

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs

Fallacy Prescence

This is a world of apocalypse where everything has changed today a window showed up in front of me.

------System Of The Ninth Level------

Name: Giantyu Nimon

Lv. 1

Class: Non-Awakened


Beyond Expectation- One who has a natural talent before being given a gift by the Ninth Level. Enhances a talent by one rank (cant exceed rank EX)


Fallacy Prescence (EX)- You give off the pressure of the highest strength creature within your realm no matter what strength you actually have you can choose to conceal this aura at any time. You can store 3 presences.

Analysis (C)- This talent is a subset you get due to your keen observation ability this allows you to get information on a creature with a lower aura then you the stronger your aura the more information gathered. (everyone will have this talent as a gift)

The system doesn't describe anything psychically, but it does give information on our titles and talents. Thats a nice talent and title but I wonder if it will work on these undead that are currently outside my home, but this talent sounds like shit only being able to intimidate opponents or get information about them without ever

I then activate my talent and a dark wind begins to swirl around me causing the ground to crack around me with a few bones suddenly floating out of the ground surrounding me and rising out of the ground forming into skeletons which turn and bow to me. I hear a voice in my head say "Great lich disguised in a human form what is your wish of us your eternal guards Wait you have lifeforce. You are not yet a lich, yet you have the Prescence of one what a great undead you would make want me to show you how to become an undead My King."

I use analysis on the 4 skeletons which all have the same stats but different names.


Class: Skeletal Knight

Hp: 1175 -> 4650 (Revives unless put to Rest by Holy magic)

Constitution- 235 ->470

Strength- 340 ->680

Dexterity- 200 ->400

Status Effects:

Lich's Prescence- Doubles everything of the undead in the surroundings under its control gives a 50% bonus to non-controlled undead.

Never mind my ability is fucking overpowered wait can I keep this Prescence until I go to a different realm or people get stronger then it? I then look at the skeletal Knight who is a pitch-black armor "I will become a lich if I choose but around other humans refer to me as necromancer, please."

"I am sorry my liege, but I will not disrespect your majesty for you would become the king if you became undead." I turn off my aura surprised that the 4 undead knights are still around me so I begin to walk out of my house into the horde of the undead but none of the zombies dare to look at me and Scarlek says to me "These stench bags dare to defile your nose I shall annihilate them so that they won't bother your majesty." He waves his sword and annihilates them all with one slash.

Achievement obtained: King of Death, Blight of Undead, and Summoners Pride

King Of Death- Have a Skeletal Knight willingly serve you and pledge that you are the king. +1000% affinity with Death mana

Blight Of Undead- Kill over a hundred high level undead in less than 10 seconds at the same level as them in strength. (Summons or Tamed creatures count towards this). +1000% affinity with Light Mana

Summoners Pride- Have a summon at least 100x stronger than you and be at max loyalty for more than 1 minute. +80% Soul Branding success Rate.

-------System Warning---------

Due To Overwhelming Powerful Talents Within your area difficulty has increased so an angel Has Descended This angel due to its overwhelming strength cannot be copied by your skill due to level restrictions I placed. (Lv within 50)

"My Lord I can sense an angel of the light that has descended should we tear off its wings and bring it to you so you can corrupt it. We could also use its corrupted blood to trigger your class evolution into a necromancer or a practitioner of the dark arts if you want." Scarlek sinisterly says.

I smile as I realize the fight is done and a rush of power fills me granting me some strength in zombified world that I might be able to stand on my own.