
Judge the Sins II (The World of Seven Deadly Sins)

Inside the Boar's Hat, Merlin had set her injured comrades on any free beds that were available inside the structure so she could treat them with medicine and spells. She gave Diane a potion which shrunk her down to human size upon bringing her here with her superior speed with casting as well as helped Escanor calm down so he could shrink in size at least a little to fit in a room. King and Gowther were still out cold and Ban had mostly regenerated but was currently immobile since his spine was in pretty rough shape from the beating he took. Meliodas had only light injuries and was cleaning blood off of his body. Among the Seven Deadly Sins, only the Dragon's Sin of Wrath and the Boar's Sin of Gluttony were active. The Lion's Sin of Pride's power would begin to fade once again because of the way this darkness blanketed the skies plus by now, the waning hours of daylight would begin.

The Captain of the Sins came back a few minutes later with his torso exposed in a clean pair of white pants while drying his hair. He looked around the room seeing all of his friends injured trying to understand just what the hell happened. He knew there were strong people in the world, especially when it came to demons like himself but that thing that they fought greatly outclassed anything he's ever come across and it made him worried that they were so easily swept aside.

"How are they, Merlin?" he asked in concern.

"Everyone is stable for the most part but considerably lucky. I gave everyone some medicine with my concoctions so they should recover as they rest. Well, Ban of course doesn't have to worry about anything being immortal and all but his spine was pretty much shattered to pieces so it will take some time to heal that," Merlin explained.

"And you Captain?"

"I'm fine. My flesh wounds healed already. I just had to wash all that blood off," he replied.

"Heh, I can understand that."

"Oi, where's the guy with the black armor? I wanted to chat with him. You teleported him here with us right?"

"Sorry Captain, I must not have grabbed in my teleportation spell for some reason. It must be his energy…or his existence has a certain potency that negates magic? I'm unsure."

"I see…well,"

"Meliodas! Some random black guy just broke into the restaurant and he's scary…help!" cried out Hawk from another room inadvertently cutting off the man's sentence.

"You know…in some societies, what you just said is considered immensely stereotypical and racist," another voice added in response to the pig's shouting. Hearing the exchange, the blond demon and the mage went to investigate.

"You got a lot of nerve busting in someone's house like you're some friend. And look at all of that armor! If you're not some sort of bad guy then I must be imagining things!" the pig shouted in displeasure

"I can't believe I'm literally having an argument with a pig right now. Since when can a source of food talk?" the male in black countered.

"You bastard, I am the Great Hawk!"

"I'm not impressed, I hope you realize this."

"Oi, oi, what's going on around here?" Meliodas asked as he walked into the room discovering his old friend talking with the mysterious stranger that they ran into before.

"Well, it looks like I don't have to feel guilty about not being able to teleport you here," Merlin quickly observed. Obsidian merely shrugged casually.

"Eh, when you're as fast as me…teleportation can sometimes be an irrelevant concern. Anyways, how are your comrades?"

"They're all resting in another room. You have my thanks for the help back there," Meliodas chimed in.

"Don't mention it. I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Obsidian and as you already should know, I'm not from your world."

"I'm Meliodas, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins also known as the Dragon's Sin of Wrath."

"And I'm Merlin, the Boar's Sin of Gluttony of the same group."

"It's a pleasure. And the mascot over there is Hawk…never thought I'd ever see talking livestock," the masked man pondered while rubbing his chin.

"You cheeky…" the pig was about to curse but just turned his head away.

"Heh, he's an old friend sorry about that. So you said that the Red Knight, Akaro and Akame are your older siblings?" Meliodas asked.

"Not by blood but they are so close that I consider them as such. They're the family I never really had. How did you guys meet?" Obsidian said in response.

"By chance really, I mean it's been so long that I can't specifically remember the case of how we met but it was a fun time nevertheless. Heh, I got my ass handed to me by Akame when I challenged her to a sparring match," Meliodas chuckled reminiscing about those times.

"Yeah Captain, it was at that point you knew as the rest of us found out that they were milestones above us all in combat prowess," Merlin laughed adding into the atmosphere.

"Oh yeah remember the time I got Akaro into a date with Diane?"

"Yeah and they had a drinking contest as a result…you had to go to how many different towns to restock on alcohol?"

"I think it was six…and it took months considering the cost."

"Sounds like they were quite the eventful company when they were here," Obsidian analyzed showing a smile on his face currently invisible due to the mask.

