
COTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The Elite

Light Yagami is considered one of japans student with the brightest future. As such he of course applies to the best high school in the world, the ANHS, little does he know what awaits him there. The main character of this novel are Light Yagami and Ryuk, keep in mind that shinigamis will not work the same in this fanfic as they do in death note that would be insane, but if you like COTE fanfics give me a try, I hope you enjoy your reading of my story. Disclaimer: Public AI generation Models, Loras and Ti’s are used in this story to enhance experiences of the reader, for specific information like model name please ask me.

MilkywayAndromeda · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Chapter 1 - Light Yagami

---Important Notice—

This fanfic is a new story I'm doing it for fun and to test some things out, I don't know how consistent uploads will be but as long as I'm not busy or get bored of this fanfic it will get updated.

Give me opinions if possible.

Any support means a lot, and can hopefully get this story out there if you like it.


"All human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret." ~Gabriel García Marquez

Ryuk's voice came from behind me, "We've been here for like 20 minutes, Light. You sure this bus is coming?"

I looked around before answering, "Yeah, I got here early. The school said if we miss the bus and are late, we're out. Just like that."

Ryuk floated behind me, "Kicked out just for being late? I don't get you humans. Seems a bit much for a school."

I shrugged, "Maybe, but this isn't just any school. It's one of the best in the world."

Ryuk snorted, "School's school. I've been with you for years, and they all seem the same. Just a boring waste of time."

"If it's so boring, why do you keep following me? I have to go to school, you know," I said, already understanding Ryuk's reasons.

Ryuk answered casually, "Like I've told you, my world is way more boring than this. Plus, I like it here, and you're the only human who can see me. Makes things interesting."

Just then, a bus appeared in the distance.

I waited a few more seconds until the bus finally pulled up and came to a halt in front of me. As the doors swung open, I stepped in, taking note of the mix of students and adults, filling about half the seats each.

As I moved further into the bus, I felt a few eyes on me. It was nothing new. I've always drawn attention for various reasons - academics, social skills, athletics.

Most of the seats were occupied except for one next to a girl with green hair and brown eyes.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked casually.

"Hmm?" She glanced up from adjusting her sleeves, gave me a once-over, and shrugged. "Sure, I guess. Doesn't bother me." She moved her bag to make room.

She didn't strike me as the typical student I'd expect at this school.

Feeling her sneak a peek at me, I decided to strike up a conversation. "Are you looking forward to the first day of classes?" I asked as Ryuk decided to wander off and explore the bus.

She stopped fiddling with her clothes and turned to me. "Not really. It's just school. What's there to be excited about?" she replied as Ryuk floated back to my side, chuckling.

"Hehehe, I like this one. She gets it," Ryuk said, still chuckling.

Her words prompted me to take a quick look around the bus. It was an odd mix - some looked like troublemakers, some like model students, and many just average. The girl I was talking to seemed like one of the troublemakers. Strange, considering all these students were heading to what's supposedly the best school in the world.

"I get that. So why apply to this school then?" I asked.

"If I have to go to school, I might as well try for the best one, right?" she replied calmly.

"These are the types of people going to the world's best school, Light. Hehehe, you studied years to go to a school filled with thugs and nobodies," Ryuk continued to tease.

It was indeed strange. The Advanced Nurturing High School only accepts 160 students a year. You'd think those accepted would be the best of the best. Once you graduate, you're practically guaranteed your dream future. Any career you want is yours for the taking.

Looking around, it's clear that some people here don't exactly fit the mold.

Take the girl in front of me, for instance. She doesn't strike me as the disciplined type, and our chit-chat didn't exactly scream 'genius.' There are a few others on this bus who seem to be cut from the same cloth.

But then you've got the ones who carry themselves like they're elites or they've earned their spot in this school. When I got my acceptance letter, it was for Class C. That means there has to be Class A and B. Considering an average Japanese classroom has about 38 students, and this school takes in 160 each year, I'm guessing there's a Class D, too. That'd mean there would be 40 students per class.

It could be a coincidence but A, B, C, and D are also letters often used in grading and ranking, right? So maybe the top-tier students get sorted into specific classes while the rest get dumped wherever. But that would mean the school thinks I'm a C-ranked student or individual. That can't be right.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" the girl in front of me asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Ah, sorry about that," I replied, "I was just thinking that hairclip really suits you. I'm Light Yagami. What's your name?"

Ryuk couldn't help but laugh. "Smooth, Light."

"Really?" she said, her hand instinctively going to her hair. She smiled and said, "Thank you. I'm Shiho Manabe."

"Nice to meet you, Manabe san. Mind if I ask what class you're in?"

