
Crows Only Bring Murders

Asani has to infiltrate the UA and this is her story on that. (Okay so this is my first fanfic so please be gentle. also im so bad at summaries T-T)

Frogs_and_Gnomes · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter 1: New Mission

I looked down at the man I had pinned to the ground. As I held my knife to his throat, I leaned close to his face.

"If you want to live, explain your quirk to me, boy." I bluffed.

"Okay okay!" he cried. "I can shapeshift into any kind of spider and gain its abilities, such as being able to make silk, climbing walls, and shrinking to the size of a spider, but I can only hold the form for thirty minutes. Please don't kill me!"

"Thanks for explaining your quirk. It'll be helpful for me." I whispered to him. I caressed his face, smiling down at him, and then slit his throat.

I relished in the power that flowed into me. Oh, the urge to test out my new quirk.

I looked down at my crop top as I stood up, "Aw man! I got blood all over me!" I whined.

"Crow, stop whining, and let's get back to base. It's your fault for slitting his throat when you could have gone for a less bloody way of killing." Dabi scolded me.

I whipped around and huffed at him. "Says the one who looks like an overdone chicken."

"Be quiet and get your bloody ass over here so we can go back to base and get cleaned up."

"Fine. Call Kurogiri so he can get us out of this and I can go try out this new quirk."

"Alright." Dabi pulled out his phone and called Kurogiri.

After a minute of waiting, a portal opened in front of Dabi and I.

We walked through and I was greeted with a hand in my face.

"What do you want, Shiggy?" I asked as I shoved him outta my face.

"Did you really have to get blood on your clothes?" Shigaraki huffed.

"Apparently so. Imma go to my room and get cleaned up." I responded curtly.

"Alright well, All for One wants to talk to you when you're done. He says he has another mission for you, but he wants to tell you about it himself."

"Alrighty then, Shiggy." I smirked a little as I walked to my room.

"You know I hate when you call me that!" Shigaraki shouted at me as I shut the door to my room.

My room wasn't much, but then again I didn't need much. I had a cot for a bed with a comfy ass blanket and the perfect fluffy pillow. I had a small dresser that held enough clothes to last a couple weeks and a desk that had a computer and drawing book on it. My walls were bare, except for one photo of me as a child with a nameless friend I made that day.

I grabbed a new outfit out of my dresser - which consisted of a sleeveless turtleneck crop top, cargo pants, and a black jacket - and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

My bathroom wasn't much either. It had a toilet, a sink and counter-space, and a shower. I had my brush - although I almost never use it - a toothbrush and toothpaste. In my shower I had my favorite shampoo and conditioner - that smelt like absolute heaven - and my body wash.

I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower. My hair was short in the back but the two chunks of hair that framed my face were abt three inches past myshoulders so I didn't need to use a lot of hair products. I scrubbed my skin red where the blood was stuck on me.

I hate the feeling of blood on me. It's too sticky and it stains. At least I wear black clothes a lot of the time.

When I was done - and my skin was red from how hot the water was - I toweled myself dry.

I looked in the mirror and admired my body. I loved how built for battle I was. I was flat as a board, had long legs, and a fit build. My hair was short and my skin was tan from all the hours working out in the sun. The only thing I loved about myself that didn't have any purpose for battle was my eyes.

They were as black as night with gold flecks. My eyes look exactly like the night sky during a new moon and I love it.

I slipped on my clothes, put on my dock martins, and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone off of my dresser and called All for One.

The phone rang twice and then I heard All For One speak. "Hello, child."

"What's poppin', AFO?" I responded.

"You know not to call me that, child." he grumbled.

"And you know that you can use my name, right?"

He switched topics, "I have an important mission for you child."

"It's Asani. If you are going to talk to your child, why don't you check in on me once in a while and use my name. I'm tired of my father not caring about me. Just a simple, 'how was your day?' every now and then would be nice." I jeered. He always does shit like this and it's annoying. At least try to be a father.

"Alright - Asani - is that better?" he scoffed.

"Yes that is better, thank you." I switched topics, "Oh! I got a new quirk! It's good for sneaking and whatnot. I haven't tried it out yet, but I will as soon as I can!"

"Hmm. That will definitely be handy for your mission."

"Oh really? What is it?"

"I want you to infiltrate UA."


I dont know how often I will post and I wont have any set schedule when posting but I hope you all enjoy reading it! (I am also posting this on AO3 if you prefer to read it there. Its under the same name, although this one is edited)

Frogs_and_Gnomescreators' thoughts