
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Teen
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134 Chs

The long vacation...

Finally, they have vacated and they have all gone home. Layla was still angry with what happened in school the other day. She told her parents about it and they said it was okay and that wasn't something to be angry about it the whole day. 

    So she forgot about it and was living her happy life. This term she came first in her class and the second was Dela before Jonie. She was super happy about that. 


    She told her parents that she wants to hang out with her friends the next weekend. Her parent wasn't convinced by what she said so they told her that they will all go with her.

  " Dad no I want to go with my friends alone please"

    " Not like we don't want you go my dear but you see nowadays the world isn't like how it was some years ago..if we were to be in the oldern days I will have allowed you to go on your own but please is not like that now"


    " Okay dad I will like to go with you guys but please my friends are part "

    " Nothing my princess. Now come here"

He carries her on his lap and plays with her.

" Okay, daughter and father can I please join you too". Becky said and laugh.

   " Come here, mom ". Layla said.

    Dela was also feeling bored at home, he wasn't the type of guy who like going out like that so he was him his room quiet.  Then he decided to go to his studio to play some music for he loves music and dance. He has his manager who was his grandpa. He was also one of the most famous young musicians in the whole of Africa.

     He has a lot of fans across the world. Everyone liked his songs because he was a young boy with a great vision of the future. He was thinking to be the manufacturer of cars and phones.

that was his dream to achieve in life. ever since he was a small boy he used paper to form cars and use clay to model phones. that is what he thought of doing

when he grows up. But for his talent in music, he starts that earlier.

     When he got to his studio, he took his phone and placed it in front of him, and took his guitar. Then he begins to record himself while playing one of his favorite songs. That was what he enjoyed doing the most in his leisure time.

   After playing for a while, he had a call from Layla.

    "Hey what's up". Layla said immediately he took the call

"Normal ..your side"


"Why are you not writing your stories again"

    "Well I am but I'm feeling a little bored doing that"

     "But you told me that was what you enjoy doing"

     "Yh ..by the way, forget about me what are you doing.."

     "I'm just in my studio"

"Releasing new song"

    "Nope just on the old tracks"

"Ooh I see..will you like to let us go on a summer vacation like I said the other day"

   "Why not...if only I won't get you more attention"

"Forget about that"

     "Wait a minute us, like is Jonie coming too"

"Of course, how can I take my friend out"

      "Which means I'm not your friend "

"I didn't say that "

   "Whatever..by the way, will your parents allow you to go"

"Nope..but they are saying that they will like to go with us"


"Did you just say cool"

   "Yh is cool right "

" I thought you are going to speak on my behalf"

"Then I'm sorry for no one will allow his or her ten to eleven-year daughter to go on summer vacation all by herself "

    " You think they are right "

" Of course they are ..they know what they had been through before that is why they are telling you "

     " Anyway I even think going with them will be soo much fun"

"You see what I was talking about... haha "

"Hahaha ". They all laughed and talk for a while before they hang up.

   They went on camping at the beachside.  Dela was a little bit afraid of the water so all the time he will be staying back for them to go and swim.

    "Dela are you not joining us". Layla said immediately she stepped in the water.

  ", Don't worry I'm okay standing here"

"Are you sure or I should splash some water on you"

   "No don't I said I'm okay". He said shouting.

" Okay okay". Not knowing Layla has already planned with her friends to pour water on him.

   So after they were done talking, they pour the water on him and, they begin to laugh.

   " What the hell". Dela said and quickly went back to his tent to dry himself.


" Where is he". Layla ask her friends when she didn't see Dela standing where he was just a minute ago.

    " We don't know he, he was here just now". They said.

     " And where will ha has gone this instant"

Layla rush back to the tent to see if she will find him, but to her disappointment, he wasn't there. She search everywhere for him but she couldn't find him.

    " Will he be streaking pictures with his fans". She thought and came out of the tent. She asked everyone if they have seen him but they all say they haven't seen him.

    "Aah.. this is strange, he was just here right now... where will he be". She said while looking around her, suddenly she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She quickly turned to see who it was.


   "Dela where have you...woooow...what happened to you, you are glomming"

  Layla said looking surprised to see his friend glomming like the morning sun.

