
Slay the Retribution

Year 1025, 9th of November

Time: Unknown - Morning Hours

As the sun began to peak over the horizon bathing the open fields and distant forests in its light, the sky began to transition from the darkness of the night into the myriad of warm colors that welcomed the morning glory. Despite the beauty of nature being inflated with this serene dawn, the feeling of joy by waking up to bring in a new had not registered for the distraught assassin, Raizo Arashi. The 19-year-old Stormbringer had been caught in limbo unaware of segregating the passage of time as he walked alone toward the general direction of the camp that he currently resided at.

The sun…it blinds. Is it morning or…is it night? How long have I been walking?

The muscular structure of the young man had been straining not stop as he continued his trailblazing path forward. His body was crying for some sort of break long enough to receive sustenance but the mind of the youth ignored it. He felt his legs cramp up trying to deter him from taking another step forward but his brain didn't care. It was like the mind and the body had separated in terms of harmony with the former being the master and the latter being the slave. It would take a third party to break this struggle but if one were to argue the presence of a soul within him, that person would be surprised to find this individual rather empty.

Yes, he felt like an empty shell trying to find his reason for breathing at this point in time. That hollowed out feeling, that void inside that didn't seem to possess any glimmer of hope, it made him feel indifferent to the passage of time right now. He could vaguely recall exactly how long he's been walking along. All that was clear to him was that he did so after escaping the Nightmare Forest. He didn't use powers nor did he use his physically advanced body to run, he just strolled along unsure whether or not he was truly worthy of life. Not helping the matters, the memories of Shatterpoint assaulted him again…one after another. The screams of the dead filled his ears as the visions of all the innocent lives lost replayed again and again.

Make it stop…

He had to continue forward but with each weary footstep, that ominous feeling along with the sorrows born from guilt just ate away at him. To make matters worse, the hateful, chastising speech that the 'other' Akame said just added nails to his crucified conscious.

Vile…disgusting…waste of lie, eh? Heh, it's not like she's wrong about me. All I do is ruin other people's lives…it's like my natural talent apparently.

Despair clouded the mind of the male, blinding him of perceiving reality as it was. He just wanted all of it to stop, but that guilt just weighed on him like a crown placed on his head. He carried a cross decorated with his own sins that could stretch for miles and weighed even more. With each step forward taken by the Red-Eyed Harbinger, it felt as though he was just hammer nails of damnation into his mentally battered flesh.

There is…but one path left for me…

Raizo continued his lonely march along an unmarked path until he could perceive some sort of large encampment in the distance. He wasn't sure if he was 10 miles or more away but he had a nagging guess that he wasn't too far from the Sapphire Phoenix base. Not wanting to be found out, the youth walked up the slope of a hill which gradually led to a massive 100-foot high cliff overlooking the mostly flat terrain. The wind blew quietly over the land caressing the male's features while the sun rose even higher over the land. The blanket of warmth covered his body embracing him like he was being given a warm hug; however, no amount of warmth from the burning star could cleanse the remnants of his frozen heart. Like glass, he was thrown to the ground and shattered on impact. Even if it was of his own design, picking up the pieces at this point was like slitting his wrists with a razorblade.

I do owe this world a favor.

He unlatched the makeshift sheathe on his left side containing Vajra before taking the legendary blade and jamming it into the ground in one swift motion. Unbeknownst to him as he walked towards the cliff's edge, the hilt of the sword had strands of water reach out towards him but they failed to grasp the hand of the emotionally unstable youth. His gaze revealed a deadened stare with soulless eyes. It was like he was possessed, as though something seized his mind forcing into this moment where he had finally reached the end of his tolerance—that entity's name was sorrow.

The sun glistened beautifully over the distance as the picture burned itself in the back of the youth's subconscious. He couldn't argue the serenity of the image and how it would be a memory worthy of sharing for someone but that feeling of awe was shadowed by his own darkness. The severity of his mindset was communicated through the following words running through his mind: This will be the last time I stare at the sunrise; though someone like me doesn't deserve to behold its warm embrace nor bask in its glow. With that being said, the youth pulled another blade from his person. This one having a much crueler shape but that was to mask its true power.

"I don't know if this will work but…as strong as it is then I should be able to get along with it. Morana, awaken," Raizo uttered summoning the power sealed away inside. The blade then transformed into its ominous and imposing scythe form causing energy to ripple out as a result traveling a very long distance as though it sought to reach someone or something. The fearsome weapon took its shape appearing like a godsend to the youth. The Stormbringer leaned his forehead against the body of armament as tears began to flow from his eyes.

"Please…please take it away…just end my worthless existence!"

With his pleas of escape, the male stands upright with the blade in hand. He lifts his right arm up extended the weapon outward with its blade trained on the intended destination. Sure that it would strike true, the youth commands his arm to move letting the limb swing the weapon around aimed cleanly at his neck determined to take his own head. As the head of the weapon came around bearing fiercely on its mark, the countdown to that point seemed like an instance trapped in a slow crawl through time. He craved the escape that was death in this moment. There was nothing more that he desired right now. Even if his soul were to suffer for all eternity, he didn't care. He was just firmly fixed upon the ideology that the 'other' Akame implanted in his mind; Raizo was doing this world a favor.

When the blade goes in making contact with his skin, the cool steel actually repels itself off the youth's flesh effectively bouncing back. Confused by this, Raizo repeats the motion going for a quick kill but the blade does the same thing once more. What was going on right now? He didn't have any of his powers active at all and he was sure that he wasn't wearing anything enchanted. Just to be safe, the youth sat the blade down and took off his jacket folding it neatly and setting it beside the sword in the ground. In addition, he removed the necklace draped around his neck hardly trying to look at it or anything lest he would feel more daggers in his already destroyed heart. After doing this, he grabbed the scythe once more and repeated his action but to no avail. Once more he was bewildered unsure what to think. The weapon glowed slightly as the aura faded in and out. It is then that Raizo realized that the device was rejecting his attempt at self termination.

"Morana, why are you doing this to me?" he asked desperately trying to understand the situation at hand. Why would he be denied now of all times? He's fought against death for so long with every waking moment of his life for the darker parts of 19 years in this world. He defied his fate in so many unbelievable situations stemming from his involvement in war to his exploits in protecting the planet and safeguarding the future of his universe. Countless times he should have died but he was still here so why now when he was ready to embrace death was he being denied? It was both incomprehensible as well as infuriating at the same time. Out of nowhere, he heard a disembodied voice speak to him with the tone of a saddened mother.

(Master, I cannot do this for you.)

"What the hell? Who's there?!" Raizo called out scanning the area feeling like he was being taunted by someone again. Turning towards Vajra, the youth went to reach out but something pulled on him which came from his right hand. Turning his head, he saw Morana glowing once more as a jewel on its form began to shimmer with a myriad of colors.

(Please Master, no more…)

"Don't say that…don't say that to me. Don't tell me to stop doing this when I deserve it!" he cried out. As his reasoning was lost, his grief took control. The lightning user generated a dagger composed of crimson lightning taking it seeking to jam it right into his throat to end it all. In that next moment, and not a moment sooner, a sudden breath of frames reached out pushing the hand away and knocking the dagger out of the boy's grasp. His crimson eyes then beheld the familiar sight of a woman with long, red hair paired with a look of panic on her face.

"A…Adena?!" he gasped.

