
Hospital period

After deku landed with eri in his arms sabaku did one final check of his surroundings before falling unconscious. Across his body are numerous wounds that are leaking blood with the most notable being those from his left arm. The other heroes quickly made their way towards him while they restrained hody.

Ryukyu made her way through the crowd and checked him. She applied some ointment to stop the bleeding then checked for other damage. A fracture in the left forearm with obvious grip marks. She was proud of him for facing such an individual but couldn't help but recall their talk of trials. He's maturing faster than anyone I can think of in the current hero community. He's putting these chickens who didn't want to be at the forefront to shame.

I want him.... in my agency she quickly thought to herself while blushing at the inappropriate thoughts she was having while staring at the unconscious young man.

Nejire quickly landed beside her and used her quirk to make a spiral platform to move him to the ambulance. Nearby deku, kirishima, fatgum and tamaki are being placed into ambulances while nighteye and mirio went with Eri. The authorities made quick work of the facility and began sweeping it for evidence.

A few hours later i awoke in the hospital... again. I don't want to make a habit of this. At least I don't have a shitty cast on this time, I hated how hairy my arms were after removing that thing.

I turned in my bed and felt the wounds under my bandages. I saw get well cards and some buckets filled with sand and water. I also saw a banana but chose to heal up first. 20 minutes later I'm in tip top shape and eating my potassium. The nurse came and saw me standing there with my ass hanging out while I stared out the window gloriously while eating a banana. She blushed and slid the door shut before going to fetch the doctor.

A check up later I was told I could be discharged or I could visit my classmates. I chose to visit them so I went to kirishima and fat gum who were also carbing up. Yay more fruit I though as I ate a slice of watermelon. How did they get this in a hospital? Those two were fine so I went to see tamaki who was there with nejire, mirio, ryukyu, nighteye and eri.

When the door slid open and they all saw me mirio immediately barraged me with questions. " how did you cover with me with sand? How come it reformed, why did you do it?" And several other questions that ended with nighteye stating "I would quiet like to know those answers myself". All eyes on you sabaku don't mess this up.

"I had a bad feeling about you two so I took some precautions" "a bad feeling?" Nighteye said raising an eyebrow. I could feel his determination to answer this as his world view is in shock. He thought he was going to die there but now he sees a different future that looks far longer for himself.

I exhaled and said " you looked like you were prepared to die here a little to much compared to the others so I covered you. I also knew mirio would rush in head first to the most dangerous area so I had insurance. I do know it was for a good reason though" I said turning towards eri. It was hard for her to look up at me as I'm rather tall and intimidating to those who don't know me or so I've been told.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out an apricot and offered it to her. She took it in her tiny hands and mumbled "thank you". It was so cute!!! I could tell my fellow members here thought so. I wished tamaki a swift recovery and made my leave.

After that I made some more phone calls which were happy I was ok. When I called my parents they face timed me instead. I thought it was strange until I opened it up. The room they were in was destroyed and my pets were staring down the camera locked on to me. My parents spoke "they won't give back the iPad ever since they knew you were hurt again. Come home please!!" Was all I heard before the call was cut.

I heard laughter behind me so I turned to see ryukyu and nejire. "Those pets off yours looked really menacing haha haha" ryukyu said before nejire asked me questions about them. "Want a lift home kid. I'm not done with you just yet". I nodded yeah but what happened next shocked me.

Ryukyu swept me up in her arms and transformed before taking off rapidly into the air with me and nejire on her back. I yelled "WWAaaaaHHhHooOoOo!" As she reached her cruising speed towards my home. Just to be safe I made a sand cable attached to her clothes for the pair of us to hold onto.

When we landed and I entered five furry blurs arrived in my vision and wrapped around my body. Everyone laughed while I consoled them, jeez even my girlfriend isn't this clingy. Speaking of Mina she was here and was staring down ryukyu pretty hard. Don't know why she told me her type and ryukyu doesn't look it at all. She said she was into red heads if anyone was curious.

After that it was another get well party in the house, I was excused from school for another two days and ryukyu had people return to cover some duties so mom offered them to stay. Our house has been through several renovations since the dough was being rung in. They decided to add a couple of rooms and reinforce several things. My performances are earning my parents a fortune which we quickly talked about.

They asked ryukyu for advice on merchandising rites for heroes cause she is often involved with them. After a few beers she was more than happy to tell them. This is when nejire chimes in "Saba-kun your in the news again". The party quickly died down as the tv was turned on.

Footage of me and deku fighting was posted online anonymously in a similar fashion to the hero killer incident. The league must have down this to show off one of their members but the footage was then changed to several others showing different heroes. You can clearly see me fighting with hody after being forced out of the sewers. It showed me going plus ultra on his ass which earned some cheers in the house.

The topic then changed to the young bilingual hero on the rise again. If you remember I saved that french chick awhile back from giants and was interviewed by the french press. It was a big thing about how heroes should have extra skill sets like multi languages, quirk analysis, first aid and similar training. They leaked what languages I knew so people called me the bilingual hero. The talks then mentioned on how I could be the next hawks or mirko after graduation.

Funny enough no footage of deku was released other than chisaki being defeated. I guess all might pulled some strings to get him out of the limelight for now. I wonder what I'll be called next.

Just wanna say rip to Chadwick boseman, wakanda forevaaaa!!!

Smithsonian86_creators' thoughts