

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs

Soul Hunter

I am I am on the field who are known as soul hunters. we are known to hunt down wandering souls or nightmares as we call them because they are formed from resentment and hatred wandering souls are not as bad because well they don't have a goal they don't have ambition they are just there to sightsee but we have to get rid of them because they attract resentment which will turn them into nightmares.

There are good souls too the ones known as guardians they watch over those who protected them within their life like a dog soul it will watch its owner until they pass on to and then dissipate to go to the afterlife. These are the ironclad rules that I've known for all my life but today something different happened I saw a nightmare guarding a person instead of causing them misfortune and putting their hatred on them it was protecting them from other nightmares so devouring the nightmares it terrified me because I've never seen such a thing.

I've never seen such a nightmare it was shadowy covered in case all over stitched together with the shadows pieces of flesh sticking out between its teeth its eyes dark red and there were over a hundred of them but it never seemed to want it to eat me or pay attention to me.It seemed too busy tearing apart the other nightmares with its shadowy limbs.

I didn't have my gear on me so I didn't go to fight the nightmare, but it seemed like I would do something wrong to fight it because it was actually helping us the SHA (Soul Hunter Association). I continue on my way to my apartment that I live in currently as I have to wander to find nightmares. I place the groceries I got from the store on the counter and begin to make a meal for two having noticed someone following me. "Hey there is no need to hide it's not like I will hurt you." I smile at the window where a Golden dog is looking st me with an old man with a golden outline holding its leash. "Old man Wertin why haven't you gone to the other side you know I'll be fine. Yes I know you want to take care of me but that's been over since you died to a nightmare Father."

He is not my biological father but my foster parent who helped me get a job even when I was diagnosed with schizophrenia for seeing Ghosts. I smile as he sits at the small table, but it always saddens me that I cannot talk to him and reminisce about all the fun we have had together.


I was running home from work when I was 20 even though I was still living with my adoptive parent it was amazing because I would always contribute to our savings and living costs. I then saw the Old Acacia wooden door that I gave my dad for Christmas because he loves the color of acacia wood. The metal handle has been twisted with huge claw marks the same as those upon the door. I drop the groceries I brought home to make a delicious green bean casserole. I see a trail of blood so I wquickly follow it up the stairs comming across my fathers mangled corpse when I see a shadowy humanoid figure that looks at me and says with a hoarse broken voice "Eht ssenkrad si gninog yawa esaelp dne em won od TI esaelp esaelp ESAELP." The smile across its face widening as it sees me clench my fist.

"Eh t'ndluoc ees em os I detiaw rof eno fo eht sretnuh ot llik em tub deatsni I teg uoy os esaelp esaelp esaelp ESAELP LLIK EM!!!? It begins to screech and claw at its face its smile fading the shadowy claws get stronger the smile more wicked and then it speaks true words that I understand "Don't mind him he is the Dream, I am the Nightmare that has control I see no point in breaking a fellow soul anymore would you like to join me in the slaughter of them all" Its hand outstretches to me its eyes turning bloodred " I know you would make a perfect nightmare give up the light the hope the dream instead EMBRACE THE SHADOW LIVE WITHIN THE NIGHT LET THE SHA DIE UPON THEIR OWN Old age. WE WILL BE IMMORTAL."