"Wh…what the hell is this, Raizo?!" she cried out in horror.


Another day waited for the woman but first she needed to ease her mind. Having a moment to herself, Adena decided to take the time to meditate which turned out to be something she hasn't had the liberty of doing for quite a long time. As she sat alone sitting in a cross legged style, the former jade dragon balanced flames in the palms of her hands as she found her Zen and began to tune out the dealings of the world. She quieted the chaos of thoughts within her brain and stilled all of her thoughts since negativity seemed to surround her as of late paired with the burden of unwanted stress.

During this essence of peace for her though, it was here that she heard…no…rather she felt the presence of something calling out to her. It pulled on her heart greatly trying to communicate the urgency of the matter at hand. She tried her best to shut the feeling out and refocus herself but the unknown force was proving too much soon manifesting into the form of a voice.

(Please, save my master. Save Raizo…)

Her cobalt blue eyes shot open breaking her meditative concentration as a result. The woman didn't even have to ask what was going on because she just felt her instincts take over. Without further delay, the fiery powerhouse gathered herself together and dashed out of her tent before rushing off away from the camp and towards the general direction of where this mystical sensation had been coming from. She didn't know if it was a trap or just a bad dream spawned from her worst fears nor did she care. Adena was only concerned about the safety of someone she had not seen recently as of late. Testifying to this fact, she took of using her flames like rockets to give her the speed boost.

"Dammit Raizo, come on…what the hell did you get into?" she murmured to herself racing towards the source of the energy she felt. A cold feeling welled up in her heart feeling like something immensely horrific was about to occur. Unfortunately, her grim thoughts were just seconds away from becoming reality. Time seemed to slow within her awareness as she soared with all her might to the source of the conscientious disturbance. Her heart pounded heavily out of severe worry; anxiety ate away at her nervous system while the sounds of nature seemed to fade away. The moment of truth was upon her as she landed on the cliff.




That word played out in her ears over and over further pushing the urgency of the apparent matter at hand. Her body felt heavy, like she was trying to run through the onslaught of rushing water despite being able to surpass speeds faster than light on a casual basis. Was this what fear did to one's awareness and thought process? She couldn't say for certain because she had to displace such trivialities for now. The redhead burst towards the summit of that cliff only to see the horror that she felt would be present but didn't acknowledge the severity of.

Before her was the man she loved crouching down on the grassy surface of the cliff holding a massive scythe in one hand with crimson dagger in the other; the sight was only a bone-chilling one for the youth was just a half a second or less from puncturing his carotid artery in his neck. Given the effects of that crimson variant of lightning, she knew that if the youth connected that thing to his body, his life would be lost. Wait…was that what he was truly after? She didn't know but she had to stop him.

Gathering up a ball of flames in her hand, she threw it with all the force she could muster in that small window of time forcing it to propel forward at an insane rate. Just before that blade connected, the attack hit the hand of the youth while also knocking the dangerous tool away. Huffing from the terror of possibly not making it in time, Adena tensed up before marching straight over towards the boy.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Adena yelled out with a mixture of anger and hurt.

"What are you doing here?" Raizo inquired in disbelief.

(I called her here to save you…Master…)

Just as the voice finished that sentence from the dangerous blade, Morana morphed back to its sleeping state causing Raizo to drop it on the ground upon being caught off guard. The suicide attempt was just narrowly averted thanks to Adena's efforts. As the buxom redhead marches up on the discombobulated male, the heterochromia assassin began to cry falling to his knees and breaking down from the pressure of his tornado of emotions.

"Why? Why? Why?! Why am I still alive after all the sins I've committed?!! The lives I've ruined, the promises I've broken, the lies I tell myself just to carry on another day…it's all just so futile. I'm nothing, just absolutely nothing! Let me die! I don't deserve to live anymore!!!" the unstable youth pounded the group crying out what his heart desired alongside the frustration of being denied the fulfillment of his wish. It was the most frenzied sight that Raizo had ever revealed before anyone. He couldn't deny the depths of his pain nor put on a mask to shroud it so shamelessly, did he make this passion known.

Adena was conflicted on how to feel while observing the boy's actions. She felt herself in a state of woe and astonishment due to the sight that she beheld just moments ago but then there was another feeling. Witnessing the emotional torment and turmoil that the Stormbringer had displayed communicated urgency in her mind that there was something serious that he did not reveal to her. What could cause a warrior like Raizo to be driven to a point of suicide? Was it the words his foes threw at him during the Pandora Conflict? She knew of some things that really bothered him but it was apparent that more was at stake here. It was so overwhelming to her that she felt the need the cry, in fact, she felt the tears well up in her eyes. One thing she did know though, she was grateful to the voice that reached out to her causing her to come here.

"Raizo," she called in a calm tone crouching beside the man placing a hand on his back to ease his nerves, "What happened? Why were you trying to…k…kill yourself?"

Saying that last part felt like having a sword being shoved down one's throat as that scene replayed in her mind of what occurred just mere seconds ago. This was something that could not easily be let go of so she was determined to find out the source of this matter. That and she did not want to see him suffer like this; she couldn't bear the sight of it. Rubbing his back seemed to be helping as Raizo took a breath to steady himself. She wasn't going to leave his side, not until everything was made clear for her to understand.

"I messed up, Adena. I really messed up big time," he said beginning the floor of conversation but obviously the statement was far too vague for her to understand.

"What did you do?"

"It started when I heard The Architect's words labeling me as a puppet. That's where it stemmed from; add on my guilty conscious of how this entire war has played out as well as how I've contributed so much more chaos than necessary; pair it with the comrades I lost and the holes left in my heart…I just got to a point where I felt like I needed to do something…"

"And that was?"

"I tried to change the timeline…"

"You…did what?" gasped the fire breather. She couldn't believe what she just heard. How could Raizo change the timeline? What on Earth did he see as a result? Did she even want to know? Before her mind went out of control on the questions, the male reached out to her.

"Just grab my hand, it'll be easier to explain if I just show you," he said. Nodding reluctantly, the girl does just that taking hold of the male's shaking hand. Suddenly, she feels a rush of energy come over her. Raizo then said to her, "Just relax. This might be overwhelming at first."

Like what his other self did, the Stormbringer began to project his memories into her mind like a home theater showing off all that he had experienced through the events that was referred to as 'Shatterpoint.' The woman would see everything that changed when Raizo prevented Aquilo's betrayal by killing him prematurely. She saw the rise of the Ulrick Empire as well as the positions that those who were within the Conclave had been stationed. She witnessed the rebellion incited by Phantom Siege and the ensuing battle that took place. The darkness, the brutality, the destruction, just everything…it was all way too much to bear. Every detail that haunted Raizo about these events had ran through her mind like she was there watching it unfold firsthand. Then the boy let his memories slip to the present time where he had that horrific nightmare and the run-in with the mysterious Akame clone. Her words to him were like the sharpest knife one could ever imagine being thrust into his back. What a travesty.

"You see? My arrogance caused all of this," Raizo stated as he brought the mental transference to an end. The boy's red eyes were cast on the ground as the atmosphere of guilt gave rise over him once more. A pause passed between the two before the alpha female began to give her opinion on the matter.

