
Conquering the world

Shade, together with nine others, gets summoned to a world which is troubled by demons. They are the heroes which will save this world. But instead Shade's fate is much crueler, as he gets locked up almost immediately after arriving. English isn't my primary language. The cover isn't mine so if you want it down send me a message.

Sweacer · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The demon queen

Shade didn't know what was happening. He suddenly heard someone speaking inside his head, it truly felt weird to him.

"Who- who are you?" He thought to himself, hoping the other person would hear him as well.

"Does that really matter now? Tell me do you want to rot away in this prison cell or do you want to take things in your own hands to get revenge?"

"I want revenge, I don't care how. If you can help me I will accept it." Shade didn't care about being a good guy anymore. The people from this world didn't trust him and wanted to kill him, even the people from his previous world betrayed him. So it was now time for his revenge.

"Great that's all I needed to hear. Brace yourself."

"What why should I bra-." And like that Shade disappeared from the prison cell. Only to reappear somewhere not even close to the human capital.

"What the fuck?" Shade said out loud. He didn't expect this to happen. He needed a moment to get his bearings. Long-range teleportation wasn't that easy to handle. Especially not for a normal human.

After he regained his senses he looked around and saw three people standing inside a giant room. At the end of the room, there was a big throne located. On top of it sat a beautiful woman. She wasn't a normal human woman though. She looked like one, had long black hair and black eyes. While looking like a human she had a few features which weren't human. At the top of her head, two horns were located spiraling upwards. A pair of pitch-black bat-like wings extended from her back. She also had a long tail, which started from her tailbone.

Even though these features made her a demon, that didn't take anything away from her beauty. She was one of the most gorgeous women, Shade had ever seen. The only one he thought could rival her, was the queen he previously saw in the throne room of the human kingdom.

Shade didn't need long to figure out what happened to him. Instead of being in his prison, he was saved by this gorgeous woman, he thought to be the demon queen.

Even though he was still a bit scared as he was in the demon capital right now, it still was a better place to be than that rotting prison cell.

After getting his bearings he started to check out the other women present in the room. Both of them stood on one side of the queen. One on the right and one on the left side.

Even though they weren't as beautiful as the woman sitting on the throne, both of them still were incredibly beautiful. Not a lot of women have the looks these two have.

The one standing on the right was smaller than the one on the left side. Not only in body height, but in almost everything else as well. Bust, legs, hips, even the horns on her head were a bit smaller.

They looked like two opposites. The smaller one had almost no breasts, a small tight ass and she was not that tall. On the other hand, the woman standing on the left side of the throne, was incredibly busty just as she had a nice big juicy ass. She truly had an hourglass figure.

Naturally, Shade's eyes were fixed on the woman on the left, seeing those big tits. He couldn't keep his eyes off them. But it wasn't as he didn't like the smaller woman. Even though she hasn't much flesh on some parts of her body. It wasn't as she looked like a child. She still looked like about an eighteen-year-old girl.

While Shade was checking out the huge throne-room and the beautiful women in it, there was utter silence in the room. All three women had their eyes fixed on Shade, which made him a bit uncomfortable. Not used to being eyed by such good looking women.

Only after a few minutes passed the woman on the throne spoke up.

"Welcome, human from another world. To my palace."

"H-h-hi" Shade replied nervously.

Not caring about his short answer the woman continued: "It seems the humans don't really like you."

"Yes that's right, when they heard about me being able to use darkness magic, they instantly locked me up."

"I see, well don't worry I won't lock you up."

"I'm glad to hear that." As Shade started to talk a few sentences with the woman his nervousness disappeared and he got a bit more confident.

"Do you know who I am and why I summoned you?"

"I have my assumptions, but I don't know anything for sure."

"Well, I didn't expect you to know, so allow me to explain. But first, let me introduce myself. I am the demon queen Adriana. Ruler of the demons. The ones on my left and right are 2 of the three demon generals Shaudr and Draila."

And like that Shade learned the names of the three beautiful woman. Shaudr was the woman with the big breasts and Draila the woman with the small breasts. After which he decided to introduce himself.

"I am named Shade, pleased to meet all of you."

Both Shaudr and Draila gave me a small nod after which Adriana continued talking.

"Well, then I'll explain some things to you first."

"Please do"

"I guess Leo told you about the war between us, the demons, and the humans, where we demons want to invade the human kingdom."

"Yes, he did."

"What he said is true we are currently at war with the human kingdom, but it's not us invading them. It's them wanting to invade and eradicate us."

Like that a major bomb was dropped on Shade's head. Naturally, he didn't immediately trust her words, but it wasn't like he discarded them either.

"You don't believe me?" Asked the woman.

"Frankly I don't know what to believe. But to me, that doesn't matter right now. If it's you invading them or them invading you. All I know is that the humans wanted to kill me and you are the one that saved me. So even if you want to destroy the humans, I don't see any reason why I should try to intervene in that."

"Haha, alright I see. If it's like that I hope for you to become our ally in the battle against the humans. But before that, I'll continue explaining the situation."

"All right"

"Long ago there was a huge war involving a lot of races in this world. No-one came out this war without devastating losses. The war was ended when a peace treaty was signed by all rulers of the races. Races like humans and demons have quick reproductions so they quickly regained their losses, but races like the elves do not have this, so they isolated themselves hoping to recreate their societies.

For a long time no war was waged, but it all changed when the current ruler of the humans Leo came to power. He didn't want to co-exist with us demons or other unpleasant races like demons or goblins. So he started to go to war again. Not to win resources or gain more land. Simply to exterminate races he didn't like."

Shade started to quickly get the hang of history in this world. In his previous world demons and the like were only myths and used in stories. Always depicted as evil, but it seems like that isn't quite the case here.

"Before you heroes arrived in this world we demons and the humans were at a stalemate where both of us couldn't defeat the other. But once the heroes summoned by Leo have gathered experience and start to get stronger and stronger, the demons will be deleted from this world and not long after he will hunt down anyone he doesn't want anymore. I used my power to spy on them and saw you being mistreated for having awakened the darkness attribute. I decided to save you in the hope that you, later on, would save us."

And with the end of the story, another major bomb was dropped on his head. The way Shade understood it, not only the demon race would have to depend on him, but a whole lot of other races as well.

"That's quite a story you told me, miss. Adriana, but I'm not sure you have the right person for the job. I'm a nobody. I never have been someone to rely on, especially not with something this huge. I don't even see how I am supposed to become powerful enough to fight the other nine heroes. All of us have received some sort of power, so how can I take them on when it's 1v9."

Because I know something about you and the powers you gained which will help you in defeating the heroes and with that the human race."

"And what is that something you talk about?"

"Your ability to awaken a specialty which will let you rule the world."