

A petty thief is destined to resurrect a great ruler of her kingdom, and through her journey, she goes through different kinds of emotion troupes, love, betrayal and greatness.

DaoistZCqHaE · ファンタジー
6 Chs


"Through the nights, the gargoyles ran from under the shores of this town, leaving corpses and fountains of blood."

Threatening tolerance with Hades'.

Crimson corpse.

Fog flows as ravens praise it.

Dirty, thirsty vampires.

"Dance to dripping veins."

Tobias told the story to the quiet bar, which thrived on the horrors of his actions..

"He is lying to you all," muttered Selene, who was walking inside the bar.

"What have I even said and it never happened?" Selene should see the flow of the fog? "Legend says that a single soul touched by the gods is the only one who can stop the blood bath."

"If anything you have said happened, Tobias, it has only been luck." Cyrus jokes, making the entire bar laugh out loud.

In the space of quietness, ravens started crowing through the town streets and above their roofs, ripping the darkness of that night.

On the outcasts of the city were two men approaching the town, each on his own horse. At the entrance gates of Taras sat a gargoyle statue that blinked in an instant.

"I think everyone should head back home," ordered the bartender at the branch of his bar counter. Having all the men suddenly stand up in an instant.

"Each one of you should be home with your family. Close yourself inside and don't get out. No matter what."

Tobias held Cyrus by the arm, for he had taken too much to lift himself up and head back home.

"Come on, buddy. I need to get you home. "Tobias talked to Cyrus, who he was lifting up.

"You two ain't going anywhere like that." The bartender adjourned to Tobias and Cyrus. "Take him to the upper left room, Tobias." "Stay there and don't come out. Selene, Close the door."

"I cannot believe you, father. The boys go up to hide, and the daughter closes the door? "Selene argued in disbelief.

"Well my child, it's because these two boys aren't as brilliant as you. They are not as special as you.

Okay, let me close it. If something eats me, it's all on you. "She claimed

At the gates of Taras, the two men stood still with their horses. Their expressions were hidden behind their warm robes and hoods. In a few minutes, a young man passing by the gates set his sights towards them.

"Can I help you, sir?" He intended to serve the two gentlemen.

"We are looking for a place to stay. Perhaps you know a lodge around here?" Answered one of the men.

"Sure. Come on. I can show you a nice place. The nice man added

As soon as they passed through the gate blockage, one of the two men flashed and snapped the other man's neck.

In a second of light, their faces were revealed. The two neat pale handsomes, who were feeding on the dead man's blood, devoured them. Vampires.

"Welcome home, dear friend." "Let's eat," said the other man, who had snapped the boy's neck.

"Come here, Selene." Her father called on her.

"What do you want to reproach me about, father?"

I have something for you. I've had to give you something for a long time.

"What could it be? A burning candle. The last time you gave me a burning candle."

"No, it's something your mother left you. Something she wanted you to keep before time rises. Apparently, it's too late."

"What do you mean it's too late?"

"Listen, the story Tobias was telling, it has happened before and it's happening yet again. Your mother left you three special gifts. I've always prayed to Zeus that the day never comes when you need to use any of them. "

"I thought you said my mother didn't want me and that she left me right here at the counter with only a pair of dirty robs."

"Yeah, it's clear. I lied. But that's not the point. The point is, the vampires are here. And you are the only one who can defeat them.

I don't plan on dying. "What does that have to do with me, father?"

"Everything. Your mother was Arae's daughter. Your mother was melted by the flames of Hades as we journeyed to bring Ariadne back. Now, she sleeps like a star in the sky, taking care of you. She left the fate of Taras in your hands. It's something I didn't want to see come true. "

"Is that what the oracle was talking about?"

"I don't know. All I know is that you're very special. And this town needs you. I won't hold you back. I will support your choices."

Atticus, her father, looked from under the table where he had kept a golden box. He gently opened the box. On the inside was a golden pendant, a golden bracelet, and a lock of a weird stick.

"She said that the bracelet is the only thing that can bring Ariadne back from Hades. If you arrive at the burning flames of the dead, you shall dress her with it, and you shall have the pendant to lead you back from the dead. The stick is the wild, said sword of curses, only held by those who have the blood of Area running through their veins. "

"This is too much, father. I can't. "

You can't change your fate. If only we could. These possessions were forged in Area's armor. They have the power to curse and take away a curse. "

Atticus appeared, standing in front of Selene, who was looking in disbelief. Her eyes had been wrecked with red from the need to weep.

"Why, father? Why?"

"I know that you can't forgive me for keeping such a secret from you. And I didn't think this day would come this soon. Now it's here and I can't avoid it. All I can say is "sorry."

Selene grabbed the box from the table and rushed up to her room in tears, slamming the door shut. Atticus stayed anxious.

The next morning, the fog had raged through the town, carrying bodies of