
Judge the Dystopia VI (The World of Fate)

Raizo slinked his way through the base back to the room he was sharing with Kimiko. When he walked inside, he saw how the beds were still a little messy despite of the makeshift method in which it was made. It was here that his mind briefly revisited the night that he shared with the woman he loved as well as the vivid images of the intimacy they shared. Feeling his heart beat heavily, the youth shook his head to disperse those thoughts since he came in here for a specific purpose. He needed a quiet spot for starters and his weapons.

Recalling how his training went with the Goddess-Above-All, he learned a great deal of issues he needed to change but there was something else he wanted to address that stuck out to him in a way that he wasn't really prepared for—the matter of his dual scythes. Grabbing one sword from the shelf encased in an amber sheath, he stood in the middle of the floor.

"All right…let's see how this works," he uttered with a hint of wariness in his voice. Drawing the blade from its interdimensional scabbard, the sleeping form of the dull weapon came out smoothly.

"Morana, awaken," he called which led to the sword transforming into its large, intimidating second form with the massive hook shaped blade arcing over him as a miasmic aura radiated around it.

One down…

Then the male stretched out his other hand.

"Nirvana, come forth."

Dark, crimson flames spiraled in the air before the angelic scythe emerged ringing out its otherworldly hum due to its partial musical nature. Both scythes emitted dense auras that would cause a great deal of fear and intimidation to evoke from the hearts of the boy's enemies. However, Raizo didn't summon them to fight. He laid them gently on the ground before him and sat down between the armaments as testament to this.

"Ara, ara, my Master, you summoned me and we don't even have to fight? Have you gotten lonely?" spoke the energetic yet serene voice from the right emanating from Nirvana.

"Hey, I summoned you yesterday to casually play a melody before all that training and you didn't bust on me. What's the sudden change of heart?" Raizo shook his head at the instrument's remark.

"Kaka, consider it bonding my Master. If I didn't tease you at least a little bit, then that means I do not care for you as a wielder."

"Well if that was the case, then I'm sure you wouldn't respond…or you'd try to kill me or something."

"Fortunate for you that you do not have to find out now, isn't it?"

"Even if the case were to be the opposite, you would be unable to harm Master in any way, shape, or form as long as I am around," echoed the more mature yet sultry sound of the voice coming from Morana on Raizo's left.

"It's been a long time since I heard from you, Morana. I can actually hear you clearly now as opposed to before your voice rang out like a ghost trying to stop me from…well you recall."

"Yes, I suppose time has brought us closer or circumstances have been changing. Either way I am relieved to speak to you in this way, Master."

"Ara? So my Senpai elects to speak and she openly threatens me then tries to cozy up to Master? How cruel of you, Senpai."

"What makes you think we are close enough for you to address me with such an intimate title?"

"We do share the same master; therefore, it is fair to acknowledge each other in some way that is relatively respectful. At least I'm willing to recognize your seniority of being here first."

"I suppose I should give you some props for knowing your place, youngling."

"Ara ara, rudeness is a sign of old age you know, Morana-senpai."

"Leave it to children to always want to insult their elders with jokes about age. You truly are a child aren't you, Nirvana-chan."

"Kaka, perhaps Master prefers a fresher face in his arsenal~"

"Hoho? You obviously do not understand Master's taste in women then. Though I suppose you are a few millennia too early to understand such concepts, the curse of being a child with little experience I suppose."

"Oi, oi, what does my taste in women have to do with this? Wait…wh-what am I even saying? Th-this is just getting out of hand you know!" Raizo mused in embarrassment; however, he was ignored.

"I have to admit, you are quite clever with the insults but can you do this?" Nirvana boasted when a golden light surrounded the weapon's body. The light illuminated the room to such an extent that Raizo had to shield his eyes for a few seconds. Eventually that radiance faded which led to the youth moving his arm away from his face to see what exactly took place.

Standing before him was a young girl whose height and youthful experience suggested she could be no older than 10 years old. She had a long train of golden hair that draped down her back just above her waist with ends that curled up ever so slightly and golden eyes to match. Her skin was like a vanilla cream color save for the light shades of pink dotting her cheeks on both sides. She wore a pure white sundress with pink ribbons along the chest and the thigh area on both sides. Folding her arms with a deadpanned expression, this girl had appeared out of nowhere before the Stormbringer.

"Kaka, how do you like that?" the girl spoke aloud.

"Um…who let this sassy little child into my room?" Raizo pointed out unsure of what to really think at the moment.

"Ara, ara my Master, are you really going to be cruel to me too?"

"Wait…Nirvana? Is that really you?" the boy leaned back in astonishment.

"Of course, the one and only!"

Raizo adjusted his sights to where the weapon should be lying and saw that it gone at the moment. That only made the impossible seem more believable. Taking advantage of the boy's disbelieve, the young girl simply walked around and draped herself over his shoulders like a child would with their parent.

"Kaka, my Master seems so caught off guard right now," she laughed.

"O-oi, why would you materialize as a child? I thought you were some incarnation of Lucifer's power or something."

"Goodness Master, you really didn't pay attention when we first met. I'm the remnant of Lucifer's holy powers when he was an angel as well as the manifestation of all the power he possessed as a Demon God. I possess skills but this form is only a testament to how little my access to Primordial power amounts to currently. I was only able to take this form because of the fact that you poured your energy into my body as a scythe when we fought against Tiamat and when we were training against Kimiko-sama."

"Oh, that makes sense I suppose."

It was then that the girl reached down and pinched the youth's cheek.

"Don't worry, the more power you entrust to me over time then the more likely I'll mature as our bond grows. Who knows? The next time I decide to materialize after more experiences with you in battle, I might wind up becoming a busty onee-san that excites you so much."

"M…Mou…being teased by a kid that's supposed to be my weapon isn't making me feel better…j-jeez."

"Ara, ara, my Master's tsun-tsun face is quite priceless when I see it for myself. But I digress. Now then," Nirvana chuckled softly before looking at the weapon on the left.

"I bet you can't do this, Morana-senpai."

The dark armament was silent at the moment not responding to that remark. She was just as chatty as the young girl was just moments before but was silent as night at this point. Raizo glanced at the weapon to his left out of concern.


"Forgive me, Master. I was just restraining my need to laugh at the child whose only response to my remarks was to materialize into a form that best suits her personality. Seeing that young vessel only makes me feel secure in myself that much more. It isn't kind to bully children so I have nothing else to say. However, I will say that I too can materialize but a certain condition has to be met first. That condition may be fulfilled in due time," the imposing woman whose voice flooded out from the devilish weapon replied at length.

"Senpai, you must be a serious hag if that is your excuse."

"Or I could be a stunning and mature beauty whose presence alone would erase your desire to speak you abominable pipsqueak."

"Okay you two; throwing insults isn't why I summoned you at the same time. Besides, you both have to work together for my sake right? At least try to act decently towards each other…especially with the request I have to make."

"Ara? That's right, my Master. You still haven't told your reason for summoning us to begin with."

"Are you feeling unwell, Master?"

"I just wanted to ask you both about something…and considering the exchange you two just finishing having, I'm not even sure I want to ask," Raizo sighed heavily with a discouraged expression.

"While our opinions may vary of each other, I am sure that I can speak for both of us when it comes to our devotion to you. We are sworn to protect and serve you, my Master."

"Nirvana is correct in that. Despite our differences, your safety is paramount. What is it you wish to ask, Master?"

"Well, you know how Onee-sama told me that using the both of you at the same time in battle was inefficient and would hamper my fighting style right? I was wondering if there was any way that you two could change from your scythe forms into states that are more convenient for me to use while relying on you both in battle."

Silence wafted through the room in the moment while the Stormbringer waited for an answer. The young man gazed at the dark blade lying next to him then turned his head towards the little girl over his shoulder. The quiet in the air lingered for a few more instances before one of the parties elected to speak.

"It's not like that suggestion is impossible or anything, Master—at least with the potential I contain within. However, the idea…" Morana responded before her voice trailed off allowing the other person in the room to speak.

"Yes it certainly is possible, my Master; however, the idea…" Nirvana added as well before her voice trailed off.

