
Creating a new Naruto world become my first goal

John is a rich young man who has everything he wants, but he was very bored with his life. One day he bought an old magic scroll and realized that it could transport him to any fantasy world he wanted, so John moved to the world of Naruto for creat a New one

Ricodo · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapitre 3 : Graduation exam

Naruto left the ramen shop with great excitement, leaving Iruka-sensei heading to pay for the meal. As he exited the shop, John asked him,

"Why do I see so much excitement in Naruto? Is there something?" Iruka replied,

"Yes, tomorrow is the graduation exam, so Naruto feels excited because he will get his forehead protector." Then John said, "So tomorrow is the exam. Is it on shadow clones?"

Surprised, Iruka responded,

"Yes, but how did you know? The graduation exam topic remains a secret."

John quickly replied, "I didn't know, I just guessed."

So Iruka advised, "Since you know the skill now, train on it to pass the exam tomorrow, and keep it a secret from the other students

"John assured him, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Poor guy thinks I predicted it, but he doesn't know I know everything that will happen today, tomorrow, and all year. Ha ha ha," John thought to himself with amusement.

After bidding farewell to Iruka, John returned to finish his meal with Kakashi, who had already finished eating. He then told John,

"I'll leave now, it's getting late, and I have many tasks tomorrow." Kakashi left the ramen shop and headed home, while John, still eating his dish, finished shortly and went home to sleep.

John woke up in the morning to start his third day in the world of Naruto, which happened to be the graduation exam day. He entered the classroom and went straight to the last table. After a while, Iruka-sensei entered and informed them,

"Today is the graduation exam, and it will be on the Shadow Clone Technique. Anyone whose name is called should proceed to the other room for the exam."

As soon as Iruka left,

Naruto exclaimed

, "Oh, my bad luck! It's the only technique I can't master!"

Iruka started calling names one by one, and when it was Naruto's turn, everyone heard Iruka shouting from the exam room,

"Not qualified."

Moments later, Naruto came out very sad, lacking his previous excitement, indicating his failure in the test. John felt sorry for him and wanted to talk to him, but Iruka called him for the exam. John exchanged a quick glance with Naruto and hurried to the exam room. Upon entering, John created four shadow clones, which delighted Iruka. He gave John the forehead protector, but John didn't express any joy; he just took it and wore it on his head without speaking to Iruka. John quickly left, looking for Naruto, but he wasn't in his seat.

He asked the paper scroll,

"Where is Naruto now?"

She replied,

"He's on the swings outside the school."

John headed outside to find Naruto, who was indeed very sad. John thought to himself,

"This is the first time I'll talk to the person I've only seen in my comic books. I can't believe it's real." John approached Naruto and asked,

"Hey Naruto, are you sad because you didn't pass the exam?"

After a moment of silence, Naruto replied,

"It's different, not just about passing. You don't know anything." John then said,

"Listen, Naruto, don't forget you have a big goal. Don't hesitate to succeed and achieve it. I have to go now, nice meeting you."

John went to a tree far from Naruto, watching him from a distance. After a while, a person with short white hair approached Naruto. John thought,

"I think I've seen this scene before. That person will ask Naruto to steal the forbidden scroll of seals, but should I intervene and stop Naruto because these events are crucial, and if I interfere, Naruto won't be able to master the most important skill in his life." The paper scroll answered,

"You don't need to intervene, but you have an important role in helping Naruto and keeping him safe by bringing him the forbidden scroll located in the Hokage's headquarters protected by Anbu, and this will be dangerous for Naruto because he's a child. So when you enter the headquarters, steal it and give it to him as soon as he enters the door." John exclaimed in fear,

"Oh wait, if it's dangerous for Naruto because he's a child, then it's dangerous for me too. All I'm good at now is shadow clones, and it will be easy to catch me."

The paper scroll reassured him

"No, you're different because you have Minato's skill that you requested the moment we entered this world. You forgot?"

John replied, "

No, I didn't forget, but I can't use it yet."

The paper scroll said, "Don't worry, you don't need to train on it. You just need to make several kunai with seals; I'll tell you how. Now go home to start implementing the plan."

John quickly headed home, and as soon as he arrived, the paper scroll asked him to take a pen and four kunai and ninja papers. John started inscribing seals with his hand and memorizing them. It was so fast that John managed to acquire the technique of placing seals on anything he wanted just by touching it, all within ten minutes. After learning how to place seals by touch, he placed the seals on the four kunai and succeeded. John said,

"Now I have to try instant teleportation; I don't have time to train on it." John placed the four kunai in different parts of the house and thought quickly about which one he would teleport to. This amazed John, who said,

"I didn't think this technique would be so easy."

The paper scroll replied, "You mastered the technique along with the Mangekyou Sharingan because you only had them when we entered this world, so you won't need any training on them. You just need to know how to operate them, and then you can use them freely. But as I told you before, don't try to use the Mangekyou Sharingan at this age; let's postpone it to the coming years."

John responded,

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you that I know that? There's no need to remind me now; we need to execute the plan."

John headed towards the Hokage's underground headquarters, as expected, there were sensory devices at the door and Anbu guards protecting the forbidden scroll. John asked the paper scroll, "When will Naruto arrive here?" The paper scroll replied,

"He'll be here at seven thirty in the evening, so we only have ten minutes."

John prepared to enter and threw the kunai towards the door, then teleported to it, finding himself inside the headquarters. He transformed into Naruto's form and began executing his plan. However, when he wanted to enter the room where the scroll was, he saw four Anbu guards from the Anbu Black Ops. He had to create four shadow clones in Naruto's form to keep them busy and make them chase the clones running in the other corridor, distracting their attention. After all the guards left, John had the opportunity to steal the forbidden scroll of seals. He quickly grabbed it and moved outside using his technique. He found Naruto already there about to enter the headquarters, so John threw the scroll to Naruto without him noticing, and Naruto carried it afterward, heading to the forest to train on the most

important skill in his life. John told the paper scroll,

"I think I should take the scroll from him once he masters the Shadow Clone Technique."

The paper scroll replied,

"No, you don't need to do that because everything that will happen to him is important, even his battle with the man with white hair. He will graduate afterward and remove Iruka's resentment, so it's better not to intervene as we've accomplished what was required." John asked the paper scroll in surprise,

"But in the original story, Naruto managed to take the forbidden scroll alone." The paper scroll answered,

"Yes, everyone thinks so now. That's why I asked you to transform into his form when we entered the headquarters. When Anbu chased your transformed clones, they thought he was the one who deceived them and stole the scroll."

"That's it then," John concluded. After all this, he happily went back home, knowing that Naruto would graduate because of him.

Upon reaching home, John told the paper scroll, "I need to start training on nature elements. I think I've found a goal I must achieve in this world."

Chapter Four will be uploaded tomorrow. Don't forget to add the novel to the library if you like it

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