"I'm honestly stuck between two separate feelings on what I just saw. Firstly, I feel empathy towards you because of the weight that has plagued your shoulders; I can hardly begin to imagine the pressure you feel. I get that you are blaming yourself for so much and you hate yourself over your actions but take this as consolation: it wasn't real. I'm not saying that the experience did not happen but from what I saw, you changed time then eventually corrected by coming back and stopping yourself from making the change in the first place. The reality of this Shatterpoint only exists in your memories. Those that were lost during that time frame cannot hang over you because there's no telling what kind of lives they lead in this world. You're a hero in this land, not a tyrant prince. Forget about everything that chastises you and recognize the people who are here for you and love you.

My other feeling is that I find you to be a total idiot. Who told you it was okay to kill yourself? What? Some poser that just so happens to look like Aka-nee steps to you like a total edgelady then you want to go to emoville? What the hell are you on? That's not the Raizo I know and it damn sure isn't the guy that I'm in love with. Cutting your life short isn't going to change anything. You may release yourself from the pain you feel but those around you will be left with a hole in their chest. You'd be leaving behind your mother, father, Big Bro, Aka-nee, and Kimi-nee. Not to mention that you'd also be leaving me behind once more, only I won't be able to see you again. If that happened, I'd probably have to drag your ass back from the afterlife, beat the hell out of you then send you back," she ranted as the tears that filled her eyes began to stream down her face. She was unleashing everything she had welled up in her heart right now lifting the male's face so she could look at him with eye-to-eye contact.

"Even if everyone turns on you in this world, I'll always be here right beside you. Whether it's as a comrade-in-arms, a friend, or…maybe even a lover, I just want you to know that you are not a worthless existence for you have touched so many lives."

The Scarlet Beast embraces the Crimson Harbinger in that very next instant hugging him close against her body to ease his mind. He would have reacted in embarrassment any other time giving his tsundere reactions about feeling a woman's body against his own but that wasn't the case right now. Raizo hugged Adena back closely as he felt the pain begin to fade away. He pulls back a bit looking at her in her eyes.

"Adena, I'm…so sorry."

"It's okay," she replies with a soft expression, "But don't ever do something like that again. Pain is a natural feeling we all feel as human begins. Sure it does hurt but it's not meant to be permanent. It only lasts as long as you let it affect you."

The two share the tender moment as Adena tries her best to console the troubled male. Even if it was just a warm embrace, she hoped that this would at least calm the storm that attacked his mind.


Time: 2:00 P.M.

The hours went on shifting from morning to the early hours of the afternoon. The time spent on that cliff had been a surprisingly great length as Raizo and Adena had talked considerably so that the young Stormbringer would be more stable. As the situation calmed down, it was around this current time that they had made it back to the Sapphire Phoenix encampment area. Observing the activity of the various personnel, Raizo could see the dedication the men and women were putting forth in order to rebuild their home and re-establish themselves as a military power. However, something felt off.

"Adena…why are they staring?" the boy whispered to his female companion as they walked along through the grounds. The pair had many sets of eyes turning towards them watching them march along. Feeling uncomfortable, Raizo raised the color on his jacket to hide his face a little more unsure what the big deal was. Before the redhead could answer his question, various whispers were coming from the spectators among the crowd.

"I can't believe two members apart of that Team AKARA live in this encampment!"

"They're global heroes who saved billions!"

"What's the point of war with them around?"

These were just some of the things that people were saying to each other. Overhearing the chatter, the fiery female couldn't help but smile from the flattery though the Stormbringer was actively trying to ignore it. Needless to say, the duo didn't let the crowds slow them down as they continued on about their business headed towards Hestia's tent. As the structure came into sight, the visage of Zephyria and Genesis came into view while the woman in question had been emerging from the destination that the pair was currently advancing toward.

Seeing her child come into view, a massive sense of relief came over Hestia's heart. It has been a few days since she laid eyes on the boy so she had been worried sick; however, when the child in question came into view, she felt something was off. An aura of dread had surrounded him and he appeared almost half dead especially with the hollow look in his eyes. The smile that she had on her face from seeing the youth quickly churned into an expression of concern. It was a drastic change in behavior and it definitely wasn't one she had seen before. Not even during that incident with Night Raid's sudden arrival had the child's face been in such a way. As they drew closer and closer towards her position, she was just about to race out to seize her son and embrace him but that reunion wouldn't be happening just yet.

"INTRUDER ALERT! ALL HANDS AT THE GATE NOW!" a voice screamed out. One of the guards began sounding the alarm bells to alert the perimeter that it had been compromised which then put everyone on high alert. Those who were able and free immediately grabbed weapons and rushed over towards the source of the commotion. Not soon after, Hestia, her generals, and the Stormbringer soon followed suit trying to figure out what exactly was going.

Outside of the area was the silhouette of one lone man riding on horseback sporting what appeared to be a spear. As the leader of the forces stepped to towards the front line area alongside her companions, they all saw the individual come closer into view. Raizo clenched his fist softly while Hestia's face immediately went stern with an air of cruelty and disdain. The man that was the cause of the commotion was none other than the Silver Fox himself.

"Oh come on now, you all knew that I was coming to settle my score. What's going on with all of the dirty looks? Did you really think that some supernatural war was going to deter me from destiny?" boasted the cocky emerald-eyed male as he continued approaching the gate. Oh how Hestia wanted to just crush every single bone in his body right then and there effectively turning him into paste; however, she unfortunately had to behave herself. With one subtle motion, she ordered her men to stand down and let the bastard in despite the obvious cause it was going to have.

The men step aside but don't let their guards down as the treacherous silver-haired individual trots on top of his steed onto the grounds of the enemy combatant territory. As he makes his way inside, he looks around judging the sight of everything. With one small smirk, he begins to insult the work of the army.

"Seriously, this is the army that's been giving the Capital such a hard time over the past few months? It's quite pathetic really. You guys are no worse than the Revolutionary Army with your hopeless delusions of grandeur," the man boasted. Hestia forced a crease of her lips upward to show one of positivity though it was terrifying to behold.

"Coming from the man whose army did next to nothing in the Pandora Conflict save lose the ultimate weapon that could have put a stop to us—not—I don't want to hear it. Besides, I heard that the Empire had next to nothing for a military force anymore. Perhaps I should go ahead and march there just to take what I long for," she cleverly chastised.

"Ha, as if you would break the treaty that is keeping the three sides on a ceasefire for now," Aquilo scoffed.

"It will be broken eventually and when it is, you will have a proper execution alongside your colleagues and your sorry corpses will be mounted right on the gates of the city. However, business today will unfortunately deny me of the pleasure of watching you die in that manner," she sighed heavily in disappointment but looked to her son, Raizo.

Aquilo turned his gaze in the general direction of the Stormbringer as his eyes were filled with hate. The male in question hardly returned the gaze with any sort of intent for his mind was still elsewhere. The Silver Fox felt a sense of curiosity strike him in regards to why his soon-to-be opponent possesses such an indifferent expression. Did he forget about this day? Or was he just underestimating him? The general didn't know but he could feel his irritation growing. The onlookers felt the awkward tension in the air before Hestia stepped in to get things in motion.

"Why don't we move to the location where you two will be fighting unimpeded? You can follow me but do not get any cute ideas. You are still an enemy combatant so any sudden moves that are viewed as hostile to the integrity of this camp will be construed as a threat and you will be eliminated," the bold queen stated with the most serene expression one could have. The scary part of her statement wasn't the words she uttered as a threat but the fact that she could say it so peacefully without batting an eye.