"The idea of what?" Raizo asked whilst tilting his head to the side becoming perplexed.

"Working with that rust bucket is just something I'm not sure I want to come to terms with!" Nirvana shouted out.

"Working with this child is more like babysitting than an actual joint effort and is futile to pursue," Morana protested.

"Who are you calling a child, Senpai?"

"Who are you calling a rust bucket, little girl?"

"Both of you knock it off already; you're giving me a damn headache," the Stormbringer sighed heavily.

The two weapon spirits ceased speech for the moment which led to the Crimson Harbinger to vent.

"I have to become stronger. I feel like I'm stuck right now, unsure of where to go next with myself. The fight against Tiamat showed me just how powerless I truly am and Onee-sama's training was even more of a rude awakening. I'm not trying to gain strength for my own selfish desires like before or anything like but…I just want to be able to take care of myself, and not have to be saved all the time. I want to stand side by side with my family, not lean on them like a crutch or burden them with my own weakness. I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to them because I was too unprepared. So please…if you can't work together for my sake, then just work together for their sake. I…I'm not sure I could handle life without them and I'd only hate myself if I lost any single one of them. My family is my reason for living. I beg you, lend me your strength," he bowed his head feeling like his heart leapt up into his throat burning him up inside.

"M-Master…" Nirvana gasped quietly covering her mouth with one hand.

"Goodness Master, when you put it that way…I suppose this squabble is rather insignificant," Morana exhaled in a quiet haze.

The golden-haired girl stared at the dark weapon on the floor. If the scythe had a physical manifestation, then it would be safe to assume that she would be staring at the girl as well. Another brief spat of silence washed over the room but it didn't last as long for the sound of two long exhales echoed at the same time.

"Well I suppose I can work with my Senpai over here if she would be willing," Nirvana proposed.

"For the sake of our Master, working with my Kohai isn't all that bad," Morana countered.

"After all, I couldn't see myself refusing my Master after that speech."

"I agree. You truly have an earnest heart, Master."

"Thank you…both of you. I know you aren't the best of friends but I hope that we can all become closer with whatever training is needed for this to occur," Raizo nodded in gratitude.

"Don't worry about it. The process isn't as complicated as you may think, my Master. However, it does greatly depend on your trust in us as your weapons," Nirvana stated.

"Yes, you have to visualize the forms you wish for us to attain and focus your energy in order to harmonize it with us. I believe in one of your techniques, you said that: I was always the blade and the blade always me. At least, I think that's how it went. Regardless, that concept truly applies here. You have to think of us as a part of you and trust in us as we trust in you," Morana finished.

"I see, well we're going to have to work on that right? So let's-…" Raizo was about to say when he felt an ominous presence stir his senses.

"Ara, Master…"

"Something wicked has entered this base…"

"I know I sense it too," Raizo voiced raising himself up from the floor.

"Morana, Nirvana, it seems our training session is going to have to resume another time. For now, I need you both to return to your spaces."

"As you wish Master, but do not hesitate to summon me," Morana requested before returning to her resting state as a dull sword. Raizo then picked up that blade, tucked it into the amber sheath and tied it to his side before repeating the process with Vajra on his other side.

"I've got your back as well, my Master," Nirvana declared before dissipating in a scattered flurry of hellfire.

With both weapons secured in their respective homes, the boy grabbed his jacket and then the glove that would activate his special armor. Whatever malevolence had made its way into the building forcefully awakened his combat instincts. As a result, the youth found himself activating the Janus Armor completely as the guise of Obsidian was reborn. From there, the armored assassin exited his room heading off to investigate.


In the conference chamber, Jeanne, Akaro and the other Heroic Spirits began to gather for today's briefing. In the middle of the room sat the large 3D holographic display of the world highlighting the nation of Japan where most of the conflicts in this war had taken place. Their global position was highlighted by a blue dot at the southernmost point of the world in Antarctica as Fuyuki City was denoted by the red dot on the landmass far to their north. By air travel, the two locations were separated by approximately 8,656 miles (13,930 kilometers). For conventional methods, the distance proved to be far enough to be safe from any surprise attacks; however, this war was far beyond conventional methods and the Chaldea location could come under siege at any moment if the enemy felt the need to attack.

As the tides of this war were about to turn for the biggest battle ever, Jeanne felt the need to review over all of the intelligence they've gathered so far in order to determine which Heroic Spirits to watch out for when the fighting begins. Three factions with mighty contenders decorating the rosters for each side, which is what those that stood with the Saint's banner would have to come to terms with in this fight, would have to deal with. Thinking that one-on-one fights were going to be the basic format of combat was irrelevant. It was up to determining whose strengths would match against a Heroic Spirit from another faction. Some matchups would be easy to determine, others were filled with a lot of haze. It was difficult to account for all of the variables given how each Heroic Spirit had their own preferences when it came to battle so trying to lay out a specific plan could only go so far.

Akaro, Kimiko-san, and Lucy-san are all capable warriors that can handle any one of our enemies alone if they have to so allowing them to take on the tougher enemies would be the preferred strategy. However, Raizo-san is another story. I've seen the way he fights but I'm unsure how he would be able to handle opponents such as Heroic Spirits.

Concern for the well-being of the lesser experienced Stormbringer ran through the Holy Maiden's mind. The concepts of this world were all foreign to the boy, especially with the idea of the Holy Grail War. In addition, the youth did not have a class container that he belonged to if the class system was in play by normal standards. Therefore, the Crimson Harbinger was essentially a master or magus trying to battle head-on against servants if this was like the Grail Wars of old. Skimming through the profiles of all the foes that she knew of made it difficult for her to understand how to best tackle the game plan. Not all of the servants from the other sides have been revealed yet and she had an unknown variable in Raizo to account for. This was more stressful than she anticipated.

"Oi Jeanne, you gotta relax girl," Akaro called out tapping the woman on her shoulder before leaning against the console where she stood.

"Ah, forgive me Akaro-san. I just find it difficult trying to plan out how we should move against our foes when we do not even have all the cards on the table. Plus…I'm worried about how Raizo will fare in this upcoming fight," Jeanne expressed with a worrisome undertone.

"Heh, no need to worry that pretty lil' head of yours. Raichu's got a lot of learnin' to do from time to time but he's still a solid fighter. That Greater Grail may be providing every Heroic Spirit out there with powers that rival their truest potential but most of 'em aren't really up to par compared to the enemies that we've faced. That lil' tsun may be the baby out of everyone present, but he damn sure has a resume that puts his experience game up there. After all, the kid's fought against all kinds of Godlike beings with various powers. He's survived this far so I'm sure a couple of casuals ain't gonna be too much for my lil' bro to handle," the Red-Eyed Hero boasted.

"You really do have a lot of faith in him, don't you Akaro?"

"Damn right I do, as does Kimi and the rest of Team AKARA plus his family in Elysium. The kid's got insane promise; I have a keen eye for seeing that. With enough patience and time and plenty of training, he'll rise up in ways he's never even considered. He may not realize it now but sooner or later, he'll surpass his father. Hell, he might even surpass me."

"Is that right?"

"Of course, I can't wait for it too. Things might be tough for him now but just you wait and see; Raizo will evolve in ways that not even he can fathom. The only thing that's holding him back is his lack of faith in himself, but that's not even his fault. Sometimes, it really does astonish me how badly the life of being a Blood Wolf screwed him up. He may have shut the door on that part of his life but…times like these allow me to see just how hardwired that ridiculous way of life has his innate talents bound."

"I see. Apologies then, Akaro. I may be one of the closer Heroic Spirits to your family but…my lack of foresight into that boy's life and understanding him caused me to doubt."

"Don't worry it about it, Jeanne. Raichu's a wild gambit. It's hard for many sane people to place their bets on a kid they know next to nothing about. That's why I like letting things ride. That lil' brother of mine is chock full of surprises."

Jeanne turned her attention back to her displays in front her holding a small smile on her face taking the words the Red Knight said to heart. She always admired that insightful eye about him; how he was able to see the worth of any individual and the capacity they possessed to do something.

"You really can see the best in people," the Holy Maiden murmured softly to herself.

