
Cultivation Chat Group

One day, Song Shuhang was suddenly added to a chat group with many seniors that suffered from chuuni disease. The people inside the group would call each other ‘Fellow Daoist’ and had all different kinds of titles: Palace Master, Cave Lord, True Monarch, Immortal Master, etc. Even the pet of the founder of the group that had run away from home was called ‘monster dog’. They would talk all day about pill refining, exploring ancient ruins, or share their experience on techniques. However, after lurking inside the group for a while, he discovered that not all was what it seemed...

Legend of the Paladin · 都市
2961 Chs

I'll be there soon

編集者: Kurisu

Song Shuhang felt as if his heart had been hammered. "Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword, that's a bit too heart-rending."

Despite saying that, he couldn't refute Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword's words. In the end, it all boiled down to being poor, and being too poor would cause one to lose momentum when the topic fell on money.

"I'm afraid that you'll become conceited if I don't rend your heart," Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword said earnestly—it was also afraid that if Song Shuhang continued speaking, it was going to be the one that ended up having its heart rent.

In its opinion, it was better to rend Song Shuhang's heart than have the same thing done unto itself. As such, it chose to viciously act without hesitation.

"Senior, let's not talk about money anymore. What comes after the Life Wheel?" Song Shuhang took the initiative to change the subject.

Senior Scarlet Heaven Sword continued to move its body and write in the air.