"Indeed they were. Whenever you see them again, tell them hello if you don't mind?" the Captain requested.

"That's not a problem at all. It's the least I could do," the warrior responded in kind.

"So about that thing that we fought, you took it down like it was nothing. That entrance of yours wasn't for show. You pack quite a punch," Merlin surmised examining the male figure from top to bottom slowly.

"That thing was just a shadow clone of someone or something that's come to your world after a fragment of an item known as the Arcana Crystal," Obsidian stated while shifting slightly in place.

"Arcana Crystal? I've never heard of it before," the mage said while pondering over the name of the item.

"It's a relic that the gods fought over during a war in ancient times from the universe I'm from. It was shattered at one point during that era and its pieces were scattered about. Long story short, a piece of it is in your world which it shouldn't be and it's drawing powers that basically should not exist here. That thing I killed was just small fry compared to whatever created it. Just that phantom alone could have destroyed this planet and I bet that only accounts of just 10% of what the original conjurer could do."

"Damn…no wonder why we got shut down the way we did," Meliodas sighed heavily, "Is there anything we can do to stop whatever entity is out there?"

"No disrespect but this fight is something you won't be able to finish. That's why I'm here."

"Hold up there Mister Anonymous," called Hawk strutting forward glaring at the man, "You must think you're pretty hot shit if you're calling the Seven Deadly Sins weak."

"Err…I'm not saying they are weak, just that this foe is something they won't be able to handle. This world's heroes shouldn't have to suffer and die at the hands of an enemy that should not be here in the first place," Obsidian explained while folding his hands.

"Hey Hawk, you're welcome to use that eye of yours to gauge our friend's power level," Merlin teased with a sly smirk.

"Oh boy, this is gonna be good," Meliodas chuckled.

"Yeah, good idea Merlin because I bet this guy can't even crack that 100,000 level," Hawk sneered before focusing his gaze on Obsidian. As he focused on the dark robed figure, a bunch of numbers came into his sight out to the side of the visage and began to count up. The digits quickly surpassed the sixth place, then the seventh, the eighth, and on and on from there. Tears from the strain formed in the pig's eyes before he looked away.

"Sweet Bloody Mary, I can't even count that high! What comes after 100 million? Screw this, power levels are bullshit…" the tilted pig responded before walking away, "I need some scraps to eat…"

"What just happened?" Obsidian asked in slight confusion.

"Oh I gifted Hawk with the ability to measure power levels by his vision at one point in time and he was gauging your powers. I suppose he couldn't handle the numeric value," Merlin responded with a light chuckle.

"Heh, you really are Akaro's and Akame's little brother if you're that strong. Guess we really should leave this to you then," Meliodas sighed with a hint of disappointment.

"I meant no offense with my words…" the Harbinger apologized.

"Hey don't worry too much about it. Like we said before, you saved our asses earlier. Hell if you didn't show up, we probably would have been killed and…we would have left someone behind all alone," the Captain spoke casting his gaze down to the floor. Merlin walked up to the male and patted his shoulder.

"May I ask who you're talking about?" Obsidian asked.

"The Captain is referring to Elizabeth, a friend of ours who's currently in a light coma due to a curse placed on her. Her memories of her past lives as well as her power as a goddess are returning to her and when it does…she'll die in three days," the female sorceress explained with a grim expression on her face.

"I see…I actually know someone like that to a degree. Well, you know her too."

The two Sins looked at him with shock and a glimmer of hope wanting to know about this person and what their condition was like. Perhaps there was an answer to their current dilemma if they could understand the case.

"Akame has parallel versions of herself. I'd know because there's an entirely separate version of Akame that exists in my universe. The Akame you know comes from a parallel universe that mirrors my own. The incarnations of her all share a condition known as the Bleeding Effect. Each incarnation assimilates the memories, combat experiences, and abilities of the other essentially becoming a stronger iteration of the other over time. It's kinda complicated if you try to read too much into it but my point is, the case exists in my world.

I'm not too sure how this curse is structured but I imagine there must be a way to stabilize this Elizabeth's condition by essentially breaking through her limits. What I mean by this is that if the original self of the girl was a goddess then her reincarnations being human are going to cause some sort of strain on the body and mind. If it's possible, you're going to have to find a way to shatter through the boundaries of what is capable of a human body by finding some form of divine essence to basically transform her so that everything she is can exist cohesively."

