

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs

The War

I lay bleeding upon the battlefield of another planet nearly split in two with a gaping hole right in my belly the edges charred by the plasma weapon. I glare at the alien species we were fighting which reside in Battle Mechs, so we never have gotten a good look at them. I look at my fallen brethren who fought with me thick and thin through the WWIII the War of The Universe I wish the memes from back in the day were true and it would be a civil war within The United Federation of Earth that USA established but did not participate in. The United States collapsed in 2032 due to rebellion the year I was born which marked the start of our planetary colonies using Wormhole Creation Tech (WCT).

I let out a few solitary tears as I remember our final push back on our first colony 2 years after the start of the war and the decimation of over 100 colonies. I look back to see if they completed destroying the WCT to our home world and see a Blackhole start to form. I get pulled back before I can feel any more pain and get completely crushed dying within an instant. We had stalled enough time to save our race from eradication Thank the Lord we will come back stronger and then finally have our revenge upon the Chitauri like from the Avengers movie I don't remember why we named them that.

I fall into an abyss where there is nothing and I see nothing but the abyss which grows black eyes and stares at me. I know not how long I am there but suddenly I wake up from the Nightmare it's the year 2050 and its my birthday and I shall finally go into the United Federation Space Corps (UFSC). What a realistic nightmare I get up and begin to punch my punching bag when my first tears through the punching bag as if I had the strength from the Third Super Serum which doubles the strength potential of the subject through gene alteration, but that can't be the case maybe I'm just stronger than I thought. I walk out of the orphanage to the Colonization Navy recruitment center near the center of the city that towers into the sky with floating hotels and cars.

I enter and the recruiter greets me and the other recruits with a deadly stare we stand at attention waiting for him to say something and suddenly he yells "March in place Maggots" but a split second before he says that I automatically start to march in place. I get a flashback or is it a flash forward in this case. I see on the news in 2051 about first contact with a hostile alien species and The WTC weapon in development. I then shiver unconsciously at the thought that things might turn out like this. I hear the Sergent say "Maggots those of you who score high on this training shall be able to choose whether or not to be subject to a new gene alteration program. The details shall be in the contract Now March."