
Colors of fate

"My King...The Crown Prince is dressed as a groom in a wedding ceremony...he is about to wed an unknown ordinary girl this instant.!" Greg finally found his tongue to speak after stammering for a while in confusion. As they suspected, the most important news so far...It made the King stand to attention from his throne, which was a rare sight even for Raymond...who was fuming from within, at the news of his greatest rival, in his aim for the throne. "What??! Are you sure of what you just said?." The King exclaimed, confused by the peculiar news which was quite unusual and bizarre, with even the thought of it. Since every single subject in this royal palace, knew of the Prince's great contempt and spite, with regards to how he viewed love and its emotional flutters with disdain, which he developed from an unfortunate incident in his childhood. To the King's amazement, who was this girl who exceeds all his expectations, to even tie a wounded lion in the knot of sacred marriage?. How did she miraculously melt the stone-cold heart of his son and drastically changed him for the better? "We leave this instant! Get the Royal Jet ready at once!..." The King ordered. Who was she??... Damien was the best-man of the groom while Andrea is the maid-of-honor of the bride, her best friend. Getting married to each other with the intention to separate after three months, Damien agreed to marry Andrea. But in the midst of all the setbacks, an undying love began to blossom between them....but suddenly, things began to fall apart! as Damien's real identity was brought to light, and Andrea's mother, woke up from a three years Coma to revealed the tragic circumstances of the couple's twisted fate. But it was aleady far too late.... WHAT NEXT?? Join me on the ride to "Colors of Fate" and let's find out how the couple, cope with these unexpected secrets of their families squabbles, as well as the depressing state of their twisted fate. However, FATE is not always as COLORFUL as it was made to seem.

NobleRemmy · 都市
17 Chs

Who is he?

Andrea West sat nervously awaiting the commencement of her wedding along with her new maid-of-honor Bella. When suddenly, an over-excited Sarah barged into the waiting room to drag Bella for the latest gossip she witnessed first-hand at the altar a while ago.

However, the news that swept her off her feet which she didn't fail to discuss with her friend was about the striking looks of the groom standing at the altar as they spoke.

"Oh, Bella! you should have seen him for yourself...oh! I am actually feeling flatters for the first time in ages." Sarah announced dreamily.

Bella, on the other hand, was shocked to speechlessness about her friend's over-the-top excitements, and wonder what could trigger these extreme reactions from her.

"Who are you talking about?" Bella curiously asked.

"The groom of course... Miss Andrea's groom!" Sarah replied impatiently as she continuously swooned dreamily in the wake of the striking sight of the man her eyes beheld that the altar.

In her desperate aims to report everything to her Friend Bella, Sarah missed another episode of an extraordinary surprise from the Country's President...Johnathan Rahl's sudden arrival to wish his trusted ally and Chief Justice...Leonardo Reed, on the wedding of his Son Edward, as well as the bond with the reputable family of the Patels known for their great achievements so far, and the abundant contributions of their quota in the country's progress and development.

During Sarah and Bella's discussion, when Sarah related everything that happened at the wedding into Bella's eager ears, she too couldn't help but fangirl all along upon hearing it.

"He is like an exceptionally good-looking alien with a remarkable figure and an outstanding height". Sarah informed Bella excitedly and Bella squirmed in frustration regretting the wrong timing of her lack of presence to witness all that Sarah reported. Even though she couldn't help but doubt if it was simply Sarah's exaggeration or the facts and even uttered her doubts aloud, to Sarah's frustration.

"Don't worry you will see him at the altar, I am guessing you would be as amazed and shocked as I am now. Even Edward Reed, Ingrid's groom was just as good-looking. But I wish I can just get hooked on Andrea's groom for all eternity, just to simply stared at of course, or else, touching or going near a sacred goodlooks like that, might give me a heart attack from extreme emotional vibrations." Sarah fanatically added like a teenager admiring her favorite Superstar.

The loud sirens of the President's sudden arrival alerted both girls to rush out to witness what was happening. In an atmosphere filled with sirens and chaos to secure the President's safe passage towards his prepared seat.