Merlin and Meliodas looked to one another in shock not expecting to hear this solution to their problem. With Obsidian's words, they knew that there was a way to save Elizabeth from her fate so they only had to find it. Meliodas stepped forward and extended his hand out for a handshake feeling so grateful right now. Seeing the gesture, the man in black matched it by reaching out with his opposite hand to complete the handshake.

"You have no idea what this means to all of us…to me. Thank you Obsidian," he expressed.

"I do hope you find a way to save your friend. But alas, it's time for me to finish what I came here to do," the masked individual responded.

"I wish we could be of more help to you or offer our assistance in a greater capacity. Hope you don't mind if we watch from afar," Merlin smirked pulling out her crystal ball.

"I don't mind that at all. And you have helped me, you just don't realize it. I'll be sure to tell my brother and sister hello from you all. Also, I pray for a speedy recovery for your comrades."

"Kick their asses for us Obsidian," Meliodas spoke with a nod wishing the man good luck.

"With pleasure, Meliodas," the armored man nodded in affirmation letting go of the Captain's hand before leaving as quickly as he came.

"He really is fast. Too bad I won't be able to study his power but at least we can watch the fight firsthand," Merlin sighed bringing up the mountain were the foes were waiting for the visitor.


Atop of the tall mountain that sprung from the earth due to their terraforming magic, Bael and Asmodeus awaited their mutual foe as the fight over the fragments of the Arcana Crystal was about to begin. The two cloaked, demonic figures stood amidst the large circular clearing at the peak of the mountain. The abandoned castle had been transformed into an arena battleground as the flat surface begged for a massive brawl to occur at this summit. The two imposing invaders stood by and waited for their mutual enemy to arrive which did not last long. A brilliant flash of light etched across the ground followed by a strong clap of thunder as the speedster in black appeared before them.

"So we finally come face to face at last, Vessel of Indra," Bael called out from under his cloak towards the man.

"At last, we can attain the other fragment from your corpse," Asmodeus followed up.

"I see I'm not the only one trying to hide their identity…whatever you guys are supposed to be. I don't know why you're trying to gather the fragments but you're both going to pay for what you've done to this world," Obsidian called out folding his arms.

"Apologies Asmodeus but I hope you'll let me fight this person first," Bael said stepping forward.

"I suppose I can let you do that but make sure to leave something for me to fight as well," the other presence said with a disappointed tone.

"I'll do my best to remember that," the boastful demon responded stripping the cloak away from his body revealing his identity. Much like the shadow clone that was the subject of all the trouble before, the man had a top knot of red hair and dark brown skin wearing a gray karategi. However, this appearance would not last long as he held the green fragment of the Arcana Crystal in his hand.

[Bael and Asmodeus?! So the Demon Gods are on the move for the Arcana Crystal as well. Boy, be careful. These are deities that I once had to deal with during my days in fighting the Great War.]

"So demons have deities too? That's interesting but which one is which?" Obsidian spoke to himself.

[The one walking towards you is Bael and the cloaked one is Asmodeus. They are both very powerful.]

"I'll keep that in mind."

"We know who you are Child of Thunder. Just because you are some bastard son of a Primordial does not mean you have the strength to defeat us. The foe you battled before to get that fragment in your possession didn't know what they were doing," Bael boasted before the green jewel began to glow and envelop the dark deity's body.

In that moment, the demon's body began to change. His silhouette grew to a muscular beast of at least 10 feet tall. The radiance faded revealing his form to show the giant having a body dyed in the color of dark blue exposing his upper torso. His body from the waist down only had a brighter blue shade of pants from the karategi remaining with a black rope tied around him. His forearms and fists were flaming orange in nature radiating a scarlet red aura. The top knot came undone as the beast's red hair became a white color that glowed with a platinum blue color. His ruby red eyes illuminated his demonic face reflecting a similar visage to the shadow he created before.

"So masked child, I hope you are ready to experience what it truly means to fight someone that can be blessed by the power of a fragment of this Arcana Crystal," Bael spoke in a deeper, more foreboding and intimidating voice.

"Try to entertain me then since you just had your generic expository boasting of your power," Obsidian spoke with a sigh as he went to reach for his sword on his hip.

Hmm…no let's do something else for kicks.

The Janus user stretched his hands out to his sides summoning six blades of lighting to wield at once in the technique that he nicknamed 'Six Claws'. The projected blades that held a sparking, blue radiance mimicked the almost exact composition and durability that a prized steel blade boasted. As he readied himself in a hunched over battle stance, his opponent continued to walk towards him unfazed by the youth.

