
Creation Leads To Evolution

In 2030, a giant wormhole appeared above the Pacific Ocean. Scientists believed that it was a portal leading to another world besides earth. The United Nations decided to send a drone to investigate this phenomenon, but one hour after the drone entered, disaster struck. The wormhole suddenly became twice as large followed by a yellow gas pouring out. Two brothers, Lee Young-soo and Lee Min-su watched from a Television store, as their mother died while reporting the incident for South Korea's International News Station. ******** With the camera on her, she raised the mic to her lips and started speaking. “Young-soo, if you're watching this with Min-su, I want you to cover his eyes. Don’t let him see this.” Young-soo who was by his brother’s side raised his left hand and covered his eyes. “No!” Min-su protested and tried to remove his brother’s hand, but it stayed firm over his eyes. Young-soo was watching his mother on the television screen with slightly red eyes, as he bit his bottom lip so hard a few droplets of blood fell to the ground. “I want the both of you to know that I love you with all my heart and that I’m sorry I won’t be able to see the two of you go off to college and get married someday.” Tears started to fall from her eyes as she spoke her next words. “Young-soo, I want you to protect Min-su when I’m gone, and...Crash!!” With a violent jerk, the yellow gas engulfed the helicopter causing the cameraman to drop the camera, cutting off the transmission.

Tsetth · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 4- Might Still Be Alive

The General watched as Young-soo walked past the now non-existent wall and entered the hallway, disappearing around a corner soon after.

He wanted to move to stop him, but, when he looked at the dust that remained from the wall, he was unwilling to get near a person that could destroy earth's strongest metal with just a touch.

'Does he have the power of decay? Or is it an evolved ability that allows him to deconstruct something at a subatomic level? I can't tell what his evolved ability is just from looking, but one thing's for sure since he's able to destroy Alevium metal with just a touch, the higher-ups won't just allow him to roam around by himself.'

As the General was thinking to himself, sounds of alarms could be heard ringing within the building, while bullets being fired echoed.

The door to the room was pushed open, and in came running was the young soldier from before.

"General what should we do, or men are reporting that our Alevium bullets aren't working on him. When they reach two meters in front of him, they're just turning to dust."

When the General heard that, the corner of his eyes twitched.

'So he's able to use his ability without coming into contact with an object? Just what kind of power is that, and does it just stop at objects, can it affect humans as well?'

As the General thought this, he felt his legs tremble.

All this while he was sitting in the range of this guy's ability, not knowing his life could've been decided with just a thought from him.

'No, wait?! Is two meters really the limit of this guy's ability?'

The General came out of his thoughts, and look towards the young soldier then said, "Tell everyone to retreat now! don't approach him!"

"General?" The young soldier said with confusion.

"That's an order!!"

"Yes sir!!"

After shouting his reply, the young soldier rushed out of the room.

"It's my carelessness, I carried this ticking time bomb into HQ without knowing his evolved ability. Our regular soldiers can't handle him, we'll have to rely on our evolved humans, and currently, there's squad A and squad B in HQ right now. Squad B is mostly comprised of melee fighters, so they're a bad matchup for that guy, squad A leader's evolved ability is more suited to take him on."

After saying that the General took the communication device from his waist and spoke into it, "Squad A I want you to intercept the target, don't let him leave this build."

"Roger that sir"

After the General gave out his order, he looked around the interrogation room and frowned.

He then stretched out his arm causing gusts of wind to start spiral around the room and gathered up the dust that remained from the wall's disintegration.

After he gathered the dust into a round sphere on his palm his figure abruptly vanished, to reappear within the building's security room.

When the General disappeared from the room, the door was slowly cracked opened, followed by a bolt of electricity shooting through it towards the monitoring camera in the corner of the ceiling.

After the bolt of electricity hit the camera smoke started to raise from it.

Professor Kim was seen walking through the door soon afterward.

Adjusting his glasses, he walked over to where the wall was destroyed by Young-soo and started looking around on the floor.

Over at one of the corners of the room he spotted some dust that was leftover from the General sweep cleaning.

Taking out a small brush and a plastic bag, he carefully used the brush to collected the dust into the bag.

Holding up the small white plastic to face he smiled and said, "This should be enough to analyze and find out what sort of ability he has. I wonder how much money I can make selling this information to the guilds."

Thinking about the prospects of getting a huge sum of money, the smile on professor Kim's face turn wider as soft chuckles escape his lips, which soon turn into full-blown laughter as he walked through the door.

