
COTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The Elite

Light Yagami is considered one of japans student with the brightest future. As such he of course applies to the best high school in the world, the ANHS, little does he know what awaits him there. The main character of this novel are Light Yagami and Ryuk, keep in mind that shinigamis will not work the same in this fanfic as they do in death note that would be insane, but if you like COTE fanfics give me a try, I hope you enjoy your reading of my story. Disclaimer: Public AI generation Models, Loras and Ti’s are used in this story to enhance experiences of the reader, for specific information like model name please ask me.

MilkywayAndromeda · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Chapter 19 - Next Step


I hope everyone enjoys the chapter powerstones are greatly appreciated and so are reviews and opinions on the story thus far.


"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." ~Mayer Amschel Rothschild

***Light Yagami***

Facing Manabu, I couldn't hide my surprise. His offer was unexpected, especially given his stance on first-year student council members. "But I was under the impression you were against first-year involvement in the student council?"

"That's generally true. I hadn't intended to recruit a first-year, considering the potential for Nagumo's influence. However, I have no such concerns about you. As the president, I have the prerogative to choose my vice president. Once Nagumo ascends to the presidency, which seems inevitable, the vice president position will be vacant, and my choice will stand," he explains.

"So, you're suggesting I could join the student council now and potentially rise to vice president later, regardless of Nagumo's preferences?"

"The current vacancy is for a secretary," Manabu clarifies, and I nod in understanding.

"Given that there's already a secretary, I presume the open position would involve assisting the vice president more directly," I surmise.

"Correct. The secretarial roles are tiered, and the vice president's secretary deals with significant responsibilities. But I don't intend for you to serve under Nagumo. He's smart. We won't be able to beat him with petty tricks, and a simple secretarial role wouldn't suffice to enact the changes you seek for the school."

"What do you propose, then?" I inquire.

"Given Nagumo's attempts to recruit Ichinose, I am forced to act. While I can't alter the council positions themselves, I can redefine the secretarial duties. They're designed to provide assistance where it's needed, similar to the U.S. President's Cabinet, where 'secretaries' like the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Defense handle various important matters. I can reshape the current secretarial roles, which are primarily supportive."

"And what role would you assign me, would I be working under you?" I ask, intrigued by the possibilities.

"I wouldn't waste your talents on mere errands, especially since Tachibana already helps me with everything I need. The decision is yours: what area do you wish to oversee as secretary?" Manabu offers.

After a moment's thought, considering both the challenge of Nagumo and the broader needs of the school, I reply, "School finances."

It's a strategic choice. Even if Manabu restricts my actions, being at the forefront of financial matters will grant me access to invaluable information about the financial strategies of other classes. Nagumo's influence over the second years is heavily tied to finances, so my selection should come as no surprise.

This role will also afford me some freedom in managing our class's points however I want since I would be in charge of anything financial in nature, provided I don't overstep and compel Manabu to intervene.

Manabu nods, seemingly pleased. "It appears you have plans for this position, am I right?"

"Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered how to leverage it for both personal gain and the school's benefit," I admit.

"That isn't inherently a bad thing, but I trust you're aware of that. Welcome to the Student Council, Yagami," Manabu states, gesturing towards Tachibana, who had remained silent until now.

Acknowledging with a nod, I bid farewell to the president and followed Tachibana to what will soon be my workspace.

"We've arrived," Tachibana announces, leading me into a room devoid of a nameplate, unlike its neighboring offices.

"A nameplate will be arranged shortly," she informs me as we step inside.

Surveying the modestly furnished office, I smile, "It has a certain charm," noting the dusty cabinets and the central arrangement of couches placed in front of a desk.

"No need to be modest; this office was supposed to remain unoccupied, per Manabu's plans. However, I'll ensure you have all necessary records related to points, as well as access to current data on your computer," Tachibana explains.

"Thank you, Tachibana. That will be quite useful," I acknowledge, then probe further, sensing her hesitation, "Is there something troubling you?"

"It's nothing," she dismisses quickly, making to leave.

Yet, I could feel she was bothered by something, "It's beneficial to share one's troubles, you know?"

She hesitates, "It's none of your business; please, just let it be for now."

"Maybe it's not my problem at the moment, but it could be in the future. After all, we're going to be colleagues, and I hope we can become friends. Who's to say your concerns won't become shared ones?"

Her hands clenched but not in anger, I continued, "Should I find myself in a difficult position, I'd hope for someone to extend their support."