"Let's see what you're capable of you cocky runt!" Bael shouted out rushing the boy in that instant.

Moving at a speed that was faster than light, Bael rushed in unleashing a flaming combo of punches that came from the left and right that had enough force to destroy stars as big as the sun in an instant at the youth. He bore down his right fist thrusting it in a straightforward direction then followed with a left hook before going into the full 100-hit barrage. Obsidian matched this by effortless dodging and weaving through the exchange causing his opponent to feel nothing but air pass over his heated fists. Obsidian used a few small instances in time to strike back even though he didn't really fight back seriously, just enough to gauge the extent of his opponent's capabilities. As the two traded blows back and forth, Bael continued his onslaught seeking to land at least once blow.

It was then that the demon's right fist was stopped by one of Obsidian's lightning blades which ironically the middle one was suggesting how the male felt about his opponent. Angered by this gesture, Bael doubled back away from his opponent and began to unleash giant spherical orbs of hellfire capable of melting the planet a thousand times over. Obsidian could not simply dodge out of the way unless he wanted the projectiles to damage this world in ways that would far eclipse the initial damage done by the shadow clone. As such, the lightning user stood planning to receive the onslaught head on…or so the Demon God would be led to believe.

"Eat this!" the beast yelled out. However, the monster did not see that Obsidian was just batting the orbs away until he saw the energy being sent high into the sky. The number increased as the energy waves barraged the hooded warrior. As Bael let up on his attack, the smoke that was caused by the blasts cleared away showing the scorched, molten ground of the arena. Obsidian stood unscathed by the attacks holding his six blades visibly unimpressed.

"Let's see, you've unleashed planet and star busting attacks on me in just what a minute of battle or so? Surely this isn't everything you have to offer with your boosted form," the Crimson Harbinger sighed in annoyance over this.

"I'd prefer you not destroy this world more than you already have but if this is all you've got to fight me with then I don't mind ending this fight now."

"Heh, I was just getting warmed up mortal. Trust me, there's more to this than you realize," Bael spoke with confidence despite being slightly out of breath.

"Then bring it on, we've got an audience to entertain you know…I mean I did make a promise to the Sins to kick your asses so at least make somewhat flashy."

"You'll regret saying that boy. Since you have such a tethering to this place, perhaps I'll just destroy this entire universe and you along with it!"

"Dammit brother, you said you were going to leave something for me!" Asmodeus yelled in protest.

"If he somehow survives this attack then you can have him. For now, you best get ready to tank this or get out of the way!" the angry, blue giant shouted out.

Bael dashed away from the world traveling through the cosmos as fast as he could while pushing the limits of his speed in his enhanced state. On the edge of the universe, the monster gathered all of the strength he could muster from the fragment while Asmodeus just dashed a little ways away from his brother to be on the safe side. The muscular demon held his hands together in a jaw shape in front of him as dark red and scarlet orange energy gathered in the center of his palms. It continued to build more and more as he kept his sights trained on the planet, no…on the very location where Obsidian was standing.

"DIE SON OF MERCER!" he shouted out unleashing the full fury of his beam attack down upon the male's location.

Back on the lone planet home to humanity in this universe, Obsidian stood alone in the midst of the arena. He tossed his blades away as they dissipated into nothingness while he just stared into the skies above perceiving the exact location where his opponent would be. He focused his senses hard enough and felt the great energy that was amassing by the demonic deity. A universe busting attack was a bit excessive but he just chuckled at this. Something like that against him once upon a time would have made him quake in fear but now? Considering the challenges he's faced in the path that came in the forms of much stronger higher dimensional individuals, this was nothing but a joke. He knew he came a long way if he was able to crack a smile behind that mask over such an immediate threat.

"Since he wants to use energy based attacks, I suppose I'll match him with one of my own," Obsidian said to himself extending his arms out to his side. It was at that moment that crimson colored lightning gathered in his palms charging up for a large attack of his own.

"I've been getting some practice in with this so I won't get worn out if I use it for one brief attack," he analyzed. He kept his eyes locked on that glimmer in the sky where the massive energy wave attack was barreling in from. Now concentrating the precise amount of power he needed to counter, the male thrust his hands forward in a jaw shape and unleashing his attack.