"Duly noted, but I'm only here to—" Aquilo went to say before being cut off.

"Settle things once and for all yadda yadda, just let's go fuckboy. We have more important things to do than deal with your stupid shit," Adena uttered with an annoyed tone. The Silver Fox went to say something else but he was cut short by the looming giant.

"Before saying anything else, I suggest you just get off your horse and move along. Your presence alone is offensive enough," Genesis calmly remarked. With that, Aquilo did exactly that grabbing a box out of his satchel and moving inside the grounds following behind the group.

The six individuals navigated through the grounds of the encampment towards a lone tent that was moved a ways in the distance from the rest of the settlement. The air still contained the tension from before but for a certain former blood wolf, that atmosphere seemed to just pass over him as he went through the motions. As they came up on the tent, Orion was seen emerging from the entrance wiping his brow from traces of sweat while he patted his hands. Witnessing the approaching cluster of individuals, the enigmatic male laid his eyes upon Raizo and Aquilo knowing that today would be the day that Hyperion would have its truest test.

"Well, looks like the day is finally here. Let's get this started then," Orion spoke plainly before walking back inside the tent ushering everyone present to follow him. As they did, the space opened up revealing the large steel-like threshold loomed inside. The solitary door had Shambhala mounted brimming with power waiting to be used in order for the warriors to enter Hyperion. The marveling sight shocked Zephy and Genesis as they weren't sure of Orion's exploits as of late. Hestia and Adena already knowing about it didn't react in the same astonished way but still held appreciation for it. Raizo was lost in his own world while Aquilo didn't seem to care at all.

"Alright boys listen up. Behind this door is where you two will be able to fight to your hearts content. We don't want you guys destroying the camp so once inside, feel free to go all out with no limits. When you're done, whoever is the victor can just walk towards a general direction and the door should materialize for you to come through. Any questions?"

"None, let's get on with it," Aquilo spoke impatiently. Raizo merely shook his head no. Seeing that, Orion went ahead and opened the door as a mysterious void seemed to welcome them. The Stormbringer took off his coat and handed it to Adena communicating his desire for her to hold onto it. The youth did not know how tough the battle would be ahead so he didn't want to ruin the garment that was given to him. As the girl took hold of it, the boy nodded in approval before heading towards the gateway. It is then that the pair proceeded to walk inside.

"Enjoy the multiverse boys!" Orion shouted before the two disappeared. Adena clutched the jacket to her chest mumbling to herself.

"Kick his ass Raizo…"


As a rift is torn open into the vacuum of space, Raizo and Aquilo are met by the surface of a large asteroid gradually drifting through the cosmos. The barren, rocky area was set to be the first stage that they would be allowed to fight on if they so desired. Around them, various celestial bodies bound by gravity and confined to orbit loomed over them as the sight of such beautiful objects littered the enveloping void around them. Sound seemed to be muffled as the force holding their bodies to the surface weakened allowing them to jump around and list lazily before landing. Unbeknownst to them, the damage from the fight that had taken place before had essentially disappeared.

"So this is what lies beyond the night sky?" Aquilo spoke in awe for a moment as he took in his surroundings. Despite the fact that there was a battle to be fought with his arch rival, he had to admit that this was quite the sight to see. However, he would be unable to know that there wasn't any air to breathe in space so it was fortunate that he could see what the cosmos looks like through Hyperion. Unlike his foes that are vastly superior to him, Aquilo did not possess the skill necessary to survive in real outer space. Hyperion just possessed an unknown atmospheric composition that allowed those who needed it to breathe. Raizo had his moment of awe as well as he looked around but he was still being haunted by recent events so his focus was rather muddled. It wasn't until the man who deigned to face him in single combat speak that he was paying attention.

"I've been ready for this moment for the past few weeks ever since I issued my challenge, Raizo Arashi," Aquilo spoke revealing Gungnir at last and reaching into the box to obtain something hidden within. The red-eyed disillusioned male adjusted his gaze towards the man who called out to him but his sight had immediately directed his attention towards the Longinus weapon. In that instant, he recalled how in Shatterpoint he fought to the death with the man he identified as father. That death battle was only brought about because of the fact that they were on two different sides and had the unfortunate luck of clashing in battle. Even though in this world line they weren't exactly close, a part of him still felt that pain. Placing his hand over his heart, Raizo began to speak.

"Are you sure you really want to go through with this, Aquilo? Is it really worth it?"

"It's the only way Raizo. We've been putting off our final battle for too long. Do you not still wish to see me dead for having the clan killed all those years ago? Has your thirst for vengeance truly withered away?" tested the Silver Fox as he prepared for battle.


"You really are something else. You were always so driven and held a fierce commitment to your beliefs when we were younger but now look at you…you're like a lost dog waiting for his master. It's almost sad but I should consider myself fortunate to put you out of your misery. Perhaps I'll be able to move on too."

"Moving on eh? I see…"

The dismissive air that Raizo was radiating from his being had begun to irritate and infuriate Aquilo more than he wanted to admit. To attest to this, he felt his grip on the spear getting tighter and tighter while his teeth began to grind against each other in his mouth. The Silver Fox pulled out the object at last revealing its shape to be like that of a mask. Before he made use of it, he had to say one final thing.

"I don't get why the world is hailing you as one the five heroes of the Pandora Conflict. You're nothing but a sniveling coward who let's others fight for him. It's about time someone put you down for the sins you've committed. I'm not going to hold a single ounce of strength back for this fight Raizo, I'm unleashing everything from the start," he ranted. The long, silver-haired man grasped the mask and placed it over his face. The appearance of it reminded Raizo of that executioner individual that fought with the Jaegers a long time ago. The name escaped him but the face was familiar. Suddenly, Raizo heard something that was rather surprising.

"Power Surging: Balzac, activate!" Aquilo yelled as a massive rush of power seemed to overflow from the man in front of him. It was then that the spear that the general was holding onto began to ooze a sinister green with a dark aura as well. Raizo could feel the mass of energy fill the space as the trajectory of the asteroid was altered because of it. A crater began to open from the pressure while The Silver Fox's power seemed to climb.

"O Holy Longinus, Embrace Me!"

A pillar of caustic, green energy erupted from Aquilo's location enveloping him and a small 10 foot radius. Seeing the giant display of light, Raizo dashed back away for a moment out of caution wanting to see what exactly was about to come out of this. He had no idea what to expect but the beam of light continued its raging display for at least 10 seconds before it slowly faded. As it did so, what was left was a man covered head to toe in black demonic armor that appeared like some weird hybrid of Incursio and Grand Chariot but more like a knight.

The suit had golden claws on its hands and a small buckler on the left forearm. Mysterious curves came from its back like spikes as a black and green cape flowed behind it. Dark, yellow eyes shimmered like those belonging to a dragon in the darkness of the space as the individual appeared to be 10 feet tall. Upon further inspection, the person was actually mounted on a stallion covered from head to toe in similar armor with blood red eyes and a flaming bronze mane and tail. This was the fullest potential contained within Aquilo and his tie to Gungnir along with the mask he donned before.

