
Slay the Unknown

Year 1025, 20th of October

Time: 2 P.M.

Alone in the room staring at the ceiling he woke up to just hours ago, Raizo sat on the floor leaning his back against the wall. His mind was clouded with thoughts recalling what took place mere hours ago when Night Raid showed up suddenly just outside the Sapphire Phoenix encampment. Though their intentions were to take him back, he refused thinking it would not be safe for them to be around him when unpredictably, his lover…rather his now ex-lover snapped on him. Those words spoken by Leone continued to echo inside Raizo's head over and over again.

"Are you just gonna stay here and side with them?!"

"You lied to everyone about what you did...you lied to me!"

"You're just a ruthless murderer who won't stop at nothing to achieve his goals…"

"You're nothing but a traitorous bastard…"

"You're dead to me…"

Those words among others just kept barraging him again and again tearing at his already shattered heart as a result. He was stuck in disbelief over it all but his mind just kept reminding him that it really happened. He felt numb and dead inside at this point in time as if nothing could possibly faze him. So many emotions were seething in his soul like steel being heated in fire except his resolve that he felt was hardened like steel melted before the flames of despair.

Thinking back on all that he has done made him see the error of so many decisions and acknowledge just how correct Leone's feelings were about him. Being selfish, a liar, cold and unforgiving, apathetic to those he should have shown more gratitude for…regrets just came one after another. Half of Night Raid that he worked with was gone and what remained was now shattered like broken glass thanks to his ways. At this point, he hasn't felt so much hatred for himself. Gripping his left hand firmly on Vajra's scabbard, Raizo held the weapon close while the sting of tears streamed down his face once more.



Someone had tapped on the door to his temporary room. The youth turned his head focusing attention on the door for a brief moment when the knocking noises echoed again. He raised his hood and brought it down over his face to hide his tears before saying come in. As the door gradually opened, he could see Hestia slowly walking inside with a dark purple and black dress on. Her long, white hair flowing behind her, she poked her head inside looking for the boy before she noticed him sitting on the floor. Seeing that he was still upset, the woman gracefully entered the room fully before shutting the door. As soon as she did so, she walked over to him and reached down toward his face. Tilting his chin towards her by the force of her soft hand, his crimson irises met with her primrose colored hues.

"You don't have to be ashamed to cry," she spoke in a soft and motherly tone trying to reassure him that everything was going to be alright. After all, she was there for him now and she wanted to make sure that he didn't feel alone anymore.

"Mom…I…I don't know what to think…or do. I'm so torn apart," Raizo uttered in a broken tone. The internal conflict within him was at war for his heart dominating his senses as he felt like he was truly going insane. Hestia pulled him close hugging her against her bosom as a mother would try to console her child. She could only do this much to try and alleviate his pain although she felt like it was not going to be enough.

"You only did what you felt like was necessary to ease your own mind. I know you must have many questions for me after being apart for 6 long years. Why don't you try to focus on that for now?" she suggested as an alternative. Nodding slowly, she let Raizo go as he sat back against the wall wiping his eyes free of the tears. Next, he took a deep breath to calm himself before continuing.

"So…what happened to you after you were taken to the Capital?" Raizo asked first. Hestia leaned back on the bed as her mind went back into memory lane recalling those dark times.

"Well after the Imperial Army ravished the village belonging to our clan, Raiden and I were taken to the Capital. Of course, you already know this. Upon Raiden's execution, I was kept under lock and key within the dungeons under the palace," Hestia began. She proceeded to go into detail about her experiences as a prisoner of the Capital which seemed like an eternity but it only lasted for a short period.

For about a year or so, Hestia was subjected to being treated as nothing more than a toy for her captors. At first, she struggled earnestly by breaking away from those who held her and mauling the men responsible for her with her lethal martial arts. Hestia wasn't just a mere housewife; she was also a lethal assassin. In fact, some considered her the deadliest woman in the land for a time and even the most horrifying spear-wielder who ever existed. She attested to this by trying to escape early on in which she killed about 30 or so guards on her first true attempt before she was ganged up on by Budou and Esdeath.