"Oya, Oya, Jeanne, you tryna overwork ya self before the damn meetin' even begins?" questioned the cheerful pirate, Francis Drake.

"Drake-san, you're drinking already?" the Saint asked with a raised brow unsure how to think as she saw the woman approach with a giant beer mug in her hand filled to the brim with her favorite ale.

"Damn right I am! Times like these call fer a drink at any given notice, haha!" she laughed haughtily before taking a big gulp.

"Mou, I wish you wouldn't drink in the conference room with so many delicate instruments lying around," Jeanne complained. Akaro just stood off to the side chuckling.

"Oi, I can drink wherever I please dammit. I'm careful anyways. Not like we can get drunk anyways no matter how much we drink ya know…"

"Be grateful that we are Heroic Spirits, Francis-san. Otherwise I would probably have to figure out ways to make sure you don't get kidney stones and cirrhosis of the liver as much as you consume alcohol," Nightingale sighed holding a few charts in her hands as she walked past the group.

"Oi Nurse-chan, no need to be so uptight all the damn time ya know. You could use a drink too," the pirate grinned.

"I'll pass, I prefer to keep my brain cells in tact when it comes to planning out an effective strategy," the Berserker-class woman swiftly refused.

"You're no fun…coming up with grandiose strategies is the annoyin' part of a battle. Sometimes ya just gotta let loose and blow shit up."

"Drake-san, are you acting drunk to be silly or are you actually being serious right now? Surely you don't think that our planning phases are annoying considering the scope of the battle we're about to face," Jeanne turned towards the busty female with a critical eye.

"Oh boy…" Akaro mumbled softly.

"Hmm, well I'm not sayin' that plannin' is necessarily a bad thing at this point but still ain't no need for bein' uptight ya know?" Drake replied before taking another swig of her drink.

"Drake-san, I wouldn't necessarily underestimate the advantage of stratagem in war," Artoria called out whilst standing by waiting for the meeting to begin.

"Mou, not you too Arty-chan," the pirate sighed with dismay.

"To be fair, sometimes it is beneficial to charge in without a plan especially if your sole purpose to catch your enemies off guard. That was how I led the Huns once upon a time. We stampeded across the land with no mercy blindsiding our foes before they were even able to mobilize," Altera spoke seeing a point in what Drake was saying.

"You also allowed your people to rape, pillage, murder and destroy senselessly without discipline, Great King of Destruction," criticized the King of Knights.

"That's rather ironic coming from the fabled King of Camelot whose kingdom was turned inside out thanks to the efforts of his bastard son whom he failed to recognize. Your inability to lead caused your kingdom to fall," the red-eyed woman shot back.

"Boom! Now that's a mic drop!" Drake called out excitedly as beer splashed out of her mug and landed on Jeanne's consoles.

"Drake-san, you careless imbecile, now look what you've done!" Jeanne spouted out.

"Oya…sorry about the mess but no need to be throwin' around names ya know," the busty woman responded with a dark tone.

"If you had been more careful, I wouldn't need to resort to such language."

Meanwhile on the other side of the room…

"You dare insult my leadership? At least I took responsibility by slaying that child before my kingdom could further descend into madness unlike you. In fact, what would you even know about ruling? Aren't you just content with ash and ruin since destruction is in your nature? After all, you were originally sent here to destroy civilization. Maybe you enjoy the world being like this," Artoria escalated with her agitation walking close to the dark-skinned woman.

"Destruction was in my nature and I brought down my fair share of tyrants in my day, especially with the Romans. In fact, I find it funny that a certain Roman Emperor bears a striking resemblance towards you and she lost control of her empire much like you did. There must be a curse in your genepool like mine," Altera responded never once wavering.

"Okay ladies, this is getting a little out of hand don't you think?" Akaro declared stepping out trying to ease all the parties involved.

The hostility in the room escalated with each passing second and at an alarming rate. It was completely random because as much time as these heroes spent together, never has there been discord on this magnitude. It was like something came in and messed with their minds trying to cause them to fight like this. Normally arguments would be settled after a few exchanges of words and a third party coming along to settle it; however, these women had looks to kill in their eyes and appeared as if they were ready to tear each other apart.

"Hey uh…Nightingale, mind giving me a hand here?" Akaro called out with a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Ugh, must I do everything around here to keep you idiots in line? It's not like it's hard to take care of yourselves if you'd follow my instructions to the letter. But no, the moment you get cleared to continue with your daily life, you all do something to throw it off then it's up to me to fix your problems again. No one ever bothers to think if the nurse needs a break or maybe the nurse may wind up getting fatigued from the constant care she provides. Oh no, it's all the same. I'm so tired of you patients, perhaps you're just better off doing me a favor and dying before I have to lay my eyes on you," the woman ranted clearly out of her range of normality when it comes to the care of hospitalized victims.

What the hell is going on around here all of a sudden?

That single question ran through Akaro's mind while peering at the agitated faces in the room. Something was definitely off about this entire situation. Unfortunately, he had no time to spare in order to try and resolve it given the current state of affairs.

"Ya know what Jeanne? I think it's time someone just put ya in the ground for once. Whaddya say we settle this right here and now? Since I'm such an imbecile, I can show you how down right stupid I can be when I'm pissed!" Drake cried out as she donned her red outfit that she wore while being aboard her ship. She pulled out two gold and brown flintlock pistols taking aim at the woman before her.

"I normally would abhor the thought of violence but perhaps there is value in being taught a hard lesson!" Jeanne declared as she donned her silver armor drawing her blade soon after.

The magical energy gathering around the two shook the room as their eyes locked with one another full of disdain and disgust for each other's presences.

"Ah, a duel amongst kings may be just what is needed," Altera nodded before her outfit transformed to white astral dress that she wore before pulling the Sword of Mars out.

"Indeed, maybe when our blades collide and I defeat you then you will see the error of your ways," Artoria added donning her armored dress and her invisible blade.

"Ladies…" Akaro called out one more time but the moment he did, two separate battles began.

Francis Drake versus Jeanne D'Arc and Attila the Hun versus Artoria Pendragon, these were the battles taking place right now in this room. As the sound of gunfire filled the chamber with bullets being deflected by a giant blade, the sound of otherworldly steel clashed against magical steel causing crimson, gold and blue sparks to fly everywhere. Meanwhile, Florence Nightingale just drew a solitary handgun with a crazed look in her eye. Just as Akaro turned to do something about this, he saw that the nurse had that gun aimed at him.

"No, let them fight. For once, I want to see these ungrateful patients die," the woman uttered to which the Red-Eyed Hero could only sigh.

Okay…this just got considerably complicated.


The icy tundra rolled over Chaldea like the roaring rapids of a river during a flood. The winter season in Antarctica was a beast that held nothing back and showed no mercy to any of its victims. The cold season in the southernmost continent of the world acted like a wild beast protecting its territory from outside influence; however, a distinctive presence wandered through the blistering storm like a ghost. Everything seemed to pass right through it.

A crawling darkness spiraled down upon the dome-shaped building dusted by snow and ice. It descended towards the structure like a plague over a quiet landscape. This otherworldly phenomenon touched the surface of the building then creeped around the perimeter like a lost dog trying to find its way home. Such an anomalous presence didn't even trigger the proximity alarms established as layers of security or even appear as a blip on the radar sensors. It just came like the dead of night wriggling its way inside the facility intangibly.

The last place of hope for humanity, at the end of the world…a place said to be further than the universe. How poetic yet pathetic at the same. Of course someone like that foolish Saint would use this place to play the role of a Maiden of War. This place that you chose to hide away in shall serve as your tomb along with the rest of your comrades.

The cursed energy that freely sauntered through the shadows was none other than the Avenger-class Heroic Spirit, Edmond Dantés. He volunteered to go behind enemy lines to stir up trouble within the ranks at Scathach's request. Confident in his ability to create chaos, his objective also included potentially assassinating one of the enemies within the camp. It was a suicide mission but the man fabled as the embodiment of vengeance openly accepted the odds.

As he lingered through the halls, he opened his mind to get a feel for all those currently present within the base. There were 9 different targets present in the building. Six of them were clustered together one in room, two more were wandering around on the far northeast side, and then there was one that was completely isolated in the southern wing. His current position in the base indicated that he was fairly close to the group of six but his optimal target would be the isolated party.

"Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern!" the malevolent man echoed out spreading a miasmic flame of darkness throughout the base.

This was one of the man's Noble Phantasms. In truth, the ability was active at all times for it embodies his true nature as an Avenger and it possessed a myriad of effects. Invoking its name allowed his dark magical energy to disperse within the base causing all of those caught within his range to have their minds assailed by hidden distrust. Any grudge carried within the individual would be brought to light and it would cause the affected parties to fight amongst one another.

"All of mankind is inherently evil by nature. No matter how pure one may claim to be, carrying a grudge—no matter how small it is—is the evidence that supports this theory. For we are all monsters on the inside, it just takes a small push to unleash the beasts within," the phantasmal spirit declared.

It wasn't long before he felt the sudden spikes of magical aura from the other Heroic Spirits beginning to rage. Echoes of shouting and violent rumbles that quaked through the steel fortification were proof that his plan began to take shape. With a low yet menacing laughter, the infamous revenger skulked through the halls making his way towards the solitary target.


Raizo carefully strolled down the halls of the Chaldea base following the malevolent energy that he picked up earlier hoping to find its source. He wasn't sure where that aura was coming from but it was something that was clearly a foreign entity; this could only mean one thing—an enemy has infiltrated the stronghold. As he continued hunting the source of the disturbance, the youth swiftly turned on his heel feeling the violent vibrations shaking the foundation of the base.

"What the hell?" he asked aloud with some exasperation in his voice.

There were a myriad of other auras elevating with great pressure to the point where conflict was ready to break out at any moment. However, he knew the sources of these signatures. They each belonged to the Heroic Spirits that were in this base.

"There's no way that they're training…not on that side of the base at least. There's way too much tension in the air," Raizo analyzed thinking about turning around to investigate.

"Come…child born in darkness."

A voice echoed through the halls which caused the Stormbringer to pause. Readjusting his position, his eyes ignited with a garnet hue almost instantly underneath his mask. Through the visor, he peered into the distance seeing a cluster of dark flames reaching out as if pulling him to their embrace. He felt torn between the directions but elected to pursue the anomalous presence.

Aniki and Onee-sama can handle it…plus Mom is there too.

After a few more brisk paces down the hall, he came into the room where he was training with Kimiko yesterday. The great domelike and spacious chamber ignited with pale blue lighting as he entered; however, the radiance in the room seemed impartial and irregular. This is where the densest concentration of the dark magical power was coming from. Placing his right hand over the hilt of Vajra, Raizo stepped inside the room with his guard up looking around carefully.

"I don't know who or what you are but you're obviously in a place where you don't belong," Raizo called out feeling his muscles tense up preparing for a fight.

"How ironic that you of all people would say that, stranger from another universe," the voice responded with greater clarity.

A mass of phantasmal flames gathered together in the middle of the open area forming a silhouette that took the shape of a man. The man's sinister grin and singular red eye highlighted his facial area but everything else had been obscured by that darkness. Detecting the man's sinister nature, the Stormbringer immediately pulled Vajra from his left side tightly gripping it in his left hand before trying to scan over the man's ghostly appearance with his enhanced eyesight.

"So you're the one who decided to invade the sanctity of this place? Bold move, you must be someone or something that's just looking for a place to die," Raizo called out with a silent fury in his tone.

"No, no, I'm afraid that you are quite far from the truth. You see, I've only come to this place to exploit the chaos lurking within. I suppose you could say that I'm here to stir the pot and allow the true nature of the Heroic Spirits present in this place to unleash the hatred they try to deny themselves from feeling," the essence proclaimed.

"Yeah…right, sorry to burst your bubble but no one is that weak-minded to fall for your little trick."

"On the contrary, those warriors present here are already falling under my trap. I can sense them trying to rip each other apart as we speak. I must say that it is rather amusing to me that those who seek to fight under that wretched Saint's banner bear deep seeded grudges against one another."

Raizo's garnet gaze stared deeply into the miasmic whirlwind of dark energy before him but he couldn't understand a thing about him. The beast before him did not even appear remotely human in nature. In fact, it was as if the shadows of the night just clumped together to take the form of a man. The armored individual could not discern his identity at all with his eyes or with Janus' Mask of Perception. With the armor active, the mask would allow him to have a perceptive-type ability that actively peered through the concepts of deception. Illusions, hidden elements, lies, or anything of a "false" nature should easily shatter before him with or without the mask being worn; however, that ability was appearing to prove useless against this man.

"What's the matter, Raizo Arashi? Is the very essence of despair sinking inside the pit of your soul right now?" the ghost called out.

"Where did you come across that name?" the youth responded with a cautious tone.

"From someone who permitted me the very privilege of killing you, it matters not their name. Just know that you are to die by hand."

"Hate to break it you but Raizo Arashi is already dead, you've got the wrong guy pal."

"Oh? Let me guess, you're one of those types who cast aside one name and took upon another believing yourself to be reborn as someone else? My, fate is truly a damsel that loves to play tricks. Truly we were destined to cross paths! Well regardless of who or what you call yourself, you cannot hide your true nature before me! Behold the might of the Vengeance Demon, The King of the Cavern!" the darkness cried out as his miasmic poison filled the room.

"Surrender to the same elixir that has awakened the innate grudges held inside your comrades!"

With that, the mysterious spirit released his toxic barrage upon his opponent. The armored assassin would have no choice but to be submerged in the hellish blend. As its gaseous smoke overtook the youth's position, Raizo inhaled the poisonous mixture that was meant to corrupt him to his core but the Stormbringer remained steadfast. He focused his mental fortitude raising Vajra high into the air before swiftly swinging it downward splitting the dark cloud in two effectively dispersing it.

"Mental corruption I'm guessing? Yeah hate to break it to you but a guy named Genesis called; he said he wants his move back. Sorry stranger but you'll have to do a lot better than that to break me," he retorted with an unamused tone.

"Ohoho, you just might prove to be an interesting opponent. It would have been rather dull if you simply succumbed to just my basic Noble Phantasm," the malevolent phantom called out.

"You must really like to hear yourself talk. It amazes me how arrogant you are for a guy who's just surrounding himself in black fire. Not that I care but since you won't tell me your name, why don't you show me your face? Or is using cheap tricks and cheesy one-liners the best my enemy has got for me?"

The staggering flames around the body of the force before the man also known as "Obsidian" then receded to a degree generating the true visage of the foreign visitor. Wearing the all-black suit with his multi-layered cloak, the man also wore a fedora over top of his messy white hair and deadened amber-colored eyes. His pale complexion gave off the sense that he was a lifeless being possessed by seething hatred.

"Now you see my face. Since your countenance amuses me so much, I shall grant you the privilege of knowing my name. I am a Heroic Spirit of the Avenger-class, the fabled Count of Monte Cristo—Edmond Dantés," the infamous gentleman introduced with a tip of his hat.

"Dantés? Boy, your name is familiar to that of a guy I met…except he was less edgy and actually seemed pretty chill. Anyways…" the former blood wolf said before taking off his cloak and mask thus revealing his face.

"My name is Raizo Mercer, the Crimson Harbinger of Death and the Red-Eyed Stormbringer…not that titles are things I care about but since we're going for fancy introductions, why not?" the smartass kid responded.

"So it's not 'Arashi', it's 'Mercer'; got it memorized?"

"Yes, quite. Now I know what to properly engrave on your tombstone."

"I like your sense of humor. Now then…"

"Yes, show me what you're made of Raizo Mercer!"

"With pleasure…"

A great shudder had rattled the arena-like room that both combatants occupied. Purple streaks of lightning sparked all around Raizo spiraling up and down his body as his aura spiked intensely.

I don't know what kind of enemy this guy is but he's one of those Extra-classes that Jeanne was telling me about. He's strong, that much I can tell so I won't hold anything back…I can't afford to since the others may be affected by this guy's curse.