"So this is my true power? Esdeath really wanted to make sure that I return victoriously," echoed Aquilo as he clenched his armored fist to adjust to the feeling of the armor. Power Surging: Balzac was a teigu that allowed its user to draw out 100% of the user's potential ignoring all limits; however, since Aquilo was forcing his body to drawn out the full potential of two different teigu, there would be repercussions. The power that he called forth far surpassed that of a trump card; in fact…this had to be something akin to a Kamui.

"Armor of Odin, I heard the legends of the true power contained within Gungnir but I never thought I'd ever be able to access it. This will be most entertaining," Aquilo spoke clutching his spear. The weapon grew in size as the head was reminiscent of the polearm belonging to Incursio; however, the triangular slab of steel appeared to be akin to the size of Genesis' great sword that he carried. Spinning it around in his hand, Aquilo grabbed the reigns of his steed before readying himself.


In the blink of an eye, the newly armored lancer charged at Raizo at a speed that surpassed the perceived measurement of light speed and thrust his weapon directly towards the youth. The unexpected force delivered an impact that blew the unfocused former blood wolf back sending him cascading through the void of space spiraling out of control surging millions of miles. The ragdoll physics of the boy's body caused him to crash straight through one planet and into another along with any encompassing moons that had the unfortunate luck of crossing the path of the youth. With each crash into the spherical objects, his momentum slowed until he landed in the crater of a small moon.

"Tch…damn…" Raizo spoke as he recovered himself and dusted the debris off his clothing. He had a few minor scrapes where small trickles of blood appeared but they quickly healed over though the damage done to his clothing still remained. The youth would not have long to prepare himself as Aquilo appeared before him on his stallion riding directly at him once more.

"Come now Crimson Harbinger, clearly this isn't the full extent of your legend!" shouted the man as he struck Raizo once more but this time he pursued after the flying body of the boy repeatedly striking him over and over again. Using the space debris, Aquilo steered his steed masterfully jumping off the rocks to assail his opponent over and over again. While Raizo listed helplessly, Aquilo came from the left side and slammed his buckler attached to his arm directly in his back with enough force to easily shatter a mountain. The pain registered like an annoying pinch to the Stormbringer though he was mostly absentminded through the assault.

Why am I even here right now? Is this the work of fate? I don't have the energy to fight him anymore yet here I am. What's the point of even fighting back? I deserve it. The things I've done, the people I've hurt...these thoughts won't go away.

Aquilo unleashed everything he had with his unleashed power. He did not hesitate with his strikes sporting his speed as he repeatedly chased after Raizo who was being sent around the solar system like a ping-pong ball. From the outside looking in, it was essentially a one-sided battle. The Stormbringer had not appeared to be the hero who saved the world twice from forces that threatened to tear apart his universe. He did not appear as the youth that defeated the legendary Great General Budou. He didn't appear to be the son of the King of Primordial Gods, nor did he convey the feeling of being a part of Team AKARA. He was just a sad soul that was being thoroughly beaten around by the local bully.

When Raizo's body came to a stop after Aquilo let up on his merciless beating, the youth found himself planted into the surface of some unknown moon that appeared like the one orbiting the Earth. The Red-Eyed Stormbringer's ragged body was sore from all the lashings he took but it was nothing that he couldn't recover from momentarily. He felt his bones pop and his flesh tingle as whatever wounds he had upon his body healed up but the male was just blankly staring into the sea of endless stars.

When will I awaken from this nightmare?

It was then that he heard the clopping of a horse trotting along the surface of the moon and the whiney of a horse. The sounds grew closer and closer until the armored individual riding fiercely upon it loomed over him. Raizo merely stared at the corrupted night as the ominous green aura still oozed from his vessel. The mighty spear that the man brandished was brought around and stabbed directly into the thin layers of clothing that Raizo worn. Aquilo hoisted the former blood wolf up to bring him towards his saddle but the clothing did not hold. As the hem of his shirt tore, Aquilo reached out and grabbed Raizo holding him by his neck before squeezing.

"This is absolutely pathetic. Is this really the great Raizo Arashi; the one known as the Crimson Harbinger, the Red-Eyed Stormbringer, Slayer of the Thunderlord, Budou, and member of the legendary Team AKARA? What a joke. I can't believe how pitiful you look when just about a year ago you faced me with every intention of killing me after seeing me for the first time in however many years. I mean…what happened to that fierce strength you displayed months ago in the Capital when you defeated Budou? What happened to that great power you used to become a hero? Are you not going to try and fight back?" mocked the Silver Fox before he tossed Raizo to the ground once more.

"For this to be an Unmei no Tatakai…this is just underwhelming. Do you not remember what the custom was? An official battle to the death between two warriors whom wish to put everything on the line for the sake of their own ideals. Albeit it bloody, is it not a sacred tradition in our clan? You offend the very people you sought to claim vengeance for by not fighting me seriously, Raizo. If anything, this just goes to prove how much of a hypocrite you are. Maybe I'm better off fighting your mother instead. She was the one who killed Yuki after all, but then again…you're the main reason why my livelihood is in shambles anyways. You took it all away from me. Heh, as much as I hate you in this moment…I'm not even sure it's worth killing you. Really, you're just not worth the time."

Those words resonated within Raizo's ears then burrowed deep into his brain. His mind processed every word coming from the Silver Fox's lips. The titles he gained from his battles and the reputation that followed painted the youth as someone not to be taken lightly, yet he fought against foes that nearly took his life on more than one occasion. All of the enemies he's fought and overcome have been threats that transcended human understanding but he still came out alive. Could he really live with being defeated by someone like this man?

Really, you're just not worth the time.

Once again he was dismissed as a waste but his pain held him back from reacting until now. This man, the one he swore vengeance upon so many years ago had the nerve to dismiss him as irrelevant. It was rather ironic because the Stormbringer had forsaken his once sought after goal of killing him but fate played their cards for them to fight once more. He had no choice but to embrace it but something about this just triggered him. Those words as hurtful as they were in a way came from someone of his caliber. Especially that one word: hypocrite. Hearing that alone caused something to stir deep inside his chest.

"Me, take everything from you? Don't insult me…who the hell do you think I am?" Raizo questioned as he stood up slowly. The moon they were standing on began to shake and the surface gradually split. Bits and pieces of the surface slowly floated up from the ground as arcs of blue lightning began to spark around the body of the man. Feeling this, Aquilo couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

"How ironic coming from a generic fuckboy like you. Do I need to remind you of your sins and what you've done? You betrayed our clan leading everyone we ever knew to slaughter. You tossed everything we represented into the dirt and destroyed what was supposed to be our…no…MY family during that time. You inadvertently caused my bonds with Night Raid to be torn asunder when that traitorous bitch—Yuki—shot me in the back delivering me straight into your hands leading to a battle that never should have happened in the first place. Yeah, in the end it was my lapse in judgment but you played on my weakness of finding out about my mother. Yet you hate me? I took everything from you? No, you don't have a single fucking right to preach to me about loss.

The order was taken from me, my friends were lost to me, my sense of purpose was stripped away and I don't even have the proper sight of who I am anymore. The only one who has the right to hate me is me! Your hatred for me pales in comparison to the amount of rage and frustration I hold inside my heart. I mean…do you even know what the fuck I go through on a regular basis?"

Raizo's anger swells up even more in his chest as a result while the energy continues to grow around him decaying the crust of the moon's surface as a result. Regardless of this fact, the youth continues his rant letting his feelings become known.