After that day, she was beaten by rod and lash every day and stripped of her dignity as a woman in order to break her spirit. Her bludgeoned body would be put on display for the Royal Guards away from prying eyes for as much as an hour to nearly an entire day for the patrols. They were allowed to touch her in any way they saw fit but ironically, she was not to be raped by any man, woman or beast. Even she thought it was awkward since she knew the kind of ravenous appetites the men in that sick and twisted place had.

Though they fondled her from the shape of her breasts to the smooth curves of her rear and even the lower area of her womanhood, they recalled their orders. However, some tried to be sneaky about the rules and still sexually defile her. She recalled a time when one of the cards took a small, cylindrical, blunt object and forcefully inserted it into her rear end. Hearing her cry out in pain served as stimulation for those involved as she hazily witnessed how the guards pulled out their manhood and stroked themselves at the sight of her suffering. As one of them would grind the object in and out of her in a rough, thrusting motion, the spectators continued to stimulate their senses until they climaxed not caring if any of their reproductive fluids splashed on her skin. After they were done, they would leave her hunched over and chained to the post moving on as if nothing happened.

In the heat of the sun, she was left to cook in the contents of her own blood, sweat, tears, dirt and the semen of the guards. Despite her poor, dejected sight, the next patrol would sometimes follow suit doing the same thing. At one point, a group tried to test the limits by ganging up on her. One man used the same object to mess with her ass while two tried to use her armpits to jerk their manhood. A fourth man attempted to use her breasts knowing it would be a bad idea to force oral play. Before they could get carried away, Esdeath shockingly saved her by impaling three of them with ice and leaving one alive to tell his colleagues not to press their luck again.

"What did she say to you after saving you?" Raizo asked curiously. Though he felt horrified and disgusted by the fact that his mother went through such an ordeal, he kept himself composed.

"She said that a strong woman like me doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog. In addition, she said that despite being a prisoner, I deserve some sort of courtesy especially after taking down so many guards without the aid of a teigu," Hestia stated. Even though the icy general did manage to stave off her humiliation for now, it would not prevent those bastards from trying something again. Also, she could only take Esdeath's words at face value since she did lead the very soldiers who wiped out everything she has ever known and loved. No amount of kindness would save the Capital from her revenge and she was determined to have it at that point in time.

Hestia continued recounting her events from the past. After that saving grace moment, she was no longer put on display like eye candy for the guards anymore and kept in her cell. She was only allowed out into the yard at least once a week for a few hours and her entire guard was changed so that she wouldn't be abused sexually anymore. The new guards were considerably wary of her and tried not to give her too much attention save for making sure she didn't do anything that was not allowed.

As for the physical torture, that picked up once again when she was being interrogated for information regarding the other clans a part of the Conclave. There were times when she was beaten with a lash then salt was dumped on her open wounds. Other times, her fingernails were popped off one after the other followed by her toenails. When that didn't work, they peeled off bits of her skin using a potato peeler all trying to make her break but it just did not work. Before she knew it, about a year had past and she became like an empty shell devoid of emotion and sometimes, even conscious.

She described that point in her life as a time in which she was buried deep inside herself. It was then that some of the guards began to treat her differently actually trying to communicate with her. It was then that she saw that these guards had a special symbol hidden on their armor that was embroidered within their uniform. It was a six-spoked wheel that looked like a gear turning around with a hollowed out circle in the middle. That was the insignia of the Conclave.

"The Conclave remembers," she said to Raizo recalling the words that one or two of the guards would say to her every so often. At first, it was only two but then it spread to others numbering about thirty or so. The number of men she killed was exchanged by a number of Conclave members or sympathizers. Taking it upon herself, she studied everything she could about her holding area. It was then that on one night under the light of the full moon about the time of the Harvest period, she was given a special meal.

To her, it seemed like beef stew but it smelled strange. Even to the present day, she still could not describe the smell of that dish but the mysterious liquid slop inside was completely black. One of the guards that was on her side instructed her to eat her meal and not leave a single bite behind. It appeared that it was something special. As instructed, she did so down to the last drop. Not even five minutes after finishing, she told her son of how everything just went blank and a voice called out to her.

[What is it you desire most? Is it something as small and petty as revenge? Or do you want something more?]