Upon the President's sudden call through his secretary that he was going to make it, Chief Justice Leonardo Reed prepared a well-suitable seat for the President's comfort at very short notice when he heard of the President's canceled appointments to join in the occasion for an hour.

"Make way! Hurry!... The president's security team were on full alert after he alighted from his car and created a secured way to usher him toward his seat.

As the President walked along the large park to his seat, a sight more intriguing than the current wedding caught his attention. He noticed the two able-bodied bodyguards in their unique bodyguard wears which he could recognize even in his dreams...The Royal logo of the Angreda Royal eagle sign was itched in front of the guards uniform, which made him pause to attention in his tracks, which left his security team in a sudden panic from his nervous reactions.

The President paused to call forth his personal secretary who was behind him to get closer for a confirmation.

"Is the Patels family that highly connected or is the chief Justice an unknown important figure...why am I seeing the Royal logo of Angreda before me?" President Johnathan whispered into his secretary's ears.

"Angreda? that's impossible sir...nobody is highly connected enough to summon the Royals of Angreda to a mere wedding ceremony.?" The secretary replied in a panic.

The infamous and highly influential Royal family at a wedding? That was like saying the lion bowed to an ant in respect...It a quite an impossible occurrence.

"So are you implying me I am only imagining things now? Take a look..." President Anthony pointed towards the sight he saw the Royal guards standing and the secretary stared longingly, quite amazed at the sight that befell him in confirmation to the President's insinuations.

"But...How?"...The secretary muttered in confusion.

Even if it's simply a faked attire or logo, that still wouldn't be possible. Nobody was stupid enough to incur the wrath of the highly reputable Royal family even in passing or even attempt to copy and make use of their most sacred logo...No man was ever born to even think of it, talk less of even attempting or implementing it. So what they are seeing before them was real and legit.

But how? The Royals didn't even make it to the President's coronation last year when he took office. Even after earnest pleadings from the president when he sent them an invitation to make it. Even if it's for only an hour which would mean so much to him and very much appreciated, but they didn't appear with the excuse to maintain their confidential identity.

"Could it be the Stepson of the King who came?." The secretary asked curiously.

"Let's find out!" The president resumed his fast-paced steps simply to meet that Royal who was present in this wedding...he was simply impatient for the sight he would see eagerly.

Jonathan couldn't help but seem to be on cloud nine, as the amazing opportunity to extend his time in office was now guaranteed. Both the President and his secretary were very excited about this sudden news.

They deemed it a worthwhile effort well-taken to have come to the wedding even at such short notice.

The President's security continued to secure the way for the safe passage of the President towards the altar at the front seat, when they suddenly reached the spot where King Collins stood and was eagerly awaiting the bride to make an appearance.

Then suddenly two clueless security personnel of the President approached him.

" Sir...Could you please move out of the way?... The president has arrived and would take this route to his seat.!" One security guy uttered as he held King Collins by his arms to take him aside.

The King was suddenly amused at the turn of events and signaled his bodyguards who were about to come forth to sort the situation of the guy's impudence on their King, into staying still as he ordered and to maintain their positions.

Meanwhile, King Collins complied and moved aside for the President's passage.

In Johnathan's hasty steps to reach his seat and meet the Royal present here seemed urgent. But his attention suddenly shifted to the older Man being ushered aside by one of his security guys, and the horror on the President's face when he recognized King Collins Angreda himself was the Royal guest who honored Hybrid City of his Majestic presence, became an extremely shocking revelation.

The president broke free from the tight security around him to approach the security guy with a hard thrust to him hand which held the King to guide him aside, to let go.

"Your...Ma.. Ma... Majesty!" President Johnathan stammered before the actual word he wanted to utter came out in a whisper, out of shock and amazement.

However, King Collins simply moved to signal the President into silence about uttering another word and revealed his identity to the public before them, to which Johnathan understood and nodded repeatedly like an obedient dog to its master.

