
Slay the Backstabber

Fate is a mysterious thing. For some, it is a means of a straightforward path that can ultimately lead one to what they may desire or their own demise. For others, it is an unexpected means of events that ultimately come to one singular point. Either way, fate is an entity that culminates in the idea of a preordained encounter. That is what the storm that never seemed to end over the Nightmare Forest symbolized.

Hestia, along with the rest of the members of the Sapphire Phoenix, felt that something was coming when they felt a colossal disturbance in the weather days ago. Sensing that, the valiant woman along with one of her retainers—Adena—set out to find out the source of the happening. Around the same time, Aquilo and his platoon were already out in this sector looking for the location of the Sapphire Phoenix base but he was distracted by the storm as well. As both parties sought out answers, they were ultimately brought to a moment where their paths crossed.

Year 1025, 18th of October

Time: 8 A.M.

The sun was breaching the horizon, slowly ascending into the blue sky above. The winds were calm and steady and the temperature was rather cool. Despite the serene quiet and gentle beauty of the scene, the air was tainted by tension and bloodlust as a standoff was currently going down. On one side there was Raizo. After finally making it to the land in which he was hoping to arrive after dealing with the horrors of the Nightmare Forest for three days, he found himself running into Aquilo, Yuki, and a small garrison of soldiers from the Capital.

This was not expected at all considering the location and the fact that the Imperial Army was supposed to be gathering around the city anyways. It didn't make sense as to why Aquilo would be here now of all times but the strangeness only continued even further when his mother and one of her subordinates arrived on the scene. Now, he found himself caught in the midst of a "family reunion". His mother, his two former friends, and a girl who seemed to know of him but he did not know of her. Aside from the obvious disparity in allegiances, this was like a gathering of the remnants of the Blood Wolves.

Though heavily fatigued from his encounter with the God Eater, the Stormbringer nevertheless reached carefully toward the blade on his back—Vajra. Considering the major difference in odds right now, he could not afford a long-term struggle so the only way was to get the jump on anyone he perceived as an enemy before isolating himself from his mother so he could get the answers he sought. However, when he saw Hestia and the fiery, red-haired female place themselves between him and the enemy, he couldn't help but feel slightly confused. Logically, he should be considered an enemy that is invading foreign territory but what he failed to realize was that his mother wanted to seek him out as much as he did for her. In addition, they shared a common foe with the Silver Fox before them.

"My son, you do not have to worry about this fight. You are in good hands now. Plus, I can tell that you are immensely exhausted. Your power is significantly lower than the last I saw you and you clearly have not been eating properly as of late," the woman explained, never once taking her rosemary hues off of the man before her. Raizo looked down at himself examining his frame for a moment. He could not help but agree that his physical state had deteriorated somewhat in the past day or so. Even though he did not understand, what he failed to realize is that the amount of stamina that his body had been consuming stacked with the enhancements of his transformations degraded the muscle and tissues in his body. It wasn't that his power was killing him or anything but he needed to consume more food for proper nourishment as well as have an exceeding amount of calories and carbohydrates stored within him since he burns off so much while fighting.

Even in the heat of a coming battle, she still has that caring attitude expected of a mother… Raizo could not help but exhale a deep sigh. He gave a wry smile in response to his mother's words despite feeling slightly embarrassed by her rather cryptic observation. It derailed his thoughts for a moment and caused him to actually relax but he could feel the seriousness and sincerity in the woman's words. As a result, Raizo adjusted his posture thus standing down and relinquishing control of the situation to the woman. There would be another chance for him to fight another time. Right now, he had to take the moment to rest. It was hard trying not to give in to the feeling of wanting to pass out as it is. Going on more than 24 hours without sleep stacked upon the lingering pain from fighting Leviathan was just weighing on him more and more.

"Adena, please watch over him. I'll take care of the trash before me. After all, it's been a while since I have had the chance to get a little bit of exercise," Hestia stated while stepping forward to Aquilo bracing for a skirmish. Nodding in deference to her will, the feisty female backed off standing beside Raizo quietly. She sighed gently trying not to be too annoyed over the fact that she would not have the chance to at least take out the soldiers or the weak-looking chick that was with the male but she was given the chance to be around the male she longed for. Although, she had to keep her composure for now since their initial encounter wasn't exactly a pleasant one.

