
Battle in the sewer

Our roles have been assigned; I'm meant to accompany aizawa as they somehow identified that there is an underground structure so my construction related abilities are required in case the building collapses which is highly probable considering Ryukyu is here.

Aizawa recommended me for here as he figured out I have a sensory ability. Hence I'm in the front lines perched next to fatgum, he's like Santa but more violent and has more drug experience. Before the whole event kicked off I stepped up to mirio and slipped some sand into his costume. It's going to act as Kevlar for him but the plus side is that I'm connected to it.

After it deals with the first impact I'll know so I can reform it and block the next one using observation haki. Ryukyu and the giant started crawling so we stormed in. Heroes throwing projectiles towards the gang members while I pulled my fair share.

My espada and sables were flying everywhere incapacitating everyone after contact. We breached the house and found medical equipment for chisaki's father. I found the hidden compartment and blasted it out of the way making the canon group proceed.

Sun water stopped the three yakuza so we proceeded on with fat gum and red riot taking on rappa and barrier guy. The room started rumbling and I could feel someone moving through the walls. I tried to fight for control with him but the quirk enhancers are too strong. The walls sprouted up separating me from everyone while he segmented the two of them.

I was about to bust the wall down when I felt a splash. I looked at my feet and found the room slowly filling with water from a grate in the corner. Thank god I made the fur coat water proof. I reached into one of the many hidden pockets and fetched out a respirator I had mei cook up. I was motivated by batman comics.

Surprisingly dc and marvel exist in this world though they are different due to quirks. Batman is more of a propaganda to show quirkless people can fight too but it's not popular in Japan. I wonder why.

After preparing for a water fight I ripped the grate from the ground and jumped in. After a few seconds on falling i found myself in a sewer. This wasn't in canon but then again neither was hody. The concrete path is incredibly short but the tunnel keeps expanding so I look for a vault point to jump off of.

I scan down the hallway and find a set of wooden planks like a walk way so I made my way to those quietly. After landing on the platform I followed it through a series of tunnels and find some interesting things. Scratched up clothing, the walls have bullet and scratch markings that are very deep compared to what a normal thing can do.

My haki is constrained from having to focus on mirio and nighteye who I also marked. I focused on them and found someone slashing them, twice managed to clone some heroes and slipped them into the group to attack them. He adapted toga tactics into his quirk and must have experienced a growth that lets him clone without measuring now.

I left him to be handled by the others as he is not my main concern. I hear crunching of some kind down towards the end of the sewer. I make my way towards it and find a few red vials smashed floating in the water. Those kind of look like...

*sploosh* *crash* *ssssssnaannarrlll*.

A creature lunges out from the water to grab out and bite me so I punched it. It snarled at me from the water before descending down again. I couldn't sense it until it attacked which is problematic.

That was fucking hody!!!! He took the quirk enhancers just like he did in one piece. His hair has turned white and he's bulked up massively. He's also grown some scales for some reason. I'm getting a familiar feeling of this scenario.

The water level begins to rise and the planks begin to shatter so I begin retreating. This reminds me of an old game I played back in my first life. Arkham asylum, wait does that mean I'm batman. Note to self I need to make an explosive compound later so discuss this with mei.

I'm bolting through the sewers as fast as I can mixing in my desert trail move to speed up but it's too damp down here. I can't form killer quartz fast enough. I make it back to the entrance and began to climb back up while I hear thrashing from below.

As I was climbing I paused because I felt mirio be shot so I focused on him to reform the sand immediately. This was not smart as the second I took my attention of hody he lunged at me. I looked to see his teeth about to sink into me so I placed one hand on the wall and drained sand forming sand armour on my other arm that he chomped into.

I felt pain from his chomping force so I punched him with a haki covered fist straight to his nose. That's how you deal with a shake right? Hit it in the nose?

He didn't like that so he grabbed my leg as he fell and dragged me back into the water. As well fell he tried to crush me and bite into my left shoulder so I used haki to harden it while I plunged my right thumb into his eye crushing it. He roared and retreated so I made a beeline for the surface.

My left arm is in tremendous pain from the two shark bites, it's bleeding and feels numb like a poison of some kind has slipped in. The quirk enhancers must have made him mildly poisonous. As I made it back above water I felt night eye being attacked so i used to sand to garden around his torso startling him. It defended him while another hero attacked the villain.

I also felt mirio get shot at again so I refreshed his sand armour while he defended eri. I felt deku burst in and continue their fight. Hody recharged and came at me again. We got into a brawling match under the water for a few minutes with my left arm getting worse and more scratches appearing on my body.

He's not all sunshine and rainbows either, I've probably broken quite a few bones in his body but the enhancers he's one turned off pain from the looks of his bloodshot eyes. We felt a massive boom then the water level that rose began guiding somewhere as we shot upwards like a geyser.

I turned to see a massive meat monster chisaki pulling water and debris towards himself while deku carried eri on his back and started using 100%. I saw hody use the water droplets to move rapidly towards the civilians who where evacuated. Ryukyu finished off the giant for the second time and looked up to see me use desert trail to crash into hody and launch us into a destroyed house.

The heroes around her smashing and grunting from inside as the brick walls of the house cracked as if something hit them. Next they heard a yell as a white monster was sent hurtling upwards.

While inside body attached my abs so I put all I had and made a silicone and haki fist and uppercutted him sending him smashing through the ceiling. I noticed that he's healing slowly and getting crazier so I decided to end this now.

I planted my feet and looked upwards while extending my hands outwards to charge them. I couldn't help but mutter "go beyond: desert..... pasado barragem!!!!" I shouted as I raised the intensity of my voice as I spoke.

My hands began firing compressed sand balls that exploded upon contact with hody each sending him higher than the last. The barrage kept speeding up till he reached a higher height than deku. He was still moving so I squatted down further and launched myself high into the sky and used desert trails to reach just above his as I clasped my hands together.

"Ferro desert Martillo!" I shouted as I drove a haki coated hammer fist downwards sending him hurtling back down into the destroyed house causing chunks off concrete to jag out of the ground around him. Hody laid there beaten with his irises shaking in anger as he couldn't fight back any longer.

I landed on the ground and raised my fist in the air in a small act of triumph. I then turned to see deku smash chisaki down to the ground while nighteye looked shocked as he saw the visage of all Might overlap deku.