"I thought I reached a point where I could have some semblance of peace despite all your meddling after things started to calm down after the God's Tear incident but no…my mother's sudden re-emergence along with the Sapphire Phoenix piled on with the Pandora Conflict shattered those thoughts. But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't understand anything about that. After all, how many lives have you destroyed since your service with the Capital? How many people have you killed all for the sake of a corrupt government whose only goals involve self-interest and greed? Have you ever in your miserable fucking life thought of anyone besides yourself without any motive at all, Aquilo?!

You have no business chastising me or even uttering the thought of your so-called hatred. Every negative emotion you feel right now is irrelevant compared to the feelings that burn like wildfire seeking to erase my soul. At the end of the day Aquilo, you lack the understanding of one concept that I have come to know even though I have disgraced it—Family. And that is the one thing…the only damn thing that matters to me now more than ever!"

As his passion struck home, a sudden burst of static shock emerged from his body as a pillar of blue electricity burst upward from his location. Though armored, Aquilo had to shield his eyes for a moment and steady the steed he straddled from the unexpected radiance. The light glistened tremendously for a small period of time before fading away revealing Raizo's form. When the Silver Fox cast his gaze upon Raizo once more, he could see the visage of the power that he saw many months ago before Budou was defeated.

"Invoke my Fury of the Storm," Raizo uttered as his body was clad in the blue glow of the first true form that was contained within Indra's Judgment. The familiar appearance of the youth with the stunning crimson eyes was shrouded in that glorious azure aura; however, it was somewhat different. Before, the aura was more bound around the youth with the circulation of blue lightning but this time was a bit unique. That cerulean field appeared to be living as it formed like a spirit around the Stormbringer taking the shape of a massive flame around him.

"You wanted a battle so I'll settle this by taking this form to its maximum potential. It's about time I tested its limits after all," the Crimson Harbinger uttered slowly drawing Vajra from his side. Beholding the sight of the man with his fire ignited for battle, Aquilo could not help but tremble for a brief moment. He felt the atmosphere change as his bitter rival went from a dismal state to being one with major bloodlust. Before the armored fox could even utter a reply, Raizo had closed the distance between the two faster than he could comprehend.

"What the—" Aquilo started to say but then his armored steed was cleaved in half as the small swing from Raizo's blade contained enough energy to slice the sun in two. By dumb luck, the green-eyed lancer brought his buckler to take on the attack but the momentum transferred sending the black knight flying through space. A loud echo occurred as it appeared the sound of the impact managed to ripple through the void. The ragdoll of the Silver Fox went spiraling through a series of celestial objects: 6 planets, 10 moons, 14 asteroids, and a small star. However, the man did not stop flying since his body went straight into another solar system.

Raizo pursued relentlessly seeking to dish out all of the damage he received in this battle and then some. He felt the need to unleash his frustration out on something; fortunately, his arch enemy would make for a great punching bag. However, despite all of his rage that he felt right now, Raizo managed to hold back. Even though he was doing it without fully realizing it, the Stormbringer was not unleashing all of his power. It was just enough for him to win. Aquilo had his fun before so now it was time to repay the debt incurred.

Catching up to the armored man, Raizo went in with Vajra bearing his blade down on Aquilo's body. The Silver Fox brought Gungnir to bear as the two weapons clashed. It was then that sparks seemed to fly out uncontrollably as the two began to exchange blows while soaring through the stars. They fought without concern for anything around them as any object that got in their way was fair game and subject to immediate destruction so long as an attack would land. The ringing of steel echoed throughout the space around them as the shockwaves rippled out and destroyed any objects within about 400,000 miles.


Aquilo gripped his spear even tighter as he sought to stab the blue blur before him but it felt like he was hardly keeping up with Raizo's speed. The lancer's attack went flying towards his opponent at speeds that surpassed light but it was almost as if Raizo was one step ahead threatening movement that could potentially be faster than that. Close range wasn't working so he had to do something to trip him up and quick. As a result, he doubled back and held his spear in one hand while a bright green aura enveloped it.

"Blood Hunter!"

Aquilo dashed in immediately jumping high above Raizo's location before dropping down. The strike was one that could be thrown but this time he held it in place and transferred the energy into a massive star shattering attack. However, Raizo merely stood there and grabbed the spear by the tip of the blade and took it on like it was nothing. The strike dealt the damage but Raizo was unfazed by it completely with a deadpan expression on his face.

"You have to try better than that if you wish to defeat me. Try again!" Raizo says tossing the man away from him.

"Not Again!"

Stunned by this, Aquilo had to take a moment to collect his thoughts but the Stormbringer was just tired of dealing with him.

"Do you need some incentive? If you really need to think of a way to kill me then this fight is just a waste of time. You were so convinced before that you could win so come on. Show me that arrogance of yours, Aquilo!" Raizo shouted out, however, the armored individual still remained motionless. Disappointed, the Crimson Harbinger let out a heavy sigh and looked over his shoulder. In the near distance, he sees a beautiful, green gas giant listing lazily along its orbit unaffected by the battle that was transpiring so far…until now.

"Allow me to encourage you to do something then," Raizo uttered. He lifted his free hand as a long chain of lightning came flying from his hand and traversed the distance from his location to the spherical body in an instant. The wire of energy coiled itself around the nearly 300,000 mile circumference seizing the planet's motion interrupting its travel speed of about 53,000 miles per hour around the nearby star. Once feeling the weight of the anchor tug on his arm, Raizo jerks the electrical energy and pulls the item he caught. The green giant is stripped from its orbit and comes barreling towards the battlefield as the Stormbringer throws it directly at Aquilo.

Without much time to spare, Aquilo realizes that this is not something that he can afford to wait around for the time to strike. He charges up his spear full of energy again but it isn't enough in time to obstruct the planet from hitting him. The mass collides into him as he is absorbed into the gas but he manages to punch the surface of the planet breaking through to mitigate the damage done to his armor. Of course, his opponent knew that it wasn't enough to hurt him or anything but it was enough to get him to move.

"Well? Are you going to end me or am I going to have to just kill you without knowing if a fancy suit of armor is really all you got?" Raizo challenged.

"I was hoping to use this as a finishing blow but since you insist Raizo, I'll unleash all of my new power in one last attack!" Aquilo declared but the glowing blue assassin hardly appeared to care.

"O Holy Longinus, Consume Me!"

The acidic green aura leaked out from Aquilo's armor as it channeled directly into the cylindrical blade. The feeling of ominous, cursed energy radiated within the area as the power yielded unto the man flowed into his armament. The power threatened to be unleashed was going to be the final move that Aquilo would make to decide the course of this battle. It was his ultimate technique, one that he knew he would be able to do but it was one he never fathomed of ever using before in his life. Fortunately, the energy unlocked by the use of Balzac enabled him to do this so he figured that it may be his first and last time using it.


Aquilo threw his weapon with all his might as his sights locked on Raizo. The man imbued by Fury of the Storm did not bother to move from his location once again as he wanted to feel what his former associate could muster for a life or death move. The missile-like attack barreled towards its target with dangerous intent dissolving any foreign object with just its aura alone. The attack contained enough power to not only blow away a large star but potentially half of the solar system itself but that did not matter.

"So this is it…" Raizo mumbled to himself. The attack hit the youth head on as the impact detonated and the entire area was blinded by light from the impact. The figure of the lightning user disappeared as a result signifying the match had been decided. When the light faded, the azure aura was nowhere to be seen.