"You aren't gonna give me a hard time right?" Adena asked in a teasing tone toward the Stormbringer. Raizo rolled his eyes irritated already but too tired to legitimately care.

"Don't insult me…" he replied before keeping quiet to watch what was about to unfold.

"To all of you brave souls that decided to follow this traitor into my domain, I highly suggest that you do not interfere in this fight. I'd prefer not to stain this pleasant landscape with too much blood. That and you should know that a battle among teigu users always brings casualties," Hestia spoke addressing the soldiers that rallied behind Aquilo. Gritting his teeth, the spear-wielder motioned his men to stand down dismounting his horse and brandishing his weapon for a tough fight. Reluctantly, the men obeyed as they retreated off to the sidelines. However, Yuki remained firm in her position.

"It's alright Yuki, this is a fight between me and her," Aquilo spoke. The bow user would not yield since she felt that there was some obligation for her to step up as well.

"I'm gonna have to disobey that order General," she replied, drawing her bow from her back still mounted on top of her horse.

"If you say so, at least let this be one on one for now."

"Fine, but I'll be watching your back."


"Well look at you two being all cute. Those who betray together stay together it seems. It doesn't matter if it is one or both of you coming at me. Either way, someone will die," the white-haired female chuckled. She was fully determined in her battle prowess at this point in time and did not waver for a single instant as she saw them before her.

"Keep on patronizing wench, this time I'll make sure you go to the grave," Aquilo spoke with determination before taking his battle stance with Gungnir in hand.

"So you still have Gungnir? Seeing that holy weapon makes me recall every moment I spent as a teacher instructing you on how to use the spear. Does it mean that you remember everything I ever taught you?"

"How could I ever forget?"


The sun beat down on the village of the Blood Wolves overhead. As per usual, the hidden dwelling of the most elite assassins was bustling with activity. Men and women trained in the martial arts as well as the art of assassination. From students learning how to run through trees to how to move through the rushing currents of water; from running with stones tied to one's body to walking on heated grounds, everyday life in this village from dawn to dusk was spent training.

On this day, Aquilo was being personally trained by Lady Hestia on how to use a weapon that had not been particularly favored by most assassins and that was the spear. The woman may not have been very active in the field but that still did not defeat her superior combat experience, especially when it came to using what she considered to be the most versatile of two-handed weapons in her arsenal. For Aquilo, the boy wanted to learn the spear because he found using short swords and daggers to be dull. He wanted to be able not only to swiftly take out his target but to also be able to engage in full-on combat by being able to take out his foes within a defined range. This is what led him to want to learn how to use the spear.

Every time there was an opportunity, Hestia had agreed to train the youth one on one. Today, she and the youth had been engaged in a duel using wooden staves so that Aquilo could demonstrate all that he has learned to her. The banging of wood against wood echoed as the male put his all into his thrusts and strikes. Nodding in approval thus acknowledging his skill, Hestia parried as best she could with her weapon-coordinating counters whenever she spotted an opening.

"Remember that the spear is like the sword—an extension of oneself. However, it is your whole body that you can extend therefore; you have to harmonize the muscles in your body. You have to flow naturally with your thrusts, be sharp, and have consistency in your movements Aquilo. But you also have to be unpredictable as well," she instructed.

Aquilo twirled his weapon around and alternated between the different types of strikes and sweeps with his armament; however, Hestia still managed to take the opportunity and get the best of him by sweeping her spear under his feet putting the male on the ground. Having him in check, she backed away and extended a helping hand.

"You've come a long way but you still leave openings in your stance. Let us call it a day shall we?" smiled the woman. Taking her hand, the male was then helped to his feet before he bowed respectfully to her in gratitude for the lesson.

"Thank you for the instruction Lady Hestia," he spoke courteously.

"You are welcome, Aquilo. I believe you have earned the right to see an important item. Why don't you follow me for a bit? I think you are going to like this," she suggested. Agreeing, the boy proceeded to follow after her as she led the way. As they moved through the village, Hestia took Aquilo into the underground library toward a vault where some of the most prized possessions belonging to the clan were kept. In one particular room was a spear that was mounted like a holy object along the wall. A faint aura radiated from its golden frame like it was waiting to be revered by any passing eyes. As the pair walked into the room, Aquilo was immediately taken by its luster.

"Lady Hestia, what is that?" he asked in astonishment as his emerald hues illuminated by the sheer awe of being in the weapon's presence.