King Collins moved aside to grant him passage to his seat which came as an awkward shock to him and he stood there flabbergasted at the King's gesture...His secretary had to nudge him to call his attention when he still stood motionless for some time.

Out of respect, Johnathan bowed to the King before he made his way briskly toward his seat, still astonished at what just happened...As if he didn't deserve the great seat prepared for him.

The confusion and amazement at the President's sudden tension toward a seemingly unimportant old man didn't escape the surrounding personnel who escorted the President to the wedding.

Their reactions of wonder and the expressions of "Who was he?" were clearly written on their faces, as they turned behind, again and again, to glare repeatedly at the old man who had their president flustered and suddenly insecure.

Meanwhile, Sarah and Bella curiously watched on at all the proceedings before then in excitement and bewilderment and left the nervous bride alone in the room, curiously wondering what was happening outside as she kept hearing the chaos and excitements in the air.

Bella realized her mistake at the right time for leaving Andrea alone so she hastily turned to return to her when Sarah held her hand at a tempting question she knew Bella wouldn't deny...

"Don't you want to peek at the groom now since you are here? I will advice you to better do so now before you faint from a nervous breakdown while walking Andrea down the aisle." Sarah uttered amusingly, quite impatient too for Bella's reply as she dragged her for a view of what she had been telling her all along.

However, Bella's heart was in doubt and guilty for leaving Andrea alone in her tensed situation but instead, she gave into the selfish part of herself and followed Sarah to have a peek at the dashing groom at the altar.

And suddenly, as Sarah warned a while ago, she nearly died of an overwhelming excitement within her at the sight of the gorgeous Prince before her in amazement.

"Talking about a gallant knight in a shining armor wouldn't even compare..." Bella uttered after staring for like a zillion times as if what she was before her wasn't real and would disappear from her sight anytime.

"Didn't I tell you you will be more amazed and dazzled than I was? Now, talk about an exaggerated stare you are doing now..." Sarah giggled heartily from fun at proving herself right from Bella's reactions.

Meanwhile, Damien stood heedless to all advances directed towards him by the ladies who kept ogling at him like vultures about to land on their meat. But it was a positive thing he had a calm expression on his gorgeous face all the while and appeared clueless.

Damien Spencer had always known how hard he affected the feminine race, since he was growing up as a child in a huge palace filled with young maids and even older ones who wouldn't stop to stare at him anytime he came out of his room or in the presence of his Father...the King. So he was already used to all these attentions and advances all his life, to the point he had to suffer the consequences of his goodlooks when he turned twelve years of age, which was a story left for another time.

Damien still visits his personal psychiatrist till date, for the endless nightmares of the tragedy he went through. When he suddenly went missing for a month. He vividly remembered the stinking creepy room he was locked up in, the drunken and cursing languages of his abductor's drunken screams, her beatings and slaps...the hunger he had to feel and nearly thought he would die for three days, when he was locked up and didn't even realize he was in the house with a three days decaying body of his abductor, until he was miraculously found. He could still see everything clearly like he was viewing it live before him. That was why his ceaseless nightmares wouldn't stop and he would sometimes awake in the pool of his own sweat panting and gasping for air, and wouldn't be able to sleep again. So he had to result to the help of a few bottles of wine to knock him out and always awake with a splitting headache.

No matter how desperately Damien tried to overcome that awful tragedy countless times, he only ended up re-living his entire past in one night...Which often resulted in serious aftermath if left alone.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts as the President approached the altar and took his seat a little further away from where he and Edward stood.

On the other hand, Damien stood like a statue next to a flower in his spot as a groom, unaware of the whisperings and murmurings among the guests who were admiring his good looks and his dashing appearance.

"Is he human? Can a Man be this beautiful, his beauty has already overwhelmed the entire decorations here. I could stare at him all day!." and the fanatism continued until Darren once again calm the guests to finally announce the bride's arrival.

"It's time! the bride should make an appearance!," Darren called out once more. "The wedding proceedings is about to begin."