The countenance of the Stormbringer's body shifted as the changes reflected by the transformation into the Mastered Heart of the Storm were revealed. The amethyst aura burning around him with the purple arcs of electricity surged strongly radiating his vast increase in power; however, his eyes still retained the same garnet hue from the special ocular technique. Taking two fingers, the man traced them over the blade of Vajra thus enhancing it with the Crimson Thunder property. With that, he took a battle-ready stance by bending his knees, sliding one foot out in front of the other while being turned to his side and gazing at his foe.

Dantés merely stood there without taking a single attack stance whatsoever. To the untrained eye, the man was unguarded and open to attack but Raizo knew better than to take that bait. As he examined the man through his visual abilities provided by both his technique that Kimi helped develop as well as the Janus Armor's mask ability, he could see that there was no real opening to exploit. It was at this point that it became a silent staring contest between the two warriors.

Time seemingly stood still becoming a fleeting entity that neither party acknowledged. The silence between them was staggering if not suffocating. This scene was like that of any duel taking place in an open landscape like the plains or the desert in which the wind would whistle quietly as the dust would kick up between the duelists. Then in a blink of an eye, the silence between them was broken and the situation changed.

Before time would allow the sound of their movement to fill the open space, Dantés and Raizo charged at each other simultaneously with equally blinding speed. In that very next instant, the crimson blade clashed against midnight blue flames that gathered around Avenger's hands. In a shocking display, Raizo's anti-atomic application was being fended off by the energy emitted by the man in black. From there, the two unleashed a rapid string of blows that parried off of each other in a brilliant fireworks-like display of sparks flying through the air.

Using his sight, Raizo was reading his opponent's movements like Kimi had taught him yesterday. He could tell where the attacks were coming from so he would be able to launch his strike ahead of time; however, something felt off. For example, the Count would swipe in with his left hand from what seemed like a singular jab. Raizo could perceive that motion seconds ahead of time as he saw that the motion within Dantés' nervous system suggested that direction. As such, the Stormbringer commanded his body to move before his foe by bringing his blade from the right side and in swift arcing motion. However just as he went for that maneuver, the Avenger countered by meeting the sword with his right hand.

He's matching my speed…

Raizo tried not to let this bother him since he didn't want to repeat the mistake of overthinking during battle. He allowed himself to just go with the flow and continue his endeavors of attempting to break through his opponent's guard while maintaining the integrity of his own. As the collision between the two forces intensified, the youth felt as if he was gaining insight as to how he should best work towards the defeat of this man.

"What's the matter, Raizo? Are you slowing down? Is the very visage of vengeance too terrifying for a child like you?" Dantés antagonized throwing a barrage of fists towards his opponent forcing the youth to take the defensive.

"You have been putting up a front since we first started fighting. I know you hide away the flame of retribution deep inside your heart. You've only been suppressing that thirst because you don't want to let your mind give in. Stop denying the beast that lies underneath. This world has no need for heroes, it needs monsters! Feel my strength to the very core of your soul!"

In an unpredictable whirlwind of movement that appeared like a zig-zag all over the room akin to lightning, the Count of Monte Cristo rushed at the Crimson Harbinger faster than the youth's eyes could catch. In that moment, a burst of blue embers crashed into Raizo's chest from Dantés hitting him with both hands sending the youth flying back against the wall. This mysterious aura had finally broken past Raizo's guard and hit the boy head on.

The impact against the steel reinforced structure reverberated loudly throughout the entire facility. Fortunately, the base was constructed in such a way to handle such battles. However even with all of its genius architecture, this one particular blow caused a sizable dent to become visible from where Raizo collided. Stunned for a second, the youth was motionless but still maintained his grip on his blade.

"Are you still alive, child? I'm sure you must feel the gradual disintegration of your soul just now with that. My attacks assail the very soul of my opponents bypassing conventional durability," Dantés smirked devilishly walking towards the youth's location.

"Tch…I have to admit…I wasn't expecting you to be that fast or for you to pack such a punch," Raizo called out before pulling himself from the dent his body created. As he hopped down while dusting himself off, a burning crimson aura appeared around his chest area for a second before fading away.

"As for that attack just now, yeah I felt it. It tickled, I gotta admit that. But the thing is, my armor has a knack for reactive durability so it likes to repel…just about everything within my power of doing so. As an added bonus that attack just now won't work again unless you can step up your game, but I doubt that. So, ready for round 2?"

"Interesting, haha very interesting! This battle of ours just might make my blood boil!"

From there, the two kicked off the ground once again and collided. Raizo had gained an understanding of how Dantés preferred to fight. Even though he had speed that could partially excel his own, the Avenger had a pattern. The man would move to attack one way which would lead the Stormbringer to go for the opposite. This opted Dantés to counter that oncoming attack then capitalize on a vulnerable spot by following through on the original direction of the first attack. It sounded complicated but it was a very basic principal. The demon must have figured out the basic function of the youth's eyesight so he tried to exploit it. Keeping that in mind, the boy had a way to test his luck before using that move.

Dantés would soar in from the right with his fist, this led Raizo to come in from the left with a swing of his sword. Sensing the moment in which the Count would try to stop his attack, Raizo let left hand release his blade catching the block that Dantés would front with his left. This allowed the boy to angle his blade in such a way that he brought the sword down into a diagonal slash across the man's chest. Not missing a beat when the Avenger showed a sign of shock, the Stormbringer swiftly corrected his hand bringing the blade back up in the same direction he had slashed before turning on his heel and kicking the spirit away. At that point, the youth pivoted on his heel then rushed in.

"Tch…" the World's Greatest Revenger gritted his teeth in frustration. He wasn't expecting this kind of development at all. Quickly, he blasted the ground with his energy to correct his flight path before flipping over to match the youth's assault. However, Raizo was already over top of him with his blade ready once the man had corrected himself.

A wild display of attacks was unleashed by Raizo as he appeared to swing his sword from every possible direction while charging at Dantés. The complex angles and readjustments led to the Avenger to becoming overwhelmed. As he dropped his guard for a split second, some of Raizo's attacks broke through as the crimson blade sliced at the shadowy abyss armor that covered the phantom. Before the youth had a chance to seize the advantage of the opening, Dantés dashed away from him with a grimacing face filled with some irritation.

"Haha…you're strong, maybe that monster inside you has already awoken. You're just of a different breed than me. But no matter, I can sense that you and I are the same. I know the heart of an avenger. I am vengeance incarnate. To not acknowledge a kindred spirit in its nature is to deny myself the recognition of my existence," the Count declared.

"That's where you're wrong, Edmond Dantés. I'm nothing like you. Maybe if I was that man, Raizo Arashi, then I could see your point; however I told you before, that man is dead. Vengeance was something that I desired once upon a time during the life under that name but no longer. I found greater purpose in fighting for something else, for…someone else," Raizo responded.

"Oh? You must be talking about love. Aha, how truly foolish. Love is what brings all sense of reason to its death. Though love is what made me what I am today. Love is nothing but a poisonous catalyst that will bring everyone to ruin. You say that you are nothing like me yet the path you travel upon will lead you to a fate worse than death. You live a life of hypocrisy and complacency! No wonder why you chose to side with that foolish Maiden of Orleans!"

"So what if I'm a fool? At least I have something to fight for, something that's worth dying for. Putting yourself aside and dedicating everything that you are for someone else, that's the greatest strength of all. Yeah, love may be the death of reason but it's the source of all strength and unity. The people I love are the reasons why I live today and why I've grown into the man that I am. You've spent too much of your existence in the dark, Count of Monte Cristo…which is why you'll lose to me right here and now."

"No, no, NO! YOU CURSED FOOL! How insufferable can you be? Are that much of an ignorant child that you can't see the path of death and despair that awaits you? Your cause is one that is like the tide, it will come and go…and you will be washed away with it. How…how can you be so content with your own self-righteousness?"

"Because I'd rather live my life for those who gave me the opportunity to be a part of theirs knowing all of my flaws and the blood on my hands than live a miserable existence satisfied with contempt and avarice. I've never been so awake and aware before in my life."

"Then I shall show you….I shall show you the error of your ways!"

Dantés charged at Raizo once more using his ludicrous speed. If the Stormbringer's mind had not been prepared for this, the boy would have been caught off guard like before. This wasn't the case.

You may be fast…but with this…

"Enter, Cosmic Foundry!"