"Crimson Ruin!" he cried out unleashing the compacted electrical energy as it poured from his palms. The red pillar of light escaped the Earth and traveled through the cosmos in that instant colliding with the oncoming destructive energy head-on. For a brief second, it seemed like the waves would hold in a deadlock but it didn't. The technique of the crimson thunder enhanced variant of Ruin Unyielding erased the atomic dispersal of energy in itself essential deconstructing its very existence. As a result, the greater potency attack rammed into the Demon God erasing him right where he levitated cutting his existence short leaving only the green shard that he drew power from behind.

Asmodeus was left completely speechless in the vacuum of space. Right in front of his eyes, his brother was wiped away without a trace. The astonishment then led to fury as he took hold of the fragment and dashed back to the planet where the fatal duel was taking place. Just mere fractions of a second or so had passed when the beast landed on the arena grounds standing before the man who killed his comrade. He tore away his cloak revealing his monstrous form.

The Demon God appeared like a walking malevolent curse possessing a suit of dark blue armor. His right arm was a horrific looking limb with three digits and sharp claws while the left arm was like a human's save for the rotting flesh and similarly sharp fingernails. His torso composed of a beastly jaw that opened up revealing a ghostly purple luminescence as sharp teeth surrounded it. His shoulders were covered in demonic spines jutting out from the metal that covered his body. His legs mimicked the same appearance as his right arm covered in metallic plates of armor. Beneath the helmet was glowing red eyes and white pupils as a giant orange horn jutted forth from the forehead.

"Mortal, do you have any idea what you have just done?" Asmodeus asked with rage contained in his dark and sinister voice.

"A favor obviously. I mean I did just save this universe from a genocidal demon so; I'll take that thank you in the form of that green fragment. Oh wait…that's right now I have to kill you too," Obsidian swiftly responded in a condescending tone.

"You think this is a joke you inferior being? You slayed my brother, you slayed someone far above your insignificant and wretched existence! This is precisely why your kind deserves to be annihilated! I will make you suffer a thousand fold for your transgressions!" roared the demon as he pulled out the green fragment and began to channel its power.

"Ok," Obsidian responded with a deadpan expression hidden by the mask but conveyed successfully through his emotionless voice.

Much like before, Asmodeus was enveloped in the radiance of the jewel's light as he began to transform accordingly. He grew in size and his body began to transform as he absorbed the power from the fragment. As the light faded, a giant being of about the same height as Bael after he transformed was revealed. The dark blue armor became crimson and gold but much of Asmodeus' regular appearance seemed to stay the same. The only other visible change was the chest that seemed to close in the center with orange crystals serving like eyes. In addition to that, a tail shaped like that of a dragon's stretched from the back and giant, burning, phoenix wings protruded from his back. Armed with a giant blade whose guard had a sharp, curving devil horn and the blade appearing like a dragon's jaw closed with fangs going along it, Asmodeus had been enhanced by the fragment of the Arcana Crystal.

"Now you shall face the full fury of a Demon God, Son of Mercer. You shall die for what you did to my brother," Asmodeus spoke bringing his blade to bear trained at the cloaked male before him.

"Am I supposed to feel guilty over his death? After what you two did to this world? Then you claim that all humans deserve to die? Don't make me laugh. You sit on a throne of your own ego drunk off of what little bit of power you're given. For all those innocent people you've killed…words cannot describe the rage inside my heart," Obsidian said as his voice shook with anger.

"Who do you think you are a hero? This world already has their fair share and I don't see them here fighting me. You're just a sad imitation of one."

"I just do what I can since I have the power to make a difference. Even if there's blood on my hands, for every person who suffers at the hand of tyranny, or those who suffer at the hands of war, or even those who suffer under the terror of gods, I shall be their sword. And even if I can't save every life I come across, I'll damn sure avenge them. So don't insult me demon, just who the hell do you think I am?!" declared Obsidian as he drew a sword from his side. The holy blade Vajra sang a high pitched sheen noise as it was pulled from its scabbard before the male pointed its edge at his opponent.

"Show me what you're made of Asmodeus because when I send you to Hell, I want you to tell your brother that Obsidian gave you a chance to prove your worth before you met your end."

With that the two charged at one another with their blades in hand as the two foreign powerhouses battled over the fate of the existence in this universe. With one loud bang that shook the entire world; their blades collided in the air. From that point, the battle between swordsmen was on. They matched each other's moves as they swung their weapons parrying blow for blow. Asmodeus used his rage to power himself up pouring every ounce of hate into every swing of his sword. Obsidian used his desire for liberating this land to guide his blade as he felt himself getting into this fight gradually.