She repeated the words that voice spoke verbatim to her son. That voice sounded almost like an angel or some sort of divine being because it was way too mysterious and otherworldly for her tastes. The leader of the Sapphire Phoenix felt the power that the mysterious voice had as she recalled how she felt like her entire body was caught in a vice.

[Tell me what you yearn to do most and I shall grant you the power to do it.]

There had to be a catch and she felt like that was the case but she just wanted out so bad that she didn't care. If she had to stay in that prison any longer, she emphasized the fact that she would have found a way to end her own life so she replied simply.

I want the power to rule and to conquer. I want a power so absolute that the gods would even bow to me.

After that, she felt a burning sensation upon her chest feeling like something was branding her skin. Her body began to surge with an unknown power that felt like it was devouring her entire being. Feeling its pressure, she remembered quivering in the cage in a small ball as the feeling tried to overwhelm her.

"That is when I got my teigu—Gravideus: Durga's Apocalypse," Hestia said. She then did something that Raizo was not expecting by leaning forward and moving her breasts. She exposed the middle of her cleavage where there was the marking of the sun outlining the shape of a crescent moon. The boy caught a glimpse of it then realized something.

"So you have a mark in a similar location like Esdeath?" he reacted in a neutral tone. Hestia couldn't help but chuckle at her son's reaction. It was rather amusing to hear him mention the name of the woman that she really had no thoughts of relevance toward

"Yes but unlike her, I'm beautiful enough to have a kid while she struggles to keep an errant child as a love interest," she said as she adjusted her clothing. Hearing that, they both shared a mutual chuckle of sorts to lessen the seriousness of the mood.

Going back to her story, she found out from the mysterious voice—whom later introduced herself as Durga—that the power she obtained was the ability to manipulate, influence, and control gravity along with other abilities. Now that she had power, she cooperated with the guards that were secretly working for her and eventually escaped the Capital without making a stir at all. Though she wanted to tear the city apart, she knew that it would have to wait for a later point in time.

"After that, I met up with Genesis. He was actually the one who slipped in those thirty guards after finding out I was being imprisoned in the Capital. In fact, his clan—The Order of the Amethyst Lotus—was the first clan of the Conclave to join me during the early years of forming the Sapphire Phoenix. Once I was able to slip away from the Empire, I went about building my army as well as studying every aspect of my powers along the way," Hestia explained.

"How long did it take for you to find out how to use your teigu?" Raizo asked.

"Not too long surprisingly. I had the basics down within 2 weeks and started learning intermediate and advanced techniques within a few months. It took about six months to learn my trump card and a year to go beyond that. Studying teigu was something I was always passionate about and I have always set myself as one who could appreciate a beautiful weapon no matter its shape or size. Some say I could master any teigu I want if I got my hands on them. I won't comment or speculate until I have the power to get them all."

"I'm shocked you did not get Aquilo before he and I fought."

"I was hunting him down for quite some time but I was also after Fujitora. He left the Blood Wolves to their fate and did not even bother trying to send spies to ascertain my condition. I know of that man's network and I know that he had knowledge of my imprisonment. The only option as to why he didn't move any troops was that he was in on the massacre himself."

"But Mom, Aquilo acted alone didn't he?"

"Aquilo may be skilled as a fighter and can be a good leader, but he doesn't have the creativity to do something as elaborate as plotting the death of all of his clan members without some sort of help. Fujitora would have a lot of political gain if he sided with the Capital."

"Do you miss father?"

"Your father…" Hestia pondered thinking of something that was related to the subject but she put it aside for now. Did she miss him? She wanted to say no outright but she was not sure what to say. She did miss him as a fellow clan member but not as a husband.

"I miss him as a friend and partner but…as a husband, I can't say that I do. He and I were two different people from beginning to end. We had different ideas on how to lead and what morals to abide by. Honestly, I'm shocked our marriage didn't crumble sooner considering our difference in opinion. After all, he married into the main family to lead since our clan was never lead by a woman before," Hestia sighed in a reminiscent tone. She began to recall the memories of her parents and how she was basically the only legitimate heir to the leadership position of the Blood Wolves. She was more than talented enough as an assassin to lead and more than cunning as a strategist but traditions never recognized her worth. In the end, her marriage was arranged which led to her wedding with Raiden.

