

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs


I was born on the seas by my parents who were both pirates they died before I could get to know them and I was raised by my brother and we were pirates known across the seas. I was known as the Tempest of Blood for my blades of wind would drain the blood from those they hit my brother was known as The Bloodstained Captain of our crew we had a tight code among our crew that if broken lead to the death of code breakers. There were 5 coded laws upon our ship.

1. Rape is punishable by Death

2. We are a Brotherhood we shall watch each others backs no matter what.

3. All are Equal upon this ship and shares shall be divided by the work put in.

4. Betrayers shall be tortured for 100 days before they are released (From life) and everyone must participate.

5. The ship (Buerin) shall stay with us till our end.

We were happy each day plundering and selling our loot sharing it among the crew our navigator was a drunkard, but he was the best out there he managed to get us out of the clutches of many sea beasts like the Kraken or a Ghost Ship or The Haunted Vessels. We had Morgun the greatest pilot on the Western Seas who helped our navigator plot our course with the map maker we kidnapped who ended up staying on the ship even though we let him leave. I'm still confused about that, but my brother tells me not to worry.

I smiled across the table at them all as we were planning our next hunt on The Royal Navy of Duchenburg a prominent kingdom we stole from quite a bit. Oh yeah, we had a solemn warrior on board his name he told us was Gorbk the Slaughtered he was very unique in the way he killed people with his bare hands and was covered in scars all over his 8 feet tall form bulging with muscles but as silent as a cat which was quite eerie he's as big as an orc but doesn't make any sound like an assassin.

We spent days planning and finally the Royal Fleet came into view or should I say their secret Royal Messenger Fleet of 3 ships faster than any other ship except mine because of my excellent wind magic. I bent the sails under the pressure under the wind and we began to skim the top of the water with the momentum we had but this also slowed us quite a bit if I had not my brother who reduced the pressure on the ship using his water magic that he rarely used.

Instead of water magic he loved to use blood magic in conjecture with my wind magic that siphoned blood out using the blood I drained he would slice and dice them with the blood and his Scimitar. I smiled as we rushed toward the fleet reminiscing on all the fights me and my brother had together, we almost knew what the other was thinking by now. I pulled up the system we have always had and smiled realizing I'm still getting stronger in my magic.

The rating of Titles is Fake, Slight, Easy, Meduim, Hard, Hell, Nightmare, False Dream, Accomplished, and Impossible. Fake refers to titles given by mortal beings the others are system grades.

<Status >

Name: Gorono 

Titles: Tempest of Blood (Fake), Humanoid Slaughterer (Slight), Master Of Wind (Hell)

Hp: 520/500

Mana=({Int+Wis}x10): 1200/1500 

Str: 13

Con: 52

Wis: 69

Int: 81

Dex: 21

Abilities: (Abilities rarities are Basic, Novice, Beginner, Adventurer, Master, Grandmaster, Mythical, Demigod, Godly, and Impossible.)

Air Control (Mythical), Spearmanship (Adventurer), False Blood Control (Basic), Doomed Ship (Demi-god)


I still don't get the Doomed Ship ability I have never seen a prompt for its use which is what happens the first time the ability is able to be activated. Anyway we have finally arrived next to the unarmed Messenger ship me and my brother jump aboard with our Band of pirates finding it strangely empty with only a person at the helm and a message at his waist I quickly pick it up and break the seal to Scream "It's A trap brother they are Luring the kraken to these ships. We have To GET OUT OF HERE NOW QUICKLY."

Only to see a tenacle slap down across the deck of the messenger's deck. How did we not know of this half the nobles who would be involved in an operation of this scales have their hands dipped in our gold we have been paying them quite well did they think they will just hire another group of pirates or did the damn holy knights finally get rid of the corrupt families what a horrid time for us. I smile a wicked maniac smile no matter I guess we must fight our way out of this I begin to slice open the tenacles as I jump to our ship.

I see the storm approaching due to the krakens Prescence its going to be a stormy day today won't it. I nod at our navigator and pilot and begin to slice all the tenacles that are constantly grabbing onto our ship funnily these are infant tenacles meaning they just formed and should be like hair just coming out compared to the krakens true size. We managed to get quite far from the messenger ships only to see a giant mouth come out of the water swallowing all three ships in one bite as if they were a snack.

Seeing its eyes above the water I smile at the scars across a few of its eyes which my parents cause before they were killed by it I guess this is the one who killed our parents. "Brothers This is the thing that killed me and my Blood-Brothers parents should we kill, it shall we fight to the death with the last known kraken when usually kraken hunters use whole fleets of mages to kill one."

I hear their cheers of agreement and we turn back towards the kraken everyone here has lost a friend or family member to the sea and krakens are the embodiment of the sea so why not get some revenge before we die. I jump off the ship with my spear and stick it into the side of the creature poking out one its many eyes I crazily begin draining my mana to forcefully compress air at the tip of my spear so that it will explode in a burst of pressure. 

I see my brother get knocked back by a tenacle and the kraken goes underwater dragging me with it I then see it surfacing eating the whole ship with all my family dying within its stomach.

"NO PLEASE NO NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN NOT MY FAMILY NOT AGAIN NO NO NO." I go into a panic attack accidentally releasing all of my mana into the kraken causing the flesh to explode outward a giant pocket of flesh burst out destroying a hundred of its eyes and forever making a hole the size of a ship on its cheek. I am dragged back to the memory of my parents landing and dropping me and my brother off before going to rob some scumm when I was watching them leave and saw a baby kraken eat half the ship that had my parents on it this same kraken that they scarred with their last attack before being eaten.

I swear I could see them smiling at me even though they were miles away tears begin to leak from my eyes as my powers go out of control causing me to have mana deprivation my body naturally begins turning itself to mana when I see a prompt.

<Activate Doomed Ship>

[Yes]         [No]