
creepy stalker jkff

"Out of all the people who could've ripped me to shreds, why on earth did it have to be you?"

btsffs · 映画
1 Chs

Creepy Stalker jkff Chapter 1

"Seoyeon you okay?"

My best friend,Park Yerim, worriedly asked as she gently caressed my back to make me feel better.

We're currently in a renowned amusement park in the city of Seoul,sitting at a bench near the exit since i didn't feel so after riding multiple thrilling roller coasters.

its still 3:00 in the afternoon with the sky dyed in the color of azure blue and cotton like-cloud floating above us.

The frightful screams and cheerful laughter comes from the amusement park feel my ears, but all Yerim probably heard was my distressing groans due to the sickness that overwhelmed me gag.

"Are you sure?"Yerim asked concernedly.

"yeah, you can go home if you want Yerim.I know you have a special dinner planed with your boyfriend tonight."I said wriggling my eyebrows at her, knowing for a fact that she couldn't wait to get ready for her date.


"no buts.Go before i change my mind."i interrupted grinning in assurance as i jerked my head and mentioned her to go.

finally accepting my offer, Yerim stood up with a smile of gratitude on her face.

"Thanks Seoyeon. See you tomorrow."

And with that, she waved at me good bye and left the amusement park.

After a few minutes of resting and making sure i was no longer feeling nauseous, I stood up from the bench to leave as well.

But as i strolling toward the exit, I couldn't help but sense this eerie atmosphere of a large figure gradually approaching me from behind, Silently getting closer with every step i took.

Assuming i was thinking too much, I attempt to ignore it.

But with every subtle click of my shoes, the sound of a different footstep trailed.

Alright am definitely being followed.

Oh please,please don't be killer.

With my hand trembling from intense apprehension, i gathered up the greatest courage in me abruptly turn around to face whoever this creepy stalker was.

i loudly screamed along with a quit jump at the sight of the mascot of the amusement park standing there, kindly offer me a flier.

okay, at least it wasn't a killer.

filling relieved, i timidly extended my quivering hand and took the and took the paper from him.

"T-Thank you".I sighed, Calming my pulse down from the horror i just had experienced .

With that, the mascot bowed at me politely and walked out without uttering a single word.

"Geez i almost had a heart attack."I grumbled under my breath.

Continuing to stroll toward the exi of amusement park, i idly placed my hand on the right pocket of my denim jacket to take out my phone.

My heart literally stop when i felt nothing there but empittnes causing me to mentally freak ouy my phone.

"NO way...." I murmured to myself while trying to be panic instead of thinking of where i could've possibly forgotten something just as valuable to my entire life.

"ugh,I must've dropped it earlier when i get scared ."I said,

facepalming myself for not double-checking before I left the scene of the incident.

Hurriedly running back to where I assumed I dropped my phone, I noticed the mascot from earlier resting at the bench where Yerim and I were situated just a while ago.

Thinking it was a great idea to confront him about whether he has seen my phone or not, I walked over to him.

But suddenly, the mascot placed both of his hands on his gigantic bear head, removing it as he revealed his identity.

Oh my god.

My pupils instantly dilated, my cheeks slightly tinted, and my heart suddenly changed its tempo at the sight of an ridiculously good- looking guy turning out to be the mascot.

I thought people in mascots were usually smelly, old men?

Who could've known such an angel-like person would be hiding inside that adorable, huggable mascot of a bear?

Suddenly feeling a bit insecure to approach him, I decided to just turn back around and search for my phone elsewhere.

But as I was restlessly heading toward another direction, I heard someone call my attention from behind.

"Excuse me?"

Jerking from surprise, I immediately spun around to see who it is.

There stood the handsome guy from earlier still in his mascot outfit, gazing at me with a courteous smile displayed.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes?" I stuttered nervously, my mind being an absolute panicking mess.

"Does this phone belong to you?" He questioned, holding up a white iPhone with a cobalt blue case in his hand.

My expression brightly lit up, relieved at the fact that I had found it.

"Yes! Yes it does! Oh my god! Thank you so much!" I said out of jubilation, giving him a small bow of appreciation.

"Ah, no problem. You dropped it earlier when you got scared by me."

He said as he handed me my phone with an apologetic look,

probably feeling bad for scaring the crap out of me earlier.

"N-No no, I just happen to be a reckless klutz that's all." I assured along with a sheepish laugh, also receiving bashful giggle from him in return.

"Well, I should get going-"

"W-Wait!" I shouted aloud before he could finish his sentence, making him freeze in his position and stare at me with large eyes.

I really wanted to get to know him better.

I didn't want to lose this chance.

Asking for his name wouldn't hurt, right?

With my precipitating pulse thumping louder and vehemently, I clenched my fists and let my lingering question escape out of my mouth.

"W-Would you-"

But before I could get to the point, an abrupt, strong wind blew against the two of us, causing my skater skirt to rise up and reveal my pink, polkadot underwear.

Letting out a quick scream, I pushed down my skirt in haste and raised my head with extremely glowing cheeks.

Luckily, the guy was looking down at his costume and was busy adjusting his suspenders.

"Oh sorry, what was that?" He asked as he met his eyes with mine, innocently looking at me with his relatively circular eyes.

"P-Please don't tell me you saw..." I trailed off shrinkingly, earnestly hoped he didn't see anything.

"Saw what?" He asked with bewilderment in his tone, only to let a small sigh of relief leave my mouth.

"N-Nothing!" I said, shaking my head and nervously laughing it off.

"Well, I'll get going then." He said, giving me one last smile and turning around to walk away.

As I attempted to leave too, the guy suddenly spoke up and stopped me in my footsteps.

"Oh, by the way." He said, turning back at me with a rather devious grin across his face.

"Cute polkadots."

And with that, he left. It took me a second to comprehend what he meant by that, but upon realizing it, my face instantly burned up from utter embarrassment and humiliation.