Back in the security room, when the two security guards saw the General they stood up and saluted him.

Walking past them the General came in front of the monitors and started watching the scene that was unfolding.

In a hallway, four men were seen standing in front of Young-soo.

On all the other monitors, soldiers armed with guns could be seen running in all directions.

One monitor, however, was covered in a grainy picture.

The General frown and said, "Where is this camera located?"

The guards immediately replied, "It's the 4th interrogation room you were in sir."

The General narrowed his eyes into slights when he heard that.

Ignoring that for now, he focused back on the screen showing Young-soo, but he was stun to see that the four members in squad A, was laying on the floor, with Young-soo nowhere to be seen.

"Huh? What happen?"

The General immediately started rewinding the scene to figure what he had just missed.

After several seconds, the video was back to where the four were standing in front of Young-soo.

The General watched as Young-soo walked towards the four with an expressionless face.

The leader of the group seemed to have said something to Young-soo before he stretched out his palm facing him.

There was no sound on the monitor so the General wasn't able to hear what he had said.

After the leader stretched out his palm, the walking Young-soo suddenly came to a halt.

The leader's evolved ability was telekinesis that was at rank 5.

The ranks of an evolved ability were determined by how powerful it was and were separated from rank 1 to rank 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

The rank of their ability also determines a person's rank, so, a rank 1 ability user would also be identified as a rank 1 evolved human.

Some rare cases are there when a single person has more than one ability with two different ranks. To determine their personal rank, the highest-ranked ability they have would be used.

The leader had a rank 5 telekinesis, which was considered strong for an evolved human. The number of rank 5 ability users in the world was around a couple tens of thousands, but considering earth's 3 billion population that was a small amount.

The highest rank evolved humans on the planet was rank 8, and the strongest of them was none other than Danzel Stein.


The General watched with narrowed eyes as Young-soo came to stop. He wanted to see how Young-soo had beaten squad A.

His evolved ability was something like deconstruction, which has a certain range. If that's the case then an evolved ability that was able to stop him from a distance was the perfect counter.

On the monitor, the leader of the group could be seen talking with a smirk, when suddenly, his face went ashen before he dropped on the floor losing consciousness.

Young-soo was only frozen for a second before he continued to walk at a leisurely pace, meanwhile, the other members of the group were falling onto the ground one by one.

The General was stunned.

"Wh..what kind of ability does he have? Does he have more than one?"

"First it's deconstruction and then it's some psychic ability?! That deconstruction ability has to be around rank 7 or 8 for it to be able to affect Alevium, and his last ability has to be around rank 6 or 7."

The General wanted to cry.

To think he would bring such a monster inside Seoul's stronghold HQ, and even allowed him to steal all their top-secret information from their database.

If the General allowed Young-soo to just walk out of HQ with such information, then his head would probably be served on a platter to the higher-ups.

Thinking that the General started searching the monitors to find Young-soo.

Even if he's a monster, the General can't just let him go.

In one of the monitors, the General saw that Young-soo was already walking out of the entrance.

His figure disappeared then reappeared on the monitor in front of Young-soo.

When the General appeared in front of him, Young-soo's expression was unchanging as he continued to walk, completely ignoring the General's presence.

"Lee Young-soo, I can't just let you leave after all the chaos you caused. Just stay put until the higher-ups in Seoul decide what to do with you."

As if he hadn't heard the General, Young-soo continued walking until he passed the General, not saying a word in the process.

The General wanted to stop him, but he could do nothing.

Gritting his teeth he said, "Young-soo! Your a Gangnam citizen right?! How about you work for us? With your ability, Seoul, and South Korea as a whole could use your help!"

The General shouted his proposal in hopes of preventing Young-soo from leaving, however, Young-soo's cold voice echoed out.

"I have no interest."

When the General saw that Young-soo was getting further and further away he started to panic.

"Young-soo!! Even if you don't care about your home anymore, you must still care about your brother right?!"

Young-soo came to a stop and turned his grim cold eyes unto the General.

The General instantly felt a chill that caused all the hair on his body to stand up.

Young-soo's eyes suddenly began to release an insurmountable pressure upon the General.

The General could sense that if Young-soo wanted to kill him, then he would be dead before he could use his ability to teleport.

"What about my brother?"

Young-soo's grim reaper-like voice resounded in the night, making the General's soul almost flew out of his body.

The General was barely able to struggle out a few words.

"Y..your b..brother might s..still be a..live."

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