
Complex of Time

What is time? Time is something humans can only dream to comprehend, but never truly manage to. Or is it? Join Samuel in uncovering the mysteries of time, and consequently the universe.

Abyss_of_Infinity · ファンタジー
65 Chs

System of the Worthy

Bafflement was written all over the Interrogator's face. What was this kid saying all of a sudden? What script? Did he perhaps think he was an actor?

"Kid, what are you talking about? This is no joke, and I am not acting according to a script. You need to take this seriously, as execution is the most likely outcome if you continue behaving the way you are now."

"What? Oh, yes, of course I know this is not a joke. My brain must have suffered some damage when I emerged from that special tear. I apologize."

Although his situation was still bleak, this recent reveal that he had a system was enough to lift his mood greatly. Was he not invincible enough with his time sphere? What type of creature would he become with these working in tandem? Just the thought made him giddy. He is so awesome, right?

"We need to continue, and I only have one more question for you. Are you a danger to the Lokola Empire and its citizens?"

"No, I am not a danger to your empire or its ordinary citizens. If someone attacks me, then of course I will fight with all of my abilities to protect myself, so I can't promise anything for that."

"That much is naturally expected. Seeing as there are no visible problems, I will have you released from the dungeon. However, as you are still a potential risk, you will be placed under close watch. Someone will accept you under their protection, and if you don't show any suspicious behavior, you will be a free man in a few months."

"Wait, a few months? Is that not a little extreme? I realize I may be suspicious, but how many suspicious people are present in your empire? Surely some ignorant passerby is of no concern to you. Hell, I can even leave the empire at the fastest possible rate."

"You think you can just cause such damage to both the property and reputation of the empire and leave as you please? You will need to repay your debt before even thinking about leaving."

The revelation that Samuel would have to be under heavy supervision for months caused him great distress. He had too many secrets. The gowla rune, the fact he encountered a mysterious time loop of some kind, his newly acquired system—all things that would make the universe tremble. How can he explain himself to others with these things in his arsenal?

"Does someone really have to keep watch over me? Surely, you would not enjoy people doing the same thing to you. You already know I did not deliberately damage anything, so if I promise to repay my debt, wouldn't that be enough?"

"Don't compare yourself to me, and no, that will not be enough, you slime. Just because you don't actively remember doing something does not mean you did not do it. Do you understand? How can I just let a potentially unstable lunatic run rampant in the empire? You will be under whatever supervision I assign to you without any more complaints. I will not say this again, so engrave it in your mind. Stay here while I go organize this endeavor."

The Interrogator stood up and left as soon as he finished saying what needed to be said, leaving the annoyed Samuel to sit alone in the room, with only the Guarantor of Truth to keep him company. However, none of this mattered to him now, because as soon as the Interrogator left, he checked the gray panel that was staying at the top of his vision. A boring and dark gray color. It was so unassuming that it would go unnoticed by him if not for the notification he received and the flashing golden words engraved on it.

It read, [Congratulations on unlocking the System of the Worthy! Samuel was not sure how the system worked, as most are different in functionality, but decided to at least get introduced to it before that annoying bastard came back. As such, he focused all his attention on the panel in hopes it would do anything. And do anything it did. After reaching a certain limit of concentration, the panel expanded to cover his entire vision before another notification sounded inside his head.


[The system is currently being appointed a personality by REDACTED.]

[Please be patient for just a few moments.]

"It is being appointed a personality. Is it being done by something or someone who created the system, or is a random person sitting on their computer choosing it? This is too strange! Also, surely the personality would be ingrained in the system from the start. This just seems unprofessional.


[Congratulations on having a personality appointed!]

[You have been awarded with the achievement of The Beginning!]

[Congratulations! You have been awarded the achievement of Being a Stupid Fucking Idiot for your amazing intelligence and mind!]

"That is so rude! Did I get assigned some bitchy personality to my system? Will this make my life harder?"

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the Perks and Achievements page. [Please select it for more information.]

Samuel was naturally ecstatic at having received a system, but not enough to lose all his rationality. He started to ponder what the system was and why he had received it just after having time reset on him. Unable to find any answers, however, he decided to open the only available page on his system interface, which was still covering the entirety of his vision.

[Welcome to the Perks and Achievements page! This page will show you all the achievements you have unlocked or have begun unlocking, as well as their corresponding perks or disadvantages. The current authority level is too low to be awarded more information. Please come back for more when you are no longer so worthless. Thank you!]

"No! It is a bitch, indeed! You know what? If I could stand some of the people I went to school with, I should be able to stand this system personality. It's not a big deal. Let me check out the perks I received from the achievements.

[Being a Stupid Fucking Idiot: You are one of the stupidest people in all of the Shattered Realm.]

[Perks: allows you to see the positives in all of creation; even the most heinous acts will seem justifiable to you after some reflection. You are the epitome of posturing your intelligence, making others think of you as intellectual, with only you yourself knowing the truth.]

[Currently at level 1]

[Evolution to (Being a Stupid Idiot): Level 10 required]

"Is this not just a happiness perk? It allows me to find happiness in everything, even if it is bad, and it also allows me to posture. This is the greatest perk ever! Hahaha. When I encounter Mike again, I will show him my amazing intellect."

Samuel was no longer even upset at the fact he was called a fucking idiot, as this perk made up for it, and more. After finding the previous perk to be so unfathomably amazing, he went on to the next one with butterflies in his stomach.

[The Beginning: You have caused the end and the consequent beginning of REDACTED, having caused great annoyance to REDACTED.]

[Perks: Your talent is above all and below one, but what has been bestowed can also be taken away. You have not proven yourself to be worthy of your talent, causing it to be locked. You need to prove yourself to unlock what you once had and were close to losing forever.]

[Current locks remaining: 100,000]

[Evolution to (Worthy Aspect of REDACTED): Current locks remaining: 0 required]

Samuel's heart sank to the lowest depths of his stomach.

"How can this be?"