
Cretaceous Survival

Morgan Crosby is was suddenly sent back 99 million years into the past, confused and alone he can only survive though his wits and his environment againts the strange land far different to what any scientis would say it would be like and what would live there. (First time writing, dont expect much as iam just doing it for fun.)

pooeylouie9 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Through the thick canopy of a magnificent forest, following the rays of light that lead down to the forest floor only to be interupted in there journy to it by a strange being that dose not match the lush green vegitation surroundings, it was a long bipedal shaped and only had black fur on the top of its head that was forced back that was long enough to hide its face if it was released, the rest of its body was covered in strange black and white materials that for some odd reason gave of the aura of being professional and smart, its front claws were exposed and were white and flat with five in total on each of its tan color hands while its back claws were single long black and shiny claws for each back limb giving it a strange and some what monsterous apperance, its face was much diffent to its body as it mached the wild environment with its sharp smooth features around its jaw and eyes, giving it the apperance of a hunter, but the softness of other parts gave it the opposite effect of looking like a calm and young prey which is even more enhanced by the fact that it is resting in such a way.

Ignoring the creature and focusing on the surroungings which is a vast forest full to the brim with exstravigant plant of a multitude of colors, its so amazing that it almost makes you lose sight of everything else an example of this is the sounds coming from the tall bush to the left of the creature which is one of many surrounding it, and then slowly out of it came a group of creatures and if any modern scientist were here to study them their first observeation would be that that look alot like humans in both shape and stance. the only difference is their feet, hands, skin and head, which are claws and scails and a head like that of a dinosaur and they are much bigger then the average human, the second one would be that they are using simple tools and cloths like primative cave men.

As the creatures finaly came all the way out of the bushes, they inch there way towards the creature in the middle, and with a little hesatance from fear they touch the creature, noticing it was passed out the creatures lost all fear and quickly tied up the creature to a large branch and steadly rushed of into a direction leaving the area.

This is just a quick protolog to hopefully give you an idea of what the mc will look like and what the other creatures will look like and there level of intelligence, but do note that not all will have the bipedal features or high levels of intelligence so still exspect a big monsterous t-rex, and the last paragragh can give you an idea of what the mc will deal with on the first couple of chapters.

Thanks for reading this hope you enjoy it.

pooeylouie9creators' thoughts