"Raiden was a member of the "Ikazuchi" (thunder) branch family; they always trained the best warriors to fight in the field. The man was like a prodigy as well with his skill hence why he was chosen to marry me. However, I was stubborn and fought tooth and nail in protest but in the end, I had no choice and I married him. Though, he and I did not consummate together until later on in our marriage. Until he vowed to treat me as an equal and not a mere housewife, I would not give him intimacy."

"I see. Now I understand why master decided to teach me the "Ikazuchi" technique and why he wanted me to call him 'grandpa' when we weren't training; however, it didn't make since why Father and Master never got along much," Raizo spoke in a diminishing tone of voice. His mother then stood up before leaning down to kiss her son on the forehead.

"Your master was a good man hence why I trusted him so much when you were in training. Raiden was a complicated man with a ridiculous sense of pride at times. Even I hardly understood him at times. You are my gift from heaven, never forget that my son. No matter what darkness you may face or whatever this world may throw at you, I will always be supporting you," she stated, "Now why don't you go get some fresh air? There's a courtyard out back that you can use train if you see fit."

Raizo then stood up from the floor grasping Vajra in his hand. As he dusted off his coat, he smiled gently towards his mother before walking out of the room and heading out behind the cabin away from the prying eyes of any soldiers in the stronghold and fair enough to refine his skill. As Hestia watched him depart, she looked up at the skies above. It was a clear day and peaceful but the woman could not help but feel a darkness approaching.

"It seems like yet another storm is headed this way…"

The Stormbringer walked by himself towards the far reaches of the base to find the training yard without any guidance. His mind tried to drift back towards the incident that happened mere hours ago but he shook his head trying not to dwell on it. He wanted to shake off this feeling because a heavy heart can weigh a steady blade. The young assassin knew this more than anyone else given his troubled past with emotions. As he continued to walk, he saw a couple of people checking weapons ensuring that they were prepped and ready for war despite being in storage. The male tried not to make eye-contact given the fact that he was an outsider.

The position of the sun suggested that it was past three o'clock perhaps later. The sun was cascading towards the west preparing to set in the waning hours. He eventually reached the training square where it seemed like no one was at. Given the size of the area and the emptiness, this place must have been a place used for combative exercises. Feeling like the place would be perfect for training; Raizo took off his coat and hung it over a beam before taking hold of his long sword and heading out to the middle of the area.

Standing with just a white T-shirt covering his chest, he felt the cool breeze caress his skin giving him a small chill but it was enough to make his whole body shiver. As he stretched out his arms and legs, he took deep breaths to calm himself before beginning his solo training session. It felt weird having only one blade to rely on; however, it was not his first time using just a single weapon. Sure, he had his moments when he used to wield a giant scythe but before that, before mastering dual-wielding, he trained with only one sword.

There were a variety of techniques that he learned with swordsmanship but there were two particular styles that he incorporated into his fighting style. Raizo gripped the hilt of Vajra as it remained sheathed. He took a stance that stretched his body. Turning at the waist, he pulled the blade from his side very carefully before lashing the blade out quickly then immediately sheathing it. In the next split second, it was like the fabrics of the air were cut as visible flashes of light intersected in numerous ways before dissipating completely. Releasing a slow exhale, the male repeated again and again each time before ending every stroke of the blade with a sheathing action.

As whips of light curved at dangerous angles signifying how many times he was able to cut, the male thought one thing to himself—Looks like I still got it. The name of this fighting style was referred to as Iaido and Iaijutsu in an archaic language but it was taught to him under the name of the "Ikazuchi" style. There were two reasons why it was referred to as such under that family name. First, the original name of the technique was a pain in his ass to pronounce because of the fact that it incorporated two different vowel sounds back-to-back. The second was that only those of the Ikazuchi household were known to use this swordsmanship technique.