"HAHA AT LAST! I WIN RAIZO!" Aquilo screamed in joy. At long last he had finally defeated his bitter rival. Their struggle had been brought to conclusion with the most unlikely of the two being the victor. His laughter echoed throughout the space feeling proud and triumphant over what had just occurred but this moment would be short-lived as a loud sigh had reached his ears. The bragging had been nullified when the sight of a shirtless, tan-skinned male with a burning, electric blue aura stood carrying a singular blade in his hand.

"So disappointing Aquilo, I had hoped there was more to you but it appears that my destiny isn't to die by your hands."


"I'm already dead Aquilo…at least on the inside; you're just too ignorant to realize that," Raizo spoke tucking his blade back in its sheathe at his side.

"It's time I bring this fight to the bitter end. Someone has to write the conclusion to your shitty story."

Suddenly Raizo ignited six blades of lightning in his hands and took hold of them. He leaned forward slightly before rushing at his opponent like an animal seeking to catch its prey. Just when he was able to collide with Aquilo, he jumped up above him and flew far beyond the boundaries of that solar system and to the distant stars light years away. Now floating in the air towards the bounds of the galaxy, Raizo approximated Aquilo's location then tossed the six blades down and anchored them at six random points spread around the area in the shape of a hexagon.

"Absolute Blade Trance Version 1 – Adamant Waltz!"

The hexagonal plane became bounded by a large field of lightning as The Silver Fox would soon be paralyzed and unable to escape the area. Starting from the nearest point, Raizo grabbed one of the blades rushing in towards the center where Aquilo was and attacked him. The strike of the sword against the armor dealt enough damage to scratch the armor deeply and the attack had enough energy to force a star into a supernova.

"1," Raizo uttered as he passed. Then when he reached the next point, he grabbed the blade and attacked again.


Raizo repeated this process at each of the six points but didn't stop there. The count escalated higher and higher beyond the tens or the hundreds but into the thousands. Each attack was as powerful and as gruesome as the last as the armor protecting Aquilo was stripped away piece by piece. Soon, he was bleeding thoroughly as the pools of crimson seeped out and floated through space. The Stormbringer took care to only deal flesh wounds and not cut too deeply before he was through. Once reaching a satisfactory number, the harbinger disappears.

"And now to finish it," the red-eyed swordsman stated extended both arms out to opposite sides before taking aim at the general area of Aquilo's floating body. Holding his hands together in a horizontal jaw shape, crimson lightning charged in that place.

"Farewell Aquilo," he stated but just before he launched his attack, Raizo ever so slightly altered his aim.

"Ruin Unyielding!"

The attack came barreling down as the usually blue beam of lightning dyed in red like blood surged forth towards the general area. As the energy cascaded down, Raizo dashed soon after grabbing something from the general space before the attack detonated. The galaxy that contained thousands of solar systems and various objects of celestial beauty was wiped out leaving only a few hundred or less remaining.

Bearing witness to the destruction he caused, Raizo carried the body of the armor-less male that he had initially intended that attack for. The black armor was destroyed and the mask that gave it to him was shattered along with it. Gungnir was so badly damaged that there wasn't even a trace of power emanating from it. Aquilo had been severely mutilated to the point where death was a blessing rather than a sad curse to bear but his body just refused to give out thanks to his foe. Yes, Raizo was just barely keeping his enemy alive by circulating electricity through the man's body.

"I cut you 4,998 times. Each cut was one for the members of the clan that met their end by your own hand because of your betrayal or has suffered as a result of your actions—my mother and I included. My vengeance that I pledged is complete. Even though I should kill you as much as my instincts tell me to in the darkest places of my soul…taking your life is not my place anymore. That is why I chose to save you at the last minute and why I'm keeping you alive. Your death is something that should be decided by the people you've hurt in life…which is why you are not mine to kill anymore. However, there is one thing I want to confirm so I'm going to ask you one simple question. Who helped you wipe out the Blood Wolves? Someone had to organize your involvement with the Empire so tell me."

Aquilo was barely holding onto life as the pain from his wounds sought to strip him of his consciousness but Raizo wasn't trying to let him get away. The man sent a sharp jolt throughout the officer's body forcing the adrenaline to pump. As a result, one familiar name was uttered from the fatigued lips of the Silver Fox.


"That's all I needed to know…"


The door to Hyperion opens as Raizo—now in base form—emerges dragging Aquilo's desiccated body behind him. The members of the Sapphire Phoenix see this and are rather astonished by the looks of the perceived corpse. Though the only one amused was Orion as it was his sadistic nature to poke fun at the misfortune of others.

"Well damn, this kid looks like he was just skinned alive. I didn't know you had that side of ya, Raizo," the enigmatic man answers laughing at Aquilo's misfortune but the former blood wolf was hardly amused.

"Aquilo's still alive, just barely."

"What? Why? You know the rules of Unmei no Tatakai," inquired Hestia as she took shock over the news of the battle.

"I'm beyond those tired traditions of our clan, Mother. I hardly consider myself a blood wolf anymore. In fact, my entire rampage of vengeance is something I walked away from a long time ago. I gave him the honor of 4,998 cuts…one for each clan member that he wronged excluding himself and Yuki. That should be vengeance enough. For now, I actually need him alive," the Stormbringer explained. Hestia was about to voice her objection to the matter but her son stopped her.

"Mother, I'm not asking to give him full-on treatment…just enough to keep him alive. Please," he pleaded. Seeing the tired expression on her son's face, the white-haired beauty reluctantly agreed.

"Zephyria, Genesis, please take this scum away to a tent where he can be watched and get started on his medical treatment," she quietly ordered. The two members quietly obeyed taking custody of the body while leaving the broken armament behind. Hestia picked up the ruined spear observing the damage before snapping it in two.

"No use in keeping a relic that will remind me of a past I had sought to forget too. Whatever it is you are thinking son, I do hope you know what you are doing."

"Same here…I need time to think so if you'll excuse me…I am going to find a place to shower."

"I can take you to the springs nearby," Adena interrupted holding her own expression of concern. Nodding in agreement, the tired male began to walk away as the red head served as his guide.

Later that day…

Time: 5:00 P.M.

Hours passed since the conclusive fight that Raizo had with Aquilo. He wasn't sure how they set the man up with medical attention but the last thing he recalled after walking away from the grounds was a tent being guarded by at least ten soldiers. Given the state the Stormbringer left him in, he hardly believed that the Silver Fox would have the ability to escape but one could never be careful when it came to a prisoner of war. Dismissing these thoughts, the male just relaxed in the warm waters of a hot spring that was located just a few hundred feet or so away from the main encampment.

"Ah, there we go. It feels good to relax," the red-eyed male said stretching out underneath the warm, embracing waters. His fatigue over the events of today had slipped away within that brief moment as he felt peace wash over him. That hurt from what all has been on his mind still plagued him but he felt a need to hang on. He knew that just standing firm was the best thing he could do right now. As he took in a deep breath, the springs calming waters welcomed his naked frame as he bathed alone. Or so he thought.

"Enjoying yourself?" echoed a familiar female voice. Being surprised, the heterochromia-headed boy splashed about a bit and turned to see the gaze of a tall, sensually curvy, redhead holding a towel which clung to her vixen-like physique and emphasized her feminine features. As his crimson hues made contact with the cobalt pearls of eyes being cast upon him, the male's cheeks filled with a sharp blush as he instantly covered his face from embarrassment.