"That is one of the teigu passed down through the generations of our clan—Holy Lance of Longinus: Gungnir. It is kept here because it is said that it can only be wielded by someone with unparalleled skill. In addition, anyone who fights with this spear must be willing to risk their soul in battle. After all, legend has it that this spear was used by a Chief God in one of the different faiths of a faraway land. Some believe that this is just a fragment of the original which is why it is so strenuous to wield. Others believe it is a demon that seeks out those who carry too much pride to feast on their souls. Those of the past that wielded this spear often pushed themselves to the very limit and died in battle after unleashing this weapon's ultimate ability. Sadly, it is an enigma that even I do not know much about."

"Will anyone ever be able to wield it?"

"I don't know. Gungnir could choose its own wielder though I'm not sure when that will be. Perhaps when you are ready, you could try it for yourself. For now, you must continue to work on your skills."

"You honor me, Lady Hestia. I'll be sure to exceed your expectations," Aquilo smiled before bowing once again. The youth took one last glimpse at the spear before his teacher motioned for him to exit. Aquilo took one last look back at that spear taken by its beauty. Someday, that weapon will be mine no matter the cost. Even if it means I take it by force, I know I am destined to wield it.


"I should have known that your greed and lust for power would have led to your betrayal. I regret not noticing it when I showed you the teigu you are using. However, just because you are using it now does not mean that you can defeat me, little boy," spoke the woman in a chastising tone. Her eyes were ignited with the desire to fight. As one who was normally composed, she rarely showed anger unless something truly got to her. Recalling the memories of how the Blood Wolves were massacred and how her husband was executed stirred up a beast inside her that she kept contained for a long time.

"You'd be surprised how powerful I've become since we last fought Hestia. I'm not the little kid you knew from before," spat the Silver Fox with disdain. Gungnir began to emit an ominous, venom-green glow slowly enveloping the male as he readied himself for combat. The winds began to shift as the air became dense with tension and bloodlust. As Aquilo's subordinates stood far behind his back watching, Yuki steadied herself trying to brace for what was to come. Behind the unarmed woman were Adena and Raizo watching as the battle was about to unfold.

"Are you really going to fight me without a weapon to your name?" taunted Aquilo waiting for her to make a move. Hestia then began to laugh.

"Hahaha, I almost forgot. I guess I could humor you with a weapon even though more than likely you will not be able to cause so much as a scratch on me. All right then, allow me to show you just how outclassed you truly are," the woman stated boldly raising her slender arm towards the sky. She snapped her fingers once as the sound cascaded throughout the entire area. Everyone looked around in concern, unsure of what was to come. Silence then ensued immediately after, the sounds of hearts beating and uneasy breathing following suit. Aquilo was about to open his mouth to mock her but a blinding light in the sky radiated the area.

"Shit, she's doing that? I didn't think she'd go that far on this guy. The question is how many will she use?" commented Adena as she knew exactly what was coming. In the morning sky above, two balls of fire streaked through the skies and came spiraling down toward the ground. Concerned about the impact, the soldiers retreated further from the area while Adena and Raizo remained firm in their positions unmoved by a sense of danger. The fireballs made a brief impact on Hestia's left and right side respectively. As the pillars of smoke rose from the impact zone, the wind blew quietly dispersing the dust clouds.

Hestia smirked, rising up off the ground and stretching her arms toward both items. Crimson pillars were seen as they moved from their spots quickly responding to their Master's beckoning. The sun's rays gleamed on the items as blood-red blades appeared at the ends. The woman's two weapons were a pair of spears that came seemingly out of nowhere.

"There we go, I am armed. Are you happy now?" mocked the female as she gently twirled the two weapons around in her hand effortlessly while levitating ever so slightly off of the Earth. Aquilo was stunned, unsure what to say. How the hell was she able to call down two weapons out of nowhere? Just what kind of power did she have?

"Where did you get those spears?" he asked fearfully, wavering in her presence.

"Where did I get what, these spears? Well, they are another one of the treasures that were kept by the Blood Wolves that I had stored elsewhere a long time ago. They may not be teigu but they are not regular spears."

"How did you get your hands on them?"

"Well, I kept them in Earth's orbit. These are not the only ones. I can call them down at any time and hit anywhere so long as I know where I want them to target. You'd be surprised what I can do with my teigu—Gravideus: Durga's Apocalypse. Even I become amazed at what I can do but it is quite fun. But enough about me, aren't we supposed to be fighting?"

