

A petty thief is destined to resurrect a great ruler of her kingdom, and through her journey, she goes through different kinds of emotion troupes, love, betrayal and greatness.

DaoistZCqHaE · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2(1)

The next morning, the fog had raged through the town, carrying bodies of women, men, children, and dogs. The gargoyle had come to life, and it was hallowing through the kingdom.

Atticus had made his daughter a fabulous breakfast that he got to her in bed as she still laid asleep.

"My child, you should look through the streets."

"The bloodbath. There is a reason why your mother kept you away from the sight of the oracle. Once he set his eyes on you, the curse was released and he saw your destiny. Along with that, he woke the demons that are supposed to hunt you to death. "Atticus explained to his daughter.

"So you mean these creatures are here for me?" Selene deemed.

They will not stop coming if you successfully resurrect Queen Ariadne. "

They both led down to the bar where Tobias and Cyrus sat.

"Good morning, Sir Atticus." greeted Cyrus with a yawn.

"Good morning, you two lazy boys. Tobias, the historical man. What do you think can kill a blood-dripping gargoyle?"

"Legend has it that your wife once killed a gargoyle." How could you not know? "

"Legend says my wife. Do I look like my wife, Tobias?"

"Oh! Yeah, that. Okay, we could ask Cyrus. He is the real physician. "Tobias corrected.

"What does physics have to do with a gargoyle named Tobias?" Cyrus turned to him in disbelief. "As we all know, gargoyles are protectors. Once they start killing people they are supposed to protect, that is called a curse. These curses were sent by an Asian god called Fuku. He is known to place curses upon mortal beings who have harmed other mortals. In the book of the gods of curses, it says that he could no longer control those creatures. He banished them to Hades, where they are supposed to suffer in eternity."

"That doesn't explain why they are coming here right now," Selene mentioned.

"That's because Hades is open. He is sending cursed souls back to retrieve something of value to him. I believe there is something owned by the gods right here in Taras. Maybe someone like the granddaughter of Arae." Cyrus striked his eye at Selene."

"That's me." Selene turned to his father.

Like I said, I wanted there to be an option. Where you're spared somehow. But as your mother used to say, "There is always no choice when it comes to the gods."

We should go to the library. We can find more answers in one of the books. "Cyrus proposed

"The horror fuming on the outside can spare no mortal." Atticus added.

"We must go, father. Unless we want the entire kingdom to die."

"They're not dying though." Tobias said, drawing everyone's attention to him. "No! They do die, but they resurrect at dawn and become vampires. So for now, they are dead. By night, they will be sucking blood from all those who are still living. "

"And why hadn't you said that already?" Cyrus piled.

"We were talking about gargoyles, remember?"

"Fair enough."

Selene and Cyrus walked out of the bar, Atticus and Tobias preparing themselves. On the roadside right next to the bar, a couple of dead bodies were found. People were off the streets, and only the noise of the ravens were whisking through the open air.

"We better get off these streets as soon as possible." Cyrus proposed

in a minute, a pounding growling sound was heard from above their heads. The creature's wings had been made from the fathom of human skin, stitched on its back. Its red eyes were stirring right at them.

One of the men that had arrived late last night stood out of the fog. He stood with his hands tucked behind his back.

"I thought vampires didn't move during the day." Selene whispered to Cyrus, who was utterly in shock.

Well, these ones do. As you can see.

A giggle shook their feet as the man started to approach them.

I must say, I expected someone older and bigger. Perhaps a man?" Said the pale man." "You can call me Willow." "The man who carries your death note."

"Well. He is poetic too. It won't be a boring death. "Selene deemed.

"How can we help you, sir?" Cyrus sobbed in prayer.

"It won't take long." The gentleman added when he suddenly noticed that they had disappeared.

Selene and Cyrus were running through the shores of the trenches that led them to the incinerators.

"Nice choice of cover." Selene was wrecked taking the dirt off of her.

"Well, there was no choice. Unless you wanted your blood to be drained out of your small body,"

"Well. I think I know what keeps him in the sun. There was an emerald ring around his ring finger. I can bet on it, "Selene remarked."

"Now we are out of the town. How can we go in yet again? "

I know of a witch in Syracuse who might know how to help. We are just a few miles away. We can get there before dawn.

"Is it the keeper of the yaga gates?" Cyrus wondered as they walked away from Taras.

"Not her. I don't deal with those that work with black magic. The lady we are going to see was the former oracle of Taras."

"No! no! no! no! You're not talking about the great witch Medea, are you? "

"Well, she is not that great. But yeah. That's the one we are going to see. "

They both walked, chatting noisily. By late noon, they had arrived in Syracuse, a town similar to Taras but tidier and grooved by the streets where people were busy trading through the market.

"Must you get yourself a farewell rob?" One of the old men said to Cyrus at his stake business:

Never mind, sir, I have holes in my pocket. I definitely can't afford that. "Cyrus answered when suddenly Selene took him by the arm.

"We came here for a reason, Cyrus. We are not running off talking to some strangers."

"Well. Yeah, I didn't hear any though. "

They arrived in a small brown hatch at the edge of the town. The place was at a pitch of hum with fog rushing out of the top.

"Is it on fire?" Cyrus inquired.

"Well. I guess she thrives on smoking herself."

They both walked towards the entrance, where they found the door wide open.

"Anyone is welcome in my dwelling. Come on in, walkers of the day. I'm hoping it must be the doing of Hades." Said the old woman, who was staring at a silver bowl of water. "What must I do for you, Selene?" I didn't expect you to be here yet again. And so quickly too." She added

"Well. You can say it. The unseen dangers led me to your gain."

"What is it that you have come for my child?" She inquired.

"I believe by now you have seen what is happening to Taras. We need to find something that can kill the dead blood thirsty vampires and a gargoyle.

The woman chuckled in an instant, turning her gaze to them.

"Did you have to walk miles away from the one weapon?" Your father has kept it from you for too long. And I did warn him about his reckless idea of keeping you safe, but who does Atticus listen to anyway? Listen to me. The only weapon you should be looking for is the sword of curses. The same one your mother used to carry around."

"Gods. You must be kidding me. I walked all the way here only to know that the sword my father gave me last night was the solution."

"Oh. He finally walked off his pride. To any problem of yours that needs force, you must always turn to it first. If it fails, that's when you must be looking for something else."

"We need to get back." Selene said, as she left Medea's home.

The day had yet vanished into the dark cloud. The people of Syracuse were living off the street in terror of the news that had surfaced about what was happening to Taras.

Before they could get any further, Medea found them with two horses.

"I thought you could use these to your advantage." She called them.

"That's why they call her resourceful." Cyrus joked, walking back to her.

"I know of a spell that can help you through this fight." Medea added..

"I don't like witchery. You know that." Selene answered.

"Even if that spell makes you invisible to your enemy?" She added proudly.

"We can use that. You know we can, Selene." Cyrus begged.

"If I don't get to swallow anything or cut my veins, then fine."

"Invizic!" In an instant, Medea proudly uttered.

Did it work? Did it work? "Cyrus jumbled proudly.

"I think you should take him home. He is so much of a child. "Medea mentioned handing Selene a small knot of something.

"I heard that. Just because I am invisible doesn't mean I am deaf. With all due respect to the great witch." Cyrus screamed.

"I think you're right." Selene confirmed it to Medea.

"The spell can last forever. If you don't eat the ashes of that cinnamon leaf. It would be another story.

I knew it. There is always something to eat when it comes to you, Medea, and it would never be normal. "Selene complained heading to get onto the horse along with Cyrus, who was still looking at himself to confirm the invisibility.