"It's been a long time since I used your technique Grandfather…I wish I could show you how far I've come," Raizo spoke in a reminiscent tone before continuing to train. It was then that he changed up his style to a second form in which he gripped the handle in the reverse style. This technique was called the Gyaku (reverse) style. There were alternate names as well such as Gyaku-no-te (reverse hand) or Gyakuten-te (reversal hand). Recorded in some texts was the story of a particular swordsman that was known as "Zatoichi". This man was known for combining Iaido with the reverse-blade grip so in some dialects, the style was referred to after the legendary blind swordsman.

As the male began to swing his blade with the same deadly purpose as before with the Gyaku style, he recalled how some of the historians within the Blood Wolves often wondered if his technique was the second coming of Zatoichi himself. Raizo did not know what to think of such remarks at the time but now he realized why they said so—the boy was gifted with a blade. Although he did pride himself in using a sword, he felt like at times if the sword would be the only thing he would ever know in life. As he continued to practice, he heard applause coming from behind seeing that he had gained an audience.

"Well, well, look at you being all fancy with your blade and what not. Some things never change I see," spoke a single woman walking up toward Raizo with her long and rich red hair blowing behind her in the subtle breeze. Wearing a black Cheongsam modified for combat with a white dragon and lotus imprint, her cold and dark, smoky blue eyes were ignited with life and delight upon seeing the youth out here alone. Raizo merely raised his eyebrow wondering why she was watching him.

"Adena? What are you doing here?" asked the youth as he sheathed his sword in its scabbard before crossing his arms awaiting an answer.

"Geez, even the way you address me ticks me off. It wouldn't be a problem if your memory wasn't completely jacked right now in regards to me. Well, I suppose a little jogging would help," smirked the girl as she stood before him. She stood about two inches or so taller than the boy so she had to stare down at him just a little bit but nothing to noticeable.

"Why don't you try fighting a real opponent this time? Maybe me beating some sense into you could work," she suggested.

"Oh? Are you that confident that you can beat me?"

"Yep, things won't end the same way they did the first time. Besides, I'm stronger than you think."

"Last time…I'm guessing you are talking about Old West Town?" Raizo inquired with his head tilted again.

"No you…ugh when we first met we…never mind, I'll just have to beat some sense into that thick skull of yours," the red head spoke taking a deep breath before pulling out a small tubular object. She then applied pressure as a red and gold staff sprung to life with a unique and intricate design on it.

"Well then, isn't that rather fancy," Raizo smirked impressed by the little trick.

"Don't be fooled by its looks, the Staff of Sun Wukong is not something I'd take lightly," she boasted. Raizo crouched in a readied stance with his hand upon the hilt of his sword. This was an opportunity for him to test out his technique on an actual opponent. Win or lose, he needed to see what moves would work and what he needed to practice. In addition, the boy was curious to see what the female meant by beating some sense into him. He didn't understand why she had such familiarity with him because he could only remember the one instance in which they met. Just what sort of secrets was she holding about him or was she just trying to fool him?

Adena readied herself in a stance that had her Bo staff leaning against her back. She had one leg stretched forward while crouching down with the other. Her motivation for this bout was simply to trigger Raizo's suppressed memories. She did not want to hurt him too badly but she wanted to try and realize who she was and remember what they shared. Though she knew that he had just lost his lover, she did not want him to feel the pain of being alone. Even though some might see it as selfish, there was a void in her heart that only Raizo could fill. Despite her relations with Zephyria, she always reserved her deepest and most passionate of feelings for the Stormbringer for so many years and she was determined to make sure he remembers why.

The wind blew in a low whistle as the pair stared at each other eye-to-eye waiting for the other to take the first move. This was exactly how it was when they were children and they fought for the first time in the village courtyard. Their breathing was steady almost in sync as their minds became engrossed in anticipation of what the other would do first. Their hearts pounded in a slow rhythm inside both of their ears. It was like the regular beating of that muscle became a timer.

One beat passed, followed by two, and then on three in the blink of an eye, they rushed directly at one another. Raizo drew Vajra from its sheath with deadly, pinpoint accuracy swinging at Adena with 180 degrees of intense precision. Adena countered by bringing her staff around with both hands in time to block the blade as the first deadlock formed like a cross. In that next instant, the pair of warriors was trading blows back and forth attempting to take the advantage over the other; however, sparks of light could be scene between the two as their attacks countered and parried each other thus cancelling each strike out.