Hestia then rushed Aquilo's position faster than the boy could even react in the blink of an eye. She was standing right beside him with both spears in hand about to impale the youth. Sensing the imminent threat, Aquilo turned his head slowly seeing the smirk on the woman. He gripped his spear even tighter trying to comprehend what exactly just happened.

"You still leave yourself wide open boy," she whispered into the boy's ear before swiftly kicking Aquilo in his abdomen. The Silver Fox went flying backward through the air at an exceedingly fast rate when suddenly he stopped in midair. The emerald-eyed male could not understand what was happening while writhing in pain from the surprise impact. Looking ahead, he saw Hestia's hand extended towards him before motioning to come to her. Like a ragdoll, Aquilo was propelled forward in Hestia's general direction. Trying to correct his body, the youth sought to use the motion as a chance to thrust Gungnir directly at her.

"Fool," Hestia said before swinging her weapons, deflecting the oncoming blow. With a twirling, she spun her body and then scissor-kicked the male into the ground. A loud impact resonated instantly from the youth being drilled into the Earth. Hestia backed off slowly before she swirled her weapons around her and yawned in boredom.

"Damn you…" Aquilo cursed slowly rising off the ground. He had cuts all over his face and dirt-stained his outfit. Lunging forward out of frustration, the male began to stab wildly at the white-haired woman not even thinking tactically as to how to approach her. With a raised eyebrow, Hestia merely floated gracefully before Aquilo parrying his attacks with her weapons effortlessly. Any strike she did not deflect she merely brushed aside by adjusting her body posture as a result.

"That's quite the form but trying to attack me out of anger will not work. I could have sworn that I taught you better. Did you get weaker over time or are you just that pathetic of an individual? Wait, you do not have to answer. I already know that you are a waste. You are just someone who is wandering aimlessly waiting to die."

"That's what you think but I'll show you that I am the strongest of our clan!" he yelled in determination.

"Good, show me your hatred!"

Hestia welcomed Aquilo's challenge head-on as the pair began to exchange a series of blows as the spears collided with each other. The sound of steel striking against steel resonated harmoniously in the air as a result while their audience could only watch in awe. To those behind Aquilo, it appeared that their general was going toe to toe with the woman with ease but to the trained eye, the match was decided.

"Your mother already won. Looks like you won't have to worry about killing this guy once and for all. She's not even being serious at this point. Aquilo is way too distracted trying to look good in front of his subordinates plus he is too scared of what Lady Hestia is capable of. This fight was decided the moment she pulled her weapons down from space. Talk about pathetic," Adena commented with a sigh. Raizo could only watch in awe as he witnessed his mother's fighting style. This was something he has never seen before given the way she seemed so reserved when he was growing up.

"You're looking at quite possibly the greatest spear-wielder of all time and she hardly fights on a regular basis," Adena added while noticing Raizo's admiration. She chuckled slightly rustling her fingers through her long, red hair. It was then that she cast her eyes upon said youth examining his physique. She tried not to stare too hard but she had to assure herself that he was right next to her. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest. Before the boy turned to face her, she coughed and continued watching the fight.

Aquilo backed off and crouched to the ground. Blood was dripping from the corners of his lips as beads of sweat dotted his brow. Stabbing Gungnir into the ground, he felt his breathing becoming ragged and heavy. He was approaching his limit because of the fact that he was consuming way too much stamina. Observing the woman before him, he could see that she did not have a single scratch upon her body. This aggravated the male immensely. All he could see was that pair of rosemary eyes mocking him with each passing moment.

"Son of a bitch," he cursed, unsure what to do next. He was hoping that he would not have to use it but he could not afford to drag out this fight anymore. As such, Aquilo was left with one choice to win—his trump card.

"It's time to end this once and for all. Then I will kill your son," he said, grabbing Gungnir and pulling it from the ground. He wiped a bit of blood off his brow and wiped it on the blade focusing his will to kill Hestia. Yuki watched him prepare for his secret move but she knew that it would take a toll on him later. The bow-wielder then shouted out to him.

"Don't do it Aquilo, let me help instead!" she cried out dismounting from her horse and running to his side. The male's green eyes illuminated a brighter yellow like a demon as a result of his preparation.

