
Dreams are real

When Melody fell, she woke up. She was drenched in sweat, Melody felt a sharp pain in her chest. She called her maids, no one answered. Melody thought, "How could this be? There are more than one hundred maids in the mansion," With curiosity she slowly and quietly went up to the door and opened it up. Instead of seeing her maids she saw people dressed in ancient clothing. She went back to her room, and now the room had changed its form. The walls of the room used to be bright white and built from bricks, but know it's made with wood. She looked for windows but could not seem to find it.

Then two girls came into the room. They had clothings for Melody, but they were not the same clothing she was used to wearing. Melody tried to run away but realized there is no use, so the girls quietly dressed Melody.

Melody asked, " Where am I?"

No reply.

" Who are you? and How did I get here?"

Again no reply.

At that moment Melody was furious, she was lost in a world she could not explain of. A week had gone by and Melody made a discovery that where she is know was the Kingdom of Manastoria. Many people here don't quit talk much except for the kids. But what is strange about this place was that everyone here speak an ancient language called Savonazo, ever since she lived there she started to pick up the language and was very much social but the only problem was no one seemed to notice her. Melody wondered how is she going to get home and are people in Eden worrying about her.