Raizo backed off and sheathed his blade to gather himself back into his attack stance. Adena took it upon herself to press the attack by doubling back then rushing forward head-on. As Raizo went to take advantage and strike as fast as he could, the girl pole vaulted over the male and landed behind him. Now in his blind spot, the girl spun and kicked the youth as he was defenseless. Realizing that he left himself unable to guard, Raizo dropped down just narrowly evading the strike. It was then that Adena seized the moment to corner the male by jabbing at him quickly as he was pinned. However, the Crimson Harbinger flexibly dodged and flipped away from her narrowly escaping her strong attacks.

As they stared at one another eye-to-eye again, they charged forward repeating the initial encounter. Without a spoken word, the duo was fighting each other without incorporating the use of their powers. This fight was meant to be a contest of physical prowess and clashing of raw skill, not to see who would trump the other with teigu abilities. Such a contest is a waste of time and energy and would probably cause harm to those who were unaware of what was going on right now. After all, they both knew that a battle between teigu users always resulted in death.

Raizo was striking at Adena with blinding speed as he utilized the full deadliest of the Ikazuchi sword style. Adena showed no fear by spinning her staff in a full 360 degree circle that allowed her to shield herself from the deathly torrent. At one point, she caught Raizo off guard by deflecting one stroke of his sword before swinging at her opponent hitting his shoulder then jabbing him in the stomach. The two hits were a wakeup call for the boy as the wind felt like it was knocked out of his lungs. Stumbling back, Raizo gathered himself before the scarlet shadow rushed him looking to take advantage of the opening. To save himself, the Stormbringer quickly switched to the Gyakuten-te. The reverse-blade grip technique narrowly managed to deflect Adena's thrust but she proceeded to combine her aggressive swings into her martial arts.

"Take this!" she yelled as she began to twist and turn spinning the weapon in many different directions while taking powerful steps that were well-coordinated and balanced. Almost like she was dancing, the female sought to keep Raizo off-center so he would not have time to counterattack. The red-eyed male continued his best to parry her strikes but he was still a bit dazed from that attack before. He jumped as far back as he could before taking a breath and rushing in at the female. The pair was once again trading blows back and forth as the colliding of steal rang in the air.

As minutes passed, it was like this fight was going to carry on like it did almost a decade ago like they were children but Adena was about to do something that the assassin would never expect. As soon as they were locked in a deadlock once again, Raizo found himself smiling in excitement from the fight; ironically, so did Adena.

"Heh, you're not too bad. This is actually pretty fun," the boy said complimenting her.

"Told you I wasn't to be underestimated but I'm afraid I win," Adena boasted.

"How so?"

"By doing this!"

Adena pushed towards Raizo to get him to stumble back. Stabbing the staff into the ground, she swung her body and kicked Raizo before landing on the ground. Pulling the staff out, she slapped the blade away from the youth and caused him to land on his back before pinning him down with her fist just inches above his face. As the boy stared up into her mysterious eyes, the match was decided.

"I told you so," she said leaning closer to him. Their faces were dangerously close at that point but she didn't want to test her limits so she backed off. As she stood up, she grabbed the boy's hand and helped him to his feet. Dusting himself off, the male was catching his breath after such an intense workout.

"I was not expecting that at all," he commented as he picked up Vajra and sheathed the blade in its scabbard. Adena shrunk down her staff and tucked it behind her in the sash around her waist.

"Of course, you're never supposed to allow your opponent see you get predictable," she chuckled.

"You have a point there."

"So this time I win unlike that time about 10 years ago."

"10 years ago…"

Raizo took a moment to ponder exactly what she meant by that. He tried to recall his life 10 years ago and the female's name. Suddenly, his head began to cramp as flashes of memories hazily rushed through his mind. This caused him to stumble and fall to the ground. Seeing this sight, the girl rushed up to him and crouched down on her knees trying to see what was going on with him.

"Hey! Raizo what's wrong?" she called out to him. The youth kept clutching the sides of his head trying to ease the seething pain but it was not working.