The arena transformed into the multiverse reality marble embodied by countless blades of lightning being discharged from the heavens above. Just as the Avenger rushed in, he found himself immersed in this space as the cosmos emerged all around the pair expanding out into thousands of separated universes contained within this massive 4-dimensional alternate pocket of space.

I'm faster.

"Now bind," Raizo uttered as hundreds of thousands of chains formed by the merging of the blades captured the dark shadow that was brought inside.

"Wh-what the…? What the hell is this?!"

"Welcome to my dimension, Dantés. This is the Cosmic Foundry, a multiverse of my own design in which you can't possibly keep up. As much as I enjoy talking about this place, I feel like ending this fight is the best way to save my friends from your influence."

"Tch, a reality marble? Do you really think this will kill me? You only halted my movements you foolish brat! This is nothing compared to the prison I spent much of my life in!"

"Who said anything about Cosmic Foundry being used as a means of killing you? No, this was just a means to catch you since you're so confident in your speed. How I'm going to kill you is by using this move…hang tight."

Raizo dashed back about 50 feet away raising Vajra with both hands above his head. From there, he channeled Crimson Thunder as well as the poisonous application of Indigo Rain into his blade. It was then that he began to chant.

"I am the one who was forged in fire,

My body of steel honed with a refined edge.

I wandered onto numerous battlefields bathed in crimson,

Yet I have saved the lives of many.

While being a blade, I cannot embrace you;

Without being a blade, I cannot protect you.

For I was always one with the sword,

And the sword was always me.

Entranced in this mindset, I am absolute

So as this soul soars through the heavens,

Kieru sen!"

At that point, Raizo gathered enough power inside of him to destroy the entire multiverse they were encased inside of and channeled it into his sword. The Absolute Blade Trance known in the common tongue as "Vanishing Line" was the latest technique he developed in order to focus all of the destructive power he was currently capable of, and release it all at once on a single target that could even eradicate their presence on the Astral Plane. He charged with his superb speed granted by being within this alternate dimension instantaneously rushing Dantés before bearing down his blade on the bound target. Once the impact was delivered, the explosive force shattered the space in a flash as he dealt the killing blow on Avenger.

The man's essence was split clean down the middle, yet he was still clinging to life. In Raizo's eyes, it was a marvel to see someone with such a strong attachment to life cling on even when Death was waiting there to ferry their soul to the Netherworld. With his aura still burning around him, the Stormbringer could only cast his gaze down at him out of pity but not of the sympathetic brand, the kind of pity one would show out of disgust.

"Take what little dignity you have and just die already. Your fight is over. It's only too bad that whichever faction you fight for won't be able to have their way," the armored assassin criticized. However, the sound of Dantés' voice echoed out.

"Attendré, Esperér: Wait and Hope…"

The black flames radiated with pale blue luster as they clustered around the body of the fallen Avenger. The density of his magical aura multiplied sevenfold as his vessel took form once again shedding off all signs of damage or injury as though the punishment that Raizo dealt him was nonexistent. Watching this unfold before him, the Stormbringer tightened the grip on his sword taking a deep breath to prepare for an even tougher bout. Regardless of the fact that he witnessed it firsthand, he had to ask.

"How the hell are you alive receiving my attacks of that scale?"

"You cannot slay vengeance child. The Noble Phantasm I just released can testify to this. Just as death was about to take me away, I released it thus fully resuscitating me and boosting all areas of my power as a result!"

"I see. That reminds me of someone I know back home," the child of thunder chuckled referring to Adena's regenerative nature.

"I have to admit, that technique of yours was quite the feat. For one who isn't a Heroic Spirit, it seems like you have your own set of Noble Phantasms. However, since you unleashed the fury of your power…then I shall deliver mine."

"Bring it on, this time I'll knock you down for good."

"We shall see how you fare after I show you the depths of my own hell itself! Enfer Chateau d'If!"

The Avenger spirt thus disappeared from Raizo's sight. The male peered all around the empty room to find out where his target had disappeared to never once lowering his guard. He wasn't expecting such a speed feat to take place again but regardless, he would not let this distract him. However, he was unable to escape from the discomfort of the situation.

From Edmond Dantés' perspective, releasing this Noble Phantasm was the testament to his legend of escaping from prison. This power allowed him the ability to escape abstract prisons, in this case being space and time. Breaking out like a ball busting through glass, the ghost of darkness was free to move at incredible speeds that far outclassed what the Stormbringer was capable of even if he was within Cosmic Foundry. In the eyes of the Avenger, time had completely stopped while he moved around. From every direction that he had traversed, he unleashed the conflagrated flames of wrath upon his target before snapping back to a position before the armored youth.

In that next moment, Raizo felt like something was off. Relinquishing a hollow cough, the youth fell to his knees. All of a sudden, a piercing sensation overwhelmed his senses as if thousands upon thousands of needles stabbed through his body. The boy coughed up blood feeling confused over what had just happened to him. Nevertheless, his transformation was broken and his eyes faded back to its regular crimson hue. Raizo found himself dry keeling over puking pools of red. Unable to look up, the burning envoy of vengeance stood over him ready to cast his final judgment.

"See? You cannot erase the concept of hate and vengeance. Accept your fate, Raizo Mercer…" Dantés said raising his hand high about to deliver the final blow.


Around the time when the initial confrontation between Raizo and Dantés began, the chaos in the conference hall had broken into full swing. The gauntlet match between the Heroic Spirits present kicked into high gear as the damage from the skirmishes was already starting to show. Many consoles were busted, tables flipped over, dents and cracks in the steel finishes of the room became visible as well, along with the presence of small fires breaking out.

Francis Drake never stopped firing her flintlock pistols at the Holy Maiden as their dual literally turned into a cat fight for the ages. Jeanne would manage to close the distance between herself and the Rider-class female swinging her mighty blade down upon the busty woman. However, El Draque was unafraid of taking the blow head-on crossing her weapons in an X-shape to block the attack before kicking the French female in her mid-region causing her to double back. It was then that one of Drake's pistols transformed into a weapon known as a Blunderbuss, which was basically the 1700s equivalent of a shotgun, pulling the trigger unleashed a wave of buckshot towards her opponent.

Admittedly, the force of the impact caused the Ruler/Saber hybrid to slide back and wince from the sensation that was delivered to her but that didn't stop her advance. She continued her onslaught of attacks as she dashed in swinging her blade from left to right in a series of slashes. Delivering a shoulder tackle to stun the pirate, Jeanne pulled off her cape turning it into a flag and throwing it at Drake like a Frisbee. This caused a deadly tornado-like vortex to form blasting the woman away before it came back to the Saint reverting back to her cape on its own. As Jeanne rushed in to close the gap, the smoke cloud that generated from the blue-eyed female faded away revealing a few cannons straight off her ships aimed at the oncoming knight.

On the other side of the room, the duel between the two kings proved to be more of a showmanship between blades and ideals more than a power struggle of one person trying to overwhelm the other. The two Sabers had a fierce battle occurring at the moment. Artoria using two hands to wield the obscured holy blade of Excalibur while Altera relied on one hand to use the Sword of Mars, their blades collided together creating waves of blue aura to fill the entire room.

Artoria would bring her blade down upon Altera's head with two hands in a downward slash. The former Hun would counter by bringing her blade across to meet it head on and deflect it. It was then that the dark-skinned female swept across the blonde's position horizontally trying to bat her away but the knight would merely spin on her heel before closing the gap once more. The exchange between the two went back and forth like this for what seemed like an endless fight in which neither side gave ground.

In the center of it all, Akaro found himself planning to make a move but he had to deal with Nightingale first. The woman aimed the gun directly at the Red-Eyed Hero's head with a crazed look in her eye. Normally he would use his charisma to talk them down, but if this nonsense spurred on by petty misunderstandings amplified anymore then the base would be in jeopardy.

"Sorry Nightingale, but I don't have time to deal with your ultimatums," he said before dashing at the female grabbing her gun then spinning around her and chopping her on the back of her neck to knock her out.

Upon gently laying the nurse down on the floor, Akaro had to move fast. He sensed the density of the mana flow going on within all of the servants in the room. It was only a matter of time before Noble Phantasms would be thrown around like cards in a game of poker; that was something that Chaldea did not need to endure on such a giant scale.

