

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · ファンタジー
134 Chs

Born of Blood (4)

"I'm not here to teach I was only passing through this area bringing my gift with me I should leave tonight for I need not stay here I must go and find myself for I now have no purpose no reason to exist so I must find or make one. I wish you luck in your travels." I begin to walk out of the city never to come back. I pull out the map I bought detailing the region and begin to walk towards the most dangerous areas when Nuio merges into my blood with a purr and begins to sleep within me a new being pure and loving. I smile realizing that making life is not as difficult as the human memories make it seem nor is it too difficult to reason with them.

I pull out a vial of my blood mixed with many herbs to make a potion that attracts and grows mutated or magical beasts (The growth is related to his blood the attraction is made using the herbs). I make sure I am far enough that my actions won't cause a beast tide I begin to smile as I place the vial down opening it and running quickly so that I am not caught up in the fight between beasts. The forest speeds by as I head toward a hydras den where I can gain the whole-body blood and flesh of such A regenerative creature making it easier for me to spread my blood to many and use it as a jumper point that I can always come back to for slow progression.

I while running form runes using my blood within me solidifying the parts I want to become runes intricately interacting with one another I also enchant the solidified blood to strengthen my body more, but it consumes nearly half my blood store and I lose the form I have gotten attached to. My body contorts and form into a blood red wolf I raise my head to the air howling with bloodlust echoing in it challenging every animal in the area. I see a panther jump towards me from behind, but my instincts cause me to rip its head off easily as my body instantly consumes eat, I slowly savor the chewy gamey taste.

I lick my lips with a blood tongue I created just to exaggerate the taste. The forest as silent as before begins to echo with the sound of birds and crickets when a person steps out from behind a tree their blood is almost nonexistent more like a plant, the person walks toward me offering their hand. I sniff it like a natural creature when the grass begins to grow and wrap up my legs. I vibrate the blood the grass touches destroying it as I jump back the person says, " Hey I'm not here to harm you but you did just consume the top predator in this small area, so I wanted to see what you are and only got more intrigued when I saw you were not natural."

"I am the Druid Mesahiah yes my parents did a little play on words they were hoping I would become a priest, but I have always found that the forest was calling me also you can stop pretending you're a wild creature because my calming arts would have worked on you earlier and you didn't even try to resist my mana meaning either you are a highly intelligent magical creature or a druid which every druid can tell when they meet each other so you are not. You obviously don't like humans, or you would not have reacted defensively also the reason I am speaking so much is to keep you distracted and also calm you."

I immediately jump back dodging the several vines trying to bind me and oscillate my voice out saying "Why would I trust the deceivers who take pride in enslaving their pack destroying their own kind not for food or power but gems and gold of which have no power or use. The devil is kinder than your kind, but death is a peaceful being guiding the worthy souls and comforting them making their loss and scars lessen mightily. 

"You may believe I am evil." He dodges the spikes I launched "But my group seek to live in harmony with all life living or undead we see life as the great equalizer for all shall die not even the immortal can live longer than death. No one can outrun death even though all he does is walk throughout the pages of life." He summons an Ent a living tree who simply looks at me bows and say, "The Forest begets your loss we will sing your song just tell us about your chronicle in the Elven wood." I nod and it leaves through the portal. The druid looks stunned says "I guess you have permission see you next time Blood Wolf."