

Anara is an orphan girl. Her father and mother died when Anara was 9 years old. Meanwhile, his twin brothers Afdhal Alif Fikrie and Akhtar Alfi Faizal are only 3 years old. At that time, Anara's parents would go to the market to sell. Anara's father is a chicken seller in the market, while Anara's mother is a vegetable trader. As usual, Anara's father and mother left the house early in the morning. They went around 2 am to get fresh vegetables from the wholesaler. And broiler chickens directly from breeders. That night it rained lightly, soaking the earth, causing the road to be slippery and Anara's father's eyesight to blur. Anara's father lost his balance, which caused the motorbike he was riding with his wife to roll over. Instantly, the motorbike hit the large truck in front of it, which caused Anara's father and mother to fall and get under the truck that was passing by. The bodies of Anara's father and mother were run over by a truck, so that their lives could no longer be saved and they died at the scene. Anara and her two younger twins Alif and Alfi are now orphans and live with their grandmother who loves them very much. Living in a shack house with her grandmother and her twin siblings does not make Anara feel humiliated and inferior. Anara grows into a beautiful girl who is smart, independent, smart, and also strong. In order to support her three grandchildren, Grandma Azizah sells yellow rice and various kinds of cheap fried foods in front of her house. Anara, who doesn't want to burden Grandma Azizah, sometimes helps Grandma Azizah by selling wet cakes that she makes herself. The knowledge that Anara got from her mother during her lifetime was really useful for her. Anara is good at making various cakes and various kinds of home cooking. Usually Anara will sell her cakes at school, offering them to her friends and teachers. After returning home from school, Anara returned with her wares to go around the village. After it's finished, then Anara will come home with the money from her merchandise.

sitimarfuahtajudin · Urban
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48 Chs

Chapter 47

"Dad, you have misunderstood! I…" said Anara who was immediately cut off by Neo.

"Misunderstood what, Anara? It's obvious I did that to you! I will take responsibility for marrying you as soon as possible, and I will not let you bear this shame alone. When you are pregnant or not, it will not be a problem for me. Most importantly I will be responsible, Anara!" Neo interrupted Anara's words.

"We can't delay the wedding, you guys have to get married before anything happens. Daddy will immediately prepare for our departure to the village today, Anara! Daddy will propose to you for Neo to your Grandmother." Mr. Nuh's words surprised Anara, but not Neo.

Anara really wants to explain everything that happened, but Neo seems to be blocking Anara from telling the truth. Anara finally chose to go to her room to rest, because it was still dark. Anara also felt very tired.

"Anara, wait!" Neo pulled Anara's hand and held it when Anara was about to enter her room.

"Especially?" Anara asked.

"Our business is not finished!" whispered Neo pulling Anara's body to get closer to him.

"Our business will never be finished if you force your own will, sir!" Anara's sarcasm made Neo chuckle.

"I told you, I really love you. I will not let you go easily, Anara! I will do many ways to get you…" said Neo.

"Even in a deceptive way like you are currently doing?" interrupted Anara.

"I'm not cheating! It's just Daddy who misunderstood before I finished explaining everything." Neo smiled barely perceptible.

"That's enough! I'm tired…" Anara turned her body, Neo took the opportunity to hug Anara's body from behind.


Neo's sturdy hands tightly hugged Anara's body perfectly, locking Anara's petite body in Neo's arms.

"I've seen all the curves of your body, Anara! I didn't do it, but you yourself provoked me. After all I've rejected it for the sake of maintaining your dignity and purity, isn't it now you who must repay my kindness? If you want to follow all my games, then I will keep a secret that only the two of us know what happened between us while in the car. If not…" Neo said halted.

"Otherwise, what…? Are you trying to threaten me?" asked Anara firmly.

"No! I will not threaten or frighten you." Reply Neo.

"So?" Anara asked.

