

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs

Broken Bones

"You All would Rob me of my craft for such an act as Creating a weapon beyond all others for the king so shall I rob you OF YOUR Precious weapon." I gasped in my breath as I was kicked in the gut by a 'Holy Knight' and began to yell the Dwarven Curse.



Inflict Ye Spark with Pain

Without the Comfort of a Queen

Your Line Shall ever be Weaponless.

Yer Craft shall be broken.

What is Built shall break in thy hands

Your Death Shall Be soulless.

Your body Molested by Crows and bandits.

Yet redemption shall be upon your children.

If ye remember thine Payment."


The king looked upon me with wrath and fury as his golden spear shattered and drifted into dust within his hands his gleaming smile now gone replaced with disgust along with rage and respect. 


"You should know young dwarf I can't let a smith as young as you fall into enemy hands you were going to grow so well but, in the future, you betrayed me as I was called the mad king for warning the people of the Apocalypse, but you did something this time I didn't predict so where is The Witch who interfered with my work." He smiled kindly as his guards began to break my bones but I stayed stoic with a smile on my face I began to laugh.


"You think I don't recognize the sign of corruption tainting my weapon after using it in one battle against another human king. You are dabbling in the arts of necromancy this kingdom of yours is a simple illusion now begone and kill me and fulfill your wish of becoming immortal you foolish king." I smiled as I instilled doubt into his closest advisors who would watch him closer and probably catch his mistakes and delay his corruption of this city so that they could escape. 


My head bounced against the ground as it turned to look at him landing beneath his feet he crushed my head with a metal boot that had my signature mark upon it which had already began to rust away due to my curse. I saw a curse like vision of the future where a lich now as The CurseEd King was crowned with his armor covered in rust that constantly flaked off as it regenerated causing him constant pain as he had merged with his armor and weapon, but they were still rusting away as rot covered his bones.


His Great grandson held a banner of a Lion and was charging this ancient castle hoping to regain the honor of his lineage as he stood to kill the lich that his father was but my soul was seeping away for the vision had eroded me, but I heard the king curse "How can I not revive this stupid Dwarf there is no way he was more powerful than me The King."


I began to laugh and saw the vision fade away but I was still here next to the king a floating specter a watcher from beyond the grave. He jumped to the side seeing me floating and laughing beside him I then said "So your necromancy didn't work I wonder why? Did you not hear my curse your weapons and armor shall break today so you must commit the ritual today if you want my armor to enhance your necromantic capabilities. I know all the ritual circles have been put down for years absorbing the resentment of those who die in the poor district."


He smiled at me "So You are mine now undo your curse specter and grant me your skills in the necromantic forge."


I smiled and said "I am not yours and I shall be gone soon but you are dumb beyond all others. So let me tell you this you abandoned your children unlike me I only wish your son had gotten them out earlier before you could force me to make those cursed weapons."


I floated out of the city to my son with tears on my eyes I'm sorry I can't be there for him he's only 14 which is very young for my species for we live for hundreds of years I wish I could do more then pass on my knowledge to him. I could feel the king relieving his anger on my body breaking every bone crushing the organs causing me pain.


I saw my son with the blond-haired king's son, Morhun, and I saw his tears splashing the ground I floated to him and put my hand on my son's shoulder saying, "I know you can't hear me son, but I shall give you the knowledge of our ancestors I just wish I could comfort you in these trying times."


---------------Two Hours Before Stornhold's (The Dwarf's Son) POV--------------------


I woke up the chains on my hands falling off I saw Morhun the Wicked kings son I spat towards him and began to curse him out for all his father had done to my father for years. I began to pummel his chest but he was much stronger than my emancipated starved form that was whipped and beaten for years every day. My tough dwarven skin had scars upon it all over and both of my arms had been broken so I could never carry on the family craft.


I felt a soft feeling spread through my arms realizing the prince had just poured a holy potion had been poured on my arms I could smell a slight corruption in the water but it could still serve its purpose of healing if not ingested otherwise it might corrupt the person into an undead. The prince smiled at me and said "My name is Morhun I'm sorry it took me so long to realize my father was a monster, but he's already prepared everything. I should have known something was wrong when he no longer would teach me when my mother died."


I felt his tears on my arm as he wiped them away quickly and wiped at his pure whit holy armor as if to clear the stained off it. The armor had no sign of any corruption when I saw the guards outside the door follow the prince as we left, and they had no smell of corruption as the guards who usually guarded me did. The prince then picked me up and put me on his back saying "We need to leave quickly before the ritual circle is activated, I have already evacuated everyone who is not corrupted unfortunately I could not contact and of the 7 main churches so that this place could be purified before the undead started to appear."


I looked around at the people who were leaving the castle and didn't see my father so I asked "Where's my dad Stonren The great smith where is he." I looked at the prince as he shook his head I felt a slight force on the back of my head knocking me out. Before I was fully out I heard the guard say "I'm sorry but he was dragged to the kings throne room he probably is going to die."