And that was what got Bella out of her fantasy world as she dashed out to help the bride make her long-awaited appearance.

Andrea stood up shakily to begin the first steps that could change her life forever. Her marriage to an unknown man in an unknown place with unknown guests.

Everything about her moment right now was unknown. What colors of fate was her life about to unravel next, was another question altogether.

However, no matter what fate had in store for her regarding this unexpected step in her life, She just hoped and pray for strength to endure anything that comes her way.

Bella helped Andrea with the edges of her gown from behind as they took tiny steps toward where King Collins stood waiting all this while. When he suddenly saw her approaching, he had to gulp down his saliva many times from the approaching divine beauty before him. He couldn't help but feel proud of his son for his choice...a perfect soon-to-be Queen of Angreda.

Now all his worries about his Son evaporated into thin air at the sight of the Angel whom he was sure appeared to end all his son's pain from all his past tragedies, and guide him toward a new beginning of happiness.

Her face was covered by the veil when Andrea paused in her steps before the older Man before her who appeared to be quite handsome. She wondered if Ingrid prepared someone to walk her down the aisle since she knew she had no one to walk her. And Andrea couldn't help but be impressed with Ingrid's choice of selection and a smile was plastered on her beautiful face underneath her veil which didn't go unnoticed by King Collins as he stretched his hand for her and Andrea eagerly took it. They smiled at each other in acknowledgment before they both began to take the steps towards the impatient clueless groom waiting at the altar.

As they entered amidst the guests towards the altar, the gasps and bewilderment from the guests at the sight of Andrea, in her world uniquely crafted wedding gown and her amazing beauty which fitted her to perfection was beyond anyone's comprehension. As they all stared in disbelief and admiration at the approaching bride and the gorgeous man escorting her, whom everyone guessed was her father...It was quite a spectacular moment for everyone present, like an episode out of a fairytale.

Andrea however, took her steps with her head bowed looking down, away from all the stares as she slowly walked towards her groom who was so captivated by the sight of her outstanding beauty upon first sight, until he diverted his eyes to the gentleman beside her, walking her towards him, and his face suddenly turned grave with anger and surprise.!

However, Damien calmed himself and looked away from his father to concentrate on the mission before him. Since no one here seemed to recognize their real identities as Royals... a Father and Son. Or else there would have been extreme chaos among the guests.

Damien unknowingly held his breath when his Father place Andrea's hand into his as if to offer his daughter to a befitting husband. Then the heartbeats within its cage began to beat strongly from an unknown rhythm.

"What an incredible transformation!" Damien thought, suddenly lost for words as he stared at Andrea who was wondering why everybody was silent.

"Wasn't this suppose to be Ingrid's and Edward's wedding? Why was everybody silently playing along, without a hint of confusion or tension which she expected all along.

"What the hell did Ingrid do?" Andrea kept wandering in her thoughts and was nervous as hell.

Then suddenly, she lifted her purest blue eyes to look at the guests who were looking at her in admiration and wonder.

Then her eyes traveled to the gorgeous groom before her for the first time since she set foot amidst her wedding atmosphere, and she felt her heart melt from within her...out of fascination and rapid flutters in her chest area, from the good looks of her husband-to-be. She had already known of his unique beauty when she met him a while ago but she didn't know why she didn't get used to it then.

"Who was he?... Is he a Prince or what?" Andrea thought to herself as she definitely couldn't take her eyes off him.

And Damien also seemed to be drowning in admiration for the most beautiful girl before him...So far, he had never admired or given a second look at any female until he saw her for the first time when she was introduced to him a while ago...and he found himself continuously staring at her.

Did she actually affect his emotions to the point of melting the anger he felt a while ago at the sight of his father?... But how?. This was simply outrageous and quite impossible...this shouldn't be happening!

Yet, despite all these jumbled-up doubts and tension building up within him, he still couldn't take his eyes off her. As King Collins recognized the emotional outflow between the to-be couple and was extremely contented with what he was witnessing before him.