  " I'm not glomming you, idiot, can't you see there is a mirror behind me and the sun too is reflecting on it "

    "Ooh I didn't see it..but to ask where did you run to when they pour the water on you"

   "So you were the one who told them to do that right "

    "I thought you were feeling cold that was why didn't want to swim. And I thought of a way to make you swim"

   "Look here Layla, I wasn't feeling cold okay I'm just afraid of the sea. Is too big for my liking "

    "Wait you are afraid of the sea"

"Not only the sea but water too"

"Why are you afraid of water "

"No reason "

       "No reason like how... beside everyone has his or her reason not to like something "

    "But I don't have a reason "

"Are you for real"

    "No I'm for nonexistent..will you leave me alone "

    "Wait wait.. where were you"

"I went to my tent to dry myself up"

   "I came there you weren't there "

"Maybe you didn't look for me well "

"I did"

    "Please can you let me be"

"Fine I'm going bye"

     "Whatever go and enjoy your vacation trip and let me be"

     Layla went away from him and went to join her friends in the play.

Jonie who has been watching them for while saw that Layla was gone, he went to Dale.

   "Hey, you what were you talking to her about". He said.

   "It will be better if you ask her yourself"

"Stop trying to be nice"

     "I'm not trying to be nice, I'm nice already"

"Boy stay away from her you get me"

   "Why don't you go and tell her rather than me"

"As for me, I have told you what I wanna say "

  " Are you done please ". Dela turned his back on him and walked away. Just a mile away from there, he was confronted by a whole lot of people.

  They all wanted to take pictures with him.

And that was what he hate the most in his life, sometimes he feel like shouting at them so they will leave him alone.  But all the same, they are the ones who make him popular.

   Jonie was annoyed when he saw soo many people who wanted to take pictures with Dela. He wishes it was him.

   "This guy is taking away my everything, I need to act quickly". He said to himself.

   "Who is taking away your everything". Layla said. She was just passing by to see if Dela was still there but she saw Jonie rather.

  "Woh. Layla, you startled me"

"Why "


"By the way have you seen Dela here"

"No..huh...I mean yh he went that way". He show her the direction where Dela went to.

  "Thanks..and why are you standing here alone"

I'm learning how to be alone for some time "

     "Ooh please don't learn or else we won't get anyone to entertain us in class ". Layla said while smiling.

  "Don't worry I will always be there to entertain you only"

    "Is that a promise "


      "Okay, then I will get going ". She said and run off to see Dela.

  (If I truly entertain you then why are you always with him? Why don't you look at me for once why? is it because he is handsome with firm...is it because he has more fans than me. Layla, you are the one I love since my childhood and I will still love you till you understand me). Jonie said to himself and went away from there.

   " Come, come all of you". Layla said, shouting to all her friends to come and take a group picture with her and her family. Gladly they came and they took the picture nicely. That was that for that day.  They went into their tent.

  Layla quietly sneaks into Dela's tent.

" What are you doing here stubborn girl"

" And how does it concern you"

" It concerns me because is my tent"

" And I told you guys to come right"

     " So"

" So I have the right to be anywhere I want..and by the way, I want to sleep here with you"

   " No, you can't"

" Of course, I can"

    " Why are you stubborn like that"

" I learned it from you actually"

   " Will you stop bragging and go into your tent"

" No, I'm not going anywhere young boy"

    " Okay have you thought of what two people of different sex do"

" What does it have to do with us"

    " Yh I'm telling you that if we are to sleep here together then the next day everyone will think that we did it"

    " We did what "

" What your parents did to give birth to you "

    " No, they won't think like that "

" Okay if they won't think of that how about we try"

     " Aah.. nasty boy I'm going "

" Bye". Dela said that to make her go to her parent's tent rather than sleep there with him. He thought she was gone, but actually, he was mistaken.

    " What are you still doing here "

" Ooh I think you can't do that to me so I have come back "

    " Then wait and see"

" Forget about that young man for that won't scare me to go away "

   " I think it won't..tell me what you want so that you will go"

    " Sing for me"

" What "

   " Yh if you sing for me I will go"

" Okay fine ". Dela brought out his guitar and begin to play a song for her while she was laying on his bed.