
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · 若者
134 Chs

last day in my class

  It's been soo long since they went on a vacation and just tomorrow they were going on a long vacation. Layla was happy of them all. She had been waiting Soo long for their vacation and finally, it was here.  She woke up early that morning and posted ( happy long vacation). In her class group then she posted some too on her social media platform.

   " What's wrong with you this morning". Dela text her on WhatsApp that morning when he saw her start for the day.

   "What is wrong with who". Layla came a minute later and replied to him.


"Please I haven't called you this morning so let me be"

    "Hmm...I'm not here to create a fight I'm just wondering why you are behaving like you just saw a Santa Cruz"

   "Why am I even chatting with you..bye ..you are annoying". She sent him an annoying emoji and switch off her cellular data.

She stretch herself well on her bed and went to her bathroom to take her shower.  After taking her shower, her maid came into her room.

  "Hello Layla Good morning "

"Fine morning "

"How are you doing"

"I'm fine and you"

"Ooh I'm doing good"

"What brought you here "

"Ooh I just came to tell you that your food is ready on the dining table so please come downstairs quick "

   "And where is my mom that you are making food for me this morning "

   "Mm ...she had an important appointment to attend to so she left "

   " What about my dad"

" Ooh him he also left "

  " Okay, I will be there right now ". She told her maid and she went out of her room. 

   She dress neatly and took her bag then she went out of her room.

    " Madam Karen I'm done with my food.. please I'm going "

    " Right now "

    " Yes bye". Layla didn't eat the food because it wasn't her mother who prepared it and her mother too had told her not to eat any food prepare by another person. So she took the food and put it in her bag and then went out.

   " How..she has eaten everything just now". The maid said to herself when she saw that, the table was empty with the food she placed there.  She was thinking that Layla has eaten it all so she was happy about that.

      " Let go, sir". Layla told her driver when she was sitting in her car. He drove off.

   Within a minute she was in her school. She stepped down and went away.

   When she reached where there was a thrush bin, she took the food from her bag and was about to put it in when she saw a young girl standing all by herself crying. She took a look at her and then at the food she was holding.

     (Instead of me throwing it away why don't I give it to her rather). She said to herself and took the food to the girl.

   "Stop crying okay.. here take". She handle her the food and she took it and stopped crying.

"Aww you must be hungry I guess". She said and went away to her class.

    She was almost shocked to death when she entered her class.

  "What the hell happened to my chair". She asked looking furious. Just then the school model came.

    "Hahaha you are shock..ooh..no.. no I thought you don't get shocked on things like this"

"Louisa,  I don't wanna create a fight with you okay..why did you break my chair"

  "Ooh I didn't, we also came to find it like that"

Layla didn't talk again she just glanced at her and the class then she went out to pick up another chair from the school store room.

On her way going she met two of her friends.

   "Where to Layla ". Aris her best friend said.

"Going to pick a new chair "

"What happened to your chair "

"You better ask that your class model "

"Who's class model... please that thing can't be my role model "

    " That one I don't care "

" What did she do this time "

" She broke my chair"

" Really what is up with her? Why is she behaving like that "

   " I don't have time for her nonsense, please can you help me fetch another one"

   " Sure ". They went with her to the store room and picked another chair.

   When they brought it to her place, someone had already occupied her place with hers.

   " Hey, that is my place ". She told the girls who were sitting there.

   " Ooh please we came to find any empty space, there was nothing here when we came"

( Why is my last day in school being boring like that....hmmm ooh God please touch my heart or else I will kill these people)

  " See here Louisa" she turned to Louisa and said.

         " Is not like we are afraid of you because of that tiny things on your chest..see if you think you are grown up then allow us the young ones to enjoy our school okay".

     It was like she have heard a piece of bad news. Louisa got up from her chair to face Layla. She wasn't in the mood for that but that troublesome girl had brought her into the mood.

   " Hey, you watch how you talk to me for I'm far older than you". Louisa said looking like she wanted to swallow the Earth.

   " And did you hear what I said...I said that if you think you are older than us graduate yourself and let us the young ones enjoy our school in peace"

" You little bitch". Louisa said and raised her hands to slapped her but she caught her just in her pace.

    "Don't you dare..". She said and push her away then warned her never to do that again.

   " Don't ever try this again or else I will make you a dull girl for the rest of your life in this school". Then she went back to her place and placed her chair there.  That was when she saw Dela, standing at the door with his hands folded across his chest.

     he walks to Layla to trouble her more.

