

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · 都市
48 Chs

Chapter 48

Anara and Neo's family have arrived in front of Grandma Azizah's yard. The house looks quiet, Anara knows that at this hour Grandma Azizah is still at the market to buy cake ingredients and other ingredients to sell nasi uduk, yellow rice and various kinds of fried foods.

Meanwhile, his twin brothers Alif and Alfi are at school, where Alif and Alfi will soon face their grade 6 final exams at their school.

"Assalamualaikum..." Anara said as she knocked on the door.

There was no answer from inside the house, Anara walked towards the back door hoping that the door would not be locked and Anara could open the door to her house through the kitchen.

"Haiiissshhh, Grandma also locked the door from behind." muttered Anara.

"It's okay, Anara! We'll just wait outside. Besides, it's cool here so we can also enjoy the fresh air and unwind." Mrs. Sonya invited Anara to sit in a bale made of bamboo behind Grandma Azizah's house.

"Then Mommy and Daddy can wait here for a while, let me go get something to drink. I'm also very thirsty." Anara said.

"Hemmm. Go!" said Mr. Nuh.

Anara then gave Belia who was sleeping in her arms to Mrs. Sonya. Anara immediately went to the stall across from her house which was some distance away to buy a drink. Neo stared at Anara who finally disappeared from his sight.

"I will bind you forever, Anara! Even though I can't touch you!" whispered Neo's inner voice softly.

Anara has returned from the stall with several bottles of mineral water, as well as snacks to serve to Neo's family. Seeing Anara walking towards him, Neo smiled faintly as he teased Anara.

"You are prettier when you smile like that, Anara!" Neo said making Anara's facial expression turn sour.

Not long after Grandma Azizah came and was surprised to see Neo's car already in front of her house. Remembering her dream last night, Grandma Azizah suddenly felt weak, worried that something bad would happen to Anara.

"Neo, where is Anara?" asked Grandma Azizah with a pale face.

"Grandma? Grandma Why? Anara is with us, and she is fine." Neo said making Grandma Azizah massage her chest slowly.

Anara saw Grandma Azizah talking to Neo, immediately approached and rushed to hug the middle-aged woman's body.

"Grandma…!" Anara's voice is soft.

"Anara..." Grandma Azizah returned Anara's hug with a feeling that couldn't be interpreted.

There was an unusual feeling when Grandma Azizah got a hug from Anara. Like not a longing hug, but an embrace of sadness that Anara is feeling right now. However, Grandma Azizah felt relieved because Anara looked fine even though in her heart she still had questions about Anara's emotional attitude.

"We're in!" asked Grandma Azizah to Anara, Neo, Mr. Nuh, and Mrs. Sonya, who were still holding Belia.

After he felt the atmosphere was right, Mr. Nuh began to express their intentions to Grandma Azizah. Initially, Grandma Azizah was surprised when Mr. Nuh asked permission from Grandma Azizah to propose to Anara for Neo. But after hearing Anara and Neo's own words, Grandma Azizah finally felt relieved.

"Wouldn't it be too soon if they get married next week? Granny hasn't prepared anything for all of that." Said Grandma Azizah who was greeted with a meaningful smile by Mr. Nuh.

"Grandma doesn't need to prepare anything for Neo and Anara's wedding. We will prepare everything, if Anara agrees tonight we can have the wedding so that next week there will only be a reception. How's Anara?" Mr. Nuh's words really surprised Anara and Grandma Azizah, but not Neo and Mrs. Sonya. Because, previously the three of them had planned all of this so that Neo and Anara would get married soon.

Mr. Nuh is worried that Anara is really pregnant, while Neo really feels that he has benefited from this misunderstanding situation. What he had hoped for had finally come true, the goddess of fortune was really on his side.

"I agree if we get married tonight!" Anara's answer surprised even Grandma Azizah even Neo was surprised.

Neo stared at Anara in disbelief, but that was only for a moment, because after that Neo saw a smirk on Anara's face with one eyebrow raised up. A smile that couldn't be interpreted, but Neo understood that smile.

"Okay! If Anara and Neo both agree, Grandma will be happy too. Then you two should rest first, Grandma will go to Mr. Samad's house to ask him to come here tonight so he can marry Anara and Neo." Said Grandma Azizah.

"Grandma don't go alone, let me accompany you." Neo's bargain made Grandma Azizah smile proudly at her future grandson-in-law.

Azizah's grandmother went to see Mr. Samad accompanied by Neo. Along the way, Neo continued to talk to Grandma Azizah, until they didn't realize they had arrived at Mr. Samad's house.

"Badrun! You are here too!" Grandma Azizah exclaimed when she saw Grandfather Badrun talking to her Mr. Samad on the terrace of his house.

"Huh, what's wrong Azizah? And who is that handsome young man with you?" asked Grandfather Badrun accompanied by laughter and received a hug from Neo.

"He's my son-in-law's future grandson, Badrun!" Grandma Azizah exclaimed proudly.

"So that's what you came here for?" asked Mr. Samad.

"This is good news, Neo! When will you marry Anara, my granddaughter?" asked Grandpa Badrun.

"We want to get married tonight, Grandpa! For the reception we will hold it next week." Neo answered surprising Grandpa Badrun.

"So suddenly? Are you guys…" Grandfather Badrun paused his words to see the expression on Grandma Azizah's face.

Previously, Grandma Azizah did not even think about it, without the slightest suspicion that Grandma Azizah agreed to Anara and Neo's wish without asking why they got married so soon.