"It's too late Yuki; you'll just have to nurse me later on. Now stand back before you get caught up in this," he warned her, his voice echoing like a demon. Yuki wanted to stop him from doing anything but this; however, she had little choice. Letting him go and stepping back, she could only watch as the events unfolded before her eyes.

"This looks like it shall be interesting," Hestia smiled standing still on the ground waiting for what would happen next. The aura that surrounded Gungnir spun around like a tornado gathering a violent air about it begging to fly free to achieve its purpose. The leader of the Sapphire Phoenix did not budge or even showed signs of intimidation. In fact, she stabbed her own weapons into the ground wanting to see just how this would go. Feeling that chastising glare once more, Aquilo unleashed his attack.


Aquilo tosses his spear forward like a javelin dead set on his target. The holy spear flew forward directly at Hestia with deadly intent. However, the spear lost speed almost as soon as it took off grinding to a halt before reaching the woman. The weapon was then suspended in the air just mere inches away from the target. The next sound that followed was a growing laughter from Hestia's lips.

"Is this really all that you had? After all these years of having quite possibly the strongest spear in this world, this is what I get? You make me disappointed as your former teacher. Aquilo, I'll give you a solid B- for effort and an F in every other area possible. Just looking at you makes me feel disgusted so I'm just going to end your miserable existence now," she boasted, twirling her index finger around. Gungnir backed away and turned around being trained at its owner.

"Go to your grave knowing that you were nothing but a failure."

"NOOOOOOOO!!" shouted out Yuki.

Gungnir was then sent hurtling toward the general as Aquilo awaited his death. However, something else occurred instead. Yuki lunged forward in front of Aquilo as the spear pierced her instead. Her blood gushed everywhere as a result of being dealt a fatal blow.

"YUKI!" he cried out, catching her impaled body before being left to soak in the pools of her crimson liquids.

"Well then, that was unexpected but she was nothing but a traitor too. At least now you know what it feels like to lose someone you love. I'd kill you but the mood has gone so I'd much rather be satisfied knowing you have to settle with eternal sorrow. I'm done here now," Hestia sighed, snapping her fingers. Her spears were then sent soaring into the skies above disappearing from the view of everyone present. Cold and merciless, the woman turned walking toward Adena and Raizo.

"Shall we go? I'd rather enjoy reuniting with my son without unwanted eyes. We should be able to reach the base by sunset if we go now," the woman spoke indifferently regardless of the grieving male behind her. Aquilo had tears welling in his eyes as he saw Yuki's life fade in his arms. The girl weakly reached up and touched the side of his face before cracking a small smile. In her last breath, she said 'I'm sorry' before passing away. The Silver Fox was now alone left to reap the rewards of his misdeeds.

"Curse you, Hestia! Curse you and your son!" he growled in anger. Raizo felt the man's fury from his position but he too was largely unfazed.

"You got what you deserved and so did she. Now you know what it feels like to lose someone that you love. As far as I'm concerned, whatever feelings of vengeance I had left toward you have been solved," explained the tired Stormbringer.

"But now you must feel my vengeance! There is only one way of settling this history between us once and for all. That is by a final duel to the death," the male stated. Hestia, Adena, and Raizo stared at him in astonishment. That practice has not been enacted in ages but it was well known among the Conclave.

"I challenge you, Raizo Arashi. We shall settle this bout once and for all in two weeks. Do you accept it?"

"I do. It's been a long time but with this, we shall settle it once and for all," replied the Stormbringer.

"If that is how you want things done then come to the Sapphire Phoenix main camp at that time. I know the perfect place for this battle to be held. It will be a place where you both can go all out," Hestia added. Nodding in approval, Aquilo picked up Yuki's body and Gungnir before turning to walk away.

"In two weeks then…"

"Indeed, old friend," Raizo replied, adding on that part just to deliver a sting. After placing the body in a wagon, Aquilo mounted his horse and signaled his men to withdraw leaving the trio alone.

"Well that was another unexpected outcome," Hestia added before turning toward her son.

"Are you sure that is what you want?"

"Yes…but first, I need to…rest…" Raizo nodded in acknowledgment before losing consciousness and falling forward. Adena and Hestia caught him before hoisting him up together.

"Come on, let's go home," Hestia said with a soft smile. She was finally able to reunite with her son but there was a lot of ground to cover between the last he saw her and the present. This reunion was only the beginning.