

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs

Knight Of Blight

Iwas a good guy who worked a minimum wage job in this modern era at a McDonalds it unfortunately was quite a depressing job when I got diagnosed with a terminal illness or disease I don't really remember which I just remember them telling me I had a month to live. I went back to work so I could at least leave my family some money I asl started to eat only one meal a day to barely keep myself alive it was painful at first until I got used to the pain a week and a half in.

My Coworkers noticed my skinny Frame and started to ask what happened and since I knew them as nice people even though they had hard shells I told them about my predicament. They all helped me stick to it and also started to complain about the low wages that I had being paid the least out of all of them. Our manager visited me and asked why all the other were vouching for me, so I told the truth and my manager out his hand on my shoulder and said I hope I have a son like you but if that time ever comes, I won't know. He smiled and gave me the next two weeks on paid leave.

I hung out with my family siblings my parents and basically did all the stuff I ever thought of with my family, friends, but I missed not being able to get a wife I guess if there is another life that will happen then. 2 weeks passed quickly, and I went into my bedroom a cough racking my skinny emancipated body. Blood splattered into my hand covering it in a dark red fluid that even smelled horrible. I looked at the mirror my family had brought which showed a complete stranger with bloodshot eyes with a teal color the blond hair looking rough and messy. My body looking skeletal and broken.

I was closing my eyes feeling the pain fade away when a screen appeared in front of me.

-----------Apocalyptic System-----------

Goddess Of Mercy Has requested revival of You

Do you Accept?

Are You Sure?

No has been selected you shall now die peacefully I thank you for your denial of this apocalypse ERROR God Of disease and plagues Says "YOU CANNOT DENY A GOD."

You have been forcefully revived as An Envoy of plague.


My body racked in pain suddenly jolted up and I saw my family all standing around me looking at screens in front of themselves that or they were spacing out in the middle of nowhere. I then simply got up and walked to the top floor of the apartment seeing giant buildings descending to the ground in several places. I am not dealing with the apocalypse so I jump off the building hoping for the sweet release of death so that I may not be a toy for the gods to watch. I feel no pain as my body hits the ground making a horrendous cracking noise as all my bones snap together into a pile of flesh.

Your death has been denied the God Of Plagues and disease has applied a condition to your death which no longer allows you to commit any form of suicide.

I say "Apocalyptic System" as my whole-body reforms clothed and all and now, I notice that my body is no longer emancipated, and I have regained my height of 6'4 with boils covering my arms and my hands are covered in what seems to be a rash that isn't itchy. My legs are covered in blisters filled with a white milky liquid pus.


Name: Buromon Kurro

Titles: Rebel to Life, Spiteful Rebelion, Kindhearted, Plague born Pheonix

Species: Human

Class: Blight Knight

Constitution: 14

Strength: 10

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 12

Agility/Dexterity: 14

Lifestyle Skills:







Plague Bolt- Form a ball of pestilence made up of several different disease and plague based on how many are within your body. Effects vary depending on the plagues/diseases.

Pestilent Shield- Same effect as above except it defends and if they attack said plagues/disease are afflicted upon them.


Plague Blood- Your blood is like a poison except much slower and more painful. Quite fast compared to actual plagues your "Poison" takes time depend upon the con stat of the person you have infected. Plagues can spread beyond your control you will still gain exp from its kills and skill/ability levels.

Plagued Skin- Upon touch will contract any plagues or diseases a person may have and you are 400% more likely to get a plague or disease from anything.

Pestilent immunity- You are immune to everything related to plagues and diseases this includes molecular lifeforms.

"System show me title affects."

Rebel to Life- You have denied a God's desire to bring you back to life this results in a hatred of the Gods of life but love from the Gods Of death. You have a bonuses attribute of death affinity (Affinity Quality will not show up until user becomes stronger from slaying dimensional creatures or training.

Spiteful Rebelion - You have killed yourself after being revived causing a god to spend more divinity on an eternal blessing/Curse which increases the divinity within the body allowing ascension to godhood to become much easier.

Kindhearted- You have been kind since born resulting in all the gods looking upon you favorable looking for you to be their campion unfornately a certain god Forcefully recruited you earning their ire.

Plague born Pheonix- Like Phoenix rises from the ashes you will rise again from the plague emitted from your body by consuming all living things around you. (will only work when the Blessing/Curse dissipates)