"That's not true, Grandpa! Anara and I have never done anything that dirty. Anara is still a pure girl, Anara and I want to get married tonight because I don't have much time for the next few days. I have a lot of work out of town, I don't want to go alone. So I asked Anara to accompany me, for fear of being slandered, I will marry Anara before we go out of town." Neo's words weren't entirely a lie.

Neo will indeed be going out of town for his business. At first Neo really wanted to ask Anara to come with him, but Neo was sure that Anara would refuse. The incident last night made Neo reason to tie Anara so she would not refuse her request to marry him. Although in the end Neo did take advantage of Anara in that situation.

"I'm happy that Brother Neo and Sister Anara are finally getting married." said Alif tightly hugging his future brother-in-law.

"Brother is also happy to finally be your brother-in-law." Reply Neo is currently hugging Anara's twin brothers, Alif and Alfi.

In Anara's room, Mrs. Sonya dresses her. Even though her makeup was simple, Anara's beautiful face was so radiant in her white kebaya. The Javanese blouse (kebaya) belonged to the mother when she married her father.

"You are so beautiful, Anara!" Grandma Azizah looked at Anara's face.

"Grandma's right! Anara is very beautiful, especially with this Javanese blouse (kebaya), Anara looks even prettier." Said Mrs. Sonya.

When the marriage contract arrived, Anara was taken out of her room by Grandma Azizah and Mrs. Sonya. Some of the closest neighbors have been invited to witness Anara and Neo's wedding.

"So beautiful, Anara!" thought Neo, his eyes did not blink as he looked at Anara in a white Javanese blouse (kebaya).

After everything is ready, the solemnization of a marriage consent ceremony begins, after which the prayer is recited and the marriage advice is read. The prince leads Neo to read the consent solemnization of a marriage which is handed over to Anara's guardian judge from the Office of Religious Affairs which the prince brings with him.

"Ready?" asked Mr. Samad as the chief.

"Let's just get started." Neo said impatiently.

"Muhammad Borneo Abidin and I marry you to Anara Laudya Elga bint Abdullah whose marriage guardian is represented by me with a dowry of a set of prayer tools, twenty-five grams of white gold and five million rupiah in cash paid in cash." Said the guardian of the judge Anara.

"I accept the marriage and the marriage of Anara Laudya Elga bint Abdullah with a dowry of a set of prayer tools, twenty-five grams of white gold and five million rupiah in cash paid in cash." Neo replied in one breath.

"How about a witness, legal?" asked the chief.

"Legitimate! Legitimate! Legitimate!" answered the witness almost simultaneously.

"Alhamdulillah..." everyone said thank you.

Neo put a wedding ring on Anara's ring finger, as well as Anara put a wedding ring on Neo's ring finger. Anara then kissed the back of Neo's hand, and Neo kissed Anara's forehead deeply.

Congratulations and prayers are unraveled for the two newlyweds who are still young. Anara was crying so hard, whether it was because she was happy or sad, of course only Anara herself knew how she was crying at this time.

"Stop crying! I don't want to see you cry again, Anara!" whispered Neo as they sat among the invited guests who were present and filled Grandma Azizah's narrow house.

"Why forbid me to cry? This is human nature which cannot be prevented. I cry for sadness or happiness, what effect will it have on you?" Anara asked.

"Women are indeed the most troublesome creatures! Sad crying happy crying." Neo's chirping made Anara roll her eyes lazily.

"Admit it that you have cried too!" Anara's words made Neo speechless.

After the invited guests left, only Neo's family and Anara's family as well as Grandfather Badrun were left at Grandma Azizah's house. Because Grandma Azizah's house only had three rooms, in the end Mr. Nuh and Mrs. Sonya decided to stay at Grandpa Badrun's house with Belia.

"Sleep! You must be tired." Neo said.

"I want to take a bath first. My body feels sticky." Anara said.

After finishing taking a bath Anara came out of the bathroom and sat for a while on the dining chair in the kitchen. Anara smacked his cheek lightly then pinched his aching hand.

"Awww..." Anara screamed.

"Turns out I wasn't dreaming. I really married that cold man." muttered Anara.

Realizing that she had been sitting in the kitchen for too long, Anara immediately returned to her room. When she opened the bedroom door, Anara saw Neo reading a book. Not wanting to disturb Neo, Anara chose to sleep immediately.

"Why don't you take off your headscarf when you sleep? Now I am legally your husband, Anara! So you can take off your headscarf when you are in the room with me." Neo said.

"I'm not used to it." Reply Anara.

"You should get used to it from now on." Neo put his book back into Anara's bookshelf.

Anara heard Neo's footsteps approaching her. With a beating heart, Anara covered herself with the blanket. Seeing that, Neo smiles, until he comes up with a mischievous idea to prank Anara.


He hugged Anara's body from behind so that Anara was shocked by him. His heartbeat increased, so that Neo could feel the vibration when his hands wrapped perfectly around Anara's chest.

"I can feel your heartbeat, Anara!" Neo whispered with a sigh that made Anara's hair stand on end.

Neo slowly unbuttoned Anara's clothes one by one, then took off Anara's headscarf. Which made Anara cover her mouth because nervousness was starting to hit her. Neo naughtily turned Anara's body and pinned her down until Anara's chest was visible.

"What do you want?" asked Anara ridiculously.

"What do you think I want to do with a position like this to you, hem? Am I going to take you to bed wrestling?" Neo's joke made Anara roll her eyes lazily.

Both Neo and Anara were really nervous at this time with their hearts beating twice as fast. Especially Anara, because Neo started to take off his clothes one by one…