He went after Drake and Jeanne first trying to get them both to calm down. The red scarf wearing man dashed with his superior speed halting both in their tracks before Drake had a chance to fire her cannons blowing Jeanne away should she follow through with her imminent attack. Both women were caught off guard by the sudden interruption and neither side was pleased about it.

"Oi Nii-san, in case you don't wanna get blasted I suggest ya move right now," Drake called out in a grim tone focusing her sights on her enemy.

"Akaro, what are you doing? Why are you getting in the middle of this fight? She needs to be taught a lesson about her recklessness!" Jeanne protested in response.

"Listen, I don't know what's going on here but both of y'all need to take a minute and breathe. This fight will only benefit the enemy and not our cause. Calm down, now," he suggested.

"Tell that bitch ta calm down. She's the one startin' the fight first with her audacious attitude. Jeez, that uptightness is such a damn drag," the pirate responded.

"Your drunken buffoonery is what started this whole mess. You always want to put booze above a serious conversation which isn't optimal when we're faced with war. Akaro, can you really stand idly by and not reprimand her over this?"

"Well, Drake's drinking does get out of hand yes but it was an honest accident. Besides, I could have easily used my powers to reverse the effects instantly so no need to go maximum murderface mode right?"

"So you're taking her side in this? You cannot be serious right now. Why do you always want to side with other people over me? It's like you always want to forget about my thoughts and feelings…oh wait, you've done that once already. To think, that was the first time you killed me before you did it again quite literally in that war of yours."

"Jeanne…that's not…"

"Oya, oya, look at this…the Holy Saint has a bit of a jealous streak goin' on. Heh, I wonder if this has somethin' to do with the fact that me and Nii-san fucked the night away awhile back after a few drinks. What's the matter, Jeanne? Are ya that damn sprung on his dick? Maybe I should give ya a kiss and so you can remember what it tastes like."


"Heh heh, I like that look in yer eyes Maiden of Orleans. Remember my name as you go…" the Captain called out channeling the energy for her Noble Phantasm.

"Here's the work of the Lord! My flag, defend our brethren," the Holy Maiden responded chanting her words as well.

Meanwhile with the two Saber class servants, Artoria raised her blade up high revealing the golden light that illuminated the legendary sword that was Excalibur. Altera mimicked the same motion as the tri-colored Sword of Mars became enveloped in crimson energy. With four different Noble Phantasms about to be released in this space, Akaro pondered whether or not this structure would still stand. As he looked down, he remembered Nightingale's vulnerable position meaning that he had to save her but that would mean letting these servants have their way.

"Akame ga kiru!" Kimiko's voice called out in that very moment as she stepped inside the room.

Her fearsome eyes glowed the illustrious blue pattern of the Mystic Eyes as she enacted the abilities from the Kami no Me and Fiction no Me ocular techniques. The crimson highlights in her hair had shimmered with a brilliant red shade as this combination ability activated allowing her to completely take control of the situation. With the Kami no Me ability, she severed the flaws that was the curse tethering to the Heroic Spirits within the room freeing them of the dark influence. In addition, she canceled out the activation process of all the Noble Phantasms being evoked by the servants forcing their mana flow to be abruptly cut short of their releases. Finally, the damage that had accrued within the area instantly restored back to its original state as if nothing had happened in the first place.

"Exercising that power as Grand Ruler eh? Nice save, Kimi," Akaro echoed with a sigh of relief.

"Goodness, talk about a bad situation about to get worse. Looks like I came at the right time," the one-cut killer shook her head in disbelief.

"Oya…what the hell was that?" Drake swayed around unsure of what was going on.

"Was I just dreaming now…or did that truly happen?" Jeanne spoke in a daze.

"Easy you two, take a seat," Akaro proposed wheeling up two chairs for the women as their legs started to give out.

"Ah…truly what a headache," Artoria winced before she collapsed in a nearby chair rubbing her temples.

"Yes…that was truly meddlesome," Altera agreed before doing the same.

"Seems like a wild ride took place while we were away," Lucy suggested whilst kneeling down to check on Nightingale.

"That's because someone tried to sabotage us," Kimiko responded plainly.

"Yeah, they tried to throw off the unity of the squad here. Looks like one of the factions is trying to take a pre-emptive strike in order to seize the advantage in the coming battle," Akaro analyzed.

"That's what that was?" Jeanne inquired in disbelief.

"I…I remember I was frustrated but then it was like my body became possessed by something and…my frustrations or doubts that I just shut away started to come out. Oh…oh Lord, forgive me. What have I done? All those things I did and said…" the Maiden began to freak out but the Red-Eyed Hero patted her on the shoulder and shook his head.

"It wasn't your fault…no one is to blame but the guy who tried to take us apart. More than likely this was a move by Scathach…she'd have someone try to weaken our morale for her own amusement."

The building then rumbled again as the feeling of a familiar aura spiked alongside something else once again.

"Raizo…" Kimiko muttered.

"Leave it to me, I got this," Lucy said before taking off to find her son.


"You were certainly the most entertaining opponent I have faced in a long time. It's a pity that you chose the wrong path. You and I as allies could have been a devastating combination that would even make that wretched King of Heroes tremble," Edmond Dantés spoke in a pitying tone gathering his soul-piercing flames in his hand for one final attack.

"You're…wrong," Raizo stammered whilst coughing up more blood.

"I could never…join you. Living a life…bound by hatred and…vengeance…isn't something...for me. It's nothing…but a self-deprecating life of loneliness…and darkness."

"Is that what you think? Truly you are a child living in a world of delusions. You were once like me, I imagine, but you fooled yourself into thinking that there was another way to live and that decision caused you to become weak. Hence why here is where I stand and there is where you kneel. Now I shall end your suffering. Farewell, Raizo Mercer."

As he raised his hand to deal the final blow, something unexpected had occurred. A flash of light illuminated the room blanking it out as if a massive explosion had consumed the area blinding the two combatants contained within it. The living manifestation of darkness had to shield his eyes preventing him from being able to kill his target.

The Stormbringer could only afford to shut his eyes as his consciousness had faded in and out from his injuries. He felt like something had carried him off but was unsure whether or not that sensation was real or fake. Was it death coming to whisk him away or an angel trying to save him from his fate? He wouldn't know until he was able to open his eyes. When he did just that, he saw the silhouette of a woman with blonde hair and a blue tracksuit standing above him.

"M-Mom?" he spoke in a weak gasp.

"Hey kiddo, ya look like ya went through some serious shit. Why don't ya take it easy and lemme handle the rest, 'kay?" Lucy proposed while pulling out a great sword with a blue handle and a curved, golden guard—Excalibur.

"W-what about the others? This guy…he-…"

"Relax, Kimi and Akaro got that under control. Figures this guy would do somethin' of that nature, what an ass I tell ya…"

"I'm sorry Mom, he's…too fast."

"Don't worry about all that. I got this."

With that, the woman casually strolled over to the Avenger with a smirk on her face as her blue eyes shimmered with an urge to do battle. Dantés could only leak a sly grin not even the least bit intimidated by the woman.

"Saber, you're really going to become my opponent? You think that holy sword of yours can cleanse this darkness of mine?"

"You mean Grand Saber and I'll do more than that. Ya laid your filthy hands on my kid. That's a big mistake ya know. Mess with her pups and the mother of the pack will go wild," the otherwise casual woman boasted.

"Well how unfortunate for you because I just so happen to be Wolfsbane."

Without uttering another word, the phantasmal being lunged forth while still under the effects of his Noble Phantasm that resurrected him and multiplied his power. He rushed the female with his blindingly fast speed never once hesitating in taking the first shot swinging his flaming fists upon her location. He led with the right fist going straight for her face before following up with a jab from his left. After that, he leapt over the woman then went for an attack from behind hurling a beam of soul piercing flames at her before returning to his initial position in front of her.

"Really? Is that the best you got?" Lucy questioned with an unimpressed tone tipping the bill of her hat forward. The entire opening barrage that the man attempted to assault her with left her unfazed.

"What the…" Dantés echoed in disbelief.