"If not… when you marry another man, you won't be able to forget me, Anara! Because I'm the man who first saw your body! I'm the man who first touched your body, because you asked for it. It was even you who forced me to serve you, right? You didn't forget that, Anara? You will continue to be haunted by guilt towards the man who will become your husband, because you gave up your body for me to see and even touched." Neo whispered in Anara's ear which made Anara close her eyes with pain in her heart.

Anara remembers that embarrassing incident when she was under the influence of aphrodisiacs given by Rudi, Anara sighed and asked Neo to satisfy his desire which had peaked and was unbearable.

Even though at that time Neo refused, with his cunning mind Neo used the incident as a weapon to force Anara to accept his game this time. Neo doesn't want to just let Anara go even though the fear continues to haunt him but, Neo doesn't want to lose Anara like when he lost his mother and sister Arsyila.

"Do whatever you please, sir! I will follow all your games! But when you're tired, it's not me who will give up and leave but, you yourself will withdraw from this game!" Anara said making Neo laugh.

"Okay! We'll see, Anara!" Neo slowly let go of Anara's hug.


Neo kissed the top of Anara's head deeply from behind, Anara was just silent in suppressed anger. Just be patient in silence, that's what Anara is doing right now. Anara herself admits that Neo did save her from embarrassment and did not do what Anara wanted when she was under the influence of the stimulant drug.

If only at that time Neo couldn't hold back his desire, surely by this time the chastity that Anara had been guarding all this time would have been destroyed by Neo this very night. And it is Anara who will suffer the consequences, but Neo doesn't do that because he really cares for Anara.

But Neo's wrong ways made Anara want to stay away and hate Neo even more. Anara no longer believes in the sincerity and kindness that Neo has given her so far.

"Good night, my heavenly angel! sleep! You must be very tired tonight. Even though we didn't do anything, you can never forget tonight's incident for the rest of your life!" whispered Neo before finally Anara entered his room.

Anara immediately locked her bedroom door. Anara leaned against the door, until her body fell and Anara cried silently. Anara hid her face in the legs she embraced.

"I accept all of this as a test from You, God! I am willing to go through all of this, as long as You are pleased with me, God…" Anara's heart screamed.

Because she was tired of crying, Anara fell asleep in front of the door in a sitting position. Anara was lulled into a dream when her parents smiled and spread their arms, welcoming Anara.

"Come here baby…!" the voice of the long-gone mother.

"Stop crying! In the future there will be more tests that you will face later! Be a tough woman, Anara… crying won't solve problems, let God help you in any situation!" the father's voice kept ringing.

The two couples who had left this world for a long time finally slowly let go of Anara's embrace. Her father and mother moved away leaving Anara alone and increasingly disappearing from view.

"Father…! Mother…!" shouted Anara.

"Anara…! Anara…!" someone calls Anara repeatedly.

Anara opened her eyes and was surprised to see that there were already many people approaching her. But what made Anara not understand was that she was not wearing a single shirt.

Anara tried to cover her naked body on her chest and genitals, but her efforts were in vain because everyone was starting to get closer and want to see her innocent state.


A white shawl was thrown right between her innocent bodies, Anara looked back. She stared at the face of the man who was wearing a white scarf to cover Anara's innocent body.

"Neo…!" whispered Anara.

"I am your clothes and you are mine, Anara!" Neo covered Anara's entire body with the white shawl, so that when people looked at Anara's plain body it was really tightly covered by Neo's white shawl.

Anara woke up from her sleep and remembered her dream this time. Anara saw her whole body still wearing the same clothes when she went to a party with Neo, Anara remembered when she took off the clothes and asked Neo to satisfy her lust.

Remembering the embarrassing incident, Anara again cried in solitude. Anara regretted all her stupidity for believing in Rudi's kindness. Until he became despicable in front of Neo.

