his teeth and caused him to have a swollen face. This was the result of Song Shuhang restraining himself.

Lin Tao was dazed after being hit, and only managed to whimper due to the pain after a while. However, with his face swollen, coupled with the fact that half of his teeth fell out, even his crying sounds sounded weird, while he couldn’t release loud cries.

"From this moment on, everything with regards to me had better be thoroughly erased from your mind. Otherwise, the next time, it will not be just a punch that simple." Song Shuhang wiped the blood traces on his fists. "Whereas for your face and teeth, you’d better think of a reason and explain it to others. I don’t care if you say you punched yourself, fell down or whatever, all in all, do not relate yourself with me regardless of any reason. I hope that I won’t have a chance to meet you ever again."

There won’t be another time. If there was indeed a next time, Song Shuhang would truly be unable to guarantee that he would not do something more extreme. Even a buddha can most probably only restrain thrice?

Song Shuhang and Nan Haomeng left the rooftop.

Only Lin Tao was still on the rooftop, crying with the red notes scattered all over the floor. He didn’t know if these red notes would be enough for him to put back half of his teeth as dental fees were quite expensive nowadays.


"I say, Shuhang. Aren’t you afraid of Lin Tao reporting to the school authorities that you beat him up badly? Then the school would force you to quit school or something?" Nan Haomeng suddenly asked curiously.

"Yep, I’m not afraid." Song Shuhang was surprisingly unperturbed.

Unknowingly, his calmness made Nan Haomeng feel an ominous premonition.

"Because, I will absolutely never admit that I had beaten him up. Furthermore…" Song Shuhang turned over and glanced at Nan Haomeng while speaking. "Why do you think I would let you accompany me here?"

"What do you mean? Didn’t I bring you here on my own will?" Nan Haomeng felt something amiss.

"Say, between you and me, who’s more conspicuous?" Song Shuhang indifferently replied.

Nan Haomeng fiercely shouted, "You’re framing me?"

"Yep, I’m framing you." Song Shuhang nodded. "If you feel unjust, hit me?"

Hit you your as*s. I will only be beaten up by you if that happens. Where will there be a chance for me to hit you?

Nan Haomeng ground his teeth and turned back while running towards the rooftop. He felt that there was a need for him to threaten the student called Lin Tao more to avoid a situation where the other party does something he’s not supposed to with an unclear mind.


In the skies, grandpa Sun had exhaustingly climbed up while continuously dispersing its light and heat selflessly. Actually, under such a warm weather, everyone earnestly hoped that it could go on a strike for a day or two.

Before classes had started, Song Shuhang came to Medicine Master’s residence as he had too many questions to consult Senior Medicine Master about. 

Currently, within the courtyard of that five-story unique apartment, a vintage Volkswagen Santana was parked. That was the type of car used by driving schools dozens of years back, and it was squarish in shape. This sort of car was not available in the market anymore for many years now due to it being obsolete.

Who knew that someone was still driving this sort of car? Song Shuhang was somewhat suspicious if this could still be allowed on the road.

‘There’s guests?’ he thought before fishing out his pair of keys while preparing to open the door.

Just then, the door had opened first instead.

A female with shoulder-length hair walked out from within. She had a petite figure which was around 1.5 m tall, but her aura was very powerful and she exuded an imposing manner similar to an old tiger inspecting its territory with every step she took.

She tilted her head and glanced at Song Shuhang. They passed each other, each minding their own business. Then, she went behind the vintage Santana and opened the trunk, taking out a pill refining furnace about one cubic meter in volume.

Afterwards, he only saw her lift up her leg and ferociously give that pill furnace a kick. The pitiful furnace then released a burst of miserable cries.

This lady’s mood seemed to be bad and her temper was quite bad too.

‘Her rage value is off the charts.’ Song Shuhang’s heart shivered and felt that it would be better for him to avoid this lady.

Just when Song Shuhang was preparing to stealthily sneak into the apartment and look for Medicine Master, a weird sound could be heard from behind.

After that, that pill furnace that was kicked had swelled up, as if it had been inflated. In a moment’s time, it grew to a size similar to the car.

It could transform into a huge size just by kicking?

Was this a spell that compressed an item’s volume?

There were thousands of different kinds of spells, and every kind of remarkable ability. It was just that you did not think of it before. This was exactly what cultivation was!