"Surely that's not all you can do. I mean didn't even have to pull out my armor to block all of that."

"How did you…? That's impossible!"

"Of course it is, especially when you're non-corporeal and damage doesn't exist," Lucy said as she reached down passing her hand through the ground.


"Ya got impressive moves but…you can't even land a hit on me as you are now."

"Try this then…Enfer Chateau d'If!!"

Unleashing his Noble Phantasm once more, the Count of Monte Cristo escaped the bonds of time and space unleashing his impossibly fast attack that overwhelmed Raizo. Dashing around at immeasurable speeds, he unleashed beam after beam of cursed flames down upon the woman. He didn't hold an ounce of his strength back as the amount of duplicates of himself increased to the hundreds. Once the attack detonated, the male zipped back into the present reality observing the dust cloud left in his wake from his attack.

During the time of his onslaught, Lucy observed the entire display. Just because he escaped time and space didn't mean that his attacks would pass through especially for one who bares the power she has. She understood the function of Avenger's Noble Phantasm, however the ability to break out of time and space and being able to exist outside of time and space were two different entities. Dantés could only step outside of reality for a brief period of time and would eventually have to re-enter it. That much was easy to understand for a Primordial like herself.

The Grand Saber's powers allowed her to exist as the very essence of time meaning she could observe everything bound by its principles. The thing about Dantés' trick was that it was limited in scope. He could only escape from the 5-dimensional space that was contained around the multiverse in which this reality currently resided in. For Primordials, something of this nature was child's play. He may have possessed immeasurable speed in the 5-dimensional space but he was nothing more than a stick figure on a piece of paper compared to her, who existed on a higher dimensional spectrum. Therefore, this attack did not affect her at all. In fact, it was as if it never existed in the first place.

"So I'm guessing with that, ya got nothin' else to show me? I gotta say Avenger-kun, I am disappointed. I mean, I'll give ya props for daring to come after me; especially since I'm a Grand servant 'n all but…bravery can't discount stupidity," the woman sighed.

"What did you just say?" the Vengeance Demon asked through gritted teeth.

"Did ya seriously think ya could get away with invadin' our home, killin' one of our own without consequence? I mean…yeah that miasma was troublesome but surely ya weren't bankin' on that carryin' ya the entire time? Ya could've brought back-up or just went all out from the start then made a clean getaway but newsflash mate, ya played yourself."

"Tch…you….Enfer Chateau d'If!"

The Avenger went for his big attack again but this time, he found himself with a bigger surprise. For every inch of ground he traversed outside of time and space with his speed, there were twice as many "doppelgangers" of the Grand Saber. All at once, he found himself receiving a slash from each Lucy feeling the sting of the blade of Excalibur. It was then that his face grabbed by the female as she threw him back into reality by force using her time manipulation skills.

"Yare yare daze, ya just don't know when ta give up do ya?" Lucy sighed once more.

The girl eyed her opponent who had a mixture of frustration and desperation in his face over what to do next. It was then that the look in her eyes became sharp reflecting a certain attitude that she rarely showed.

"You should really take the time to reevaluate your life right now. After all, you picked the wrong family to fuck with. Thinking you could waltz in here and get away with murder was your first mistake. Targeting my son was your second mistake. Forget any hope of escape and accept the punishment for your actions," she uttered with a silent fury that was accentuated by her maternal instinct.

A ghostly aura of blue and white flooded the area around the woman before encapsulating her in light. In that next moment, her form was revealed decorated in new attire. Her body was graced in a black and silver suit that had a streamlined futuristic design where neon blue lines traced along her black gloves, chest hair, and a mysterious black device hugging her midriff region, and her black boots. An x-symbol shined on her choker around her neck which was the same radiant pattern that formed on the bill of her cap. Her blue jacket draped over her shoulders as the same colored scarf now wrapped around her left forearm. This was known as the Definitive Overkill X-termination armor that incorporated the engineering of Primordial technology and witchcraft. However, that was not the only thing that took hold of Lucy's person.

Out from her shadow, a doppelganger appeared that bore a striking resemblance to the female except her eyes were a yellow and her hair was ashen blond. She was draped in a black hooded cloak patterned with red all along areas of the outside such as the trim around the hood, across the collar and shoulder area, the train of the outside where the cloak appeared to close up at, as well as along the sleeves and the inside of it. Her forearms were designed much like Lucy's gloves but in black and red and even wore armor to match underneath the cloak. That armor was also patterned black and red but did not expose her midriff, though it did tightly adhere to her curves. Complete with midnight blue boots mimicking Lucy's attire again, the woman stepped out from behind Lucy with a double-sided blade that had the same handle design as Excalibur except the blades were immersed in crimson.

"In this Holy Grail War in which we Heroic Spirits are blessed by the grail to stack classes or class switch, I am able to exploit the powers of my other self. Say hello to Grand Berserker," Lucy introduced as her dark twin stood beside her with her weapon drawn.

"I won't even grace you with the opportunity to say your farewell. You don't get that courtesy for laying your hands on my child!"

Lucy stomped her feet one time as the motion hurled Dantés into the air. She raised her hand holding Excalibur in one hand then a dark version appeared in the other colored red and black. The two blades emitted fearsome pillars of cerulean light. Her doppelganger next to her mimicked the same motion extending her double-edged sword, known as Necrocalibur, behind her. An aura of red lightning gathered around her as a result.

"O' Sword of Starlight. Red, White, Black, thou shalt obliterate!" chanted the Grand Saber.

"Altereactor, critical limits exceed. Through my darkness' brilliance, return to elementary particles!" the Grand Berserker chanted in tandem.

At the same time, both weapon rushed forward towards their target. The Saber lunged forward swinging her blades in a series of slashes one after the other interchanging her blows with both of her swords upon the Avenger servant before kicking him away. It was here that the dark counterpart rushed forward swinging her double-sided weapon at the target over and over again before knocking Dantés back. Finally, Lucy jumped up above her target before bringing her blades down on him while Berserker did the opposite action by jumping up into the air.

"X…" Saber muttered.

"Cross…" Berserker reciprocated.

"CALIBUR!!!!" both females screamed out as the light of azure and crimson blended together consuming their target at the same time bringing the battle to its proper end.

Avenger fell down to the ground inside the area had….so hard that he would have shattered the entire mountain that Chaldea stood upon if Lucy didn't snap her fingers in time. This contained the momentum from the force of the intense blows to be contained within an area of time and space around the Vengeance Demon before it dissipated. As the two women stood side by side, they shared a synchronized fist bump before another flash of light leaked out. Grand Berserker then disappeared and Lucy returned to her normal outfit holding only one Excalibur in hand. The dark entity was fading away from existence in a golden light.

"Enjoy the feelin' of that ass kicking in whatever Hell you came from, you son of a bitch," Lucy taunted before Dantés disappeared completely.

With the fight settled, the blonde woman tucked her sword away to the dimension in which it came before running over to her son whom passed out sometime during her battle.

"Come on, kiddo. Let's get you patched up," she spoke in a concerned tone.

She picked up Vajra and tucked it inside the sheath that she had forged for him. The healing properties within it had rejuvenated his injuries; however, the physical toll of the attacks that he suffered had robbed him of consciousness. Reaching down, the woman gently lifted the youth's arm and pulled him up to lean on her shoulder.

"Goodness, you really do need to eat more ya lightweight," she chuckled softly to alleviate her level of concern at the moment. From there, the woman gently dragged her son out of the area.


Back in the conference hall, the other Heroic Spirits had settled down. Things were seemingly peace which gave Akaro and Kimiko time to breathe sighs of relief. However, everything changed in an instant. The alarm sounded from the monitoring display bringing up the world map. In that moment, two points appeared on the Island Nation on the map.

"What the hell is going on now?" Akaro asked with a slightly annoyed tone. As he looked up at the great display, Kimiko walked over to the console pressing a button to silence the alarm and examine what was triggering it.

"There are two massive mana signatures being generated. One is in Fuyuki City while the other is coming from an area where the Battle of Sekigahara occurred," Kimi read off.

"It looks like Solomon is ready to make his final move."

"Yeah…seems like the time has finally come."