"Shit, come on let's get you in the shade," she said slinging his arm over her shoulder and carrying him to the side area that was isolated from the sun. She laid him down on a bench and sat beside him resting his head in her lap patting him gently. He had calmed down quite a bit as a result but he still clutched his head.

"Why is everything such a blur? It's like a chunk of my life is missing or something," he complained. The girl took a deep and heavy sigh before rubbing his forehead gently.

"It's my entire fault…" Adena stated before her heart seemed to sink in her chest. Raizo looked up at her confused trying to understand.

"What are you talking about?"

"I…I'm the reason why you can't remember me. I did something to you that I consider unforgivable. I want you to remember but…I also don't want you to be in anymore pain than you're already in."

"Adena…if you know something about why I'm feeling this way suddenly then just tell me because it's not going to do either of us good if you keep it to yourself. You want me to remember you but then again you don't want me to feel pain. No offense to you, but I've been in pain for many years. At some point, you just get to a point where pain doesn't hurt when it's all you've ever felt."

"I…I…see…I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm sorry for suddenly going into a depressive tone but whatever you can do to help me remember then by all means. As you saw from before with Night Raid, I'll be around for a while since I really have nowhere else to go."

"Alright," Adena took in a deep breath, "I'm going to have to do something then. Just trust me okay?"

"Err…okay I guess?" Raizo responded raising an eyebrow at what the girl just said. It was then that she closed her eyes and her hand that rested on Raizo's forehead began to glow. A warm feeling radiated from her palm as the aura of white flames surrounded her palm. This was one of Adena's lesser known abilities that were somewhat of a passive for her. She could change the properties of her fire by changing the color. White flames were meant for healing which could be used to cure any physical or even mental injuries as well as purify any unnatural ailments. She was using this ability of hers to aide in the healing of Raizo's mind.

"What the…" Raizo mumbled before gasping in a sharp breath. It was then that he felt like a wave of memories were barraging him all at once as the past began to come into his vision as far as Adena was concerned. He saw how they first met in which they did not get along. This resulted in a contest of skill that was much like the exercise they just had before he inevitably won. Back then, the girl in question had long, dark brown hair. He was not sure what this meant considering the girl he saw before him in the present had red hair.

"I'm starting to remember now…I see you coming up in my memories but your hair color was different," he said to her. Adena did not reply at first because she didn't want him to know but she knew it was the only way.

"You'll see soon enough," she told him before going quiet. Raizo continued swimming through the jumbled mess of loss memories in his mind when he began to see flashes of something that had traumatized him long ago which caused him to forget Adena. This was the thing that the girl did not want to tell him.

It was about a year after he and the girl first met. Their marriage proposal was finalized on account of both families and they were officially engaged; however, Raizo did not see the girl much after that. Adena had gone to take her mastery test for her to become a True Master within the Order of the Jade Dragons by going out to do something that was considered impossible. Raizo did not know what that task was specifically but he did remember that something happened at the Jade Dragons Temple that caused the Blood Wolves to respond.

Flames were scattered about everywhere as the sounds of men and women crying out flooded the air. The stench of burning flesh and death filled the skies as he and several other elite assassins arrived on the scene. When they arrived, they saw that several of the warriors and masters were trying to fight some being that was cloaked in flames with an undeniable trail of red hair flowing from behind her. Suddenly, one of them shouted out: 'Adena, you have to stop! Get a hold of yourself!'

When the Blood Wolves arrived, one of them told the group of assassins what was happening. Adena returned from her mastery test after a three-day absence. She took on a legendary beast that was said to be birthed from the flames of hell itself. When she came back, she was covered in blood and her hair was a deep shade of red. Her eyes were cold and ruthless looking as small embers of flame rotated around her body. The 12-year old female had completely lost sense of all reason and was just going berserk soon turning the place into a fiery hell.

Understanding this, Raizo went ahead trying to stop her by himself. Many tried to stop him but the boy said that she was to be his wife and as her future husband, it was his duty to save her from herself. When they came face to face, Adena did not recognize Raizo at all so they fought. The boy tried his best to dodge and fend off her attacks but ultimately, she proved too strong from him. When she grabbed him by the throat, the young male looked into the girl's eyes and uttered these words to her.

