
Cruising through movie worlds

"So, that's how my life ends, what a waste of time it was....." a young para special forces soldier mutters as he lied in the puddle of his own blood, finally coming to terms that the glory and purpose for which he have strived for his whole life held no meaning in the grand scheme of things, he had just become stats, data alongside many other of the honourable soldiers who are lying dead around him ,had died in the past, or will continue to do so in the near future. he once held the belief that joining army will give him a purposeful life, honor to upheld to, and people to protect but really who was he really protecting, the interest of the greedy politicians of both sides who will call war on a whim and settle by reaching treaty when their personal and political interests are met, huh how incredibly foolish he was....he wished he was more selfish....

atem_pandemonium7 · 映画
7 Chs

Birthday celebration and revelations(III)

He was stunned by the sudden influx of new information.

The affiliation of his butler to Ruska Roma and Cammora changes a lot of things in his plan, because from his memory he can discern this names belonging to 2 of the 12 members of high table.

And even if his hunch was wrong and the name can belong to some run of the mill gangs, he can never be wrong about the name 'John' after all it had left quite an impact on him.

After some deliberation, he quickly calmed himself down and probed information from his butler.

"Am i to assume Angelo that you would follow any and all my orders without question?'

"Yes master that is indeed the case" Angelo replied without hesitation.

" So tell me, NO! i order you angelo,what happened to my mother and father" he can recall from this body memories that he had asked his butler the same question many time but had received the same answer that 'they are on a business trip/they're out doing some important work.' 

" They're dead master" Angelo with some hesitation replied with a strained voice.

He worriedly looked for any kind of distress on the young child's face hearing this unfortunate news but didn't find any. 

" What, do you really take me for a fool , what kind of parent would leave their child alone for how long, well as far as i can remember my whole life apparently" Karan said with a plain face causing Angelo's to scrunch in guilt.

" Now tell me the real reason ,was it an accident and if it wasn't then who they were to warrant such actions against themselves" 

Angelo hesitated burdened by the promise of protecting the child and the guilt of keeping him in the dark.

".....But master the truth will push you to the hell, in which your mother never wanted you to be any part of and it will also put yours and life of everyone around you in jeopardy." 

" Ignorance is never the answer Angelo, what became of my parents even when they were away from your so called metaphorical 'hell', were they able to live peacefully?"

" I would never allow such thing master, i would give up my life first if it comes down to it" Angelo hurriedly replied with resolute voice.


A hearty laughter rang as karan laughed unceremoniously.

" You..aha..are quite funny Angelo ,do you realize that the claims you are making are the claims that you once failed to keep, I reckon you once had the same oath about my parents, Where are they, were you able to save them?" Karan stopped laughing and downed a poker face and coldly stated.

He had to show Angelo that his mental age is different from other children and that he should be treated as such, and what's better way to do so than prove him wrong in his very own beliefs.

 Angelo was shaken up by the flashbacks of his past failures and regrets, his master had never treated him so coldly and in such harsh words.

But if he have to retrospect, it is indeed true that he has wronged this child, first by failing to protect him from becoming orphaned and next by keeping him in dark about his parents whereabouts for so many years.

" Very well master, I will not continue to lie any longer but prepare yourself because the truth could be quite overwhelming" Angelo finally made the choice but was worried that the information could be quite reality altering for someone of his master's age.

" Continue, and stop treating me like some snot nosed brat, you can explain it without any inhibitions"

" As you wish master"

Karan attentively listened as Angelo started his explanation.

"This story goes back 35 years ago when the current head of cammora crime syndicate unknowingly sired a daughter during his days of debauchery, which he for the most part remained unaware of, that daughter was your mom."

Angelo took a short pause letting the information sink in, he continued after his master nodded.

"Your grandmother which in her own right is still a very influential figure in russian underworld at that time contemplated what to do with the unwanted child but still didn't chose to abort it ,was it? motherly love or something else i myself quite don't know, she knew from the start what fate would befall the child if the Cammora were to discover about the circumstances which led to that child's birth but she still brought that child into the world."

" Your grandmother than took her to her own organization 'Ruska Roma' and chose to raise her there among the other trainee assassins so as to not raise any suspicions, the other assassins were me, Katia and John"

"Your mother didn't any talent or interest in fighting instead She was a very kind soul that despite living between death and the merchants of death remained untainted by everything around her, your grand mother was never able to teach her the way of life She taught others that 'Life is suffering and suffering is beauty'."

" She was very optimistic towards life and thought that people could coexist if they could understand the pain of others, Which I till this day disagree with because no two people can have same experience of suffering or same reaction to that"

" Anyway life kept moving on as John and Katia moved their own way with Katia remaining as an agent in Russian branch and john starting as an independent contract assassin, your grandmother, I and your mother moved to New-York where your grandmother took over as a mentor in 'Tarkovsky Theater'"

" It was at this time that your mother met your father who was on a business trip to new york after which as fate would have it they eventually fell in love because of their shared life principles and values, your grandmother was not happy with this, and your mother who was already fed up with the life filled with crime and murder decided to run away with your father."

" It was an offence punishable by death, I at that time was dreading that 'The director' would send me to assassinate your mother but She didn't do that and instead told me about her and your mother's past, I was shocked at first but soon found the answer that why the uncaring director who is so strict with her principles treated your mother with love albiet discreetly"

" Your mother was mostly ostracized because of her conflicting and 'alien' view. I instead found solace in her visage as i watched her grow, She was my salvation that there is still good in this world, I wanted to protect her as i came know about her story , She didn't deserved to die in some power struggle which She never wished to be part of, I volunteered to protect her by following after her. Which 'The director' gladly accepted by exiling me and destroying my crucifixion marker." 

"I at first thought that She was doing so, to spite me but later realized that it was only to cover the tracks which could lead any potential harm to your mother, to India."

" Life continued, at first your mother was reluctant to accept me as her protector but after much convincing from your father and my sincerity She accepted, I did my job without fail by following them in the shadows whenever they ventured outside."

" But the nature of my job changed when you were born, I made a promise to your mother that I will prioritize your safety over theirs and when you were 2 year old the misfortune struck."

Angelo held back tears and took a long pause as he recounted his most painful moment in Life.

" 'The Director' did inform me that your grandfather had learned about your mother and is intend to eliminate her before She became any hurdle in his real children's succession but the information came late as I received the news that your mother and father had died in an accident"

" I was disoriented at first and wanted nothing more than to destroy each and every member of Cammora but remembered the promise I made with your mother"

" Some days later I also received call from 'The director' her orders for me were to not repeat my failures and protect you"

" Despite how stern She tried to sound, I can till this day vouch that I remember hearing the same loss and sadness in her voice that I was feeling" 

Angelo finished the story with choked breath, the apparent loss was visible in his visage.


Next chapter will venture into karan's reaction to the whole ordeal and his future plans.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

atem_pandemonium7creators' thoughts