"A…Adena?! What are you d…doing in here? And why are you naked, idiot?!!" he exclaimed in a flustered tone unsure of what to think. He turned away showing her his back not trying to stare too much at her. The fiery female tilted her head as a small smile creased her lips.

"Oh come on now, it's a bath, Raizo. Of course I would be naked you know," she replied with a flirtatious and condescending tone wanting to tease the boy for a little bit.

"S…so why don't you use one of the other springs or something then?"

"You think I'm really going to leave you alone after what happened this morning? I refuse to let you hurt yourself again kiddo," the woman sharply responded while stepping into the water herself. Since Raizo was still looking away, she had tossed aside the towel allowing her voluptuous body be exposed before submerging it in the waters up to her breasts exposing only a subtle amount of cleavage. It was then that she gradually waded over to the male observing the pattern of the wings on his back.

"Heh, looks like we have a connection that's deeper than I thought," she commented softly reaching out and gently tracing her finger along the pattern. Raizo tenses up a bit from the sudden sensation letting out a brief gasp.

"Wh…what are you doing?" he asked shyly.

"I'm just observing the wings on your back. They come from your teigu right?" she asked. Feeling her hand gently caress him seized his breath for a moment so he could only muster a nod in response.

"They're so beautiful like they're ready to carry you on so you can fly free to your dreams. But I can sense that you're still being troubled shouldering so many burdens that are just unnecessary."

"Heh, my wings don't give me the ability to take responsibility…that's what I'm trying to figure out how to do," he answered with dismay. The woman sighed and boldly pressed herself against his back and hugged him close to her person. The immediate sensation from her elasticity made him gasp in shock again and made him blush even more. Before he could even raise a statement of protest, Adena began to speak.

"Didn't I tell you before? I'm here for you. Even if these wings should falter, I'm here to pick you up so you can fly again. Though Big Bro, Aka-nee, and Kimi-nee are far from this place, they are bound to be watching over you too."

"That may be true but…Adena…I…"


"I don't understand."

"Understand what?"

"Why do you want to be here for me so much? How could you care about someone like me? I mean, sure we were betrothed to one another but that shouldn't be our bond together right? That was something from our past and it's been so long too so surely you must feel…"

"Let me stop you there, Raizo…just hear me out. I know that my feelings must not make sense to you especially the lapse that separated us for so long. Yeah, family politics is what brought us together but it isn't like some indoctrination that I must have you but it was something else. Being raised as one of the Jade Dragons, we are taught to communicate and feel everything with our fists. Not only does it show our passion but it allows us to judge the worth of others. For me, that feeling was different. I became not only able to determine the worth of my opponents but I gained insight that allowed me to feel who that person was and what they could become. For example, fighting Big Bro showed me the hero that he is and the legend that he has become. I respect him greatly and I look up to him too. Even with Kimi-nee, my brief spat with her taught me to humble myself and not let overconfidence rule me and to withhold my judgment of others. That fight was just the biggest challenge I ever faced and in my defeat, I found another person to respect and admire. But I digress.

When we fought, I was able to see someone I would come to admire and fight beside one day and I also felt that you were more than just some unknown assassin. The best way to describe this is that I basically felt your soul and, it was just so overwhelming that it pulled at my heart. In addition, you saved me from myself when I first obtained my teigu even though I hurt you. You believed in me in that moment that I was strong enough to overcome the monster inside me and sure enough you were right. I never had the opportunity to confess those feelings to you so I had to hold onto them for a very long time.

I will admit that I entertained myself over the years by being with other girls, including Zephy, but I never fell in love with them. Zephy knew this and understood especially. It's rather ironic though, the common misconception about me with the other Sapphire Phoenix members is that I only care about you to uphold the original promise of marriage that I made under Hestia's approval but that's not the case. I want to show you that these feelings are still genuine even though we are different than whom we were before. I want to get to know you again and spend as much time as I can with you so that you can understand me better too; however, I'm trying to hold back so that I can give you proper time but this burning sensation inside my heart never calms down. Raizo Arashi, you're like a fire that resonates with me like you're one in the same with me."

Adena hugged Raizo even closer as her warmth transferred to the boy in an effort to calm his chaotic seas within his being. The words burrowed deep inside the Stormbringer's mind and flowed to his heart before finally settled into his soul. Like the enveloping springs that gave him pause for relaxation, her truly heartfelt words melted away the dark thoughts within that moment. That fact was best expressed through the smile that he now held on his flushed face.

"I…I…I see Adena," he stuttered before continuing, "I'd like for us to get close together again too. Hopefully at some point in the near future, I'll become the man that you see me to be and ultimately deserve. To be honest…I want to reciprocate the love you feel for me back to you because in this world, you're the only one I feel myself happy with. Even though my heart is heavy with this burden of Shatterpoint, being here with you is giving me the solace I seek. So I want you to be by my side and me by yours…" he confessed.

"But first, I have to rid myself of this darkness. For that to happen, I'm going to need some help."

"What do you mean?"

"I understand why I spared Aquilo's life. Though I placed blame on him for the massacre of the Blood Wolves, he didn't act alone. That person he worked with has to pay and the best way to do that is for him to go through the same thing that he put me through. I have to get Fujitora to confess in a trial but I'm gonna need all of Team AKARA for this one."

"Okay, but how are you gonna get the rest of the family here?"

"Well, I'm gonna have to go on a bit of a road trip. Can you hold down things here for a few days?"

"Of course Raizo, you do what you have to do. However, can you do me one favor? It's nothing major I promise."

"What is it, Adena?"

"Can we just stay together like this for a little longer? I just feel so happy right now and I want to enjoy the moment."

"W…well…I mean…if you have to heh. It's not like I'm against it or anything, so…y..yeah."

Smiling in delight, the redhead hugs her body against the Stormbringer even more holding onto him tightly. Her heart was set ablaze with joy though she was hoping she wasn't going overboard; however, Raizo was enjoying this time with her too.


Year 1025, 10th of November

Time: 6 A.M.

Dawn was about to break as Raizo and Adena were alone at the old dirt road where the youth initially set off to cause Shatterpoint. All set with his black coat and weapons along with a new change of clothes, the Crimson Harbinger was about to take off. Even though she had the whole night with him talking and just enjoying his company, Adena could not help but feel saddened by the young man's departure. However, that sadness did not deter her from understanding what he needed to do. She gave him one last hug before he would depart.

"Good luck out there, Raizo. I'll be waiting for you to return," she said with a smile. Raizo hugged her back nodding with determination.

"Thanks Adena, I trust you'll hold things down for the time being?" he asked with a soft expression.

"Of course, don't worry. The fuckboy won't escape or anything. Besides, I can just roast him a bit if he tries anything!"

"Heh, try not to make him a crispy critter."

"No promises!"

The pair shares a laugh together in that moment. It was then that Raizo stepped back away from the redheaded beauty gathering his power around him. In that very next instant, he transforms into his Heart of the Storm state. With one last nod, Raizo places his trust in the girl then blasts off from the surface of the Earth into the distant stars.

"I believe in you, Raizo Arashi," Adena spoke with pride in her heart. The shimmering of a violet star takes off into the skies as the Stormbringer begins his new journey through the cosmos.