You must be scared right now and you're probably feeling alone because you had to fight for three days by yourself against a monster. You made it through and now you've become strong but don't take out your resentment on everyone. You were given a special gift so you should use it to protect those you care for and even if they reject you, even if they hate you…I'll be there for you. I will love you and someday, I'll be able to prove it when we become husband and wife.

As the smoke got to Raizo combined with the force of being choked by the girl, he took one last look at her angered expression that suddenly began to shed tears then he passed out. It was at that point that the youth had to be hospitalized since the lack of oxygen damaged him. When he came to, he forgot everything about the incident and of her. The Blood Wolves and Jade Dragons maintained friendly relations but the marriage proposal was ultimately suspended for a long time.

Raizo's eyes shot open taking a deep breath. As Adena pulled her hand away from the male, she looked down in shame and tried her hardest not to cry. The Stormbringer looked at his hands and took another deep breath. It was then that he sat up slowly and shook his head to snap out of his daze. All of his memories pertaining to Adena were restored and he finally understood why she was so fixated on him. Raizo blushed deeply then put his hand in her lap.

"I remember everything now Adena. We were supposed to get married as our families agreed upon when we were kids but we didn't get along which led to our first fight. Then we didn't see each other for a long time until you lost control," he began to reiterate.

"Yes, that was because of my teigu. I didn't have any control over it at the time and it just took over. So many people died because of me that day but you brought me back. When I found out that the marriage proposal was suspended and that I wouldn't see you again, I was so sad. It was at that point that I left the village to train with my powers until I was worthy to reclaim you as mine. I vowed to never be with a man unless I had you as my true love," she spoke blushing deeply both in shame and out of embarrassment.

"It must have been hard considering all the things you had to go through up until now. I'm sorry…" Raizo said bowing his head.

"No, no, you shouldn't be sorry. It was my fault that you got hurt and I hated myself for it. I've hated this power for it too," she said looking at her hands.

"It's okay, really. Besides, that power suits your personality. Fire isn't always mean for death and destruction. After all, you brought my memories back with those flames. Also, I think the color of your hair suits you."

Adena blushed even deeper as she grabbed her locks and caressed them in her hand before moving them behind her. She then leaned close to Raizo for a moment before turning herself and pushing forward on him until he was on his back and she was leaning on top of him. Her breasts pushed against him sensually as she began to emit her sex appeal as a woman just for him feeling the heat of the moment taking over. She lowered herself closer to him as a result bringing their faces close to one another. Raizo's heart was beating fast unsure what to think in this moment but he couldn't find himself fighting her off.

"A…Adena…" he blushed looking to the side embarrassed.

"Listen Raizo…as much as I want to go very far with you and do many things with you since we're both young adults now, I'm going to deny myself," she spoke in a sultry tone, "After all, you did just have a nasty break up with that Night Raid girl so I'll try to behave. However, now that you remember everything about me, it's only a matter of time before I truly make you mine in body and spirit."

"I…I…um…well…" Raizo stammered over his words. Before he could even continue, she instantly seized his lips and kissed him deeply finally having a taste of him for the first time in a very long time. She was overflowing with desire but she was also filled with love. She wanted to just go wild and let everything about her passion takeover but Raizo just lost someone that he obviously had feelings for. She didn't want to disrespect that fact. After a few seconds of a long kiss, she pulled away from him and got up to leave the training square.

"Not that I'm trying to rush but don't keep me waiting too much longer okay? I'd hate to sneak in your room at night and take you by force~" she said in a seductive voice before giving him a wink and walking off. Leaving Raizo there with a dazed and perplexed expression she walked off.

The emotional storm that began on this day was not over yet. It began with a heart-wrenching departure and ended with a very uplifting realization but that did not mean that there wasn't anything else to come. A dark storm was brewing that carried far more sinister intent than the feeling Raizo had when he went to fight Leviathan. An otherworldly darkness was ready to bare its fangs down on everything that Raizo has ever known. Everything was going to change once more but this time, not only for the Stormbringer but for every single person that lived in this world. The closer one gets to the light, the greater the darkness that follows.