If one were to compare the two fighters, they appeared evenly matched. Bael and Asmodeus were about the same in terms of strength amongst the Demon Gods with the former favoring their fists while the latter favored swordplay. It seemed the fragment of the Arcana Crystal picked up on this giving them similarly significant power boosts according to their fighting styles. Therefore, that meant that their destructive force could be on the same wavelength as well.

Gonna have to keep this fight close range so this guy doesn't get any cute ideas of destroying the universe like his brother… Obsidian thought to himself while carrying on his fight. The man knew he could end this fight in one decisive move if he truly wanted to but he was still unsure of what he could truly do in the Janus Armor with its active state. He also had to think that of the possibility that other settlements were nearby which meant that any significant attacks that could be deflected into the distance could potentially harm people that were far away.

"You better focus boy!" Asmodeus shouted out as he kicked his opponent away from him to the other side of the 500 foot wide arena. He spread his flaming wings and dashed straight after him traveling faster than light. It was then that he followed up with a strong upward swing that the black robed man blocked head on but was still sent into the air. The demon did not hesitate to follow after him as he quickly caught up and began to rush the child with a series of wide-arcing swings with his ridiculous blade.

Obsidian was not averse to fighting in the air. After all, he battled an old enemy in the void of space once upon a time and that wound up being settled after destroying a small portion of the galaxy. If this beast thought he would catch him off guard then this fight was going to get old really fast. Perhaps he shouldn't pull punches and just send him into the vacuum of the stars to settle this decisively. However, he did promise the Sins a good show so that wouldn't be fair to them.

"Is this really all you have to offer?" Obsidian asked batting away the oncoming strikes one after the other.

"Silence!" Asmodeus shouted out as he soared above his foe swinging his blade down directly down upon the figure before him. Obsidian merely side stepped the attack and swung his blade in one swift horizontal motion cutting through the armor and drawing purple blood from the demon. Wincing in pain, the demon swung his arm back to bat away the man but he simply dodged once more floating in the air before the wounded deity.

"For someone blessed with the power to wipe out this universe like your brother, I'm honestly disappointed in what you're showing me right now. At least try to show me something that doesn't make me want to pity you. I mean…I've seen more fight from a fuckboy who could barely destroy a star than you," criticized the Harbinger as he shook the poisonous blood off of his stainless blade.

"You son of a…" Asmodeus coughed in pain as he found himself holding his side trying to steady himself. He couldn't believe that he had been cut so deeply through his armor coupled with the fact that his wound was not healing. Surely the power of the Arcana Crystal, even if it's just a shard, can heal him right? So why wasn't this wound healing?

"If you're trying to regenerate, don't bother. When I cut you, I imbued a tiny amount of electrical energy on the fine edge of my blade upon impact," Obsidian began to explain. He brought his blade in front of him and traced two figures along the steel causing it to radiate with a crimson electrical current.

"You see, this isn't just your average lightning. This technique that my brother—someone you may know as The Red Knight—taught me allows me to destabilize and destroy my target on the subatomic level. Once those small building blocks of matter are damaged, it'll take a special kind of healing to bring that back which I highly doubt you possess."

"So you pulled a fancy little trick, what makes you think you'll win this fight?!"

"Heh, it's nice to know you still think you're going to win this bout but it was already decided the moment you and your foolish brother elected to terrorize this world and the people who live in it. You were going to lose even if you didn't mess with the people here because you would have to fight me eventually but…you only made it worse for yourself by killing the people here."

"What does a few humans on a world that's not even your own matter to you?!"

"I already told you before; do I really have to explain it again? I'll just shorten it down to one simple statement. You robbed innocent people of the chance to live happily in a quest to satisfy your own greed. That in itself deserves some form of penance."

"HA! You really…"

Obsidian dashed at the beast faster than he could even remotely comprehend as the Harbinger moved at a speed that Asmodeus was completely unprepared to deal with. The armored embodiment of vengeance for the dead rushed the foul existence with his blade still fully imbued with red lightning swing it across the demon's chest taking care not to cut too deeply. In the blink of an eye, he circled around back of the monster and sliced one of his flaming wings off his back before kicking him back down towards the arena.