This was a way to test my theory. If Manabe was in Class A or B, then this school doesn't sort its students by ordinary standards. Otherwise, I'd be in Class A or B, too. It would also mean that class assignments are pretty much random. But if Manabe is in Class C or D, it would still mean the school doesn't follow the usual selection process. But it could also mean there's some sort of hierarchy in this school.

"No need for formalities. I'm not into that stuff. I'm in Class C. What about you?" Manabe asked.

Ryuk seemed to get the hint and stopped his snickering. "Huh, this school thing might be more interesting than I thought."

Manabe being in Class C meant there's a chance there's a hierarchy among Classes A, B, C, and D. I find it hard to believe I'd be lumped in with the bottom feeders of this school. But nothing's confirmed yet. Class assignments could still be random.

"Looks like we'll be classmates. I'm in Class C, too."

"Really?" Manabe asks. I respond with a simple nod, just as the bus comes to a halt in front of ANHS.

"Looks like we're here," I say to Manabe, standing up from my seat. She does the same.

"Seems so. Want to walk to class together? We're headed the same way," she suggests, picking up her bag.

"I'd like to, but I was thinking of checking out the school a bit before class. There's still some time before we meet our homeroom teacher," I reply, glancing at the bus's display for the time as I disembark.

"Wow, this school is huge, Light. Almost feels like you're moving up in the world," Ryuk comments, seemingly genuinely admiring the school.

"…Alright then, see you in class," Manabe responds after a moment.

"Now that we're alone, what are you planning to explore, Light?" Ryuk asks as I approach the school entrance.

"I'm thinking of checking out classes A, B, C, and D. They should give me a good idea of what's going on in this school," I respond to Ryuk, "Are you planning to help or just freeload?"

"Normally, I wouldn't go out of my way to help you, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. I'm somewhat intrigued myself," Ryuk admits.

"In that case, you can check out classes A and B. I should get to class as soon as possible, so I'll check out class D and then head straight to class C," I instruct him.

"Got it," Ryuk affirms before floating up into the ceiling, leaving me alone. He should finish quickly, so I just need to find class D.

Finding it doesn't take long. The school is large, but the main homerooms seem to be concentrated in the same area. It's easy to observe class D, given the large window that makes it visible from the hallway.

Peering inside, I find the scene peculiar. For a moment, I thought students must be assigned randomly. Class D was like a zoo; some individuals seemed antisocial and kept to themselves, some were engaged in conversation, one guy with blonde hair had his legs propped up on his desk, and a few seemed academically capable. Interestingly, many of those who appeared capable, as if they had earned their positions in this school, were the same ones avoiding others.

The blonde-haired guy seemed to radiate confidence. There was a black-haired kid with glasses at the front of the class who also seemed pretty confident. A black-haired girl at the back of the class had an air of confidence, almost nobility, about her. Then, there was a brown-haired guy also at the back of the class who seemed unusually calm, almost indifferent.

Apart from that, there didn't seem to be any outright thugs in class D, although there were some guys who seemed a bit mischievous, pointing at girls and making weird faces from the back of the class. The students in this class definitely had some things in common, that much was clear with just a glance. But was it enough to say the students weren't randomly assigned to this class?

I pondered that question as I walked down the hall towards my class. As I did, Ryuk materialized from a wall.

"I checked out the other two classes. Class B seemed to be full of regular school students, the kind you'd hang out with. Class A was a bit stranger; most of the students seemed average but, at the same time, better. It's hard to explain," Ryuk said.

"Interesting. Did anyone in those classes stand out? In class D, it seemed like a lot of the capable people weren't interested in others," I asked.

"Hmm. I guess there was a blonde-haired girl and a purple-haired guy in class B that stood out. They seemed to be initiating the 'bonding' of the classmates, I guess. Class A definitely had two people who stood out: a bald boy and a disabled white-haired girl. Most of the attention in the class was already focused on those two by the time I got there," Ryuk responded.

"I see. So not only are the people in each class similar in some way, but the individuals seem to be more capable as you go up a class. But there seems to be capable individuals in every class. Well, if class C follows this pattern, it would be obvious the subject this school grades students on has nothing to do with academics. It probably has more to do with the characteristics and personalities of the individuals that get them assigned to their class," I thought out loud as I arrived in front of the door for class C.

"That would be entertaining if you're right," Ryuk responded.

And so, I slowly opened the door to class C. As soon as I did, most eyes focused on me.


what do you think of the story so far, and do you have any ideas for future chapters? if so, let me know. I appreciate any advice, and there are some things I need opinions on.

Leave me a comment and give me some powerstones if you can!

MilkywayAndromedacreators' thoughts