In a different place. "Anara… why did I have a bad dream about my granddaughter!" Azizah's grandmother rubbed her pounding chest

Azizah's grandmother woke up from her sleep because of a bad dream about Anara. Azizah's grandmother believes that currently Anara is not well. Grandmother Azizah got out of bed to go to the bathroom, intending to take ablution water and perform two cycles of prayer and then pray for Anara.

"Take care and protect my granddaughter, Anara. Give her the happiness that she has never had since childhood, keep Anara away from bad people. Bring Anara closer to good people." A sincere prayer from Grandma Azizah for Anara.

Anara did the same thing in her room at Neo's residence. Anara cleaned herself and purified herself first then took ablution water and prayed two cycles of prayer.

In a series of prayers, Anara kept asking God for forgiveness for all her sins so far. Anara also wishes happiness for herself, Grandma Azizah, Alif, and also Alfi. Don't forget to pray for her parents who are gone.

"Anara!" Mrs. Sonya's voice startled Anara who had just finished cleaning up her room.

"Yes, Mom!" Anara shouted from inside her room.

Anara immediately opened her bedroom door and found Mrs. Sonya already standing in front of her bedroom door.

"Daddy is waiting downstairs!" Mrs. Sonya said, making Anara suddenly nervous.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Mrs. Sonya.

"Is Daddy waiting for me because of last night's problems?" Anara asked back.

"Correct! We talked last night and this morning we will go to the village to meet your grandmother, Anara." Mrs. Sonya's words made Anara really afraid to face reality.

It had never been imagined in Anara's mind before, that she would get married at a young age under circumstances she didn't want. Even with a man who had never been in her dreams all this time.

Anara has no other choice, but to follow Neo's game. Neo's words from last night kept ringing in her ears. Anara doesn't want to live under pressure and feel guilty if she is indeed married and is destined to be with another man.

To cover up her shame and guilt, Anara decides to accept whatever Neo will do, including accepting the marriage Neo wants. Anara just realized that Neo is a cunning man who is good at taking advantage of situations that are very profitable for him.

"We're leaving now!" invite Mr. Nuh.

"Come on!" answered Mrs. Sonya and Neo almost at the same time.

"Come on, Anara!" Neo grabbed Anara's shoulderholding Belia.

In the car during the trip, Anara was silent, even though Belia kept chattering to talk to her.

"Why are you silent, honey? Shouldn't you be happy to marry me?" Neo whispered making Anara take a deep breath.

"Listen, Anara! Don't let Grandma Azizah see your face like this in the future! If not, Grandma will be sad if she finds out that you are not happy with our marriage." Anara confirmed Neo's words, but at this time Anara remained cold.

"I can do it later in Grandma's presence." Anara replied without turning around.

"Hmm. Okay! It's up to you, honey." Neo silently hugged Anara's waist.

"Put your hands down!" whispered Anara with a hardened jaw.

"Won't!" Neo replied.

Mr. Nuh saw from the dashboard of the car that Anara's face looked so annoyed, while Neo continued to tease Anara.

"Neo!" call Mr. Nuh.

"Yes, Daddy!" answered Neo.

"Don't make your future wife put on a sour face like that! Make him smile happily. Can't you seduce a girl like, Anara? Then you have a lot to learn from Daddy." Said Mr. Nuh who immediately got a glare from Mrs. Sonya.

Immediately Anara smiled seeing the reaction on Mrs. Sonya's and Mr. Nuh's faces. This made Mr. Nuh spontaneously continue to tease Mrs. Sonya, so that Anara couldn't stop smiling.

"Daddy is happy to see you smile like that, Anara!" said Mr. Nuh.

"Thank you because Daddy can make me smile again." Anara said.

Neo feels offended by Anara's words. All this time, if Neo had been paying attention, Anara had hardly ever smiled when he was with her. But whenever she is with Atha, Rudi, Rayhan, and even Nathan, Anara always smiles. Neo thinks badly about Anara's attitude, which clearly seems too picky about who she smiles with.