" So what happened to your precious chair". He said sounding annoying.

   " Leave me alone, because I wanna explored"

" Ooh sorry I didn't know you gonna explored now if so then let me go a little far"

    " Will you stop annoying me more"

" Ooh why what happened"

" That bitch over there broke my chair"

" Who"

" Your class model"

" My class model is you"

(Ooh I guess he is also going to annoy me)

   " Will you stop disturbing me"

" I'm just asking what happened"

" If you had come to school early you will have known"

    " So you won't tell me"

Layla put her head on her chair.  Dela sat beside her.  Louisa break the other side of the chair because Dela was sitting beside her. And she thought that if she break it she will go for only one single chair but she was wrong because Layla went for two sitting chairs.


    " That witch she went for two sitting chairs" Louisa said and sat down with her legs on another chair. That day was there finally day in that class for they will be promoted to the next class when they open school for the next term. They were going to vacate the next day but that day will only be a half day for them so they have taken the day as the last day in school.

  And that was why they were saying that is their last day in class.

" Layla what did you bring from home today ". Jonie ask Layla when it was their first break.

"Nothing Jonie I didn't bring anything today "

" But why"

" While my mom was not at home so I couldn't get anything only my snacks "

   " Ooh.. anyway will you like it if I buy you some food"

     "I'm not hungry right now "

" Are you sure "

" Yh I'm fine "

    Jonie went out.

" So why don't you want to eat". Dela join her in a conversation when he saw that Jonie was gone.

" I said I'm not hungry "

" But I saw you giving your food to someone "

" How did you know about that "

" I said I saw you, I didn't know about it "

" But you were not in school that time "

" Don't worry for I was already in school before you came "

     " Then why were you not in class to stop that Louisa from breaking our chair "

    " While I also came to find it broken"

" Then why didn't you go for a new one "

" Don't try to turn the question I asked you "

" What question"

     " I asked you .. why you gave your food out"

" Is because my mother said I shouldn't eat any food that is not prepared by her"

" And who prepared the food you were holding"

" My maid "

" And you didn't eat it "

" Didn't you hear what I said. I said my mom said I shouldn't eat any food "

" But that was from your maid I guess "

" Okay stop asking me more questions. I'm even feeling hungry "

     " You see your life".

Dela was doing that for her to tell him that she was hungry so he could go and buy her something and finally, she did.  he went to the canteen and bought her favorite food for her.


    " My queen please they have kidnap our leader"

" What, how is that possible"

" Please we don't know.."

" Fool tell me what happened"

"My queen please yesterday morning he said he has a mission to accomplish so he left home early and up to this morning he hasn't shown up yet "

     " What.. have you try calling his number "

" Yes queen, we did but is not going through..at first it went through and no one picked it up but this time it doesn't go at all"

   " Shit..". She hangs the call.

  ( Ooh no where has he gone to...he should better hide or even if he dares let anyone sees him he will be dead)

    She was worried because of the man she sent and he hasn't shown up yet not knowing Becky has him with her.


           ( Yesterday night)

" Hmm....hey if you don't tell me who sent you I will send you to the police myself". Becky said.

  Still, he was quiet all that he said was nobody sent him.

    " Tell me the amount of money he or she gave you that you don't wanna tell us who sent you"

Aaron whispers into his ears.

   " I said nobody sent me". He said shouting.

" Shut up...hmm if you tell us who sent you, we promise to make your life look more enjoyable than it is now... but if you don't then we won't kill you but you will be given life in prison do you want that...and I guess you have a family too". Aaron said again and laugh.

    " Should we make him suffer so that he will tell you the truth ". One of the boys said.

  " Haha..I think that is what he need now ". Becky said then she told them to send him to their secret cell.

   " Take him there and make sure the place is quite dark then tell the other boys to start playing the sounds". Aaron said and took Becky with him and they went away.


   He woke up the next morning to meet a dark empty room with his hands untied. He thought he was free but he didn't know that he was about to suffer danger. Suddenly the door opened and someone brought him a piece of bread with nothing. He went back and close the door behind him.  That was the only light he saw for the day. 

     He wasn't able to see anything again. Everywhere was dark he couldn't even see his own hands. Just then he heard a sound that was like that of a snake. He begins to shiver.

   The place was like a living hell for him.