Relenting, she bows and begins to speak, "I may be overstepping, given your status as a first-year, but I'm prepared to support you in any way if it aids Manabu. My abilities may be limited to simpler tasks, yet…"

"I understand, Tachibana. Rest assured, I'll do my best to help Manabu. There's no need to ask that of me like this. And friends don't bow when asking favors," I reassure her, recognizing the value of a positive relationship with someone so close to the president.

"Thank you, Yagami. Should you need anything, let me know," she responds, a smile breaking through.

"Ahh, also, feel free to utilize any of the rooms here except the ones with a nameplate. The council's documents may prove useful, and you might need a meeting space. Inform me if you seek anything specific," she adds before departing.

"Did you enjoy my little act?" I ask Ryuk, shutting the door behind me.

"Hehehe, it was entertaining. It took me a while to figure out why you helped Class D a bit at the end, but I think I see what you're aiming for. You even got promoted from a regular student," he replies.

"Yeah, being on the student council gives you a lot of power to shape the school. From what I've seen, Manabu either doesn't get that or prefers to be an idle president. If I had his power, I could and would have Nagumo expelled in a matter of weeks."

"The student council president's seat, I want it. It might take a bit, but I'll make this school mine."

"Back to plotting, huh?" Ryuk says with a smirk.

"Something like that, but I'm not sure yet," I say, leaving my new office and the student council room. As I walk out, I'm stopped by a girl waiting outside.

"Hey..." it's Karuizawa from Class D.


"Hello there, I'm glad you decided to stay," I tell her.

"To be honest, I don't know why I did. But I'm grateful for your help. I hope you didn't get into trouble because of me," she says, looking at the student council office sign.

"It's alright, just a slight talking to. I'll be fine. What about you? A lot happened today."

"I... I'm okay, I think. It just feels strange to be in my class and pretend like everything is okay. That's why I came here. But then again, do I really have a reason to feel this way?" Karuizawa asks.

"I think what you're feeling is natural. I'd probably feel the same in your position."

"Really?" she says, surprised, then smiles. "At least I know I'm not going crazy. I know you probably know my name and yours, but I still wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kei Karuizawa."

"Light Yagami, nice meeting you," I reply. It seemed like she was about to ask me something, but then the school announcement interrupted.

"Good afternoon. I'm here to inform everyone that all student council seats are now filled. There's no longer a need to follow up with the student council about joining, as any statements or papers regarding joining will be ignored. The new member of the student council will have a special job; he can be considered the head of financial affairs at the school. First-year Light Yagami, so any issues pertaining to points will be handled by him. Thank you, and have a nice rest of your day," the president says, ending the announcement.

"Huh?" Karuizawa says, looking at me confused.

"The president called me to question and criticize my point usage, but I had also applied for the student council a while back, and he took that time to address my application," I explain.

"I understand," Karuizawa says, then hesitates for a moment. "I know this may seem sudden, but can I have your number?" she asks, blushing slightly.

"I have no problem with that," I respond, exchanging contact information with her.

"I don't have any points now, but when I do, we should go out. I want to apologize for yelling at you and thank you for everything, even if it's something small. So let's talk soon, alright?"

"Of course," I reply simply, smiling at Karuizawa as she leaves.

"That was strange," Ryuk comments once she's out of sight and we're in a camera dead zone.

"Indeed, it seemed like she wanted to say or ask something but couldn't bring herself to do it," I respond.

"So why didn't you get it out of her like you did with that Tachibana girl?" Ryuk asks.

"Because the more Karuizawa struggles, the more she gets into her own mind, the more helpless she feels, the better it is for me. Little by little, she will open up to me. She already is beginning to think negatively of other people and her class; she's growing more and more distrustful. So, if I take my time, I can make myself her only lifeline, make her lose trust and hope in everyone else until I'm the only person she feels she can rely on."

"You make it sound so easy, but people are harder to break than you make it sound," Ryuk responds.

"Ryuk, it seems you're forgetting who you're talking to. There isn't anything I can't do in this world if I put my mind to it."

"We will see then. I'm curious to see what you will cook up," Ryuk responds.

"I have control in Class C, and I will soon have some in Class D. Class B is honestly a non-threat; they seem like pacifists and should be easy to control from the look of things. My main issue in the future will be gaining control of Class A. Well, I'll worry about that later.


Hope you enjoyed let me know your thoughts.

Someone gave me the idea to create SS for some characters, and I kinda like that idea, so the next chapter will start with one. I think you guys will like it; the chapter will probably be out by tomorrow.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MilkywayAndromedacreators' thoughts