Dashing after him, Obsidian hacked away at the Demon God slicing him through his ostentatious armor like it was butter with the crimson blade. He sliced across the beast's legs, arms, chest, and any other location that was exposed to the speedster's vision rendering it as perfect targets to cut. The hooded avenger must have landed at least 1,000 cuts before stopping before the monster walking slowly up to the one-winged monster. Asmodeus was wavering where he stood as blood seeped out of his body pouring to the stone surface. The proud and sinister deity was forced down to his knees as he hazily watched death approach him.

"It's over…the difference between you and me has been made clear. How does it feel to suffer, to feel powerless in the face of adversity? This is exactly what you did to the people you and your brother slaughtered. And this is the price you pay as a result. Do you have any last words?" Obsidian spoke as he brought his blade up above his head.

"Heh…heh…enjoy this…victory while you can….Son of Mercer. There are…other Demon Gods out there…ready to take those fragments from you…and destroy any…civilization that gets in…their way," Asmodeus spoke in pained breaths.

"And you shall all fall by my hand."

With that, Obsidian swung his blade down upon the battered deity's body slicing him in half before following that cut up by a blinding flurry of sword swings that chopped up the beast into tiny giblets which eventually dissolved into nothingness. The ivory green fragment fell from the air and landed in the slayer's hand before the youth added it to a small pocket dimension where he kept the other shard stored. He flicked the blooded from his blade before disengaging the electrical energy and sheathing the sword.

With the deaths of the two deities, the darkness over the land dispersed revealing the daylight once more as the mountain began to crumble being sucked back into the Earth where it came from. With the Demon Gods defeated, a random rift opened in space and spat out the small form of Zeldris along the outskirts on the warzone but he did not even register on Obsidian's radar. The enemy being destroyed in this way was all he needed to accomplish as the assassin took off to rejoin his new acquaintances at the Boar's Hat to say goodbye.

Around that time, Merlin and Meliodas had finished watching the entire conflict that just unfolded in the mage's crystal ball. No words could be spoken when seeing the raw display of power between the visitor and the foreign enemies that plagued their world. It felt like the battle had lasted for hours but in reality, only a few minutes went by at most before the demons were completely destroyed. Before they could even talk about it, Obsidian showed up before them.

"Well that was easy," he spoke calmly feeling unaffected by the struggle he just settled so effortlessly.

"Holy hell…I knew you were strong but…damn man, you almost made me feel bad for the people you were fighting," Meliodas spoke with disbelief.

"No mercy at all but it was definitely quite the show, Obsidian," Merlin smiled with relief.

"They weren't going to get away with what they did to your world…especially to that village. They deserved their fates. I just wish I could have prevented the whole thing altogether," the man sighed with regret.

"It's not your fault Obsidian. This was something you could not control and even though lives were lost and people were hurt, ultimately this world gets to live to see another day," Merlin expressed reassuringly.

"Yeah but hey you're welcome to stick around and help us beat these guys called The Ten Commandments. I mean, a guy of your strength would make it a cakewalk," Meliodas grinned.

"If I could stick around and help you as compensation for what you all had to deal with I would but unfortunately, there are other worlds that may be in similar shape as this one was in or even worse," the man responded hinting at his departure.

"I figured that but for what it's worth, thanks again Obsidian," the Captain nodded understandingly.

"You have my gratitude as well along with the other Sins who are currently recovering at the moment," Merlin said.

"I'm just glad I was able to help before it got too much worse. You know…going off of the way you talked about your comrades reminds me a lot of my relationship with my people back home. It's nice to see those bonds shared between people even in another world so far from my own."

"Yeah well, you just be sure to come back and visit sometime in the future and bring Akaro and Akame back with ya. We can all have a drink together," the enthusiastic male stated.

"I'll be sure to remember that. Anyways, it's time that I leave. Best of luck to you all, Seven Deadly Sins."

"Right back at ya Obsidian."

After that, the male dashed out of the structure before soaring into the cosmos leaving as quickly as he arrived gone in a flash. Taking with him was the lesson of realizing how strong bonds can be and how no matter how far you go, the lives you've touched will always remain. Knowing that his family had extended their influence even in a world that was so far away like this helped him realize just how much change they could invoke in others. The Stormbringer's respect and admiration for his family only grew even more as he saw just how much hope they were able to carry with them no matter where they went.

"Be the Crimson Hero I know you can be…"

Kimi's words rang out in his mind as he felt tears well up underneath the mask.

"I'm doing my best Kimi-nee…even if it's just one step at a time."