

It was a normal day for Melody. Climbing trees and getting yelled at by her persanol maid for wearing all those rags and running around in the forest. When she crossed the river to escaped from her maid , she came upon the most beautiful and magical creature in the world.

It was the Monstarion, the Monstarion has light blue feather and beaks of gold was a type of creature that gives you the power to control it. Legend says that it can only be seen and can be controlled by the one who have the golden blood.

Melody quietly hid in a tree with her mouth and eyes wide open keeping track of the Monstarion. When a sudden shriek came from the bird. Melody quickly went to help it, but the bird fought with all its might to escape from Melody. This went on until the bird was exhausted, and it fell asleep. Melody quickly looked for the source that made this majestic bird to shriek. She looked and looked and nothing was found, until a shiny blue glow of light shined straight at her eyes. It was a crystal like shard, Melody saw it and slowly plucked it from the bird's body, instead of a wound the bird's skin healed itself completely. Melody slowly pet the bird, it woke up. The Monstarion and Melody both stared at each other with fear.

All of a sudden the blue crystal shard started to levitate and came toward Melody. She was so frightened she fell over, the shard turned into a circular shape and flew right into Melody's mouth. Melody almost choked on it, but when it reached her mouth it dissolved into a liquid and Melody swallowed it. Again it is only Melody and the Monstarion who is left, when all of a sudden Melody was up in the sky while she was on the Monstarion. She panicked, looking down to see how high they were up and all of a sudden a strong force of wind blew Melody off the Monstarion.

Melody fell...